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Marvel/Daredevil Roleplay

Time skip?

Next morning.

Sable sat in the interrogation room, her breaks ineffectively wrapped in a half assed attempt to treat her. Sable had to set her arm herself since the cops didn't seem to care how it healed. Leaning back in her seat, she kept her hurt arm in her lap, the other stretched out onto the table. She knew the were watching her behind thay two way mirror but decided not to do anything about it. She really didn't see any way she could get away with hurting or killing one of the innocenr cops. She couldn't live with that. Then the next time they saw her face, they'd have her snagged up so fast and tried for murder. She figured it was best to cooperate as much as she could force herself to do.

The door opened and a copped entered, "You wanna tell us your name?"

Sable stared him in the eye, not making a sound.

"Your age? Where you're from?"

Again, nothing was spoken as she did not break eye contact.

The cop stared back, "You're only making this process go longer,"

"You don't have my prints on file," Sable looked away, smirking slightly.

"We do now, and as soon as we have a name to put them, every cop will have you on their radar."

Sable did not like that threat. Her eyes darted back to the man as he left the room.

Once outside he shook his head in frustration.

"What are we supposed to do? Try her as a kid, an adult, she might be 18. Without more information on her, where are we supposed to put her?"

"I don't know, we'll leave her here for now, get Walker to try and dig up some dirt on her. See what he can get."
Matt and foggy walked up behind the men as they were talking. "We'll take it from here boys." Foggy said, puffing his chest a bit. "We're her attorneys." Matthew explained, opening the door. "And I'm a nurse here to help her since I'm sure you assholes didn't do a good job with that." Maddie told them, completely unafraid as she followed the two men into the interrogation room. Matt bit back a smile and Foggy laughed. The three entered the room, ignoring the other men beside the door.

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The door clicking didn't phase her, she figured it was just another cop coming in with a new tactic to use in hopes of getting information out of her. Sable lifted her head instead to see two men and that nurse... Maddie! Leaning forward, Sable watched them intently from her seat, "You're not cops are you?" She noticed one appeared to be blind. She didn't say anything as she shifted uncomfortably in her seat, the cuff around her left arm, the unijured one clanked against the metal table it was connected to, "Funny huh." She said pointing to it, "They think this gonna keep me down."
Matt smiled a little at her spunk. "My name is Matt Murdock and this is my partner, Foggy Nelson. We're here to represent you in court." He explained, feeling his way to his seat. Foggy nodded, sat down, and opened a file. "So.....we have nothing." He shut the empty folder again. "We're gonna need you to be as forthcoming as possible about this if you want our help. Because this is gonna be a toughie. Especially since you have absolutely no record in the state of New York. In fact, I advised my partner not to take this-" "We're going to help you, miss. But first you have to help us. By giving us information, and explaining what you were doing at the factory that night." Matt interrupted Foggy's professional belly-aching. Maddie simply strode to where Sable sat and opened up her nurse's kit, readying herself to set the bones in Sable's arm. "I need to see that arm. Make sure it's gonna set properly." she told the girl, nodding at her bad arm. She hoped Sable would trust Foggy and Matt. She was confident they could help the girl. They were really excellent lawyers, even if they didn't get a lot of high-end clientele.
Sable watched the two of them, her eyes darting to each one as they spoke. Sighing, she leaned back in her chair again and looked down at the floor as she lifted her arm painfully for Maddie to look at. The swelling had already gone down, Sable could feel her bones already healing. Her ankle was already feeling more stable, but her arm still was in a large amount of pain, "Got any pills for me?" Sable asked looking up at Maddie, not yet ready to address the lawyers' request for being open. Sable did not trust anyone fully... except Ryder, or she had. He was the only one she had ever trusted, ever let in. Look what that got her. She felt as if she had a suffered a loss of a loved one, a good friend. The Ryder she knew was dead.
"Just some Ibuprofen." Maddie handed the girl a large white pill and a water bottle out of her bag. She felt of the girl's arm, trying not to cause her to much pain. She could feel one of the fractures was a hair out of place. She glanced up at Matt, making a small sound in her throat like she had something caught in it. "This might hurt a little." She told Sable. Matt turned his head to the right to scratch his face, and Maddie tweaked the bone in the same direction. Matt rubbed his nose. Perfect. Foggy hadn't noticed a thing, though Maddie and Matt had perfected this sort of informal communication when it came to Maddie's attention that Matt's incredible hearing would be her only way of setting bones without an X-ray. They had gone over the signs in the car, on the way to the jail where Foggy met up with them.

Maddie wrapped the arm and wrist up securely, making sure they wouldn't be shifting anymore. She pulled out a sling. "You're gonna have to wear this for a while." She told the girl, moving to help her get into it. "And you should answer Matt and Foggy's questions." She added, "Not that you're gonna listen to me. You don't trust anyone, I can read it on your face. But you can trust them. Whether you believe it or not." she stated, nodding at the two men.

Matt leaned forward on the table. "We can only help you if you let us. The choice is yours now." He told Sable. "You can give us the information we need and let us help you out of this or you can refuse and go to jail. There's your options." Foggy added, leaning back in his own chair.
Sable looked at the ibuporfen as if she was teenager being given a baby doll for her 16th birthday. Her nose wrinkled up as she looked up to Maddie standing next to her and spoke, "Well those're no fun," she let Maddie treat her, trusting her more than anyone else in the room. As Maddie set her arm, Sable cringed but no sound and did not pull away. While this definitely was one of the most painful injuries Sable had ever had, it was definitely not the worst. Sable used her shoulder to wiggle the sling a little, having never had one of these before. She smiled, entertaining herself before Matt's words forced her back to the situation at hand and reminded her of the seriousness of it. Tired of being pressured, and not wanting to end up in jail, Sable replied quickly and with a level of annoyance,

"I was stealing Wright's money."
Maddie just shook her head with a small sigh. "And why were you doing that?" Matt asked, elbowing Foggy so he would take notes. "Did someone tell you to? How did it end so badly?" Foggy added to the questions. "I think maybe you should just tell us the entire story, beginning to finish." Maddie translated their terse questions into a more cohesive plan. "If you feel comfortable doing so, yes, that would be ideal. Please don't leave anything out." Matt added.
"I was told to, I can't tell you by who because that person was probably trying to leave me for dead, obviously I'm not dead and if they found out I am going to use this to get out of the gang and give up information about him, he will send people after me," Sable said, "I'm sorry. I gotta look out for my own safety in this town, This is where I have been my whole life. I don't want to leave, I don't know anywhere else." She blew poutily at the hair that hung in her face, staying silent for a second as she tapped her fingers against the desk. She didn't know how much she could disclose and how much she couldn't, "I was told to steal the money with my friend. I have been fighting with my boss for a while. I wanted out, things had been getting worse between us so I was hoping this high profile mission was a way he was trying to say I could have my freedom and he respected me for all the shit I've done for him, but instead he used my closest friend to double cross me. Leave me in the building with no way out after I have given him most the money. How's that for a story?"
Foggy scribbled notes furiously. "It makes sense. But we need names. We can't just leave that part out. If the person responsible gets put behind bars, then you and the entire city will be safer." Matt replied after taking in her story. "But if we don't have names and evidence that this isn't your fault, someone to switch the blame to, then you're still ...." "Screwed." Foggy finished for Matt.

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Maddie sighed and frowned. She knew from the jump street this wouldn't be easy. She hoped Sable was going to comply, but also highly doubted that she would.

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Sable sighed shaking her head, "I don't know his name, this isn't exactly a get to know each other kind of business. I only know him as what he goes by." She twirled he fingers around the chain of the hand cuff over her left wrist before looking at the lawyers, "Surely you all know who runs the mutant street rats. That's my boss, and that's the man who is going to make me kill people as he sends his men after me to shut me up." Sable shook her head sucking in her upper lip and biting at it. Her frustration grew, "the second cops go poking around he'll know, and I'm not stupid. I know there ain' no way these cops are gonna stop him. I'm damned if I do, damned if I don't."
"Not if we put Piper away." Matt repeated. Foggy made a face. "Matt, that guy is so slimy I doubt even Fisk knows his real name." Foggy said. "Well we're smarter than Fisk. And we're going to have to figure this out, so we can bring Piper on trial for all he's done and put him away so the streets are safe again and the mutants stop their illegal activities. Do they have a home base? A headquarters of some kind?" Matt asked.

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"You will never put him behind bars. He's-" Sable stopped suddenly, annoyed at the condescending way they spoke of mutants, "As long as we live in a society that shuns us and treats us like freaks... We will continue to do illegal activities just to survive and to stick it to the corrupt government with laws in place to keep people in their place that you have such blind faith in." Then an idea lit in her head. She said, "I will be willing to tell the police what I know, if I have full immunity and protection." Sable said, "See if they'll go for that. You're lawyers, not police. What I tell you must legally remain confidential. You can't tell the police. Yet that seems to be your motivation, the police knowing what I know right? The police will never know what I know unless they can gaurantee immunity. Now where are those papers for us to sign confirming everything I say here remains confidential between client and attorney?"
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Matt smiled. "Yes everything between us is confidential unless you choose to share your knowledge with the police." He was impressed with the girl's guts. She was very intelligent.

Foggy handed the girl the papers and a pen. "If it makes you feel better you can stay with one of us while the trial is pending." Maddie added. "That is if we can make bail."

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Sable smirked and signed the paper stating that she acknowledged and understood everything between them and the information she had given then would remain confidential. Sable scoffed as she slid it to the guys, "Yeah, if I make bail." She sighed, rolling her eyes.

Just as she laid her head down on the desk in annoyance, the cops came back in, "Sable, you made bail, come on."

"I what?" Sable stood up excitedly, "Ow." She pulled up her foot that was injured, maybe it was best not to stand on that yet. She limped towards the door, "Who posted?"

"Don't know." The cop replied.
Matt, Foggy and Maddie followed Sable. "This is great! Now you can come back to our office and we can figure out a game plan without police interference." Foggy said with a smile. Matt nodded thoughtfully, curious as to who paid her bail. He was thankful because it did make things much easier. And he didn't like the idea of a small girl like Sable staying in jail. No matter how capable she was of taking care of herself. Maddie tsked at Sable's limp. "We need to take a look at that foot."

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Sable smiled, "Sounds good to me," she had a strong distrust in cops, so anything without them made her feel better. Following the cops, she collected her things before approaching Foggy, Matt, and Maddie, "I'm guessing I'm getting a ride with you."
"You, Matt and foggy will get a cab. I've got my own transport." Maddie said, slinging her medical pack over her back after pulling a helmet out of it. "I'll see you guys there." She waved, walking over to her bike. (I'll post a pic asap.) Matt looked confused. "She has a motorcycle." Foggy practically groaned. Matt chuckled, shaking his head. Foggy play punched Matt in the shoulder "you definitely have radar for hot girls, buddy. So unfair." He pouted, waving down a cab and opening the door for Sable. Maddie got on her bike and sped off.

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Sable watched Maddie speed off, smiling at what Foggy said to Matt. She could tell there was some history there and was curious to know. However, she didnt, after all she didn't know these men well enough. Nodding to Foggy, she climbed into the back of the cab and slid to the far window behind the driver's seat, staring at the bright city lights as if looking for who posted her bail. She missed her bike and her money... And her friends... 'Ryder...' she thought, 'why?'
Foggy helped Matt in and then got in himself. "So what does it look like?" Matt asked. Foggy groaned. "what? I can't see foggy. You gotta be more descriptive." He teased. Foggy just shook his head. "It's a black Yamaha crotch rocket. With gold rims and accents. A little showy if you ask me." He pretended to criticize it, acting jealous. They were used to lightening the mood by being funny. Even when there wasn't a client to lighten the mood for. Foggy shook his head. "I don't get it. She's a nurse. Why would she get one of those death traps? She should know just how dangerous they are!" "And who better to ride one then someone who knows jjust how dangerous they are?" Matt pointed out. Foggy made a noise of dissention.

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Sable laughed at the two, "Sounds like somebody's jealous." She said teasingly as she leaned back in her seat, seat belt unfastened. She swung her left leg up over her right as she sat, "So you are blind?"She asked Matt, "Your whole life?"
Matt nodded at her first question. "No not my whole life. When I was 8 there was this accident-" "he saved an old guy from running into a bunch of barrels of goo but got hit in the process and got goo in his eyes." Foggy interrupted. "He's a heroic wounded handsome duck. We went to law school together." He continued. Matt shook his head and laughed. "I wouldn't go that far." "Of course not. You never do." Foggy said, punching him in the arm. "He's a player though. New girl every week. Don't let him fool you." He teased with a wink at Sable.

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"Wow. That sucks." Sable replied to the accident, "You seem to be a professional at making the best of a bad situation though," she turned her head to look out the window, watching the lights of the city, "Maybe you can help me do the same."

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