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Fantasy Masquerade in the Night [Loxx][sereiin]

Arianna sounded braver than she felt when she addressed Olivia, but the female vampire didn't seem interested in answering Ari's question anyway. Ari just watched the interaction between her and Carter before the beautiful dark haired vampire slipped from the room, a haughty smile on her face. Arianna didn't have to ask what her words meant, because Madi did it for her, but Ari wanted to know too. "We have a right to know." She added, crossing her arms.

Madi dragged her towards the table and the girls sat across from each other. The same chef from the night before entered the kitchen through a different door, and though Arianna wasn't that hungry, she ordered something small. Some eggs and bacon, as the guys conversed a few feet away. Hearing Madi's question about her ankle brought back the memories of what had happened between her and Elliot.

"He healed me." Arianna nodded her head towards the lighter haired vampire, shifting her own eyes from him and Carter back to Madi. "I can explain later." Somehow. She just didn't have the words to go into it right now, especially not after running into Olivia. Her words were still hanging in the air, affecting Arianna more than she wanted to admit.

The guys slipped from the room while the chef was cooking, and soon the kitchen was filled with the smell of breakfast. It made Ari's stomach grumble; maybe she was hungrier than she thought. But she had little time to focus on that before the kitchen door opened again, only it wasn't Carter and Elliot who entered. Instead, it was two other vampires, both guys as well. Arianna immediately stiffened as they came to the table, one sitting beside Madi and the other leaning against the table, their gazes hungry. The one who sat beside Madi leaned closer to her, making it obvious he was breathing in her scent as he also reached out to trace her face. "Stop it!" Arianna stood from the table, her eyes flashing with anger.








Elliot & Madi ( sereiin sereiin )
coded by natasha.
"Your pets are safe from me, but I can't say the same for you-know-who. Have fun, everyone."

Carter heaved a sigh as Olivia bounded from the room, her energy sickening to Carter. He'd once found Olivia attractive, and yeah, they'd fooled around some. But that felt like forever ago, and Carter knew it would never happen again. He figured that was part of the reason she was acting so bitter towards the girls, and him and Elliot, too. She had been turned not that long ago compared to the rest of the vampires in the house, but she was no less powerful, and she knew it.

Thankful that she'd decided to leave, though, Carter returned his attention to the girls as they started to order their food. You-know-who wasn't just one vampire; it was two. Kelian and Kai, the two brothers who'd been turned less than a year apart. They were among the older two vampires, a little older than Carter and Elliot. They weren't the oldest and definitely weren't in charge, even if they liked to act like it.

Hearing Elliot's question, Carter turned his attention back to him, a slight smirk tugging at his lips. "About as well as expected. You see she's still as pleasant as ever." He rolled his eyes, though it was obvious that he was still amused by the whole situation. His eyes moved over to Ari, and his head tilted to the side. Interesting. "She drank your blood?" There was a note of surprise in his voice, though the question didn't really require an answer as the proof was right there.

A moment went by and he straightened, nodding towards the door. "We should go tell mother of our plans." He told Elliot quietly. Though Carter was sure that the vampire 'mother' already knew about Arianna and Madi being there, she would expect her 'sons' to come to her and tell her about their plan to keep the girls. It was a respect thing, and Carter for one didn't want to endure her wrath, or get rid of his new pet. "We'll be back, girls." Carter glanced between them, then slipped from the room to go have this conversation.

kitchen ---> hallway






Madi & Elliot ( sereiin sereiin )
coded by natasha.

code by yousmelldead

Although Madeleine wasn't particularly starving, she figured she should at least try to eat something. Besides, she liked being demanding with Carter. It was the least she could do after he and Elliot had kidnapped her and Arianna and continued to remain adamant about keeping them here. If she was being forced to stay against her will, why not demand everything she could think of while she was at it?

Now that she and Ari were sitting down at the table, the girl turned her attention to her friend instead of the male vampires lingering nearby. It was time to discover how Arianna's ankle had healed so quickly. As the blonde explained what had happened, or rather vaguely explained, Madi slowly nodded her head, her eyes flickering over to where Elliot stood with Carter. So he'd healed her, but... how? Though she wanted to ask, she knew better. Ari wanted to explain later and Madi was sure she would once they were given a moment without prying eyes that her friend would give her the details. Either way, she'd probably demand to know them.

The room fell quiet after that, the only sounds being the chef's cooking, and Madeleine realized then that the guys had left. She was genuinely relieved for that and she visibly relaxed in her seat, comforted by the smell of breakfast cooking as well. Just as she was about to comment on it, though, the kitchen door reopened and Madi turned her gaze to the door, figuring Elliot and Carter had simply returned.

Except it wasn't them at all.

Instead, two other guys stepped into the kitchen, one of them taking a seat beside her while the other leaned against the table next to Arianna. Madi tensed instantly, her eyes widening in surprise as he leaned in close and traced a finger along her face. "What the hell are you doing?" She growled lowly, recovering from her surprise and shoving the guy off of her, just as Arianna jumped to her feet and told him to stop what he was doing.

The other vampire, Kai, watched his brother with a smirk playing on his face, at least until the two girls reacted so negatively. "Whoa whoa, girls," he chuckled, reaching out to place a hand on the blonde's arm. "No need to react like that." Straightening, he glanced between the girls, then rose a brow as his gaze landed on Kellan. There was a knowing look in his eyes that Kellan would understand; they were both hungry and man did these girls smell good.



code by yousmelldead

Elliot felt a smirk tug at the corner of his mouth when Carter answered his question about Madeleine, amusement in his eyes. "You did always like them feisty," he teased the darker haired vampire. He knew the man would have no issues controlling Madi. At the end of the day, she was human and he was a vampire. He'd always have the upper hand over his toy. As would he. Eli didn't expect to have any problems with Arianna either. She might have been sassy and outspoken and not afraid to try to go against him, but she was just like Madi. Neither girl had a hope of escape.

Now Carter was noticing Ari's healed ankle and Elliot shrugged as the vampire glanced back at him. "Yeah, she did. Finally convinced her it was the best thing for her," he chuckled lowly, not missing the surprise in Carter's eyes. Truthfully, he was just as surprised that Arianna had agreed after all the fuss she had put up beforehand. Still, he could tell she was relieved to have her ankle working again.

For a moment or two, the both of them were quiet and then Carter was nodding towards the door and suggesting they head out. Elliot nodded in agreement and turned to lead the way, figuring it was a good idea to tell their mother what they were up to. Sure, it was a respect thing, but Eli also had no intentions of crossing the woman in any way, especially not when she was angry. With the girls aware of their departure, the blonde vampire moved out of the kitchen, holding the door for Carter before stepping out into the hallway. It wouldn't be a terribly long walk to where he knew they'd find their mother, but he also had no issues making it last a little longer than it needed to. He wasn't totally looking forward to seeing Elise. The woman was intimidating to say the least, even to someone as confident as he was.

"What do you think she'll think of the girls?" Elliot asked now, their footsteps echoing through the hallways as they walked.

He knew his and Carter's pets weren't the usual ones they chose; most of the vampires selected ones who were easy to mess with and who did whatever they were told, mostly because they were too scared to do otherwise. Arianna and Madeleine, on the other hand, were completely the opposite. He hoped Elise wouldn't want to put them in their place before he and Carter could get the chance to properly do it themselves.


Arianna didn't know who these two were, but she had no doubt that they were vampires and that made them dangerous. Elliot and Carter were dangerous as well; Ari didn't trust any of them. But it would seem that these two had even less respect for the human girls than Elliot or Carter did, and that both frightened Arianna and pissed her off. Watching the one blatantly touch Madi as though he had permission to do so had heightened that anger, and when she stood from the table it shook. Madi had shoved the male vampire off of her, but that didn't deter him one bit. The other vampire laid a hand on Ari's arm but she shook him off, turning to face him. She couldn't help her reaction. She slapped him across the face.

The vampire on the other side of the table chuckled, but the one she'd slapped didn't seem to appreciate her move. Hardly daring to breathe, she backed up towards the wall, watching as the vampire straightened and moved closer to her. His arms shot out, hands flattening against the wall, effectively trapping her there. Her breath hitched in her throat as she tilted her head back to look at him. There was no friendliness in his eyes, no redeeming anything. He was a monster. But before she could say or do much of anything, he tilted his head, grinning at her, his fangs protruding from his neck.

And then, he bit her.

The pain was unlike anything she'd ever felt. At first, it was just a twin stabbing sensation, but then there was a burning. It stemmed from the bite marks as he drank from her, spreading throughout her entire body as she tried to fight him off. Right before he'd bitten her, the other vampire had grabbed Madi and yanked her close to him, a hand clasping over her mouth to keep her from making a sound. He dragged her away from the table, towards the counter on the other side of the kitchen, where he released her long enough to turn her around to face him, his fangs out as well.








Madi ( sereiin sereiin )
coded by natasha.
Even with leaving the girls behind, Carter felt as though they would be alright in the shared space that was the kitchen. He and Elliot wouldn't be gone for very long, but this was a conversation they had to have. And besides, if anything did go awry, they would hear it, Carter was sure. So he and Elliot started walking towards the room that belonged to their mother, silence settling between them for a few minutes. Carter thought about Eli's words, about how he liked them feisty, and it brought a smirk to his features. That much was true. But the blonde had to have ingested vampire blood to heal, and that was interesting in itself. Carter wanted to know, and he would ask, eventually.

"What do you think she'll think of the girls?"

Carter glanced up at Elliot at the other vampires question, giving a light shrug in response. "I'm sure she'll like them. What's not to like?" A slight smirk tugged at his own lips as they rounded yet another corner, mom's door coming into view. "And if you're worried she won't let us keep them, I'm sure she will. It'll just be our responsibility, you know? Like owning a dog, or in our case, two pretty felines." He paused for a moment, then chuckled. "With claws." Shaking his head, they approached the door and Carter knocked. A woman's voice told them to enter, so he glanced at Elliot and nudged the door open.

Their mother was the eldest vampire of them all, a beautiful women with long, raven black hair. She was the one who'd brought them together, and she considered them all her children. Carter had alot of respect for the woman, because before her, he'd been making alot of rookie mistakes. Like feeding, killing, and leaving the bodies. She taught him alot, same as she did with all of them. He bowed his head in respect as he entered her room, Elliot right behind him. "We've come to tell you, mother, we found our pets last night at the ball. We've decided we want to keep them."


moms chambers






Elliot ( sereiin sereiin )
coded by natasha.

code by yousmelldead

Madeleine had no idea who these two were, but she knew a handful of things. They were obviously vampires, they definitely lived here, and they were most certainly going to enjoy their time playing with her and Arianna. Neither of those facts sat well with her, especially not after the way the one sitting beside her had touched her face. When she glanced at her friend, though, she realized her situation wasn't any better. And, when Arianna lifted a hand and slapped the man who'd placed a hand on her arm, Madi knew it was about to get worse. Inhaling sharply, she watched with wide eyes as the small blonde backed up against the wall, the vampire she'd hit straightening and stepping towards her.

"Leave her alone," Madi growled, tensing in her seat as she witnessed the scene play out. With the way this vampire had Ari trapped between his arms, she could only guess what was about to happen next. But before it could happen, she felt herself suddenly being grabbed as well and she yelped in surprise just as a hand landed on her mouth, silencing whatever other noise she had been about to make.

With ease, the vampire dragged her away from the kitchen table and towards the nearby counter and it was then Madeleine realized the chef had disappeared. Where had he gone? Was he really going to leave her and Arianna alone with these two?

The brunette had little time to consider that when she felt herself being released, only to be turned around. When her eyes landed on the vampire stood before her, his fangs already out and his head tilted to the side, she felt her heart stop. "No, please don't," she whimpered. It was so unlike her to beg or show fear, but she couldn't help it right now. In fact, she was just scared enough to wish Carter and Elliot had never left the kitchen in the first place. She wanted them to come back, to get these guys off of her and Arianna, and to ensure they wouldn't be hurt again. But she knew that was highly unlikely.

Before Madi could begin her struggles, however, the man holding her grinned and leaned down towards her neck. With a yelp of pain, she felt his fangs sink into her skin, the pokes a sharp pain at first before it turned into a sort of burning as he began to drank her blood. Despite her struggles, though, he held her still easily, leaving her completely helpless. Madi could only guess Arianna was in much the same situation as her.



code by yousmelldead

Elliot, too, didn't feel particularly worried leaving the girls in the kitchen. Besides, they weren't alone. Their chef was there with them, too. Now seemed like a good time to visit their mother anyways; she needed to know of their plan for the girls sooner rather than later and Eli didn't exactly want to get into any sort of trouble with her. As good as she was, she was intimidating and sometimes unrelenting. Her temper wasn't something he wanted to experience any time soon and he was pretty damn sure Carter was feeling the same way. So it simply made sense to visit the woman now, especially with Madi and Ari preoccupied with breakfast.

When Carter answered his question now about their mother liking the girls, he nodded in agreement and smirked, their feet carrying them down the last of the hall to their destination. "They sure as hell have sharp claws," he muttered back with a low chuckle before shaking his head and stopping at the door. He let Carter knock, then heard the woman from the other side granting them permission to enter.

With a shared glance, the two vampires entered their mother's room, Elliot bringing up the rear as Carter stepped inside first. His eyes landed on Elise seconds later, the woman sitting at her desk working on who knew what. Eli dipped his head in respect, falling into step beside Carter as their mother regarded them with pretty dark brown eyes. It was no secret the woman was beautiful and she knew it, too.

Elise watched as two of her sons entered her office and she smiled when she saw them bow their heads respectfully. She'd taught them well. Clasping her hands together, she glanced to Carter as the dark haired man spoke, explaining what they were there for. Her brows rose simultaneously when she heard his words. "You two have found your pets, hm?" She hummed, glancing between the two curiously, a smile curling up the corners of her lips. This was interesting news indeed and she couldn't deny she was quite happy to hear it. "And you want to keep them..."

Elliot bit down on his bottom lip slightly as the woman trailed off. He couldn't help shifting uncomfortably and sneaking a glance at Carter. Would their mother approve? He hoped so and he really didn't see any reason why she wouldn't unless the two of them didn't take responsibility for their new pets.

"Well, what kind of mother would I be if I didn't ask to see them? Bring your pets here, loves. I want to meet them," Elise smiled her charming smile, her hands now lying flat on the table as she asked her sons to bring their pets to her. She was interested to see who they had chosen to keep for themselves.


Arianna knew she'd fucked up the moment she slapped the vampire across the face. His expression had darkened, and she could sense the danger and the anger radiating off of him. He'd backed her up against the wall to the point where she couldn't even see Madi anymore, and a soft whimper left her throat as he bared his fangs at her. But before she could get any sort of begging out, or pleading with him not to do it, he'd bit her. The scream died in her throat before she could even utter it, his hand coming up to grip her hair and pull it, turning her head to give him better access.

She had no idea how long he drank before something happened. One minute he was there, fangs in her neck, and she was growing lightheaded. The next, there was a vicious snarl from the direction of the kitchen doorway and the fangs were gone. They tore out of her neck and Arianna collapsed to the floor, her hand lifting up to touch the open wounds on her neck. They were still bleeding, and when she lifted her head, her vision was blurry.

She blinked a few times to try and bring everything into focus, but it was too difficult. Using all the energy she had left, she shifted until she was leaning against the wall, her hand pressed to her neck to try and stop the blood from flowing. She couldn't see Madi anymore, either, but she couldn't find the voice in her to call out for her friend. Where had the other vampires gone? What was all of that noise? Groaning, she turned her head and saw the cause of the noise: Carter was fighting the vampire that had sat next to Madi.








Madi ( sereiin sereiin )
coded by natasha.
The conversation with their mother went alot better than Carter had expected, even better than he could have hoped for. She even wanted to meet the girls, which Carter was ecstatic for. He shared a relieved glance and then a grin with Elliot, and then the pair nodded and turned to head back to the kitchen. When they got closer, however, the scent of blood slapped Carter in the face and he froze. Then his eyes flashed with anger, and he used his speed to get himself into the kitchen faster, pausing when he saw Kai and Kellan feeding off of their girls.

With a vicious snarl that echoed throughout the entire kitchen, Carter made a beeline for Madi, shoving the vampire off of her so roughly that he might have left a tear on her neck. "You are not to touch her!" He snarled again, grabbing one of the chairs and slamming it over the other vampires head. It broke into a thousand pieces, but he wasn't done. Carter kept wailing on him, finding things to break until the kitchen was just a mess. Eventually, though, he stood, the look in his eyes flashing dangerously as his unspoken threat lingered in the air.

And then he was gone, and Carter stood there for a moment before remembering Madi. Turning on his heel, he spotted the girl by the counter, neck still bleeding and possibly in alot of pain. Wincing, he knelt down before her, using his arms on her waist to sit her upright. "Hold on, Madi, just hold on." He leaned forward, doing the only thing he knew to do to stop the bleeding. His tongue darted out and he tasted her blood as he cleaned the wounds, using his saliva to heal them. Though he wanted to keep drinking, he stopped himself and leaned back, peering down at his pet. "Madi? Are you okay?"


moms chambers






Elliot ( sereiin sereiin )
coded by natasha.

code by yousmelldead

Madeleine wanted to struggle, or two at the very least scream, but the vampire feeding from her held her still, and every time she opened her mouth to make a sound, all that came out was a tiny whimper. It was like she'd been rendered helpless and she hated it. Shutting her eyes tightly, she tried to quell the burning sensation in her neck, nauseated by the way she could feel the vampire's fangs as he drank from her. It was sickening.

The girl had no idea how much time passed before suddenly, there was a snarl and then those fangs ripped from her neck altogether. Madi let out a yelp as they tore her skin, the area dotted with bright red blood that had spilled from the wound. Slowly, she blinked open her eyes, realizing now that she was slumped against the countertop, her legs feeling like jello as they fought to hold her up. What was going on? She couldn't understand why the vampire had tore himself away from her in such a hurry when he'd seemed so hungry, but then her gaze fell on the scene before her. Carter was there, and he was wailing on the man with everything he had in him.

Madeleine's eyes widened at the sight, though her horror faded to relief as she allowed herself to sink down to the ground. She was fine, she told herself. There was nothing to worry about now that he was here. But then another thought popped into her head. Arianna. Cursing under her breath, she turned her head only to see that her friend was across the kitchen, leaned up against a wall with blood oozing down her neck. Madi could barely see her considering she was sitting on the ground, but she felt relieved to know she was safe for now, too. The vampire who had gone after her was paying for what he'd done, Elliot taking care of him with ease.

Leaning her head back against the cabinets behind her, Madi shut her eyes again and exhaled shakily, her hand now lifting to feel her neck for the wound she had suffered. Her fingers soon felt the sticky warm liquid there and when she pulled them away, blinking open her eyes again, she saw it was blood. It hurt like hell, but the shock and adrenaline of what had happened seemed to help her cope with it.

And then Carter was there, crouching down in front of her and using his hands to help steady her. Madi only realized at that point that she had been tilting sideways, threatening to fall the rest of the way to the floor. She glanced up at him just in time to see him leaning in closer to her and her heart leapt into her throat at the realization of what he was about to do. "N-No, don't," she tried to protest, her hands moving to push against his chest. But he simply ignored her, letting his mouth find the wound on her neck. Terrified, Madi tried to struggle again. She didn't want to be fed on a second time, she really didn't.

It took the brunette a second to realize Carter wasn't feeding. He was running his tongue over the fang marks. Pausing, she frowned to herself, wondering what in the world he was doing. How was that supposed to help her? When the vampire pulled away a few moments later, she slowly glanced up at him, her brows pinched together in confusion. "I'm fine," she managed to spit out in response, though her wavering voice said otherwise. "Why the hell did you lick my neck, you sicko?"



code by yousmelldead

The idea of their mother wanting to meet their pets brought a satisfied smile to Elliot's face. This meant she approved, or would likely approve, of the girls they had chosen. He just hoped she'd be alright with their spunk, seeing as neither girl was happy to just give into the vampires who had taken them in. After sharing a relieved look with Carter, the two men obeyed their mother's wishes and turned to fetch the girls from the kitchen. Eli figured they would likely be interrupting their breakfast, but he hoped neither would be too upset about that. They could always have the chef cook something fresh for them again afterwards.

As he and Carter approached the kitchen doors, however, he caught the heavy scent of blood. Stiffening, he looked at Carter and noticed the dark haired vampire seemed to have noticed the same thing he had. With his guard up, Eli picked up his pace and hurried the rest of the way to the kitchen, stepping in after Carter and finding himself amidst a mess that sent his blood boiling with rage.

Kellan and Kai were feeding on their girls.

An angry growl escaped Elliot's lips as his mind processed the sight before him and he wasted no time in hurtling himself at the vampire who had Arianna in his grasp, his fangs sunk deep into her neck. The poor girl was frozen in his grasp, no doubt in pain and terrified. In that moment, Elliot truly felt for her. Without wasting another second, he reached out and grabbed the back of Kai's neck, practically throwing him across the kitchen in his rage. Kai crashed into one of the tables with a grunt, leaving Eli to storm towards him and throw punch after punch until he'd drawn blood from Kai's now broken nose and split lip. Of course the wounds would heal quickly thanks to his vampire blood, but Elliot would make sure to make him pay properly later.

After shooting the vampire one last dark glare, he watched him disappear from the kitchen altogether, Kellan soon on his heels now that Carter had dealt with him. Satisfied they were gone for now, Elliot turned back to Arianna, noticing now that she had collapsed on the cold kitchen floor, blood seeping from the wound on her neck. Swallowing hard, he approached her slowly, not wanting to scare her more than she already was.

"Arianna..." The blonde man trailed lowly, crouching down in front of her with concern evident in his eyes. "Are you alright?" Gently, he placed a hand on her arm, trying to figure out just how dazed she was from what had happened. He also wanted to heal her wound, but he was admittedly a little worried it would only scare her more. He didn't want that, which was surprising given how he had treated her earlier on.


The blood seeping from Arianna's neck was warm against her hand, and had she been a little more coherent, she might have been freaking out. Or, no, she definitely would have been. This was her very life force that kept her alive, and she was slowly losing it. Her vision was going in and out, and she could hear the sounds of fighting as clear as day despite the slight ringing in her ears. She whimpered softly as she tried to push herself against the wall. She didn't know what she was trying to do. Stand, maybe?

She didn't see Elliot until he was almost near her, approaching slowly. She still stiffened, her hand still pressed to her neck, the blood marring her perfect blonde hair and falling down her neck to her chest and soaking into her clothes. She heard her name, though it took her a few seconds to process what he'd said afterwards. Feeling something on her arm, she looked down, seeing that he'd placed his hand on her arm.

Looking back up at him, she shook her head slowly, finally giving him an answer to the question he'd asked. It surprised her to see the concern in his eyes, especially after everything he'd put her through thus far. "Please..." She started to say, but her voice trailed off as tears filled her eyes. The adrenaline from getting bit was wearing off and the pain was really starting to set in. "It... it hurts." Her eyes left him to look across the kitchen, spotting Carter by Madi. From where she sat, it looked like he was hurting her, and she immediately started to move, trying to get up. "Madi..."




in pain; scared




Elliot ( sereiin sereiin )
coded by natasha.
Leaving the girls had been a big mistake, and Carter saw that now. He knew that now he couldn't leave Madi alone, and Elliot couldn't leave Ari alone. Unprotected. He felt terrible seeing the state of the kitchen and the girls when he and Elliot returned, though a small part of him hoped that now Madi understood that he was not the biggest enemy she had. He could have acted the same as Kai or Kellan, sure, and tore into her neck right away. But he hadn't.

He felt her hands on his chest as he leaned into her neck, but he wasn't giving her the option to not be okay. So he lifted his own hands to grab her wrists, holding her hands there against him as he licked the wound on her neck, effectively closing it to stop the bleeding. Her taste filled his mouth and he felt the touch of the demon inside of him wanting to come out, but he forced it back down. He wasn't going to be ruled by the monster within, not now, not when he'd worked so hard to not be.

Still worried, Carter leaned back to look at her once he was done, still holding her wrists. He couldn't help but smirk at her comment and following question, glancing down at the ground to try and hide his sudden amusement. "All I did was close the wounds." He told her, lifting his gaze back up. Releasing her wrists, he sat back, his perceptive hearing picking up on Arianna calling her friends name, albeit weakly. He glanced behind him at the other two, frowning for a moment. "You'll both be fine." He murmured, looking back at Madi. "But you have to listen to me from now on."








Madi ( sereiin sereiin )
coded by natasha.

code by yousmelldead

Feeling Carter's hands restricting her wrists had Madeleine panicking inside, the idea that he was quite literally restraining her so he could do as he pleased scaring her. After what that other vampire had done to her, she didn't want it to happen again. Yet here he was, controlling her and ignoring her protests to leave her alone. Her fear didn't improve even when it registered in her mind that he wasn't biting her, only licking the wound.

Finally, the man pulled his face from her neck and leaned back so he could assess her. Madi stared up at him with a glower on her features, an accusation leaving her lips instinctively. But he didn't seem bothered. In fact, she noticed his mouth quirk upwards in a smirk before he ducked his head as if to hide his amusement. That only made her angrier. "It's not funny," she growled out, her brows pinched together in frustration at the fact that he not only found this entertaining, but that he still had a hold of her wrists.

As if realizing, though, Carter glanced back up at her, his hands releasing their grip on her as he explained what he had done. Closing the wounds? What was he talking about? Madeleine sat there and stared at him, confused as hell. How did licking her wounds heal them? In support of his claim, however, her neck did feel a little less sore. And when she lifted her fingers to run them over the skin, all she felt was a little bit of a mark, but the blood was gone.

The brunette was quiet for only a moment before she overheard her name being called by a weakened voice. Worry sparked her instantly and she looked around Carter to see Arianna on the floor several feet away, Elliot crouched in front of her. "Arianna, I'm okay," she called back quietly, not wanting her friend to be concerned about her.

Before she could say anything else, however, the vampire in front of her was talking to her, his words making her frown. Madi wanted to protest, but she knew he was right. He and Elliot knew this place best and knew the people in it. She and Arianna were strangers, not to mention weak humans. So the girl gave in with a heavy sigh. "Fine," she mumbled, her eyes finding his, "but you don't get to boss us around just because you can."

After shooting the man a pointed look, Madeleine leaned her head back against the cabinets behind her. "Who were those vampires, anyways? And why didn't you warn us about them?"



code by yousmelldead

Elliot had never cared for someone before, not in the way that it made his heart clench to see them suffering and in pain. But as he crouched here now, before Arianna, he felt a tightness in his chest he had never experienced before. And he knew why, even if he refused to admit it to himself.

Ignoring the feelings for now, or at least how those feelings made him feel, the man focused on the blonde sitting before him, her skin and hair and clothes now stained with blood. It was still seeping from her wounds despite the hand she held to them. He knew he needed to stop the blood flow before she got any more lightheaded than she already seemed to be, so he leaned closer. But then the girl whimpered about how it hurt and once again his heart clenched in his chest. He hated that she was in pain, especially because it was partially his fault. He never should have left her and Madi alone.

"I can make it stop hurting," Eli murmured lowly now, trying to get her to focus on him even as she began to worry over Madi. Thankfully, the other young woman called to her friend, assuring her she was alright. Hoping that would be enough, Elliot gently rubbed Arianna's arm. "Let me help you, okay? It won't hurt, but I do need to... lick your wounds. My saliva will heal them," he explained softly. It was better to tell her now than after, he'd learned from experience.

Once he'd received a dazed nod from his pet, the blonde man slowly nodded in return before he leaned in. He moved a hand to the back of her neck to keep her still, though ensured his fingers avoided her wounds. And then he was burying his face into her neck, his mouth finding the fang marks left behind by the other vampire who had attacked her.

All it took was a few flicks of his tongue over the wounds to work his magic, but Elliot found it difficult to pull away. The taste of her blood was addicting, enticing, and he wanted nothing more than to drink all of it. He itched to, but he knew better. Finally, the man found it in himself to pull his mouth away from her neck, his tongue catching the few drops of her blood that stained his bottom lip. His eyes flickered to hers, his hand gently moving to her arm once more before he released her altogether. He didn't want her feeling restrained in any way; a cornered, scared creature was one who would fight. Another thing he had learned from experience.

"You're going to be just fine, Ari," Eli assured, his gaze searching her own as he waited for a reaction. He hoped he hadn't made her even more scared of him, but he knew it'd been necessary. She would have simply continued to bleed otherwise and they couldn't have that.


Arianna could feel herself getting lightheaded, but even through the haze she could see the look on Elliot's face, the look of worry in his eyes. It didn't make any sense to her; why did he care? He'd left them alone, after all, him and Carter both. And now she and Madi had been attacked by two other vampires in the house. The blood was warm and sticky on her neck, even still, now that the attack had been over for a short time. Was this it? Was this the end?

He murmured to her that he could make it stop hurting, and even though her attention had been on Madi, she looked to him when he spoke. "How?" She breathed, the anxiety of her impending death rising in her chest, making her breathing shallow and rapid. He explained what he would do, and she hesitated before nodding, still afraid to move her hand from her neck. He moved it for her, his other hand snaking around the back of her neck to keep her still.

And then he was burying his face in her neck. She gasped and stiffened, pain shooting through her body at the sudden movement. It took her a few seconds to realize that Elliot's teeth weren't sinking into her neck, but his tongue was lapping at the wounds, and it wasn't such a bad feeling. She relaxed as he continued to clean and heal the wounds, her breath hitching in her throat as her eyes fluttered closed.

When he pulled away, a soft whimper left her throat as her eyes reopened, meeting his gaze. He told her she was going to be just fine, and she slowly lifted her hand to touch the wounds on her neck. Or at least where the wounds had been. All she found now was clean skin, unbroken skin. Her breath caught again, her gaze flicking over to Madi and Carter for a second before she looked back at Elliot. "I want to get out of here."




in pain; scared




Elliot ( sereiin sereiin )
coded by natasha.
Carter honestly felt awful about leaving Madi and Ari alone. It had truly been a mistake, but he was happy to see and hear that even after being attacked, Madi still had that fight within her. It made him breath easier, but he was surprised with himself for feeling that way to begin with. Why did he care so much? He'd originally thought that he just wanted to keep Madi around as a plaything, a toy, something that he could claim as his. Were those feelings changing?

She'd panicked when he first grabbed her wrists, but he leaned in anyway to heal her wounds. "Of course it's not." He agreed with her as he leaned back, trying and failing to hide his amusement. After that he let her go, and she inspected the wounds with her hand, finding it healed. As he'd promised. And then her friend was calling out to them, but if Madi had tried to go to her, Carter would have stopped her.

But she didn't, so Carter settled back and glanced over at the other two. He turned away as Elliot leaned in to heal Arianna, looking back at Madi. He grinned at first when she retorted, saying they didn't get to boss them around just because. "We'll see about that." He winked at her, though grew serious at her next question. With a heavy sigh, he moved to stand, reaching for her hands to pull her up with them.

"That was Kellan and Kai." He looked at her, lifting a hand to move a strand of hair out of her face. "And for what it's worth, I'm sorry. We shouldn't have left you alone. I didn't think they'd come in so fast, we were only gone for..." He exhaled sharply, then decided to change the subject. "Our mother wants to meet you. We should get you cleaned up, then get to that. And we can get you something else for breakfast, or lunch, by that time. How does that sound?"








Madi ( sereiin sereiin )
coded by natasha.

code by yousmelldead

Even in a serious situation like the one they were in now, Carter seemed as amused as ever. When the man winked at her, Madi felt a spark of annoyance again, but she let it slide and instead commented on the vampires who had attacked her and Arianna. She had never seen them before, but that didn't mean much. She hadn't seen much of anyone around this mansion since the party, the chef being the only exception to that. It was a tad eerie, though it was better than being attacked. Swallowing thickly, the girl glanced up at Carter crouched before her, her eyes studying his features as he finally answered her question.

Of course, the answer came with being pulled to her feet and, for a second or two, Madeleine was dizzy and lightheaded. Thankfully, she managed to recover just in time to catch Carter's reply to her inquiry. Kellan and Kai... She repeated those two names in her head for a moment, her dark brows furrowed together. They sounded like two brothers who got themselves into trouble together, two partners in crime. It didn't sit well with her.

The frown on Madi's only deepened, however, when the young man reached out and brushed her hair behind her ear. She looked up at him in surprise, but the surprise wasn't necessarily because of what he had done. No, that was usual for him, trying to charm her. She was surprised by the fact that it made her heart skip a beat within her chest.

Swallowing hard, Madi shoved all thoughts of that far, far away and instead focused on what Carter was saying. She had seen his lips moving, but she really only caught the end of his words, namely breakfast or lunch. "Sure," the brunette breathed, shuffling away from him a little at her agreement. She really wasn't sure what he had said, but she wasn't about to ask.

Madi slowly looked away after that, her eyes flickering over to where Arianna stood with Elliot. Her friend looked a bit better, her neck healed from the bite wounds inflicted on her. She knew the blonde man had done that, which relieved her. She didn't want the girl to be injured, though she could tell Ari was still shaken up from what had happened. Truth be told, so was she, but she was hotheaded and stubborn; she didn't want anyone to see her weak or vulnerable. Of course, sometimes that was impossible to hide. Glancing back up at Carter, Madi finally raised a brow and sighed. "Lead the way," she said quietly, wanting nothing more than to move on and forget what had just happened.



code by yousmelldead

Elliot could feel Arianna physically relax as he healed her wounds, her shoulders slumping slightly as a tiny breath of relief escaped her lips. It made him feel good to know he was helping her and easing her pain, but he still felt horribly guilty knowing he was more or less responsible for her suffering in the first place. If only he hadn't left her and Madi alone... As those thoughts swam within his mind, he gently ran his tongue over her wounds, healing them until no hint of the attack was left behind on her soft skin.

Finally, the vampire pulled away from Arianna, sitting back a bit and eyeing her reaction as she blinked open her eyes to look up at him. He'd heard the soft whimper that had left her when he'd removed his mouth from her neck, but she didn't seem to be in pain anymore. If anything, she looked surprised because of it. Eli remained quiet as the girl slowly lifted her hand to her neck, her dainty fingers touching her healed skin as she searched for any sign of the wounds inflicted on her. When she found none, she seemed surprised for a moment before she looked away to where Carter and Madi were.

Elliot followed the girl's gaze to the other two, noticing how Madi seemed to be healed as well. Of course, she looked upset, but he wasn't surprised to see that. The brunette was hotheaded compared to her blonde friend. When the vampire heard Ari's soft voice, though, he returned his gaze to her, their eyes meeting. "Of course, love," he murmured lowly, wanting to do anything he could to make her more comfortable.

With that, Elliot gently helped Ari to her feet, his hand grasping hers. "Let's go get you cleaned up, alright? You and Madi both," he encouraged, glancing to Carter as the man stood with Madi. He had heard his brother suggesting something similar to the brunette, though he knew soon after they would have to take the girls to meet their mother. He wondered how they would take that...



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