Mancyfantisia (translation: magic wish.)

I turn to Pheobe and smile " need to be like that."

((hey guys, please check oumy new RP. It's under the slice of life genre and its called accused.))
Nichole sat down and thought about something. she ran to the kitchen and started cooking. she smiled and said''hey yall cmon the foods done1'''
Pheobe took one uneasy, last glance through the window. She then, advanced into the kitchen. Leaning up on the door frame, she stared at the food in awe. " Did you Make all this?" She asked, sitting in one chair.
She pushed her plate forward. " I think I may Sleep now. Nichole First Watch?" She asked watching Coko, fron the corner of her eye.
She nodded. Pulling herself out of the chair, and slippig into the nearest, empty room. She walked to the bed and pulled the blanket to her feet. She laid in the bed, closing her eye's sweetly.
She traced the walls outline with her pointer finger. She sighed, thinking about the past few day's events. Slowly she closed her eye's and drifted into a deep sleep. Seconds later she opened her eye's. But, she were no longer in at the simple log cabin. Although blurry, she still reconized the place. Home. Home Sweet Home, she thought bitterly. Through a muffled haze, she heard a familiar voice. Her Fathers. She wanted to run, but was frozen in place.

She could barely make out the words. " Bring in Reinforcement... Yes, Yes attack. They defied me ." His voice began to Fade. " Bring me the one. The oldest. Yes he is our man Weapon. The other's? Kill them on sight." She clenched, Was he talking about us? Could he be that ruthless? She wondered. " Attack at dust... And show no... Mercy." On the last word, te whole image faded completely. She sat up in bed gasping. Terrified, she pulled herself out of bed and slipped to the window. If they had been talkinf about them, Dusk was coming soon. And if she was right, So would the attack!
She left her room silently, A grim expression flooded on her face. She plopped down onto the couch. " Can't sleep..." She grumbled. Forcing her thoughts away. She caughts Nicholes veig expression. " Whats wrong?" She glanced to the window in alarm.
She nodded and turned to the door. " It's not me that needs to hide," Her eye's flashed to Coko. " There after you two. I'll explain later. Go. Now!"
She sighed heavily. Positioning herself next to the window, so she could see out. Slowly she drew a sword from her belt and peered out instntly. She was right, the attack was coming in .... Seven, no Eight minutes until sun down.

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