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Realistic or Modern Marble Falls Treatment Center

Lucas Fowler

Virtual Villager
UPDATE: Staff and male characters are needed. It needs to be balanced for it to work.

Here at Marble Falls, we take a variety of patients from different backgrounds and diagnoses with one common goal: to heal and lead productive, meaningful lives afterwards. As Residential Building #1 is re-opened, we have decided to make it the only building that contains both sexes. We hope that you will consider this treatment center for your teenager's healing!


Summer Schedule:

8:00 am - Optional Wake-up Time (must be awake at this time to shower in the morning)

9:00 am - Mandatory Wake-up Time, Meds (if applicable), and Breakfast (inside residential building) - (all patients must be awake at this time, or there will be a revoking of certain privileges)

9:30 am - Chores (making the bed, clearing all objects off the floor, etc.)

From whenever Chores are finished to Noon, there is free time in the day room.

12:00 - 1:00 pm - Lunch (in the cafeteria)

1:00 - 1:30 pm - Meds (if applicable)

1:30 - 2:30 pm - Recreation Therapy (held either at the pool or the recreation field)

2:30 - 4:00 pm - Quiet Time (patients must stay inside their rooms)

4:00 - 5:00 pm - Free Time (in day room)

5:00 - 6:00 pm - Dinner (in the cafeteria)

6:00 - 7:30 pm - Meds and Mandatory Showers

7:30 - 8:30 pm - Phone calls

8:30 - 9:30 pm - Free Time (in day room)

9:30 - 10:00 pm -Quiet Time (patients must be in their rooms)

10:00 pm - Lights Out


Note: This is intended to be a realistic situation. Please, please, please, research the disorders you're giving your characters. Please don't fall into making the disorders stereotypical (such as, all schizophrenics will murder someone).

Available Spots:

Maximum of 24 patients

Maximum of 6 staff (therapists)

We will start when there at least three patients and one therapist.


The outside of MFTC. Please note that there are several buildings behind this reception building, including:

  • A school building (not used during the summer)
  • Various residential buildings, including Building #1, which has recently been re-opened
  • A pool
  • A recreation field
  • And a testing and therapy facility


The dorm rooms are plain, but are allowed to be decorated however the patient sees fit, so long as it is with approved items. (Beds aren't bunk beds, however.) Roommates may not be chosen.

This is the day room.

There's three strikes for any of these rules being broken. That means if you break three separate rules, then you're out. All rules are at discretion, but I'll try my best to be nice about it.

1. Keep swearing to a minimum. If it becomes a problem, I'll message you. I'm sure you know how much is excessive and how much is not.

2. Please know something about mental illnesses before joining. Do research for your character. If your character is a patient, then do research on their diagnoses. If your character is a nurse, psychiatrist, or therapist, please either know about psychological disorders in advance or actively work on understanding the disorders that your "patients" come in with. PLEASE NO STEREOTYPES OF MENTAL ILLNESS.

3. Be respectful. No fighting about who's roleplaying the wrong way. If it's a problem, believe me, I'll take care of it. If you've read the rules, type your character's intials next to their name.

4. Follow all the RPnation rules.

5. Romantic relationships are extremely discouraged and your characters, as they would be in real life, will most likely be separated by the staff for awhile.

6. Have fun! Ask questions via message if you're confused or if anything comes up! :)
Lucas Fowler stood in front of Residential Building #1, waiting for the first patient to arrive. The newly re-opened facility meant that he was once again working. Fowler loved being productive, despite the many battles in which he had to fight tooth and nail with insurance, but this was not why he was in such a cheerful mood this cold January morning. It wasn't his resumed salary either.

It was the content and context of his work. His clients were troubled and lost in the confusing world of adolescence on top of struggling with the demons they bore by themselves. They weren't helpless, they were far from it. In fact, it could be said for the majority of cases, the only truly deciding factor in a person's recovery was the commitment to treatment, the commitment to achieving a happy life once more. That will was what determined their success. His job, put simply, was to support them in whatever way he could.

Fowler was distracted from his thoughts by the arrival of a car. And so it began.
Matthew moaned. He didn't need to be here. There was nothing wrong with him. He was just a teenager that stayed up late. That was normal! "Now Matthew, you'll be fine here it will fix you up into a fine young lad!" Said miss Tara full of of enthusiasm.

"I don't need fixing" he mumbled under his breath. "What dear?" She asked back. " nothing miss Tara, thank you miss Tara for being so kind to being me here." He said drearily. He looked down out the window as the car pulled up outside a big building. "Miss Tara I feel sick I need to go back to the house." He insisted as he saw a man standing out side the building, he wasn't lying, he always felt sick. "Now dear you're just nervous." She smiled.

Miss Tara was quite the character. She thought of herself as a kind caring character. She was strict and rather cold towards Matthew. He wasn't going to miss her.

Miss Tara got out of the car and opened Matthews child locked door. It had to be child locked since he had tried to escape a few times before.

Matthew stepped out of the car and tool small steps towards the man. Miss Tara was beside him talking about self confidence or something. Matthew was examining his surroundings. It looks nice enough.

"Hello! My name is Tara Glaswegian! This my fostered son Matthew, say hello Matthew."

"Hello" he murmured.

"I trust he will be in good hands! I'm late for work so I must be on my way! Bye! Kisses!" She scurried off and waved she drove out of the place as fast as she could. He sighed. "well, how are you?" he said as the car drove from his eye sight.
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As Tara left and drove out of the parking lot, Fowler raised an eyebrow at her. In his less-then-professional opinion, it wasn't hard to imagine why Matthew might be here. Foster parents were never a good sign in determining the mental health of someone, and living with someone as tightly-wound as Tara must be hard.

"Hello Matthew," A small smile came to his lips, but he didn't try to force it. Teenagers seemed to have a knack for spotting insincerity and a lack of trust was the destruction of the doctor-patient relationship. "I'm Dr. Fowler, although you can call me Doc, Lucas, Luke, or anything else you want to. Shall we go inside?"
Matthew blew air through his teeth. He turned to face the building. "I guess we better." He rubbed his eyes and started walking toward the building.

He had been to therapy before, and he hated it. They made him feel like he was a crazy person who needed to be watched like an experiment. This whole place looked like a huge therapist's office that you could sleep at. Sounded fun.

"So, is this like, supposed to be a friendly crazy person hospital? Because I'm not crazy. I think I just some more tablets, or something..... You really don't have to go through the trouble of taking care of me. You should just call Tara and have her take me home, turns out there is nothing wrong with me" he explained as they got to the building. Even though at the back of his mind he knew that there was something wrong with him. He did need help and wanted it, just the right kind of help.
"It doesn't work like that, unfortunately." Fowler paused, thinking, "Matthew, maybe you don't need another pill. Not saying you don't, but maybe you need time away from life to figure yourself out. That's part of what we offer here." As they reached the door, he stopped to explain how the doors here work.

"I doubt this is going to make you warm up to the place, but the doors here are locked. To get in or out, you need a key." Fowler raised his key up for Matthew to see. "Only staff get keys. No one's allowed outside without staff supervision. Some people try to run and legally speaking, we have to keep an eye on you until you're discharged. Anyway, let's go in." He unlocked the door and held it open for him.
Oh great once he steps no going out...

He looked behind him. At the place where the car was. It's not like he was going to miss anything. Oh well. He hesitated as he walked through the doors.

"do I get a room?" he asked as he looked around the room and ruffled up his sleeves.

It was really quiet. How long was he going to stay here? Could he possibly stay here forever?
"Don't worry, you'll get plenty of fresh air in recreation therapy. And of course you will, and for now, you'll be rooming by yourself seeing as you're the only one. We should be getting more patients in the next few days." Fowler shut the door behind him and listened for the automatic click that locked it. "I have to take inventory of your things to make sure you've only brought items that are allowed. Anything that gets taken away will be put in a box and given back once you leave. Do you want to sit with me while I do that or do you want to see your room and hang there?"
"uh... I'll sit with you." he held a small grey duffel bag that was full of a few changes of clothes, he had tic tacs, his phone, ear buds, and, a little squishy figurine of a fish in there too.

" will I just give you this?" he said as he held out the bag.

He reached into his pockets and pulled out spare change and two thumb sized photos. " that 's all I've got" he said and stuffed the photos back in his pockets.
Fowler accepted the bag. "Oh, hold on. You're not allowed to have money, not even change. We can put it in a box for you if you want to buy something at the vending machine in the cafeteria. Sorry. Also, no cell phones, and no headphones. Part of coming out here means leaving friends and drama outside so that you have time to focus on yourself." Fowler continued to rummage through the clothes, turning pockets inside out to find any potential razor blades. "Looks good to me." He replaced all the searched items into the bag and set the confiscated items in a plastic tub. "Hold on just a sec." He scrawled Matthew's name on the side and then tucked it under the desk. "Do you want to see your room?"
Lina closed her eyes, her earbuds in her ears blaring out gloomy music from her phone. The tone was less gloomy than the classical violin pieces she enjoyed; she had become relatively slightly happier at the idea of help, though dreaded it all the same. Therapy meant something was wrong with her; something was wrong with her, she didn't deny it, but she didn't want anyone gossiping about her disappearance. When her grandfather had passed away when she was ten, she was sent for one short session with the school counselor; it was honestly one of the most uncomfortable experiences she could name to date. She heard her mom call her and her eyes fluttered open as the car pulled up to the treatment center.

She stepped out of the car with an air of self assurance, a large travel bag in one hand and the straps of an over the shoulder purse wrapped around the other. She put the phone and earbuds in the purse and took a hesitant breath. She was adorning a dark black hoodie that hid her slender frame, though was honestly baggier on her thin figure. She was closer to normal weight due to the nutrients given to her from the hospital after she collapsed and some color had returned to her cheeks, though she felt incredibly self conscious. She was also wearing pastel blue shorts and flats. She usually avoided jewelry as it caused attention to her hands or collar.

Her travel bag held clothes and basically the essentials along with a small photo album. Her purse held her phone, earbuds, a small sketchbook, a tiny set of color pencils, her wallet, a compact mirror, and a roll of measuring tape.

She heard the buzzing of the windows being rolled down and glanced back in surprise to see her mom looking at her intently before saying that they all hoped she would get better. She nodded, though took a quick look at the family. The driver, her dad, was busy staring at the space in front of him. Her sister, who had come back just to see her off, was smiling an amused smile that was perceived as mockery. Lina felt like her family was partially hoping she'd never get better, just so she couldn't come back and haunt them with her sick reputation.

The car window rolled back up and the car roared quietly away.
Matthew grumbled at the thought of having no phone.

No music, ugh. He rubbed his eyes again. "yeah, I want to see my room."

He suddenly sound his head around at the sound of a car. Was someone coming to pick him up?

because the realised, finally, that he was fine? He craned his neck to look out the window to see

the car drive out of the parking lot, leaving a girl in a black hoodie.

he wondered why she was here.

"i'd like to see my room but you should probably let her in first." he said as he messed with the fish figurine in his hands.
"I'll be right back." Fowler strode over to the door, stuck his key in the lock, then opened it to greet the young girl. "Hello, I'm Dr. Fowler. What's your name?" His eyes zeroed in on her hoodie, which had drawstrings dangling down. She probably was not going to be happy when he told her that she would have to take the strings out, for safety reasons. Judging from her extreme thinness, this was Eileen, an anorexic who collapsed from lack of nutrition and was then transferred here.

He watched the car drive out of his line of sight, surprised that the parents didn't stick around to meet him. Most parents wanted to make sure their teenagers were in the right hands. He saw how defeated and sad the girl looked, and he hid his own sadness at how hard all of this must be for her. All of these teenagers and their struggles hit close to home, reminding him of his adolescence, which he spent the majority of in and out of hospitals like these. He only hoped that he could help them. Not save them; only they could save themselves. But if he could help them at all, then his work here was a success.
Lina mustered a weak smile, an attempt to show some courtesy to Dr. Fowler. "Lina Adler," she replied, then hastily corrected herself. "Eileen Adler. Sorry, I'm not used to using my actual name." A flicker of sheepishness ran across her face for a split second. She was trying to forget the coldness in her mom's voice before the car drove off. "Nice to meet you." Another wave of sheepishness ran across her face. "My parents aren't really social." This was a bold faced lie (bold faced...pun unintended). Her parents were very sociable and did whatever it was in their power to get things their way. Having an anorexic daughter wasn't in their plans, so they did what they always did to social problems: avoid. She wasn't surprised at their behavior, but was a bit embarrassed that it was blatantly obvious to the doctor.

She looked at Dr. Fowler, almost with an amused expectant expression. "Do you have to search my bags or anything?" She was fully expecting him to, though hoped he wouldn't. She had read some of her friends on a pro-anorexic website's blogs and there were many who had scales and measuring tapes taken away because of bag checks. Personally, she hoped that her measuring tape wouldn't be taken away. The tape and the mirror were her two prized possessions.
"Nice to meet you, Lina." Fowler closed the door behind them. "And yes, I have to, to make sure you're not bringing anything dangerous in. Lina, this is Matthew. Matthew, Lina. So far you two are the only patients, but more should be streaming in soon. I'll be right back, okay? I have to show Matthew his room." With Matthew in tow, Fowler led him down the right hallway, the boy's hallway, and stopped at the first door on the left.

"Here it is. You're welcome to put your things anywhere, just as long as the floor is clear." He explained. "When you're finished, come on by the nurse's station and I'll show you the day room."
She had fallen asleep on the way there, her face resting against the cold window. Pippa was slumped at an awkward angle, her shoulder and arm crushed against the car door. Slowly, she pushed herself up into a sitting position. The car was still moving but at a slower pace then it was previously. Her mother glanced back at her, as they trawled towards the building.

"It's going to be fine, Pippa, just fine." Her mother said, in what Pippa recognised as her business voice. The one she would use when she was pitching an idea- the convincing voice. Staring out the window at Marble Falls Treatment Centre, Pippa did not feel convinced. Not at all. This was not a good place.

"She's really sending us there?" Cas said, in disbelief. In the car window, Pippa could see the vague outline of her brother's figure. He looked as surprised as she felt.

"I don't want to stay here, Cas. I want to go home. Take me home!" she began to protest, hammering on the window. The car door was firmly locked.
Ada Berlitz, or better known at the treatment center as Ms. B, drove up to Building 1 to find another car pulling up. This car had what appeared to be a mother and her daughter, the latter attempting to escape. She sighed; the real part of work here, it seemed, was already beginning and Ada had only just arrived. Seeing these struggling kids tore at her heart.

Quickening her pace to reach the now parked car, she went towards the driver seat window, ID in hand, so she could talk to the mother. Ada was not in the mood to deal with a runner, nor was she looking forward to the possibility of having to use what the patients called "the booty juice" to keep her from eloping.
There was a woman outside the window and that made Pippa stop struggling. Instead, she just stared, her eyes narrowing a little. The woman was talking to her mother, both of them in low voices.

"Do they think we can't hear them?" Cas said, "Just how stupid do they think we are?" Pippa only caught snippets of their conversation, words and phrases that she'd heard before like: "divorce", "very difficult for her", "Cassius" and "schizophrenia". That last word was the one she hated most of all. She had heard it many times when her mother had taken her to a doctor.

"There's nothing wrong with me." Pippa said to her brother, who nodded knowingly.

"I know that." he said, "But they don't."
"Hello," Ada called to Pippa, "I'm Ms. B. I'll be one of your nurses." Ada didn't have any doubt that Pippa was hallucinating, as evidenced by the whispering to a person unseen. She smiled warmly at her, while pushing the knowledge away that it would fall flat on Pippa. She intended it to be welcoming, but she had the feeling that Pippa did not want to be here at all, let alone welcomed here.

(short paragraph is short.>.<)
"This is insane." Cas said, "They genuinely think there's something wrong with you. And she didn't even say hello to me. How rude is that!" Her brother crossed his arms and slumped back in his seat. He didn't want to be here either.

"You didn't say hello to Cas." Pippa said, flatly, "And I don't need a nurse." She mimicked her brother, crossing her arms. The woman was trying to be nice to her because she thought Pippa was crazy. Perhaps the woman needed a nurse herself or perhaps an eye doctor, if she couldn't see Cas.

"What if she only takes you?" Cas said, "Instead of both of us."

"Don't say things like that!" Pippa snapped at him, "She has to take both of us."
"I'm only here to help, in whatever way I can." Ada's heart broke at how much Pippa must be struggling, with the divorce and all. She must'v been extremely close to her brother. She didn't only care because of the label of "insane" that someone stamped on her at one hospital or another. This was a real person with real troubles. Ada had forgotten how much this job tore at her soul. "Are you two ready to go inside?"

(Also, I tried messaging you, but it said I couldn't send you a message. I have a question to ask about Pippa's diagnosis.)
(Meep. I'll try and message you, m'kay?)

"I don't want to." Pippa said, "I really want to go home. Can't we just go home? I mean, none of us want to be here. Nobody in their right mind would want to be here, right?" She glanced to her brother for reassurance and he nodded.

"I second that." was all he said, before adding, "Look how weirdly that woman's looking at us." The woman was looking at them strangely with an expression that Pippa would probably compare to pity. Pippa looked down at her feet. They were going to make her stay, weren't they?
"I know. I'm really sorry and I would tell you that it's not so bad, but I know you wouldn't believe me." Ada glanced to her mother then back to Pippa. "You got your stuff kiddo?" Inwardly, she thanked God that Pippa wasn't a runner. Runners on Monday mornings were the least fun to deal with, while runners on Monday afternoons came in as a close second.

(I swear, my para's will get longer when they're inside. Sorry.)
"You might as well just go with her." Cas said, "It's better than being forced in there, right?"

"I suppose you're right." Pippa sighed. She grabbed her bag from the car floor and slung it over her shoulder. Then, she pushed the car door open- it was unlocked now- and clambered out. She breathed in the fresh air- probably the last fresh air she'd get for a while, if the things she'd read about these so called "treatment centres" were true.

"Do you think they still use shock therapy?" Cas wondered, following her out of the car.

"This isn't the Victorian era, Cas." Pippa rolled her eyes.

(It's fine. If you write really long paragraphs, then I'll have to write really long ones too. So, really you're just making my life easier...)
Matthew examined the empty dull room. How welcoming. He sat down on his bed and slid the fish figurine under his pillow. He decided there was nothing more to do here and he wandered back out of the hallway. He looked at the other girl an stood at an awkward distance. He looked out the window to see more people walking towards this place.

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