Sir Les Paul

The Duke of Chords
All I'm really aiming for is 3-5 people to show some interest and commit to the RP if I flesh it out more. I want to start small and build-up. I put all of the pertinent information in the main description, but feel free to ask other questions! 
@Midnite @Scrubnoppon @YoMo @floptheclown 

I have made a new category (Human World) and a new forum (Spirit Detectives) that has the Character Sheet Template. It's short, sweet and simple, but I do want you to try on it. This will be the foundation for a primary character in the long-term of the roleplay. Copy the sheet, create a new thread in Spirit Detectives for your character. Shoot me any questions you may have!
@Sir Les Paul

For the history part, do we really need to do three paragraphs with four sentences? Cause I feel that's really pushing and dragging it out. Also, geographically, where is this set?
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Hey everyone! 2 questions for you. 

1. Favorite ending theme? Mine is a tie between the homework never ends and sayonara bye bye. It fluctuates around a lot, but that's what it is at the moment. 

2. Have you seen those YYH anti piracy clips? They're really funny and I'll link them in case you haven't. 

The video of the clips.
@YoMo I had a lengthier reply wrote out, but the site was apparently down while I wrote it and it was lost. Long story short, the fact your character is Spiritually Aware and is mostly unique based on their normal life makes it pretty easy to space out; made even easier if you have other traits. And, it'll likely become quite a bit easier if you vote in on and join a central city I can make. I'm quality over quantity, so if you don't write out three paragraphs, do at least make what you write interesting. But, for the record, I don't completely intend on this being casual. I don't have immensely high standards, but paragraph posting is a minimum in my book. Three paragraphs for a history isn't that bad if you get in good quality with it...

@Scrubnoppon Daydream Generations, but nothing compares to the intro.
@YoMo I had a lengthier reply wrote out, but the site was apparently down while I wrote it and it was lost. Long story short, the fact your character is Spiritually Aware and is mostly unique based on their normal life makes it pretty easy to space out; made even easier if you have other traits. And, it'll likely become quite a bit easier if you vote in on and join a central city I can make. I'm quality over quantity, so if you don't write out three paragraphs, do at least make what you write interesting. But, for the record, I don't completely intend on this being casual. I don't have immensely high standards, but paragraph posting is a minimum in my book. Three paragraphs for a history isn't that bad if you get in good quality with it...

@Scrubnoppon Daydream Generations, but nothing compares to the intro.

I listen to smile bomb daily. No joke. I jam out to it during school. 
I'm just going to second what @Sir Les Paul is saying, that a three-paragraph history is a good standard. You want to flesh out your character a bit, don't you? Give them depth with a turning-point or two in their lives, what has affected their values and outlook on life. I think it makes it so much more interesting and fun to rp that way, and I hope everyone would feel the same way!
Hey everyone! 2 questions for you. 

1. Favorite ending theme? Mine is a tie between the homework never ends and sayonara bye bye. It fluctuates around a lot, but that's what it is at the moment. 

2. Have you seen those YYH anti piracy clips? They're really funny and I'll link them in case you haven't. 

The video of the clips.

1. Sayonara bye bye.

2. No I haven't. But now I have xD

@Sir Les Paul

So the rp will take place in the same time period as the anime. Does that mean cannon characters/villains may make an appearance? Or will you leave them untouched?
@QuirkyAngel I have touched on some of that information in the description, but others were left untouched. A large majority of Canon characters will exist in some form or another. There are going to be plenty of changes to the world to make it fit the premise of the RP, which is that Spirit Detectives have always existed in one way or another to police the Human World. In the anime, there were only ever two official Spirit Detectives. Characters like Genkai and Toguro were just described as Reikai masters that had opened a dojo. So, I obviously needed to make some changes to make this more RP-friendly. I don't intend on leasing out canon characters, but I do intend on using them. One big difference, for instance, is that Kurama will not be in Suichi. Others, like Botan, Genkai and Koenma are 100% confirmed to reappear. 
@Scrubnoppon @fliptheclown @floptheclown @Midnite @YoMo @QuirkyAngel @Azure Sky @gogojojo331

Alright, guys! I originally had more planned out, but the brief downtime of the site took out a long post of mine, so I cut it down by... a lot! But that's probably for the better. So, as you can probably see, I reformatted a few things. I found out I can basically only have 5 forums, and I planned for the future. I'll explain more later. What you need to know is I made the central city for anyone interested. It's Ketsuekikawa and it references some of the original places in Yu Yu Hakusho! Go take a look! If you want to start off some place else or with another character, shoot me a PM and we'll figure something out! But, this does mean you have a bit more background to work with your characters. :D

So, to explain the other things I did: I got rid of Archives and Introductions, then just merged them into the OOC. I merged all of the introductions into one thread. Honestly, I preferred it the other way, but I had to cut out two forums to have room for the Roleplay Zone which is where the Human World and Spirit Detectives are now. It's entirely about the limited number of forums I can have presently. I think I could request more later, but I don't want to make that a priority as much as I want to focus on getting everyone started. Short story is that I cut some things and did some reorganization.

Any questions?
I am currently in the process of brainstorming character ideas. Female or male? Which do you think?
I will not be making a Spirit Detective character (right off the bat), no. I want to focus on the story of YOUR characters. Which is why I'm waiting to open this until everyone has characters made. That way, you can all see what you have to work with and I can see what is around to give a fair critique across the board. 
Regarding the history should we include our character's death or do u have something planned for that?
Either or is fine. They have to die... so you can leave it a cliffhanger if you want. 

Also, guys, you all seem to be missing the one notable trait you should all be sharing: Spiritual Awareness. lol
So I have three days off coming up and I can allocate quite a bit of that time to going here.

What I need, though, are you guys to actually make those characters...

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