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Fandom Marvel: Next Generation

[border]San Besitos, California was once a peaceful town. That is, until it became the hot spot for next generation heroes and villains. Crime has skyrocketed, the economy is plummeting, and now, it's garnered the attention of a new, unknown enemy. There's no way the heroes will be able to take this on themselves, but will the villains be willing to help? Or will they watch the world crumbled at their feet?

Basically, the plot is going to spend a couple days in the life of the legacies in San Besitos before revealing the new threat.[/border]
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Danica Rogers

San Besitos was a relatively big town. Which made it the perfect town for Danica. She loved the big city life, but didn't want the giant size of Los Angeles or New York. She was up early, as she usually was. She put on Breaking Dishes by Rihanna and danced around her room getting dressed. She chose ripped black jeggings and a cropped tank. She pulled her boots on and fixed her eyeliner and red lipstick. It was time for her morning walk to the coffee shop. Exercise was better with coffee at the end of it. She'd already done her morning routine and showered. She was ready to go, energy rolling through her as it usually did this time of morning.

She put her headphones in and started down the street. Her brother wasn't up yet, not that she expected him to roll out of bed until closer to ten. She rose with the sun, he did not. He was the night owl of the two of them. It made sharing their loft a little challenging, but they had gotten used to it. They had soundproofed their private gym, and their bedrooms. She enjoyed living with him, it was cheaper and not as lonely. They were incredibly close and she enjoyed being in his company.

Danica finally made it to the coffee shop, it took longer than usual for some reason. She breathed in the smell and sighed happily. She was excited to get a latte and start her day. She was probably going to go shopping. The weather was really nice, which it usually was in April. She looked at the newspaper laying on the rack while she was in line. It was the seventh and going to be sunny all week - go figure. It was So Cal, what did they really expect? She shook her head and looked at the menu. She already knew what to get, though.
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Olivia woke early, surprisingly. She hung out at her apartment in her pajamas for a while before finally deciding to make some coffee. She walked into the modern style kitchen, and opened her cupboard to get the coffee so she could make it. About five minutes into looking for it she heard the british-style electronic voice of her families AI butler JARVIS, Ms.Stark. We're out of coffee. He said causing her to sigh. She stood up slowly and sighed, "Well why didn't you tell me that earlier?" She spoke frustrated at JARVIS while she walked to her room to get changed.

She chose a short black skirt with a belt and a white polka dotted tank top. She quickly put them on, grabbed her purse and walked to her garage, grabbing the keys to her deep red 67' impala on the way. In just a few minutes she was driving down the streets of San Besitos looking for a good coffee shop. After a bit, she spotted Danica Rogers in a small shop.
Why not? She thought, parking in front of the building and climbing out. As she walked in she smiled, approaching Danica and looked up at the menu. "Hey, fancy seeing you here."

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•Robin Eisenhardt•

Robin woke up with a yawn, stretching her arms in the air. She sat in bed for a minute longer before getting up while rubbing her dark yellow eyes. Robin made her way to her bathroom and did her usual routine, brush her teeth, comb her hair, etc.. Once she was done she put on a white fluffy off the shoulder top and some grey skinny jeans. Robin looked at her clock, "Shit I should be off to San Besitos by now!" She mumbled and hurried up with getting ready, packing her bag with a few more necessities. When she was done she rushed downstairs and grabbed a pop tart sticking it in her mouth. Robin was about to leave out then she remembered, 'Blue skin remember?' She thought to herself and shifted into a dark haired tan skin girl. Of course her eyes stayed the same for she could never make a perfect shift. Robin didn't really care though and ran out the door heading to her car. She jumped in and put her bags in the back. "Alright, road trip here I go!"

Robin turned 22 about a week ago and her parents promised her once she did she could leave New York. Of course she couldn't go somewhere extremely far but far enough where it took her a good amount of time to get there. She arrived at San Besitos around 10:30 am and checked into her hotel. Once there she unpacked and lounged around on the bed for a moment. "Okay Robin, you should probably eat something... A pop tart can only take you so far." She said to herself and she sat up. Robin walked out of the hotel and headed to a nearby coffee shop. The place looked pretty packed which made the girl a bit nervous. 'Stay focused, don't let go of the shift.' She thought to herself and took a deep breath.

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Asya Barnes

Asya sat in the corner of the coffee shop, nose deep in a book as she sipped on her black coffee. She never had a sweet tooth but was always open to something with a rich flavor. Sipping on her coffee, she looked up to see Danica enter the shop and sighed, sinking deeper into her chair. Like her father Asya was all about the classics, her father. Her Harley-Davidson Street 750 sitting outside in all it beauty. She played around with a strand of hair that came loose from her braid, deciding to stay a bit longer before she left.

Turning the page her eyes flickering every now and then to Danica before they flickered over to a girl that greeted Danica. A friend? She thought as she took another sip. She hopped Danica wouldn't notice her, finding it easier not to engage than to fake her way through a conversation. It wasn't as if she hated the Rogers, as much as they knew she loved them, smiles and all. Though she tried avoiding them as much as possible, she knew their father was Captian America but didn't know if they picked up where their father had left off.



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Danica Rogers

"Fancy seeing you here." The familiar voice broke Danica out of her own thoughts. She looked up and smiled. "Hey! I'm surprised to see you out of a lab." The blonde laughed. Olivia Stark took after her father greatly. Always in a lab, which was great. The world needed as many Starks as it could get. Especially as dangerous as it was quickly becoming.

She had known a lot of the legacies - oh, how she hated that word - had moved to San Besitos, but every day she was a little more shocked at the number of them. Though, she had known Olivia was here. She also knew Asya was here, sitting in the corner of this shop, though Danica could tell she didn't want to talk. The blonde was well aware things weren't as peachy as the darker haired girl wanted them to think. She didn't bother with caring, as it got her no where and didn't make anyone feel good. She loved her uncle, and that was the important part.

Idun Brunnhilde

The noise of Idun's phone alarm clock filled her room and seemed to scream at her. Her hand searched for her phone underneath her pillow, something she did to help her get up. After about five minutes of not finding her phone, Idun's bright blue eyes opened up slowly and she lifted her head. She let out a groan and searched all over her bed for the loud phone. When the attempt failed, she sat up in bed and looked around her room. It was dark except for the small amount of light that made it past her curtains from the early morning sun.

"Where in Odin's name is my phone?" she asked, her voice a bit raspy from sleep. She slowly stood up and climbed out of bed, walking around her room for the phone. She listened for it and found herself in a corner of her room. In front of her was a box and it was moving. Idun bent down and lifted the box, seeing a sticky note on her phone's screen. Idun grabbed her phone and turned the alarm off, squinting her eyes so she could make out the words.

"Remember you told me to do this > :) -Theo" she read aloud and rolled her eyes. She crumpled the paper and threw it behind her. Idun scratched her exposed side since she slept in a sports bra and Nike shorts. She made her way to the kitchen and set out a water and Powerade for herself as well as overnight oatmeal she made. Once her breakfast was out, she walked to the bathroom for a shower. Her shower lasted a good twenty-five minutes and once she was out, she was dressed in workout clothes and damp blonde hair. Today she was sporting a black sports bra with blue straps that matched her blue pants.

"Alright, so for today I'll start with a workout, ride Alva to the spring,go to the store, and make Theo clean his room." she said as she sat down to enjoy her breakfast. Idun sat in silence and ate, reflecting on what happened the night before. The reason her phone was under the box was because she told Theo, her roommate, to put it there if she was to ever get out of bed. Last night she and Theo were out late hanging out with the Young Avengers that were in San Besitos for the night on the way to Washington. Idun got to learn more about herself from Loki and Noh-Varr. She also shared some tips with them and they did the same. Theo ,on the other hand, flirted all night with Ms. America and Kate Bishop All in all Idun and Theo had a great time and even managed to tell the young avengers to stay with them. The avengers were staying in the guest house that was behind theirs. The guest house was usually used for when Deadpool had nowhere else to go in case he pissed off Shiklah. Even though they were the "Young Avengers" and she was the daughter of Thor, she was never included in the group. It didn't hurt her feelings but for all the time, she was trained under her father and became much stronger.

The sound of her spoon meeting the bottom of her bowl snapped Idun out of her thoughts and she put her dish in the sink. She took a breath and walked outside to where Keldr was sleeping under her car. When she stepped out, Keldr's ears perked up and he got up stretching and wagging his tail lightly behind him. Idun smiled at him and gave him his food, setting it down by him and waiting for him to eat before she took off for her morning workout with him.


Theo Wilson

"Ugh.....what the hell happened last night?" Theo muttered under his breath with one hand on his head. Theo's green eyes opened slowly and he looked around for any sign that could indicate what exactly happened. He slowly sat up and saw that he wasn't in his room. Or Idun's for that matter. It looked like one of the room's in the guest house.

"Wait the guest house? Oh shit. Hey! Are you saying that I got laid last nigh Lone?" he asked and looked around with a huge grin on his face. Sure enough, beside him was a mess of orange hair. A huge smile grew on his face and he jumped out of bed, letting out a joyous yell. When he did, he saw the bed shift and now where a sleeping girl was and an awaken girl now resided. Theo grinned at her and pulled his boxers on. He took a good minute to look at her and when he was done, he shook his head and tossed her his shirt.

"Here you go, orange. It was nice getting to know you last night! I've gotta go before Idun and the kids wake up." he said with a grin and opened the window, jumping out and landing on his feet. The girl looked down at him with his shirt covering her chest. Her brows where fixed in a scowl, "What the hell Theo?! Who the fuck is Eden?!?! And you never told me you had kids, you bastard!" She screamed at him and he flailed his arms and put a finger over his mouth.

"Shut up! Shut up! It's Idun. I-D-U-N." he said and saw the door open to the main house. Theo put a hand on his cheek and sighed. He pointed to Idun with a frown.

"See? I told you. Now Idun's awake. Just put you're clothes on and let yourself out, toots. Ciao!" he saluted her and began walking the path back to the house. The sun was coming up and peeking through the trees, covering almost everything in a orange hue. Theo put on his "signature" smile and fixed his hear and smelt his breath. At the smell of his breath, he flinched and shook his head.

"Morning breath sucks. I need a mint. Lone, say I find a mint in my shorts." he said and put a hand in his shorts where soon enough a mint was. He popped it into his mouth before approaching Idun. Theo leaned against Idun's car and looked at her.

"Good morning, beautiful." he said with a smile. Idun looked at him up and down and rolled her eyes. Theo then looked at his body and saw that he had lipstick marks on his abdomen. He sighed and laughed. Curse lipstick and how good it looked on his abs.

"Make sure you clean up the room, ok? If I or any of the Young Avengers find a used condom in that room, I'm so going to kill you." she told him sternly and Theo nodded.

"Understood, oh cap'n my cap'n." he said and walked past her and inside the house. Theo would have done the chore right on the dot but this wasn't his preferred time to be awake so he was going back to bed until Idun came home and woke him up, so until then it was back to bed.

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Olivia smiled, "Yea, I figured a bit of coffee might extend my next lab binge." She nodded and looked back at the menu. Quickly deciding on what she wanted and waiting for the line to reach the counter. "Do you know who else is living here?" She asked, inferring that she was talking about legacies. It was a name the public had given the children of the avengers and of their enemies. 'Legacies' It sounded to her as if they were in a sorority or something, though if you thought about it the Avengers could be sort of like a super hero sorority.
Danica Rogers

"I don't know," Danica scrunched her brow. "A lot. I've had a few run ins. A few I've had to hit with my shield." She grinned. She turned to the barista and ordered her white chocolate, almond latte with soy milk. She turned back to Olivia. "It's kind of cool that this has become the town for us." She laughed.

Asya Barnes

In the time, Danica had entered Asya finished well over half her book and all of her coffee which was her sight to go. She decided she should probably, at least, acknowledge Danica before leaving knowing what her father would say if he found out she had seen her. Throwing her empty cup into the trash, she put on a smile as she walked over to Danica and her friend.
"Danica I didn't see you come in. How's Uncle Steve and Aunt Natasha? Oh, how's Nikolai?" All empty questions but her tone was light and bubbly. She ran her fingers through the pages of her book as she looked at Danica before turning to her friend and smiling softly. She had a reputation to keep up and the more people thinking she was all smiles the better.
•Robin Eisenhardt•

Robin went and stood in line glancing over at two girls one blonde the other brunette talk amongst one another. The she glanced over at a girl reading a book, staring a bit at the blonde gir
l. 'Guess she knows her, but doesn't want to talk to her because she stole blonde girl's last french fry! Although the blonde was on a diet! Plot twist, the french fry was actually suicidal and hypnotized the book girl into eating him!' Robin couldn't help but to giggle at her own weird little story. She got into the habit of making stories in her head when she was little with Professor Xavier. Robin would sometimes get bored in class and start imagining if this were to happen then what? Of course she didn't get away with it when she was in Uncle Xavier's class or Ms. Grey.

Robin received her ice coffee after making two more stories about some random people. She sat down two tables away from the blonde and brunette girl. Robin leaned back in her chair sipping her coffee when she watched the book gorl walk over and converse with the two
. 'That smile is so fake, must suck having to talk to someone you don't like.' She thought as she sipped her coffee some more. Only reason she knew it was a fake smile is because she fake smiles 75% of the time.
Danica Rogers

"Oh, hey, Asya." She smiled, taking her latte from the barista. "Mom and Dad are great. They can't stand the whole retirement thing. Nikolai's good. How are you?" Their exchange was forced, but she kept it civil for their parents' sake. She wasn't sure why Asya disliked them, but oh well. Things happened.

Idun Brunnhilde

Casual Day for Idun
The time was ten o'clock in the morning and Idun's heart was slowly climbing down from it's high. Sweat trickled down from her forehead and she used the back of her hand to wipe it away. Her breathing was staggered and her muscles were pulsing. She leaned against the house with a hand on her abdomen.
"Alright, ok, that's good for today. C'mon, Keldr." she said and opened the door to the house and walked inside with Keldr at her heels.

Idun hopped into the shower and sat in there for a few minutes to allow her muscles to be relaxed by the water.

When her muscles were nice and relaxed, she continued on with her shower. About thirty minutes later, she was done and got dressed for the rest of her day. She was wearing a Superhero t-shirt (cliché right?) and a pair of ripped white jeans. She laced up her converse and walked out of the bathroom and to Theo's room.

Idun knocked on the door and opened it a tad when she didn't hear a remark. When she poked her head inside, she saw Theo's butt in the air and his face in a pillow. She rolled her eyes and grabbed a nearby knife that was stabbed into a picture of his latest target. Idun threw the knife and watched as it landed straight at her target. Theo's eyes immediately shot open and he jumped out of bed. Idun laughed and shook her head.

"Alright, after you get the knife out of your bottom, get ready because we're going out. We're gonna go shopping for some things we need, some things we want, and some food." she told him and closed the door behind her and heard many obscurities Theo was yelling.

Theo Wilson

"Oh Theo! Why didn't we have the sex sooner? You're so amazing! I know understand why the females love you so much!" Idun's voice echoed throughout Theo's ears as he grinned and looked down at her.

"I'm glad you're seeing things from my point of view now, Idun! I've been wanting to do this for a long time!" he shouted back over the noises that were now inhabiting his room. All at once a rush of adrenaline filled Theo's body and he jolted forward. But this didn't feel like a good rush of adrenaline. It was one of those, "oh shit I'm hurt, now what" type of rushes. Theo's eyes opened and momentarily he cursed that it was only a dream and he was in fact alone in his bed.

"OW! WHAT THE HELL?! MOTHER OF GOD AND ALL HIS CHILDREN!" he screamed and jumped out of bed, his hands immediately going straight to his bottom and grabbing ahold of the knife's handle. He looked at Idun who stood there with a grin on her face. She explained that he was to get ready and they were going out to get things. He was still upset that he woke her up the way she did but in a way he also loved it. A girl who could throw a knife and land it as deep it as she did deserved his respect and affection. Now the two weren't in a relationship but Theo felt a different kind of connection to the girl. One that wasn't about lust but of devotion and a love that made him feel obligated to protect her. Sure, Idun could handle herself, hell her father was Thor. But he saw past her tough exterior and knew that even the strongest of warriors needed someone to look out for them.

"Fine." he said and watched as she left and he pulled the knife from his butt. It wouldn't have been so bad if one side wasn't ridged. With the side being ridged he let out screams and shouted obscurities. Once the knife was out, he threw it down on the floor and grabbed some clothes and headed to the shower. Theo was excited to go out because it gave him a chance to check out some San Besitos hotties.

When Theo finished his shower and got dressed, he grabbed the car keys and saw Idun sitting on the couch with Keldr.

"Hey, let's go." he said and tapped on her shoulder. Idun looked up and shook her head, grabbing the keys from him.

"I don't think so. I'm driving. C'mon, Keldr." she said and got up, walking out to her car.

"That's not fair, Idun. I want to drive."

"Just get in the car." Idun told him and with a reluctant groan, Theo got in.

The two drove to town and got out, parking in a parking lot beside the mall. Theo got out and put his shades on, grinning at how perfect the weather felt.

"Hello, San Besitos!" he shouted and saw Idun roll her eyes and begin to walk away from him with Keldr on a leash beside her. Theo grinned and looked behind him.

"I hate to see her go, but love to watch her leave." he said and jogged up behind her, putting an arm around her shoulders. Theo looked around at the small shops the two were passing and commenting about each.

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Olivia listened to their forced exchange for a bit before ordering her caremel mocha. She knew Asya's father was James Barnes, Steve Rogers old friend from like the 50s. Olivia couldn't fathom how Steve adjusted from the 50s to now. She sipped her mocha slowly as she listened to their conversation.
"I'm good but I think dads going stir crazy. He just can't get over being retired." She chuckle a bit before it faded, truth be told being around her father was like walking on egg shells. Whatever they had done to him in HYDRA it was coming back up again. Sure through her childhood he had conflicting personalities but now it was just getting worse. She didn't know what would set him off, and it scared her. She looked at the girl, a friend of Danica's she assumed. She had seen her every now and then on the tv and knew she was a Stark but she could never remember her name. Olive? Olive oil? Something of that nature. She would remember soon enough.
Olivia noticed Asya looking at her, "I'm Olivia Stark. You're Asya right?" She said. Of course she was right, Olivia had studied listened to JARIVS reading most of the legacies of heros and villains files, almost like an audio book.
"Ah yeah Asya Barnes." She was slightly shocked Oliva even knew her name. Most stayed away from her and her father not bothering to even acknowledge them. She found it rather humorous. She offered her hand for Oliva to shake and smiled. "Pleasure to meet a Stark." She laugh softly and smiled. All this interaction and facade was starting to annoy her but she was taught better than to leave abruptly.
Danica Rogers

Danica watched the exchange between the two girls, sipping her latte lightly. Her phone dinged and brought her back to the world. Nikolai was up, letting her know that they were out of orange juice.
That asshole drank my juice. She shook her head and sent him a knife emoji. She looked up at the two girls, "not to rush out on you girls, but my brother has finally joined the living world and needs me to run errands. Don't be strangers. Oh, and Olivia, if you need a break from the lab, Nikolai could use a date to the SHIELD ball in Dad's honor." She laughed lightly, everyone knew how she was with teasing him about getting dates. "I'll see both of you there, right?"

She asked the last question walking backwards, heading out the door. She didn't really wait for a response, she felt the need to be on the move. She hated being still. She hit the street fast, headphones back in with Hit and Run by LOLO blasting. She smiled and took another sip of her coffee. The young girl definitely didn't head straight to the grocery store, she stopped by the boutiques along the way. Looking for
the dress for the event. She didn't have a date yet, but she didn't usually get one. Danica was much like her mother, hard to get settled down.

Help!" She heard a cry and sighed. She wouldn't be able to get her uniform on so she'd just have to take it like she is. The blonde rushed to the scene, a older woman was being mugged. Just another day in the life of Danica Rogers. She was quick with it, but quiet. She didn't want attention drawn to her strength.

"I work out," Danica told the older woman as she handed her back her purse. She took off before the woman could recognize her face. She didn't want anyone to connect her to her parents right now. She ducked into a small organic shop, where she got all her juices.
"Yea I'll be there!" She called after her before turning back to Asya, "Nice to meet a Barnes" She responded to her 'Nice to meet a Stark' comment. She didn't hate it when people connected her to the Stark family, it actually didn't bother her at all but usually people didn't say it so blatantly. She sipped her drink slowly until it was empty while she talked to Asya. She had known that Danica was joking about her brother but she didn't have a date either so she couldn't help but play with the idea.

Blasius woke up late with his hair in his eyes. He rolled out of bed and pushed his hair back, silently cursing himself for not having hair long enough to tie or clip back like his fathers. As he got up he decided he was going to go out today, something he didn't usually do. As he quickly, pushed his hair back, not bothering to brush it he grabbed a long sleeve shirt and pulled it on before adding jeans to the ensemble. He pulled on his sneakers and grabbed his keys. For someone who wasn't originally from this Earth he acted pretty normal, not exactly denying his heritage just not acknowledging it any chance he got.

Asya Barnes

Asya looked down as the conversation died as quickly as it came. When the SHEILD Ball was brought up it got Asya's interest but she knew it was highly unlikely for her to be invited. Even though SHIELD "helped" her father she was still on bad terms with them. She looked at the watch that was around her wrist and sighed before looking back up at Olivia.
"Sorry gotta run. Hope to meet again soon." She said with a smile before she darted off. She needed to get groceries before she headed home. Walking out of the Coffee Shop Asya swung a leg over her motorcycle and turned it on. Waving to Olivia through the glass before she drove off. Her body finally relaxing after she dropped her facade.
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Nikolai Rogers

Nikolai hadn't been up long. About an hour, he would guesstimate. A quick workout, a shower, and breakfast, then he was out the door. Hoodie and basketball shorts made up his ensemble. The blonde boy made his way out for quick trip to the bookstore. He had run out of books to read and was desperate for more. He was always desperate for more. He shot Danica a few more texts before putting his headphones in.

Nikolai ignored his sister's last text, but found it hilarious. She wasn't nearly as violent as she pretended to be. Well, at least not towards him. She could be reckless in a fight. Which, was both good and bad in their line of work. He shook his head as he neared the book store. He flirted with a couple of girls on the way in, but not in a way that meant anything. Mostly just being friendly.

The blonde inhaled the smell of the book store. This place was truly the closest thing to a second home he had. It wasn't huge, but it was his favorite place to buy books. The place was a little obscure as far as location went, but generally popular. The employees were friendly and the books were always in good condition. There were couches to sit on and a coffee shop right next door should anyone want to take a book and get coffee.



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•Robin Eisenhardt•

Robin became quickly bored with the girl's conversation once the blonde girl left. She could tell the brunette and the book girl's conversation was pretty laggy by their awkward body language and strained smiles. She drank the rest of her coffee and stood up, throwing it away when she found a trash can. Robin took out her phone to find messages from her father and mother. Mystique's messages were clear and cute saying things like: "Be safe dear!" "If a boy looks suspect punch in the balls!" or "You're the best! Remember that xoxo." Magneto's messages on the other hand were strange and well, just strange. "Howdo you workb this thindg!?;:" "Figured it out, needed to take off my gloves. Make sure you cause so trouble!" or "Practice your powers twice a day, everyday! Stay away from X-men and so called heroes!"

Robin cleared the message notifications with a chuckle. She put her phone in her pocket and walked out of the cafe. "Now, where to next..." Robin mumbled as she walked to her car. Once she was in, she buckled up and drove off to go somewhere. After a some minutes of driving she found a nearby bookstore. "Oooo, fancy." She said and pulled into the parking lot. Robin got out her car and walked into the store looking around curiously.
Olivia waved and then watched as Asya left. She quickly finished her coffee and threw away the cup before leaving the store, and deciding to go the book store. She had read all of her books and she figured it couldn't hurt to get another one. Books were the one thing she didn't mind not being technological. She turned and walked down to the door and entered the small bookshop that was next to the cafe. As she began looking at books she noticed Nikolai Rogers, she walked over to him, good to talk to someone while you shopped. "Hi." She greeted with a smile.

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