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Captain's Favorite
Last Friday the students of Horizon High went on a field trip to Oscorp, while there several were bitten by spiders who were genetically altered. Those bitten spent the weekend in bed very sick believing it was due to an allergic reaction. They will come to learn that the illness they suffered was not the result of an allergic reaction but their body mutating into something more.

Character thread: Dawn of the Spiders Characters
OOC: Dawn of the Spiders OOC
Main: Dawn of the Spiders
Lore: Dawn of the Spiders Lore
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Hmm i may be interested. How do you intend to have characters be unique without too much? Given there are quite a few spiders characters with differing power sets over the course of the media in general.
I was thinking take Peter’s power set as the standard & if you want a unique power remove one from the standard.

Organic webbing will be standard as well, always seemed weird he could do everything a spider can except spin webs.
There is also the option that ever gets the same power set but overtime the powers evolve or they get captured and experimented on that results in more powers.

There is also the idea that they have latent mutant genes that get activated which causes a difference in their powers from each other.

If anyone has a different idea we can discuss them.
Cool, yeah I was thinking going more towards a Silk powered if anything, lower physical strength/higher agility and Dexterity, alternate organic web emission points, with more skill in web constructs as a result and slightly different spider sense.. Was having a quick look for images and likely gonna go with "Golden Recluse" or something for name, or "Weaver"/"Aranea" for a shorter one. Got 2 options at moment for diffrent char types.

I'll post up final choice when a CS thread is up
I mean if its at point Peter gains powers....most characters will have AU aspects due to timeline/presence at the school. Then there is the Age difference that would make some characters not mesh as well, ie Having Miles the same age as Peter jumps to mind.
I mean if its at point Peter gains powers....most characters will have AU aspects due to timeline/presence at the school. Then there is the Age difference that would make some characters not mesh as well, ie Having Miles the same age as Peter jumps to mind.
This does not follow any comic book, cartoon, or movie cannon. It follows it's own cannon.
Yeah, though dynamic wise the point still stands which was why i used the Miles example if he was there at the same school and the same age as peter it would change enough about him so its no longer really Miles giving the changes that would cause. Having a Silk also would change the character to something completely different without the impact of their imprisonment.

So yeah with how it seems at the moment it does feel it would be mostly OC's with some sharing name of actual characters.
Would a venom esque character be allowed?
When the Symbiotes get introduced then you can have one.

Character thread up
Started what i could before shift, kinda a bit younger than i had in mind but ill just go with falling on far end of year since Freshman is 14-15 and go from there.
If you want to be older and can justify it and can have the character plausibly hang around with children after school then I don't see why you can't.
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Eh if everyone is same age would have me be odd one out and miss stuff. So I'll just say there freshman as fluff and keep rest of idea ie acting a bit older than age for reasons.
Interesting idea going highschool with only spider characters. I'm interested in seeing which groups (shield, Oscorb, others) try to take control of the superpowered class of spider people.
There will be normal human characters in the high school not everyone went, and everyone who did go only a few got bit.
Yeah I could reason being held back, but with surname I think parents may take a issue with it.

Just deciding if I want parents still together or split already. Though I will change surname if that's too much (used name of a cannon character but made her older)
Princess Fisk, a comic character (from Moon Girl run, it's apparently cannon but in same way squirrel girls book is cannon)

First name is Princess btw to save confusion for royal lol

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