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Realistic or Modern Marble Falls Treatment Center

"Who do you think that is?" Cas said. Pippa had been staring down: watching their shadows, merging into one another and stretching out across the ground. She hadn't been paying attention to their surroundings. She didn't want to.

"Hm?" Pippa glanced up, wondering who her brother meant. She could see a shadowy figure in the window, not easy to make out from here. She waved.

"What'd you do that for?" Cas raised an eyebrow and Pippa just shrugged at him.
He watched as one of the people waved. Did that person wave at him? Oh no did he seem like a freak spying on people? He shifted his weight nervously. No. He always over analysed situations. He was just looking out the window. He waved back as they came closer he could make out her face.
"Do you think he can see me?" Cas wondered.

"Unfortunately, I am beginning to doubt it." Pippa said, "I'm the only person who can see you so far. Mother couldn't, that woman couldn't..." She sighed.

"He's still looking at us." Looking up, Pippa realised that Cas was right. It was definitely a boy and he looked sick. He was very pasty with dark shadows underneath his eyes. He looked like he didn't sleep often enough. He waved back.

"Did we just make a friend? In this forsaken place?" Cas said, "Oops." He laughed, not unkindly, but in a joking sort of way. Pippa smiled at him.
Fowler glanced to Lina, then looked to see what Matthew was looking at. "Oh, Ada's here," He murmured to himself and then said to Lina," We'll go through your things in a sec." As he went to unlock the door for them, he noticed a small teenage girl, talking to someone unseen. "Hello," He greeted both of them, "Good to see you, Ms. B. I'm doing an inventory right now, so if you could take her to the dayroom with Matthew-" He gestured to the boy gazing on behind them.
"God, these people have an awful habit of popping up where they're not wanted, don't they?" Cas said. That made his sister laugh a little because it was too true. What meddlesome people, they were.

"You're right." she said, still smiling.

"You're not doing a good job at convincing them that you're not crazy." Cas said suddenly, as the thought struck him. And Pippa stopped laughing and frowned instead. They would keep her here forever at this rate.

"It's your fault, you keep making me laugh." Pippa said, lowering her voice just a little.
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(You have a point, I suppose. Where is everyone else? What could they be doing that's more important then talking to us? I mean, you're awesome and I'm fabulous. There is nobody better to talk to.

You could come on one of my roleplays while we wait? Pleeeeaaasseeeee, I'm very bored. And yes, yes I am this annoying in real life.)
Oh, I love people going through my things. I'm glad you've made time in your schedule to do so. Lina's thoughts flowed bitterly without shame, though saying such sarcasm would make her really embarrassed. "Sure..." she muttered in reply to the delay, already unzipping her bag and purse in preparation. Might as well get this over with. She was pretty sure nothing she had would be considered dangerous, though perhaps they would take away her measuring tape, maybe her mirror. Maybe they thought she could break the mirror and cut people with it. Gosh, the things that could be made into weapons. Even the strap on her bag was dangerous to those standards.

((Sorry it's a bit short xD ))
(no problem)

"Alright, let's see what we have here." The first thing Fowler pulled out was a measuring tape. He pursed his lips and raised an eyebrow at Lina, "You had to have known you couldn't take this with you." He began drawing the content out one by one, feeling the cloths for anything sewn underneath the fabric. As he had with Matthew, he took all of the items not allowed (including a small mirror) and stuck them in a plastic tub while he placed the rest back into the bag.

"You're good to go. I'll show you your room and you can put away your things. When you're ready you can come out into the day room," He pointed to a room with transparent walls, made of plastic. If it were made of glass, Fowler would've spent most of his time cleaning up shards. "Matthew, you can go ahead and go into the day room, I'll be right back." Fowler internally cringed at how quickly his signature phrases were coming back, wondering if his patients ever kept track of how often he said, "I'll be right back" or "Give me a second."
Lina checked off each item he took off of her 'things-I-think-will-be-taken-away-list'. She got every single one, much to her dismay. Maybe I have a measuring fetish and I like to measure rooms to do geometry. However, she refrained from actually saying this, as it would make a bad impression and would also insult about four topics in one comment. She merely said nothing as he took away her things and put them in a tube that piqued her curiosity. "Alright," she responded to the comment about showing her her room. She would need time to adjust to not having all he took away. Did they even have mirrors here? If he took away her small mirror, they probably didn't to her logic. "And what exactly is the day room?" She was interested to know what kind of room would have to do with days. Maybe it was just a room that was used during the day? But wouldn't that just be a room? The term 'day room' confused her quite a bit.
"So, they're taking things from us." Cas said, "Do we have anything worth taking, you think?" Pippa bit her lip. She didn't think so. Unless... Unless... They took her photographs? The ones of Cas, the ones of her? The ones that had been of their parents but she had torn them up into tiny pieces on the way here.

"But they wouldn't take those, right?" Pippa murmured, glancing at her brother. They couldn't take those, surely. But they had taken the other girl's measuring tape and that seemed pretty important to her.
"The day room," He began as he led her down the left hallway, "Is where you'll be spending most of your time. It's a place to hang out and get you to socialize in a place where we can keep an eye on you. We try very hard to keep people from isolating themselves. As opposed to your room, which is essentially your 'night room'." Again, he stopped at the first room on the left and unlocked the door. "Oh, one thing, your door is to stay open at all times. If you need to change, you can do it in the bathroom during shower time. Doors around here have a tendency to be locked unless the rooms are being used." He took his leave of her and went to go sit in the day room with Matthew while Ada checked Pippa in.

"It depends on what it is," Ada attempted to answer Pippa's concern about the bag search. The two went into the nurse's station for some privacy and Ada began to rumage through the contents.
"God, it's unnerving, isn't it?" Cas said, "Even though you don't have anything to hide... Just unnerving to have her go through your things." He always knew exactly how Pippa felt. She chewed her lip and watched as Ada literally rummaged through her things. They were only photographs. What was Pippa getting so worked up about?

"They can't take them off you. It's not like you can harm anyone with them or anything." Cas said. He was right, as usual. But they're personal, Pippa wanted to say, I don't want her looking at them. She said nothing.
Matthew went into the day room as told. He fell down onto a chair and bit the inside of his cheek, a habit. The inside of his cheek was ripped apart, It wasn't that he was nervous he just did it, he also grinder his teeth, which according to a therapist was a sign of stress. Ugh. He rubbed his face and eyes.

( sorry for not posting, :0. )
Nana was curled up with her cat plush, just having her dark thoughts take over as she stares out the window ignoring her parents talking about 'how fucked up' their wonderful daughter had gotten she sighed in her stuffed animal as they drove up to the building.
(@Noodles, its fine. @Nana, watch the language, but you're fine)

"Know any good shows? I'll let you have first pick for the TV." Fowler retrieved a half-broken remote control from the staff's desk and gave it to Matthew. Ah, the remote incident. He remembered it well. An old patient of his, a particularly strong one, threw it up against the wall in a fit. Miraculously, it still worked....kind of. "What do the kids these days watch?"

Meanwhile Ada was skimming through the contents of Pippa's bag. She glossed over the photos, sweeping them aside too quickly to look at them. She tried her hardest to respect people's privacy. The check for razors and hoodie strings passed and Ms. B gave the shuffled contents back to the girl, who was obviously uncomfortable. "I'm sorry I had to check, but you'd be surprised at some of the things people bring in here."

Ada glanced to the window to find that yet another patient was arriving. It goes to show how many people needed a place like this for it to fill up so quickly.
Pippa snatched her bag back and began to look through for her photos. Then, there was the sound of yet another car pulling up and Pippa's heart leapt forward a few beats.

"It's not going to be Mother." Cas said, because he had to rain on the parade. All the same, Pippa drifted to the nearest window instinctively and was not surprised to see that her brother was right again. Nobody had come to pick her up, she was still stuck here.

"Why do you have to be right all the time?" Pippa sighed, pressing her hand to the window. She couldn't even see who was in the car. Probably a crazy person. She returned to hunting for her photos.
"What are you looking for?" Ada asked, flashing back to the one-sided conversation she heard Pippa in. "Your pictures? They should be at the bottom of the bag." She rose from her office chair and gestured to Fowler in the other room. He stood and strode towards them with a questioning look.

"What's wrong?"

"There's a new arrival outside. Could you check them in?"

"Of course." He nodded and exited the building.
Finally, Pippa was able to source her photos from the bottom of her bag. She looked them over carefully, making sure there were no marks on them. Definitely nothing.

"Any fingerprints?" Cas said, knowing exactly what she was doing.

"Undamaged." Pippa told him, "They're fine." She had worried for a moment there. This is why she didn't like people going through her things- aside from the feeling that she was being judged. She didn't want her things to get damaged.

"Good." Cas said.
(Okay and sorry I was getting breakfast)

Nana still stared out the window looking at the building thinking about various things before she had got her bag and goes out of the car.
"It's a girl." Cas decided, for some reason, to tell his sister, "She's getting out of the car. Now, she's heading towards the building. I don't think she's looking at us, though." He narrowed his eyes and looked out at her, "Or maybe she is. I don't know. She's very pretty anyway." Sliding her photos back into her bag, Pippa looked up and peered out of the window again. Everything Cas had said was accurate, of course. He was always right.

"Aren't you going to wave?" Cas said, "You waved to that boy earlier." He was waving out the window.

"She probably can't see us." Pippa said, but she waved all the same. Then, she lowered her hand and zipped her bag back up.
Nana just had her bag over her shoulder before she decided to go inside the building and held her kitten plush close to her and just leaned against a wall away from everyone as she watched her parents go inside.
"Hello, I'm Dr. Fowler," Fowler shook each of their hands firmly and peered over their shoulders to see a teenager with almost fluorescent purple hair waiting behind them. "You must Nana," He called to her, "It's good to meet you." He took note of the tightly held kitten and her posture. Stuffed animals and a reluctance to be here were extremely common and most likely signaled that she was not feeling safe. He dismissed the thought; he would save the psychoanalysis for therapy.
Nana looked at the person and she just remained silent, she then sees her parents do something which she didn't really notice since she was thinking.
(hey, can I ask a favor? Could you give me more detail as to what her parents are saying? It's kind of hard to work with what you're giving me.)

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