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Realistic or Modern Marble Falls Treatment Center

Lina went into her room, throwing her bag into the corner of the room because she really wasn't in the mood to unpack and party. This place was so careful and restricting. Although she enjoyed a challenge, this place She kept her purse, slipping it over one shoulder to her hip; some photos were in her purse and she didn't want to risk losing them. After she looked around her room some more, she went down to the day room. The room wasn't empty as she had hoped, but rather with a person as expected.

((I'm not really sure what to do here xD ))
Glancing at his watch, Fowler realized it was five 'til noon, which meant it was time to round everyone up for lunch. "Can you finish Nana's admission?" He turned to her and her parents, "We'll bring a tray back from the cafeteria for her." He saw that Lina had found her way to the day room along with Matthew. He poked his head in and told them where they were going. "We go to lunch at the cafeteria every day at noon."

"You all have a choice of staying here or coming with me to the cafeteria, whichever you feel most comfortable with."
Nana had wondered off from everyone and was thinking about things as she stares out the window.

Nana's parents looked at him and her mother had nodded as she goes to fill out the rest of the admission as her husband had gone outside to get the car.
"Crap," Ada muttered under her breath as Nana's parents left the building. Where was the girl? She had seen her just a minute ago, but Nana seemed to have completely disappeared. Well, at least she was contained within the building, seeing as all the doors were locked and a key was needed for each of them.

"Nana?" She called out before continuing down the boy's wing. The last thing she needed was someone going through another patient's stuff. While she was down her, she might as well shut all the doors.
Nana was still staring out the window, 'I want to be free like the birds....' She thought as she stares out the window and held her kitten plush close to her chest, then she sits on the floor thinking of various things that where on her mind.
"Nana, there you are!" Ada felt a small feeling of relief wash over her. "Are you feeling okay?" Ms. B's heart went out to her when she saw the pain in her eyes. "Do you want to go to the day room? You can choose what we watch on TV. Or we could play cards. How does that sound?"
Nana stares at her "that sounds...nice..." She mumbles into her stuffed animal then she looked away from her and thought of various things.
"A penny for your thoughts?" Ada asked as they made their way back to the day room. Nana seemed so deeply entrenched in whatever thoughts her mind was presenting that Ada wondered if she would be okay.
"So, there's the skinny girl. The boy who looked like a vampire. And the girl we saw out of the window." Cas said, ticking them off on his fingers, "What do we have in common with them?" He was still trying to puzzle out why they were there. Pippa was still hoping that her mother would realise her mistake and come back for them- she was beginning to doubt this idea. She could hear the man- he was probably either or a therapist- saying something at one of the other doors.

"I know what they all have in common with each other." Pippa said, "I don't want to meet any of them." She had got bored after Ada had left her to deal with the other girl. She had got her photos from her bag and had spread them out in front of them. She had ordered them according to the dates on the back and then in order of her favourites.

"I think that you're going to have to." Cas said, "Because like it or not, we're stuck here with them." As Pippa began to move the photos around again, she had to agree. They were stuck here. She swallowed to stop herself crying.
Nana was just following her silently and not wanting to talk or even be here, she just holds her kitten plush closer to her.
Lina decided to follow Dr. Fowler partially because the day room wasn't that welcome so far and also because she wanted to know where everything was. Despite the overall strict and cautious attitude, she felt a need to know the corners of her confining box. "How long does lunch last?" she asked, hoping that perhaps it would either be at their leisure or very short. Either way, she could get away with a few minor habits of hers. If it were a strict hour long lunch, she really would have to think about how to spend it. Then she realized that she was beginning to stray back to the darker thoughts and knew that if she were to get better, it would be best to just try to get through this normally and obediently. Still, obedience didn't come easily to her.
"Pippa," Fowler called to the girl. She was talking to no one again, which was never a good sign. "Pippa, we're going for lunch." She continued to shuffle her pictures around. "Pippa," He lightly tapped her shoulder,"Do you want to stay here or come to the cafeteria with us?"
Nana was still walking around and stares at the celling thinking about kittens now, which had made her smile softly since kittens had always made her happy no matter what they always where something that calmed her down.
As Ada and Nana arrived at the day room, she noticed that the others were still there. Even so, Ada led the way to a table for four chairs around it. "So what would you like to do? There's TV, there's cards, there's board games, there's markers we can draw with...."
"Huh?!" Pippa hadn't noticed the man come in until he tapped her on the shoulder. She looked up in bewilderment.

"Do you want to stay here or come to the cafeteria with us?" The man asked. He was definitely a doctor, Pippa decided. Why else would he bother her?

"What do you think?" Pippa asked her brother, who shrugged.

"We're going to have to talk to those people eventually." Cas said, "We can't ignore them forever."

"Why can't we?" Pippa said, "Do you really want to talk to them?" She was doubtful.

"I'm only giving you advice." Cas said, "Do what you want." Very slowly, Pippa stacked her photos back up neatly. She thought for a moment. Could she ignore them forever?

"We're coming with you, I guess." Pippa sighed.
"Lunch lasts an hour, Lina. Matthew?" Fowler called to the boy. All of them must be in deep thoughts today, because it took them a bit to respond. "We're leaving now. Do you want to come or do you want us to bring you a tray?"
"Maybe this isn't a good idea." Cas said, quietly.

"You said it was." Pippa snapped at him.

"I said I was only giving you advice!" Cas retorted.

"I'm ignoring you." Pippa decided. She looked at the skinny girl who was obviously deep in very depressing thoughts. Then, she looked at the boy who looked literally half dead. Pippa so didn't belong here with these people. There was something wrong with them. But nothing wrong with her. She was fine.

(Did everyone die?)
(Idk, I guess it's just us going to the cafeteria.)

"Looks like it's just us," Fowler said, seeing as no one else replied. With Pippa carrying out her one-sided conversation beside him, he unlocked the door and shut it behind him, making sure no one could've slipped out. That's the last thing he needed: a runner on his first day back. "So, you two got into a fight?" The last thing he wanted to do was make the hallucinations seem more real, but he needed to talk to her at some point about Cas.
(Everyone else was killed in a zombie apocalypse)

"What do you care?" Cas said.

"I'm still ignoring you." his sister told him, before turning to the doctor. He looked nice enough. But could she trust him? She doubted it. She told him anyway.

"Cas wanted me to talk to people and then went back on it." Pippa shrugged.

"That's not what happened!" Cas protested.

"Shut up, Cas!" Pippa said.
"How long have you been on these particular meds?" Fowler asked, wanting to gauge if this was a problem with the medication. Perhaps she wasn't up to therapeutic dosage on her currently medication. That, or perhaps she needed different ones. He couldn't remember everything from her file yet.
"A while... I don't know..." Pippa said, "I don't need any meds. I'm fine." For once, Cas didn't say anything but she knew he was there- sulking, perhaps. They didn't fight very often. It was horrible when they did. It brought up bad memories.
He decided to take a different approach. "Why do you think no one else can hear Cas? I'm curious to hear what you think." They were halfway to the cafeteria by now.
She knew this question was coming. And she had an answer ready.

"Because nobody else is paying enough attention." she said, "That's why nobody notices him."

"Obviously." Cas said, "Are we talking yet?" His sister shook her head and carried on ignoring him. She knew that it annoyed him.

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