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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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St. Patrick's Event 2024

rewards for all who participated as requested

Elixir of the Verdant Patron


Brewed by a reclusive order of druidic alchemists, the Elixir of the Verdant Patron is said to capture the essence of the leprechaun's magic, distilled from the rarest clovers found only in enchanted groves. It is a coveted treasure, sought after by adventurers for the edge it provides and the sense of unity it fosters among comrades.

Elixir may be drank once to gain one of the following benefits for a non Worlds type rp scene:
1. Aura of Celebration - gain a narrative boost in being memorable and well received in a social gatherings
2. Bond of Fellowship - gain a narrative boost in boosting ally morale
3. Luck - gain a narrative boost in taking on a non combat challenge

Femboy Femboy
Elvario Elvario
SoftSmile SoftSmile
Orikanyo Orikanyo
LightningJay LightningJay
Moonberry Moonberry
Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread
Beetlebuggo Beetlebuggo
StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal
Clyvelle Clyvelle
TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
Vaudivolt Vaudivolt
gmimperfecti gmimperfecti
NeramoDJI NeramoDJI
Uasal Uasal
Lolory Lolory
DarkKitsune DarkKitsune
Voider Voider
Rojuc Rojuc
Faynorae Faynorae
March Madness Event 2024

Reward for All Participants

7pts - link to this post in change logs and mark 7pts earned.

Clyvelle Clyvelle - jareth
Uasal Uasal - luisa
Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia - rios
Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread - velvet
TheTimePiece TheTimePiece - ryuuji
Voider Voider - glacier
slifer37 slifer37 - rowan
Femboy Femboy - gunhild
Faynorae Faynorae - macaron
Scoobie Scoobie - Garrick
gmimperfecti gmimperfecti - gyld
DarkKitsune DarkKitsune - keircey
Elvario Elvario - almeida
RavenSong RavenSong - joanne

Reward for Champions Only

Chalice of Calamity


A goblet that fills with a potent elixir once per rp, which when consumed, restores magical energy. In energy mode, the drinker gains 7 energy immediately. In cooldown mode, the drinker's F - C grade abilities all come off cooldown.

Lucky Sand
Clyvelle Clyvelle - jarreth
Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia - rios
May Event 2024

Reward for All Participants

7pts - link to this post in change logs and mark 7pts earned.

Femboy Femboy
II-CinderRadcliff-II II-CinderRadcliff-II
DarkKitsune DarkKitsune
Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia
Develius Develius
Maverick Six Maverick Six
Elvario Elvario
Naythophyl Naythophyl
LightningJay LightningJay
Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread
Wheatley Wheatley
TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
1Lucker 1Lucker

Reward for Lymantraius Creator Only

Lymantraius Rex


Femboy Femboy May submit lore entry for the Lymantraius Rex to the lore channel as the most popular and widely used Sentinel buddy of the West Empire military and law. Lore entry may document the history experienced in the event among other events that may have brought it to prominence.

Optional title acquired [One with Lymantraius Rex] - any character belonging to roleplayer may have this title. Characters equipped with this title are considered as close as kin if not more by any version of Lymantraius Rex. Rex is more likely to aid character and less likely to harm or run away from them. If character is a buddy tamer, they may be automatically recruited if they meet all requirements for the Rex, its stat block, and have a buddy slot open.
Rp'ers: L Lulidew Uasal Uasal
Melissa => Luisa
Traded Goods:
  • Luisa will receive:
An Enchanted Mythril Battle Suit contained within [The O'Sullivan Grimoire]. This armour is a Melee weapon that grants the wearer incredible martial power. Repaired by Melissa.


1 - Fighting Style B [Regal Beatdown]
2 - Enervation B
3 - Blight B (Blunt Force)
4 - Penetrating B
5 - Aura (Psychic) D, AOE E
  • Melissa will receive 36 points.
  • Melissa will spend 35 points on mithril costs
Relevant Mentions:
  • Melissa is a B grade Smith/Enchanter.
Last edited by a moderator:
RP'ers: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
Characters: Tomo => Kane
Traded Goods:

• Kane will receive [Greataxe] Weapon B​
• Executioner Axe with a halfmoon shaped head reminiscent of a croissant. Metal forged in the heat of a bakery has infused the blade with the faint scent of baked goods.
• Pawprint resembling stamp has been branded into the haft.
• Tomo will receive 5 points​

Relevant Mentions:

• Tomo is a Artisan [Baker] B​

June 2024 Isekai Hell Community Event “A Day in the Life of” Rewards​

Thank you to all those who participated! I hope to see you partake in future events! Make sure to link this post in your change log on your chosen character's sheet!

7 Points for participation:

LightningJay LightningJay 's John

Maxxob Maxxob 's Adelhein

Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia 's Izuru

Lolory Lolory 's Elvyra Highwater

Elvario Elvario 's Euthalia Apricot

Femboy Femboy 's Gunhild

DarkKitsune DarkKitsune 's Eriedeth Pip

Moonberry Moonberry 's Aedrianna Belmonte

Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread 's Aqua

Tau Tau 's Yume

SilverFeathers SilverFeathers 's Raia

Maverick Six Maverick Six 's Marcus Banecroft

Round 2 winner:

(Thanks to those of you who voted for me! and thanks to Novama Novama for tallying the votes, helping with event ideas, keeping IH running, and coming up with a cool prize!)
TheTimePiece TheTimePiece 's Yukan Koyake 7 points and
Tanuki Obsidian Knife
Screenshot 2024-07-02 at 6.45.11 PM.png
Once per rp, for an entire scene (narrator's discretion), the user may become Gima Koyake, Shogun of the Nara No Nox Shogunate when the knife is drawn from its sheath.

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