Main IC RP


The God-Emperor of Mankind
The land of Albion. Many will see it in different ways. Corrupt, beatiful, boring, exciting. 

This is where the RP starts.


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@Princess Ami @IamNotLoki

Fort Black, the huge fortress' roofs were shining under the sun that just reached noon. The wind was howling, one could hear it whistling on the higher towers of the huge keep. The clouds were covering some of the sky, whilst Initiates trained in the courtyard. Mephisto was walking on the battlements of one of the walls, more precisely he was trying to maintain balance on it, with his hands reaching outwards to the left and right, like a fly's wings. Mephisto's grin expressed that he was having fun, then he turned towards the courtyard and observed the training. He jumped down off of the incredibly high walls, in a way that would kill him if he wasn't a demon. He hit the ground, that shook slightly upon his hit, as dust arose from the ground into the air, and then spread back onto the ground. Mephisto wasn't even staggered by the fall, seemingly it didn't affect him at all. Mephisto continued to make his way towards one of the castle doors and entered, then walked up the stairs towards the dining hall, where some of the members were eating. Mephisto observed them with ecstacy painting on his face. He walked up to the table and picked up a sweet cookie, gently putting it in his mouth and consuming. What joyed him wasn't the cookie, or it's sight. It was seeing that this all was the work of William Black. Thinking of things this way always brought him happiness. He walked out of the room and as he walked up another set of stairs, he met one of the Guildmembers who said "Guildmaster, there are some lette-" wanting to inform Mephisto of the arrival of several new messages to him. Mephstio cut in and said "Got it, thanks." hopping by him.

He walked into his office and sat down on his slightly decorative, wooden chair with cushions. He sat back, relaxed and put his feet on the desk, whilst looking through messages sent to the Guild by carrier pigeons. "Let's see..." he muttered out. Then he continued to count the amount of messages in another, germanic language. "Eins, zwei, drei, vier, fünf, sechs, sieben, acht, neun, zehn, elf, zwölf" 12 new messages, 9 were jobs and contracts. He lied down the contracts to later on hand out to volunteers, then looked through the three other messages. "What do we have here~..." he said, opening up one of the white envelopes. He looked inside and saw an item, not an actual letter. He took it out and looked at it. An invitation and ticket to some theatre. Mephisto got these often, as he was the famous Guildmaster after all, however he very rarely actually attended. Being in the Guild with it's members, all of them living according to William Black's teachings and helping people, for either money or free. That was what made him the most happy in the world, and no opera could be better. He threw the invitation into the bin, whilst taking the ticket with him. Maybe he could give it to someone else? He searched the other messages and found nothing worthwhile.

Mephisto clapped his hands together, getting up from the chair and taking the contract envelopes, shoving them all in his suit. He took his umbrella-sabre-staff in his hands and walked outside to have them in case anyone wants, or needs a contract.

Meanwhile, Arawn was in a training room inside the keep's walls. There were several other Apprentices, Initiates, even Warriors around him doing the same, or somewhat similar thing as him: Bashing the hell out of a training dummy with melee weapons, or their hands. Arawn was using his sword, but he disdained doing this. He wanted to go out on assignments, or meet the teacher that Mephisto mentioned. Speak of the devil, literally. The demon, Mephisto Pheles, the Guildmaster walked into the room and said "Heya, Winwisk." approaching Arawn. Arawn turned to him and pretended to be busy. "Hello, Guildmaster. Hurry up, I'm training!" Mephisto smiled, with his fangs sticking out of his mouth. He didn't laugh, but Arawn's words definitely made him happy. "Well, okay. I see you'd like to hug that training dummy, instead of doing anything else, so I'll just take my leave!" as he performed a quick heel turn to the exit and walked. Arawn said "Nonono! Wait! Waaaait! I have time to talk about stuff!" trying not to sound pathetic, but he clearly attracted the attention of the other guild members. Mephisto turned around and proclaimed: "Splendid! Today's your lucky day, I will introduce you to your master, except I have no idea where she is! Let's go look for her in her room!..." and invitingly pointed his hands towards the exit of the room. Arawn looked at him, to which Mephisto said "After you."

Arawn didn't suspect anything, but why would he go out first? Well, whatever. Arawn walked to the entrance and as soon as he passed Mephisto, he tripped and fell on his torso. After falling, he slowly got up and looked up... Mephisto was the one who knocked him over. Everyone in the room laughed. Mephisto crouched down to meet the level of Arawn's head, then he pressed Arawn's nose like a Clown's with his pointing finger. "Gotcha~!" to which Arawn said "That was not funny!" Mephisto straightened up and offered him a hand, saying "Whatever, then it won't happen again." Arawn took upon his offer and grabbed Mephisto's hand, but as soon as he started raising into the air... Mephisto let go. Everyone in the room laughed again, it was a guffaw at this point. Mephisto said "Well, this won't happen again too, promise." giving him his hand again. Arawn got up himself, to which Mephisto frowned upon and rolled his eyes. What Mephisto was actually doing wasn't a prank. The demon was good at reading people, and Arawn was full of himself. Arrogant and self-righteous. He had to learn humility before becoming a Warrior and this was a way to lower his self-esteem to do it more quickly, Mephisto felt some regret of his actions but he did what had to be done to clean the boy's arrogance out of him.

Mephisto said "Well, follow me. To Amilia's room!"  he yelled in a proclamatory way, imitating a heroic voice for giggles. Indeed, Mephisto giggled afterwards and hopped towards the exit happily. Arawn just sighed and crossed his arms, feeling anxious, embarrased and not happy with how this played out.

Mephisto and Arawn went to Amilia Cariva's room to see if she was inside, if not then they'd have to look around somewhere else. Mephisto knocked on the door with a happy grin, then said "Hello! We've come to inquire about your spoons! Oh, wait! We didn't! We're here to make you two meet!" hoping she'd be inside.

@Princess Ami
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@Princess Ami @IamNotLoki

Fort Black, the huge fortress' roofs were shining under the sun that just reached noon. The wind was howling, one could hear it whistling on the higher towers of the huge keep. The clouds were covering some of the sky, whilst Initiates trained in the courtyard. Mephisto was walking on the battlements of one of the walls, more precisely he was trying to maintain balance on it, with his hands reaching outwards to the left and right, like a fly's wings. Mephisto's grin expressed that he was having fun, then he turned towards the courtyard and observed the training. He jumped down off of the incredibly high walls, in a way that would kill him if he wasn't a demon. He hit the ground, that shook slightly upon his hit, as dust arose from the ground into the air, and then spread back onto the ground. Mephisto continued to make his way towards one of the castle doors and entered, then walked up the stairs towards the dining hall, where some of the members were eating. Mephisto observed them with ecstacy painting on his face. He walked up to the table and picked up a sweet cookie, gently putting it in his mouth and consuming. What joyed him wasn't the cookie, or it's sight. It was seeing that this all was the work of William Black. Thinking of things this way always brought him happiness. As he walked up, he met one of the Guildmembers who said "Guildmaster, there are some lette-" wanting to inform Mephisto of the arrival of several new messages to him. Mephstio cut in and said "Got it, thanks." hopping by him.

He walked into his office and sat down on his slightly decorative, wooden chair with cushions. He sat back, relaxed and put his shoes on the desk, whilst looking through messages sent to the Guild by carrier pigeons. "Let's see..." he muttered out. Then he continued to count the amount of messages in another, germanic language. "Eins, zwei, drei, vier, fünf, sechs, sieben, acht, neun, zehn, elf, zwölf" 12 new messages, 9 were jobs and contracts. He lied down the contracts to later on hand out to volunteers, then looked through the three other messages. "What do we have here~..." he said, opening up one of the white envelopes. He looked inside and saw an item, not an actual letter. He took it out and looked at it. An invitation and ticket to some theatre. Mephisto got these often, as he was the famous Guildmaster after all, however he very rarely actually attended. Being in the Guild with it's members, all of them living according to William Black's teachings and helping people, for either money or free. That was what made him the most happy in the world, and no opera could be better. He threw the invitation into the bin, whilst taking the ticket with him. Maybe he could give it to someone else? He searched the other messages and found nothing worthwhile.

Mephisto clapped his hands together, getting up from the chair and taking the contract envelopes, shoving them all in his suit. He took his umbrella-sabre-staff in his hands and walked outside to have them in case anyone wants, or needs a contract.

Meanwhile, Arawn was in a training room inside the keep's walls. There were several other Apprentices, Initiates, even Warriors around him doing the same, or somewhat similar thing as him: Bashing the hell out of a training dummy with melee weapons, or their hands. Arawn was using his sword, but he disdained doing this. He wanted to go out on assignments, or meet the teacher that Mephisto mentioned. Speak of the devil, literally. The demon, Mephisto Pheles, the Guildmaster walked into the room and said "Heya, Winwisk." approaching Arawn. Arawn turned to him and pretended to be busy. "Hello, Guildmaster. Hurry up, I'm training!" Mephisto smiled, with his fangs sticking out of his mouth. He didn't laugh, but Arawn's words definitely made him happy. "Well, okay. I see you'd like to hug that training dummy, instead of doing anything else, so I'll just take my leave!" as he performed a quick heel turn to the exit and walked. Arawn said "Nonono! Wait! Waaaait! I have time to talk about stuff!" trying not to sound pathetic, but he clearly attracted the attention of the other guild members. Mephisto turned around and proclaimed: "Splendid! Today's your lucky day, I will introduce you to your master, except I have no idea where she is! Let's go look for her in her room!..." and invitingly pointed his hands towards the exit of the room. Arawn looked at him, to which Mephisto said "After you."

Arawn didn't suspect anything, but why would he go out first? Well, whatever. Arawn walked to the entrance and as soon as he passed Mephisto, he tripped and fell on his torso. After falling, he slowly got up and looked up... Mephisto was the one who knocked him over. Everyone in the room laughed. Mephisto crouched down to meet the level of Arawn's head, then he pressed Arawn's nose like a Clown's with his pointing finger. "Gotcha~!" to which Arawn said "That was not funny!" Mephisto straightened up and offered him a hand, saying "Whatever, then it won't happen again." Arawn took upon his offer and grabbed Mephisto's hand, but as soon as he started raising into the air... Mephisto let go. Everyone in the room laughed again, it was a guffaw at this point. Mephisto said "Well, this won't happen again too, promise." giving him his hand again. Arawn got up himself, to which Mephisto frowned upon and rolled his eyes. What Mephisto was actually doing wasn't a prank. The demon was good at reading people, and Arawn was full of himself. Arrogant and self-righteous. He had to learn humility before becoming a Warrior and this was a way to lower his self-esteem to do it more quickly, Mephisto felt some regret of his actions but he did what had to be done to clean the boy's arrogance out of him.

Mephisto said "Well, follow me. To Amilia's room!"  he yelled in a proclamatory way, imitating a heroic voice for giggles. Indeed, Mephisto giggled afterwards and hopped towards the exit happily. Arawn just sighed and crossed his arms, feeling anxious, embarrased and not happy with how this played out.

Mephisto and Arawn went to Amilia Cariva's room to see if she was inside, if not then they'd have to look around somewhere else. Mephisto knocked on the door with a happy grin, then said "Hello! We've come to inquire about your spoons! Oh, wait! We didn't! We're here to make you two meet!" hoping she'd be inside.

@Princess Ami

Amilia was in her room indeed. The small framed woman was standing front to a mirror. It hung very deep, deeper than usual, so she could see everything she needed. She was currently brushing her hair, the various weapons of hers hanging at side and back. That was, until the door opened. "My spoons, again?", she giggled a little bit. Then, she straightened up. That was, when she realized there was somebody. Her smile immediatly faded and she appeared to be a little clueless who that was and even surprised that there was a person. She had a little clueless look on her face. It was cute, sure, but it did not make her look very intelligent. "Who is that?" Her voice had gotten a very low volume. It made her come off very shy and scared of the new person. 

Then she turned her back to the two. "Its Arawn Winwisk, is it not? That apprentice i am meant to be training and guiding..." She turned to them again. "I am Amilia Cariva. I am an adept."
Amilia was in her room indeed. The small framed woman was standing front to a mirror. It hung very deep, deeper than usual, so she could see everything she needed. She was currently brushing her hair, the various weapons of hers hanging at side and back. That was, until the door opened. "My spoons, again?", she giggled a little bit. Then, she straightened up. That was, when she realized there was somebody. Her smile immediatly faded and she appeared to be a little clueless who that was and even surprised that there was a person. She had a little clueless look on her face. It was cute, sure, but it did not make her look very intelligent. "Who is that?" Her voice had gotten a very low volume. It made her come off very shy and scared of the new person. 

Then she turned her back to the two. "Its Arawn Winwisk, is it not? That apprentice i am meant to be training and guiding..." She turned to them again. "I am Amilia Cariva. I am an adept."

Mephisto upon hearing her words said "Yes, your spoons! They are great for eating cake! However, we have come here to talk about your apprentice!" then the both heard the sudden change in her tone. Arawn was initially a bit surprised, but Mephisto didn't flicker, as he was used to it. Upon hearing his name mentioned, Arawn nodded. "Yes! Arawn Winwisk, Apprentice!" in a disciplined tone, standing straight and proud, with a focused face. Seeing the boy's determination, Mephisto pat him on the head, whilst Arawn maintained his position. "So cute..." Mephisto commented and then said "Well, Arawn. Leave us alone for a while, we have to talk. You'll catch up later." And Arawn just looked at Mephisto, who slowly walked to Amilia. Mephisto stopped mid-way and turned to Arawn. "Didn't you hear? You'll catch up later! And close the door!" speaking more loudly, thinking Arawn might have misheard, or not heard him at all. Arawn realized he was still standing and said "Yes!" quickly, in some embarrasment and quickly left the room, then closed the door behind himself.

Mephisto turned back to Amilia and started talking about Arawn, to inform her about him and what sort of person he is. Mephisto tried to explain quickly, saying "Alright, a few things you need to know: First, his self-esteem is too high. He's about as arrogant as a royal elven child, and he believes all his choices are right ones. He lacks natural talent and skill, but he's made some progress since his initation. Those are his main flaws, we need to clean them out. I propose to lower his self-esteem until it's low enough to mold and put him back together into a proper hero. As for skill: I guess he'll learn from you, right? You both have similar fighting styles. And for his pros: His determination exceeds most and he idolizes my f--" and then stopped himself, realizing he was digging into the more private area, and that William wasn't even his real father, just a person who took care of him when he was little. Mephisto sighed and continued. "I mean... he idolizes William Black, which makes him good hero material. His moral judgement is... well, relatively good, but he can still make wrong choices. He believes all of his choices are good, so you need to find some exploit in his programming to convince him otherwise. Good luck on that."
Mephisto upon hearing her words said "Yes, your spoons! They are great for eating cake! However, we have come here to talk about your apprentice!" then the both heard the sudden change in her tone. Arawn was initially a bit surprised, but Mephisto didn't flicker, as he was used to it. Upon hearing his name mentioned, Arawn nodded. "Yes! Arawn Winwisk, Apprentice!" in a disciplined tone, standing straight and proud, with a focused face. Seeing the boy's determination, Mephisto pat him on the head, whilst Arawn maintained his position. "So cute..." Mephisto commented and then said "Well, Arawn. Leave us alone for a while, we have to talk. You'll catch up later." And Arawn just looked at Mephisto, who slowly walked to Amilia. Mephisto stopped mid-way and turned to Arawn. "Didn't you hear? You'll catch up later! And close the door!" speaking more loudly, thinking Arawn might have misheard, or not heard him at all. Arawn realized he was still standing and said "Yes!" quickly, in some embarrasment and quickly left the room, then closed the door behind himself.

Mephisto turned back to Amilia and started talking about Arawn, to inform her about him and what sort of person he is. Mephisto tried to explain quickly, saying "Alright, a few things you need to know: First, his self-esteem is too high. He's about as arrogant as a royal elven child, and he believes all his choices are right ones. He lacks natural talent and skill, but he's made some progress since his initation. Those are his main flaws, we need to clean them out. I propose to lower his self-esteem until it's low enough to mold and put him back together into a proper hero. As for skill: I guess he'll learn from you, right? You both have similar fighting styles. And for his pros: His determination exceeds most and he idolizes my f--" and then stopped himself, realizing he was digging into the more private area, and that William wasn't even his real father, just a person who took care of him when he was little. Mephisto sighed and continued. "I mean... he idolizes William Black, which makes him good hero material. His moral judgement is... well, relatively good, but he can still make wrong choices. He believes all of his choices are good, so you need to find some exploit in his programming to convince him otherwise. Good luck on that."

Amilia kept her clueless manner up all the time, a small smile running over her face at the spoon part. But she did not let anything else disturb the bad image she gave. She looked like a kid, a 14 year old at maximum. That was just how she always appeared and it was just what made people underestimate her. 

The moment the door closed, was the moment her attitude changed. It was very simple. Mephisto was one of the few people she was herself around, because she trusted him. She knew him for a long time, he had known her mother too. And she knew he was a good one, even though he acted like an asshole at times. She nodded to all his statements. "I saw it on the first look, that he was a very self confident guy. Too confident. Also, what you say sounds like good potential, but it will be a hard piece of work. I will do my best." She smiled at him. "Okay, but i should get to know him now." 

She walked past Mephisto and opened the door, almost bumping into Arawn. Her expression looked dumb again and she appeared like a kid again. "Oh.", she muttered and then looked up at her student. "So... hi...", she murmured. She would let him think she was a weak idiot to test his reaction.
Amilia kept her clueless manner up all the time, a small smile running over her face at the spoon part. But she did not let anything else disturb the bad image she gave. She looked like a kid, a 14 year old at maximum. That was just how she always appeared and it was just what made people underestimate her. 

The moment the door closed, was the moment her attitude changed. It was very simple. Mephisto was one of the few people she was herself around, because she trusted him. She knew him for a long time, he had known her mother too. And she knew he was a good one, even though he acted like an asshole at times. She nodded to all his statements. "I saw it on the first look, that he was a very self confident guy. Too confident. Also, what you say sounds like good potential, but it will be a hard piece of work. I will do my best." She smiled at him. "Okay, but i should get to know him now." 

She walked past Mephisto and opened the door, almost bumping into Arawn. Her expression looked dumb again and she appeared like a kid again. "Oh.", she muttered and then looked up at her student. "So... hi...", she murmured. She would let him think she was a weak idiot to test his reaction.

Mephisto heard her words about potential and mentioned. "By the way. An odd, but curious thing. Both your, and his mother used to be a part of the guild. Yours, well... I'm sorry for mentioning that. And his mother retired. We can at least hope that history doesn't repeat itself." and saw her smile and last words. Mephisto nodded in agreement and said "You'll clean out the stone later, or I'll send someone in later." and from his voice you could tell clearly he wasn't planning to send someone later. Before anyone could respond, he took off his hat and said "Ciao~!" tipping it to Amilia, then he turned into a stone statue. One of his many tricks, he teleported somewhere elsewhere although he still had knowledge, sense, vision and hearing of everything that happened around the statue, if he wanted to have it, and he could take control of it, or teleport into it at any time. Quite an annoying escape trick indeed. He was probably sitting in his office, eating some food, or drinking alcohol, or maybe actually doing his job like he does once in a while. For a Guildmaster: Mephisto was slightly above average in carrying out his duties and very powerful in terms of strength and combat potential.

When Amilia opened up the door, Arawn's eyes laid on her and watched her. Then he noticed a statue of Mephisto behind her. The statue was tipping it's stoney hat to them. "What happened to him?" Arawn muttered to himself, but then heard Amilia's voice. He looked at her and smiled awkwardly, clearly trying to empathize and be polite. "Hello. I'm Arawn Winwisk! My mother, Rose, used to be a part of the guild long ago. I'm going to go in her footsteps and be just like William Black! A hero!" There was a weird vibe to the words 'William Black.' Clearly he was impressed by the man, like a child adoring their favourite super-hero. Confidence never left his words, or face. His voice was like a thunderstorm, loud and strong. "Please, show me how to be one!" he requested, with a more pleading voice.
It is a popular point of conversation among the newly initiated to tell the fascinating story of the "Ghost of the Library".  They say that sometimes, when one visits the library, they'll feel an overwhelming presence behind them whenever they settle on one of the aisles and read a book.  They say that sometimes people have glanced at large shadows moving around in the corner of their eyes.  Some people have even claimed to hear the sound of clashing metal coming from the far corners of the library when they think they are alone.  Even a smaller handful of initiates have claimed to have witnessed one of the Library's many suits of armor move on their own.  All these urban legends actually originated from the frequent timid denizen of the dusty shelves... the strange and elusive Baragar.

Baragar is a looming figure of around 7 to 8 feet tall.  His thick, monsterous fingers restrain themselves as he flip over pages half the size of his huge hands.  Wearing a full suit of bronze armor, he looked down at the small typefaces of the pages through his metal helmet.  As he read you can hear the sound of his breath hitting the metallic bronze front of his helmet.  The library was rarely visited because of the rumors, so it is natural for a bookworm like Baragar to claim it as his sanctuary from his Guildmates.  

What he was reading is particularly interesting.  Its an essay written by an ancient Biologist about the healing properties of unicorn horns.  It also mentions that dipping the horn in poisoned water removes the poison.  His metal fingers clinked against his helmeted chin as he read this part quietly.  The light coming from a nearby window caught his eye.  He walked to it and looked down at the courtyard.  Many guild members are busy training their bodies, hitting wooden dummies with swords and spears.  He saw how Mephisto led the new member Arawn and fooled around with him.  Baragar chuckled quietly as the others laughed at Arawn... it looks like they were having a lot of fun down there.  Baragar let out a metallic sigh and pushed a metal digit to separae the pages of his book once again.  He debated with himself about joining the others in the courtyard.  "If I do hit those dummies, even with just my fist, it will just go flying away breaking some window... I really don't want to pay for a broken window... or a broken wall..."  He grumbled quietly.  He closed his book and replaced it on the shelf... the shelf tilted slightly backwards as he did.  "Besides... I'm not like them... just being near me is dangerous for most of them... humans are made of paper skins and glass flesh..."  He grumbled.
It is a popular point of conversation among the newly initiated to tell the fascinating story of the "Ghost of the Library".  They say that sometimes, when one visits the library, they'll feel an overwhelming presence behind them whenever they settle on one of the aisles and read a book.  They say that sometimes people have glanced at large shadows moving around in the corner of their eyes.  Some people have even claimed to hear the sound of clashing metal coming from the far corners of the library when they think they are alone.  Even a smaller handful of initiates have claimed to have witnessed one of the Library's many suits of armor move on their own.  All these urban legends actually originated from the frequent timid denizen of the dusty shelves... the strange and elusive Baragar.

Baragar is a looming figure of around 7 to 8 feet tall.  His thick, monsterous fingers restrain themselves as he flip over pages half the size of his huge hands.  Wearing a full suit of bronze armor, he looked down at the small typefaces of the pages through his metal helmet.  As he read you can hear the sound of his breath hitting the metallic bronze front of his helmet.  The library was rarely visited because of the rumors, so it is natural for a bookworm like Baragar to claim it as his sanctuary from his Guildmates.  

What he was reading is particularly interesting.  Its an essay written by an ancient Biologist about the healing properties of unicorn horns.  It also mentions that dipping the horn in poisoned water removes the poison.  His metal fingers clinked against his helmeted chin as he read this part quietly.  The light coming from a nearby window caught his eye.  He walked to it and looked down at the courtyard.  Many guild members are busy training their bodies, hitting wooden dummies with swords and spears.  He saw how Mephisto led the new member Arawn and fooled around with him.  Baragar chuckled quietly as the others laughed at Arawn... it looks like they were having a lot of fun down there.  Baragar let out a metallic sigh and pushed a metal digit to separae the pages of his book once again.  He debated with himself about joining the others in the courtyard.  "If I do hit those dummies, even with just my fist, it will just go flying away breaking some window... I really don't want to pay for a broken window... or a broken wall..."  He grumbled quietly.  He closed his book and replaced it on the shelf... the shelf tilted slightly backwards as he did.  "Besides... I'm not like them... just being near me is dangerous for most of them... humans are made of paper skins and glass flesh..."  He grumbled.

Suddenly Mephisto appeared near Baragar, with a flash of sound similar to thunder, but quieter. He was tipping his hat as soon as he arrived, and he had a grin on his face. "How is my favourite lizardman doing?" laying his hand on Baragar's shoulder and taking support on his big, bulky body. Mephisto put his hat back on with the other hand and looked up at Baragar. "Anyway, I was thinking maybe you could help me out, big guy?" then jumped back, seemingly trying to trip onto the floor. He started floating mid-air, about a meter above the ground using Prestidigitation. He laid his hands back behind his head and took on a firm, but relaxed pose and flashed Baragar with a smile, still floating above ground like a man lying on a wooden raft, in the middle of the sea. Mephisto quickly commented. "No, not by catching me. I had another idea. You're good at taming animals, right? Or so I hear... or so I know." trying to see how confident Baragar would be, and awaiting his answer before continuing. You could already tell that Mephisto had a contract for Baragar, and probably a hard one.
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Mephisto heard her words about potential and mentioned. "By the way. An odd, but curious thing. Both your, and his mother used to be a part of the guild. Yours, well... I'm sorry for mentioning that. And his mother retired. We can at least hope that history doesn't repeat itself." and saw her smile and last words. Mephisto nodded in agreement and said "You'll clean out the stone later, or I'll send someone in later." and from his voice you could tell clearly he wasn't planning to send someone later. Before anyone could respond, he took off his hat and said "Ciao~!" tipping it to Amilia, then he turned into a stone statue. One of his many tricks, he teleported somewhere elsewhere although he still had knowledge, sense, vision and hearing of everything that happened around the statue, if he wanted to have it, and he could take control of it, or teleport into it at any time. Quite an annoying escape trick indeed. He was probably sitting in his office, eating some food, or drinking alcohol, or maybe actually doing his job like he does once in a while. For a Guildmaster: Mephisto was slightly above average in carrying out his duties and very powerful in terms of strength and combat potential.

When Amilia opened up the door, Arawn's eyes laid on her and watched her. Then he noticed a statue of Mephisto behind her. The statue was tipping it's stoney hat to them. "What happened to him?" Arawn muttered to himself, but then heard Amilia's voice. He looked at her and smiled awkwardly, clearly trying to empathize and be polite. "Hello. I'm Arawn Winwisk! My mother, Rose, used to be a part of the guild long ago. I'm going to go in her footsteps and be just like William Black! A hero!" There was a weird vibe to the words 'William Black.' Clearly he was impressed by the man, like a child adoring their favourite super-hero. Confidence never left his words, or face. His voice was like a thunderstorm, loud and strong. "Please, show me how to be one!" he requested, with a more pleading voice.

Amilia got a dumbfounded expression. "A hero?", she repeated and it was like she spit out the words. "I am telling you right away. I am not gonna make you a hero. I can´t make you one.", she said bluntly and then turned around sticking her tongue out to the statue, her action being unseen by the apprentice. 

"A hero, dear Arawn is nothing you become through training. It is nothing you can just get practiced to be and wosh, you are one. Thats not how it works." After speaking those words, she turned to him again. "A hero is something you become through choices. Through an opportunity that hits you without any warning. You get a chance, maybe, and you have to react. The right place in te right moment to be the right person taking the right decision. That what makes you a hero. I cant provide that. All i can do is prepare you. Prepare you so you can take the opportunity. Prepare you so that you have everything you need to become that hero you want to be."  Whilst speaking, her face had lost the stupidity that it appeared to have. Her true self came through a little bit. 

After that short speech, she just got how she was around him before again. "Sooo...", she said looking him up and down, that being hard for the short woman. "We should get to know a little bit. We should see your skills a little bit... we should... Eat something. Im hungry."
Amilia got a dumbfounded expression. "A hero?", she repeated and it was like she spit out the words. "I am telling you right away. I am not gonna make you a hero. I can´t make you one.", she said bluntly and then turned around sticking her tongue out to the statue, her action being unseen by the apprentice. 

"A hero, dear Arawn is nothing you become through training. It is nothing you can just get practiced to be and wosh, you are one. Thats not how it works." After speaking those words, she turned to him again. "A hero is something you become through choices. Through an opportunity that hits you without any warning. You get a chance, maybe, and you have to react. The right place in te right moment to be the right person taking the right decision. That what makes you a hero. I cant provide that. All i can do is prepare you. Prepare you so you can take the opportunity. Prepare you so that you have everything you need to become that hero you want to be."  Whilst speaking, her face had lost the stupidity that it appeared to have. Her true self came through a little bit. 

After that short speech, she just got how she was around him before again. "Sooo...", she said looking him up and down, that being hard for the short woman. "We should get to know a little bit. We should see your skills a little bit... we should... Eat something. Im hungry."

Arawn's confidence quickly faltered when he heard her whole speech about heroism. It made him feel pathetic, but you could tell from his facial expression that for the time being he lost some of his spirit, but not all of it. His cheeks turned somewhat red in embarrasment, but after a second or two, he returned to his stern and impervious facial expression from before. The smile was a bit smaller, more like an awkward simper. He would not give up his hopes and determination so quickly and he came through. Arawn nodded to his new master, acknowledging what she said, after all... he would still be a hero in the end, no matter what. Arawn heard her words and nodded. "Then we go to the dining hall? Lead the way, master." deciding to refer to her this way, as she was technically his superior. Arawn changed to a normal, somewhat apathetic face. He had so many questions he wanted to be answered. About his future. About the guild. What is it like to be an Adept. They flooded his mind, but he decided he wouldn't bother her for now, maybe during meal time?
Suddenly Mephisto appeared near Baragar, with a flash of sound similar to thunder. He was tipping his hat as soon as he arrived, and he had a grin on his face. "How is my favourite lizardman doing?" laying his hand on Baragar's shoulder and taking support on his big, bulky body. Mephisto put his hat back on with the other hand and looked up at Baragar. "Anyway, I was thinking maybe you could help me out, big guy?" then jumped back, seemingly trying to trip onto the floor. He started floating mid-air, about a meter above the ground using Prestidigitation. He laid his hands back behind his head and took on a firm, but relaxed pose and flashed Baragar with a smile, still floating above ground like a man lying on a wooden raft, in the middle of the sea. Mephisto quickly commented. "No, not by catching me. I had another idea. You're good at taming animals, right?" trying to see how confident Baragar would be, and awaiting his answer before continuing. You could already tell that Mephisto had a contract for Baragar, and probably a hard one.

Baragar turned his metal head to face his guest.  Not a lot of folks visit his "sanctuary" he knows that it must be the Guild Master himself, Mephisto.  Baragar faced Mephisto respectfully and bowed slightly.  He heard the word "Lizardman" again.   Its a common word to describe his race.  He ignored the statement as he is used to being called a Lizardman by now.  After all it's not their fault, he is wearing the ceremonial armor of an ancient Lizardman culture (although only those well versed in ancient arms and armors can distinguish the rare armor he's wearing).  He bore no offense at all in his heart.  He tried to bow as low as his massive body can allow.

"Master Mephisto, it's an honor to meet you again,"  The hulking giant said with a deep metallic voice.  Being fairly new, Baragar only met the Guild Master once or twice before.  Once when he was being trained to use a certain spell called "Illuminate", the other time was during an event with a rampaging Owlbear.  Baragar stood silently and allowed the Guildmaster to speak.  "You're good at taming animals right?"  the man asked.  Baragar was somewhat flattered.

"Thank you for noticing my specialty,"  Baragar said through his helmet.  "I have spent most of my life before the joining the guild helping villages deal with wild monsters.  Although I would rather deal with them non-violently, I would accept any challenge you have for me,"  Baragar stated, excited for a mission.  He hopes he can find a rare monster to observe and log down into his Bestiary in progress.  "What animal do you have in mind, sir?"  Baragar asked with a more restrained voice.
Arawn's confidence quickly faltered when he heard her whole speech about heroism. It made him feel pathetic, but you could tell from his facial expression that for the time being he lost some of his spirit, but not all of it. His cheeks turned somewhat red in embarrasment, but after a second or two, he returned to his stern and impervious facial expression from before. The smile was a bit smaller, more like an awkward simper. He would not give up his hopes and determination so quickly and he came through. Arawn nodded to his new master, acknowledging what she said, after all... he would still be a hero in the end, no matter what. Arawn heard her words and nodded. "Then we go to the dining hall? Lead the way, master." deciding to refer to her this way, as she was technically his superior. Arawn changed to a normal, somewhat apathetic face. He had so many questions he wanted to be answered. About his future. About the guild. What is it like to be an Adept. They flooded his mind, but he decided he wouldn't bother her for now, maybe during meal time?

Amilia quickly led him to the dining hall. She took her usual place, after she had gotten her usual meal. Some chicken meat and a salad. "Dont call me master, really. I feel so old then... Im not that old, am i?" She said, smiling at him. Then she started eating, mannered like a lady of course. "Now, tell me a little about your self. Who you are, what you like, what you see yourself good at, what your not good at... Everything i need to know. After that, you can ask me all the question that surely burn under your skin..." She sounded a little excited as well. "I am very curious. Mephi said we had a few things in common..." She really did it, she referred to him as "Mephi" He would know. of course he would. She was curious if he would let her do that without punishment. 
Baragar turned his metal head to face his guest.  Not a lot of folks visit his "sanctuary" he knows that it must be the Guild Master himself, Mephisto.  Baragar faced Mephisto respectfully and bowed slightly.  He heard the word "Lizardman" again.   Its a common word to describe his race.  He ignored the statement as he is used to being called a Lizardman by now.  After all it's not their fault, he is wearing the ceremonial armor of an ancient Lizardman culture (although only those well versed in ancient arms and armors can distinguish the rare armor he's wearing).  He bore no offense at all in his heart.  He tried to bow as low as his massive body can allow.

"Master Mephisto, it's an honor to meet you again,"  The hulking giant said with a deep metallic voice.  Being fairly new, Baragar only met the Guild Master once or twice before.  Once when he was being trained to use a certain spell called "Illuminate", the other time was during an event with a rampaging Owlbear.  Baragar stood silently and allowed the Guildmaster to speak.  "You're good at taming animals right?"  the man asked.  Baragar was somewhat flattered.

"Thank you for noticing my specialty,"  Baragar said through his helmet.  "I have spent most of my life before the joining the guild helping villages deal with wild monsters.  Although I would rather deal with them non-violently, I would accept any challenge you have for me,"  Baragar stated, excited for a mission.  He hopes he can find a rare monster to observe and log down into his Bestiary in progress.  "What animal do you have in mind, sir?"  Baragar asked with a more restrained voice.

Mephisto nodded to his bow and respectful words. He smiled and closed his eyes in joy, then said "No need to show this much respect, Baragar. I see all living beings as equal." however clearly he enjoyed being respected. Mephisto sat down in a meditating pose, but still floated above the air. The bottom of his coat lightly scratched the floor of the library, as he looked straight at Baragar and heard out his explantation with some interest painted on his face. Mephisto laid back down, keeping his levitation up. Upon hearing 'What animal do you have in mind, sir?' Mephisto didn't answer, not yet. What was he exactly doing, though? Building tension? Perhaps thinking? Mephisto gently closed his eyes and shook his head. "Not an animal, I'm afraid. More like a scary monster bigger than this castle."

Mephisto ceased his levitation, standing up on the ground again. He had a... serious look. This could terrify a brave person, as Mephisto rarely wore this look. "Have you ever heard of the Scatha? I figure you don't, because they're practically ancient history of ancient history for ancient historians and were forgotten by most people. Well, let me explain. Long ago, I mean VERY LONG ago. Neither I, William Black, nor the kingdom of Albion existed back then, and Gael had a different name, there existed a species of dragons so big, so ancient, so powerful and so majestic that they were worshipped by other Dragons, and could even eat them. A Scatha was around four times the size of a Fenrir Ice Dragon, allowing them to consume younger dragons of lesser races in one, effortless bite." then he paused again.

"We found one." giving Baragar a few seconds, to let that information sink in. "Hell, maybe even more than one. Who knows? In the caves in southern Albion, not so far from Dark Forest, at some old mountain passage. At least that's what this report claims." taking out a sheet of paper. He took it in his hands, stared at it and started reading. "Some old lumberjack from the nearby village was going through a mountain passage, to get to the southern forests sometime after dawn, exactly a week ago. Then he looked up, as he felt an immense cold and the sun was suddenly blocked. What he saw nearly made him go insane. He ran back to his village, yelling:" then Mephisto started imitating the voice of a troubled, terrified old man. "Demon! Demon! I tell you! I saw a demon! It was mighty, in the sky! It's skin was gross, covered in goo and it was dripping! It was yellow, slithering like a snake, but much more fearsome! It was bigger than the sun!" and returned to his normal voice afterwards. "Then there's more details on it." and handing him the full written report of what the creature looked like, according to the eye witness. There was also a fairly well-drawn picture of it.

"Shortly afterwards we were sent all of this information, along with a really rich contract by his Majesty, the king of Albion himself. The rumours spread through the country like an infestation and people are panicking, so obviously he wants us to get rid of it. So, then, I obviously started matching the report to different races of monsters. I tried everything, with dragons being my highest bet. But then... WHOOP! Nothing. Until I found an old history book in my personal library, and there I found out about the Scatha. They are exactly like what the man claims he saw. I don't know how a Scatha survived through all these years, but we have to go there, take it out, or at least somehow commune and convince it to be good, and determine whether it's just one, or their whole race awakening from slumber or something. If it is their race, then I genuinely think this country, and perhaps most of Gael is done for."

Mephisto handed Baragar all of the documents, allowing him for a few seconds to study them, before he levitated in the air again, with his previous smirk from before. "Anyway... You are the Guild's number one tamer, and this thing is going to be a real challenge. I might come along to help you, because we're not talking about the modern times evil dragon that you can reason with, or kill with a group of skilled hunters. We are talking about Scatha. Dragons that ate dragons and enslaved dragons, that were worshipped by dragons. This will not be a walk in the park, Baragar. Can I count on you to carry on the contract with my help?"

Amilia quickly led him to the dining hall. She took her usual place, after she had gotten her usual meal. Some chicken meat and a salad. "Dont call me master, really. I feel so old then... Im not that old, am i?" She said, smiling at him. Then she started eating, mannered like a lady of course. "Now, tell me a little about your self. Who you are, what you like, what you see yourself good at, what your not good at... Everything i need to know. After that, you can ask me all the question that surely burn under your skin..." She sounded a little excited as well. "I am very curious. Mephi said we had a few things in common..." She really did it, she referred to him as "Mephi" He would know. of course he would. She was curious if he would let her do that without punishment. 

Arawn sat next to Amilia and took the same stuff as her. He was trying to imitate her actions, perhaps seeing what she was eating as a balanced diet? He heard her request and said "Okay." in response. "Speaking of which, how old are you?" he asked, curiously. She looked about as old, if not even younger than him, which was amazing. The thought actually made him feel a bit confident. If she became an Adept so quickly, he'd get there in no time. He heard her question and started responding to her questions the best he could. "I'm Arawn Winwisk, 19 years old, from Bowerstone. My mother worked in the guild and my Father is a trader. I like stories about William Black, this guild, and I want to go into action as soon as possible. I won't ever give up on my destiny and purpose in life, and I'm not good for much, but I promise I will be!"

He heard the way she referred to the Guildmaster and in a brilliant thought-to-speech association that took him 3 seconds, he asked. "Are you two together?" referring to Mephisto, as she called him with a diminutive. Arawn clearly didn't mind, nor care about how she called Mephisto. Their status was merely an assumption, but then he quickly continued with an apology. "Oh, sorry! I shouldn't get into your private life." and blushing in embarrasment. He turned back to his food, trying not to make eye contact. After he calmed down and returned to his normal facial expression, he proceeded to ask her a few questions. "How long do you think it will take before I'm Adept? Oh, and what can you tell me about the Guildmaster?" remembering the also embarrasing moment not as long ago as up to 20 minutes when Mephisto threw him around as a joke.
Mephisto nodded to his bow and respectful words. He smiled and closed his eyes in joy, then said "No need to show this much respect, Baragar. I see all living beings as equal." however clearly he enjoyed being respected. Mephisto sat down in a meditating pose, but still floated above the air. The bottom of his coat lightly scratched the floor of the library, as he looked straight at Baragar and heard out his explantation with some interest painted on his face. Mephisto laid back down, keeping his levitation up. Upon hearing 'What animal do you have in mind, sir?' Mephisto didn't answer, not yet. What was he exactly doing, though? Building tension? Perhaps thinking? Mephisto gently closed his eyes and shook his head. "Not an animal, I'm afraid. More like a scary monster bigger than this castle."

Mephisto ceased his levitation, standing up on the ground again. He had a... serious look. This could terrify a brave person, as Mephisto rarely wore this look. "Have you ever heard of the Scatha? I figure you don't, because they're practically ancient history of ancient history for ancient historians and were forgotten by most people. Well, let me explain. Long ago, I mean VERY LONG ago. Neither I, William Black, nor the kingdom of Albion existed back then, and Gael had a different name, there existed a species of dragons so big, so ancient, so powerful and so majestic that they were worshipped by other Dragons, and could even eat them. A Scatha was around four times the size of a Fenrir Ice Dragon, allowing them to consume younger dragons of lesser races in one, effortless bite." then he paused again.

"We found one." giving Baragar a few seconds, to let that information sink in. "Hell, maybe even more than one. Who knows? In the caves in southern Albion, not so far from Dark Forest, at some old mountain passage. At least that's what this report claims." taking out a sheet of paper. He took it in his hands, stared at it and started reading. "Some old lumberjack from the nearby village was going through a mountain passage, to get to the southern forests sometime after dawn, exactly a week ago. Then he looked up, as he felt an immense cold and the sun was suddenly blocked. What he saw nearly made him go insane. He ran back to his village, yelling:" then Mephisto started imitating the voice of a troubled, terrified old man. "Demon! Demon! I tell you! I saw a demon! It was mighty, in the sky! It's skin was gross, covered in goo and it was dripping! It was yellow, slithering like a snake, but much more fearsome! It was bigger than the sun!" and returned to his normal voice afterwards. "Then there's more details on it." and handing him the full written report of what the creature looked like, according to the eye witness. There was also a fairly well-drawn picture of it.

"Shortly afterwards we were sent all of this information, along with a really rich contract by his Majesty, the king of Albion himself. The rumours spread through the country like an infestation and people are panicking, so obviously he wants us to get rid of it. So, then, I obviously started matching the report to different races of monsters. I tried everything, with dragons being my highest bet. But then... WHOOP! Nothing. Until I found an old history book in my personal library, and there I found out about the Scatha. They are exactly like what the man claims he saw. I don't know how a Scatha survived through all these years, but we have to go there, take it out, or at least somehow commune and convince it to be good, and determine whether it's just one, or their whole race awakening from slumber or something. If it is their race, then I genuinely think this country, and perhaps most of Gael is done for."

Mephisto handed Baragar all of the documents, allowing him for a few seconds to study them, before he levitated in the air again, with his previous smirk from before. "Anyway... You are the Guild's number one tamer, and this thing is going to be a real challenge. I might come along to help you, because we're not talking about the modern times evil dragon that you can reason with, or kill with a group of skilled hunters. We are talking about Scatha. Dragons that ate dragons and enslaved dragons, that were worshipped by dragons. This will not be a walk in the park, Baragar. Can I count on you to carry on the contract with my help?"

Arawn sat next to Amilia and took the same stuff as her. He was trying to imitate her actions, perhaps seeing what she was eating as a balanced diet? He heard her request and said "Okay." in response. "Speaking of which, how old are you?" he asked, curiously. She looked about as old, if not even younger than him, which was amazing. The thought actually made him feel a bit confident. If she became an Adept so quickly, he'd get there in no time. He heard her question and started responding to her questions the best he could. "I'm Arawn Winwisk, 19 years old, from Bowerstone. My mother worked in the guild and my Father is a trader. I like stories about William Black, this guild, and I want to go into action as soon as possible. I won't ever give up on my destiny and purpose in life, and I'm not good for much, but I promise I will be!"

He heard the way she referred to the Guildmaster and in a brilliant thought-to-speech association that took him 3 seconds, he asked. "Are you two together?" referring to Mephisto, as she called him with a diminutive. Arawn clearly didn't mind, nor care about how she called Mephisto. Their status was merely an assumption, but then he quickly continued with an apology. "Oh, sorry! I shouldn't get into your private life." and blushing in embarrasment. He turned back to his food, trying not to make eye contact. After he calmed down and returned to his normal facial expression, he proceeded to ask her a few questions. "How long do you think it will take before I'm Adept? Oh, and what can you tell me about the Guildmaster?" remembering the also embarrasing moment not as long ago as up to 20 minutes when Mephisto threw him around as a joke.

Amilia listened to what he said. That guy was so ambitious. Almost cute. She´d put him in his place soon. A training match, he´d land on his butt and he´d not be that confident on being an adept anymore. She knew guys like him, she had bested more than enough of them. Also, as Mephisto said, that boy lacked the natural talent. Well, she´d see about that. And then it came. The question. 

"T-Together?" Amilia for a second lost her cool. Then she laughed heartily. She needed a moment. Then she controlled herself. "He´d probably wish for that. Nah, we are not together. I´d call him a friend." Then, she continued her meal. "Okay, so, first question, my age. I am 22. Next question... How long will you take? Gosh, i cant even tell if you will EVER be one. You sure are self confident, but it is not you who needs to find you worthy. You need extraordinary skills to become an adept and according to what i heard so far, you are far from that. Next, the guildmaster... Mephi... Well, he is a trickster. I cant tell you much, that you dont already know. He is an idiot from hair to bone. But he is a good one. He is good at heart and he will never do unjust. And he is the god damn best mage that is running around on this planet."

Amilia finished her meal. "Okay... So. What about a little spare, so i can estimate your skills." She got up and smiled. "Lets go."

(Heading to sleep soon. Might do one more post before it, but no promise.)
Amilia listened to what he said. That guy was so ambitious. Almost cute. She´d put him in his place soon. A training match, he´d land on his butt and he´d not be that confident on being an adept anymore. She knew guys like him, she had bested more than enough of them. Also, as Mephisto said, that boy lacked the natural talent. Well, she´d see about that. And then it came. The question. 

"T-Together?" Amilia for a second lost her cool. Then she laughed heartily. She needed a moment. Then she controlled herself. "He´d probably wish for that. Nah, we are not together. I´d call him a friend." Then, she continued her meal. "Okay, so, first question, my age. I am 22. Next question... How long will you take? Gosh, i cant even tell if you will EVER be one. You sure are self confident, but it is not you who needs to find you worthy. You need extraordinary skills to become an adept and according to what i heard so far, you are far from that. Next, the guildmaster... Mephi... Well, he is a trickster. I cant tell you much, that you dont already know. He is an idiot from hair to bone. But he is a good one. He is good at heart and he will never do unjust. And he is the god damn best mage that is running around on this planet."

Amilia finished her meal. "Okay... So. What about a little spare, so i can estimate your skills." She got up and smiled. "Lets go."

(Heading to sleep soon. Might do one more post before it, but no promise.)

Arawn nodded sarcastically, but her words clearly meant little to him. His determination didn't falter, and he commented. "By the way, I'm not giving up. You can make me run from here to Bowerstone and back without a moment of rest, but I won't give up. I will be a hero one day. I know I will. It's my destiny after all." crossing his arms. As the both finished their meals, Arawn got up and said "I will prove to you that I won't give up. I can fight for as long as you want me to, even until midnight."
Arawn nodded sarcastically, but her words clearly meant little to him. His determination didn't falter, and he commented. "By the way, I'm not giving up. You can make me run from here to Bowerstone and back without a moment of rest, but I won't give up. I will be a hero one day. I know I will. It's my destiny after all." crossing his arms. As the both finished their meals, Arawn got up and said "I will prove to you that I won't give up. I can fight for as long as you want me to, even until midnight."

She lead him to the training ground, where still a lot of people were bashing at the test dummies. She put down her sword and the stilettos and replaced them by training weapons, taking the sword in her hand and leaving the two other weapons in their sheaths. She took a defensive state and nodded at him. "You get the first move, little one." And whilst she was talking, a few people of the crowd, that now was watching, joined in like in a choir. "I dont like to go first at all." She did not care and waited for his move.
She lead him to the training ground, where still a lot of people were bashing at the test dummies. She put down her sword and the stilettos and replaced them by training weapons, taking the sword in her hand and leaving the two other weapons in their sheaths. She took a defensive state and nodded at him. "You get the first move, little one." And whilst she was talking, a few people of the crowd, that now was watching, joined in like in a choir. "I dont like to go first at all." She did not care and waited for his move.

Arawn started muttering, more like humming a song under his breath. It was a rhytmical tune, it looked like he focused on it, but then he redirected some of his focus to the actual engagement. He grabbed the wooden training sword and stood in a fairly average position. His legs were wide, his body was lowered, balance of the stance looked to be fairly average. He slowly approached her, then swung his sword ferociously, starting a series of vicious, uncontrolled swipes, then ended it with a stabbing move forward, where he leaned out, also risking his body balance.
Arawn started muttering, more like humming a song under his breath. It was a rhytmical tune, it looked like he focused on it, but then he redirected some of his focus to the actual engagement. He grabbed the wooden training sword and stood in a fairly average position. His legs were wide, his body was lowered, balance of the stance looked to be fairly average. He slowly approached her, then swung his sword ferociously, starting a series of vicious, uncontrolled swipes, then ended it with a stabbing move forward, where he leaned out, also risking his body balance.

The attacks were furious and not well thought through. It was not much of a challenge to deflect each. The last one as well got deflected with her sword, as Amilia turned a pirouette. But suddenly out of nowhere, a second sword was at Arawns throat while his and her sword were connected at his side, her sword locking up his. "Dead.", she calmly stated. THen she backed of a bit. "Too rash. Again."
The attacks were furious and not well thought through. It was not much of a challenge to deflect each. The last one as well got deflected with her sword, as Amilia turned a pirouette. But suddenly out of nowhere, a second sword was at Arawns throat while his and her sword were connected at his side, her sword locking up his. "Dead.", she calmly stated. THen she backed of a bit. "Too rash. Again."

His eyes widened up and he stopped humming his song, as soon as he found the blade at his throat. Arawn frowned, then moved back to start another practice. He stood back in his stance, but this time the same tune from before was no longer muttered out by him. Clearly he gave up on it, whatever it was. He approached Amilia again, this time more carefully, he kept his sword close to himself, in the middle ring of defense, with his arms bent slightly to fit his stance more. He attacked vertically, from above, aiming for the shoulders or the head, putting all of his strength and speed into the attack.
His eyes widened up and he stopped humming his song, as soon as he found the blade at his throat. Arawn frowned, then moved back to start another practice. He stood back in his stance, but this time the same tune from before was no longer muttered out by him. Clearly he gave up on it, whatever it was. He approached Amilia again, this time more carefully, he kept his sword close to himself, in the middle ring of defense, with his arms bent slightly to fit his stance more. He attacked vertically, from above, aiming for the shoulders or the head, putting all of his strength and speed into the attack.

Amilia raised her sword and parried the attack. And then, she decided it. The first little attack on his self confidence. Her second blade shot forward, hitting his stomach. "Dead.",she muttered, but that was not the end. She started to lounge to the front, next to him, making his sword drop into nothingness. Her first sword shot up, at his throat. "Dead.", her second took away his legs, making him fall. "Unbalanced." Then, her sword shot into its sheath, the other one front to his throat again, while he laid on the floor. "Dead to the power of three." 

She took a bit of distance again. "You are not quite good at all. Good enough for an apprentice. You do lack talent, but i guess i can make you become better with a good training."

(i hope its okay that i make her that superior, i dont wanna godmode, but she is supposed to be his master, right?)
Amilia raised her sword and parried the attack. And then, she decided it. The first little attack on his self confidence. Her second blade shot forward, hitting his stomach. "Dead.",she muttered, but that was not the end. She started to lounge to the front, next to him, making his sword drop into nothingness. Her first sword shot up, at his throat. "Dead.", her second took away his legs, making him fall. "Unbalanced." Then, her sword shot into its sheath, the other one front to his throat again, while he laid on the floor. "Dead to the power of three." 

She took a bit of distance again. "You are not quite good at all. Good enough for an apprentice. You do lack talent, but i guess i can make you become better with a good training."

(i hope its okay that i make her that superior, i dont wanna godmode, but she is supposed to be his master, right?)

Arawn dropped to the ground after her series of 'killing him' and heard her words. He felt angered. It was a glorious victory for her, and a shameful defeat for him. It was utterly embarrasing. He laid on his back, looking with his enraged eyes at Amilia. Arawn hesitated to get up, instead he just kept lying down and staring at her. He didn't speak, too ashamed to say anything. He looked down upon himself with sadness, his anger finally burning out, and with no hint of his previous confidence, Arawn boldly, simply muttered out two words asking her "What now?"

(Yeah, I'm good with it. That's exactly how he is meant to start out. A brat that wants to be a hero, thinking he can take on the whole world by himself, getting beaten over and over by others. He'll get character development and turn into a proper fighter with some time.)
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Arawn dropped to the ground after her series of 'killing him' and heard her words. He felt angered. It was a glorious victory for her, and a shameful defeat for him. It was utterly embarrasing. He laid on his back, looking with his enraged eyes at Amilia. Arawn hesitated to get up, instead he just kept lying down and staring at her. He didn't speak, too ashamed to say anything. He looked down upon himself with sadness, his anger finally burning out, and with no hint of his previous confidence, Arawn boldly, simply muttered out two words asking her "What now?"

(Yeah, I'm good with it. That's exactly how he is meant to start out. A brat that wants to be a hero, thinking he can take on the whole world by himself, getting beaten over and over by others. He'll get character development and turn into a proper fighter with some time.)

Standing at one the few thresholds within the room, Tiercel watched the two spar with a slightly stoic gaze. His arms were folded and a lazy smile rested on his lips. He whistled a drawn sound when Arawn hit the ground hard as he had- his many deaths in this battle were impressive. The take down had been so fluid. She was truly formidable!

Tiercel didn't know her well, but from what he understood, Amelia was no slouch when it came to swordsmanship, and most here could appreciate that. Tiercel could see Arawn was trying really hard as well. When all seemed to calm down around them, presumably the end of a good round the winged man stepped over to them and offer a hand to help Arawn up. 
"It was good effort," he offered, he knew there was no need to sugar coats things here, especially, but Arawn's expression seemed a bit intense- and Tiercel knew well through experience that it was never easy to accept defeat, which happened often for him, in most cases when practicing hand to hand. 
Understandably this was Amelia he was facing, though- it wasn't like she was an easy opponent to practice against. 
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Standing at one the few thresholds within the room, Tiercel watched the two spar with a slightly stoic gaze. His arms were folded and a lazy smile rested on his lips. He whistled a drawn sound when Arawn hit the ground hard as he had- his many deaths in this battle were impressive. The take down had been so fluid. She was truly formidable!

Tiercel didn't know her well, but from what he understood, Amelia was no slouch when it came to swordsmanship, and most here could appreciate that. Tiercel could see Arawn was trying really hard as well. When all seemed to calm down around them, presumably the end of a good round the winged man stepped over to them and offer a hand to help Arawn up. 
"It was good effort," he offered, he knew there was no need to sugar coats things here, especially, but Arawn's expression seemed a bit intense- and Tiercel knew well through experience that it was never easy to accept defeat, which happened often for him, in most cases when practicing hand to hand. 
Understandably this was Amelia he was facing, though- it wasn't like she was an easy opponent to practice against. 

Arawn stared at the calm man who lended him a helpful hand in the time of need... literally. Feeling supported by him, he accepted the lift and thought that Tiercel was an Angel because of his wings. "Sure was." Arawn commented on his previous remark getting up, now feeling much less embarrased than before. Earlier the same day, Arawn kept flashing with optimism, but now? Now he just wished the day was over as fast as possible. Today, and the last few weeks were exceptionally hard for him.  At first, Mephisto was just embarrasing him, then people laughed at him, now this: humiliating defeat in front of everyone. Tiercel helping him get up was the only positive memory he has of the last few days. Speaking of which, "Who are you?" Arawn asked, then shared his own name. "I'm Arawn Winwisk and this is my master, Amilia." 'or torturer...' Arawn kept the thought to himself, scowling at Amilia for the brutal overkill she performed.
Arawn stared at the calm man who lended him a helpful hand in the time of need... literally. Feeling supported by him, he accepted the lift and thought that Tiercel was an Angel because of his wings. "Sure was." Arawn commented on his previous remark getting up, now feeling much less embarrased than before. Earlier the same day, Arawn kept flashing with optimism, but now? Now he just wished the day was over as fast as possible. Today, and the last few weeks were exceptionally hard for him.  At first, Mephisto was just embarrasing him, then people laughed at him, now this: humiliating defeat in front of everyone. Tiercel helping him get up was the only positive memory he has of the last few days. Speaking of which, "Who are you?" Arawn asked, then shared his own name. "I'm Arawn Winwisk and this is my master, Amilia." 'or torturer...' Arawn kept the thought to himself, scowling at Amilia for the brutal overkill she performed.

As Tiercel helped the other up he offered a kind smile and nodded once when Arawn was righted back on his feet. "Oh? Sorry," Tiercel only realized now as he stood there that he hadn't formally introduced himself to either of these two yet. Picking up small noises including other people's conversations must have led him to trick himself into believing he'd already met them. Alas he knew they were known as Arawn and Amelia because he'd heard their names spoken before, but he knew little more than that. Eaves dropping was a nasty habit, one which Tiercel tried to keep in check, as best he could, at least. 

"My name is Tiercel," which indicative by his wings pattern actually was another name for a hawk. "It is good to meet you both." Truly it was. There weren't many people in the guild who were openly sociable. Chatting was mostly luxury, so Tiercel never formally met anybody. 

"I am not really... experienced with a sword, the balance feels strange after practicing with a dirk."  He murmured, absently looking to the practice weapons they were using. Judging from the shorter bladed weapon and the bow at his back, Tiercel was a kindjali user, himself. "I just came down from town near Fairfax recently, yourself?" He didn't want to get in the way of training, but having a little break in between wasn't totally harmful, was it? 

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As Tiercel helped the other up he offered a kind smile and nodded once when Arawn was righted back on his feet. "Oh? Sorry," Tiercel only realized now as he stood there that he hadn't formally introduced himself to either of these two yet. Picking up small noises including other people's conversations must have led him to trick himself into believing he'd already met them. Alas he knew they were known as Arawn and Amelia because he'd heard their names spoken before, but he knew little more than that. Eaves dropping was a nasty habit, one which Tiercel tried to keep in check, as best he could, at least. 

"My name is Tiercel," which indicative by his wings pattern actually was another name for a hawk. "It is good to meet you both." Truly it was. There weren't many people in the guild who were openly sociable. Chatting was mostly luxury, so Tiercel never formally met anybody. 

"I am not really... experienced with a sword, the balance feels strange after practicing with a dirk."  He murmured, absently looking to the practice weapons they were using. Judging from the shorter bladed weapon and the bow at his back, Tiercel was a kindjali user, himself. "I just came down from town near Fairfax recently, yourself?" He didn't want to get in the way of training, but having a little break in between wasn't totally harmful, was it? 

(After this post im gtg for the night.)

Arawn nodded happily and surely and responded "I'm from Bowerstone. Mom used to be a member of the guild, and she always told me stories about William Black, sometimes about herself." Then, remembering his purpose, Arawn let out a deep, heavy sigh, not a relieved one. It was like uncertain waves in the ocean, trembling unsurely. "It inspired me to join the Guild, but I'm not a natural fighter. Barely made it out as an apprentice, and suddenly it gets worse." And Arawn displayed a very strong affinity to talk, draw attention and lead the conversation in his words. The classic traits of an extroverted person. "What's your reason for being here?" Arawn curiously inquired, smirking at Tiercel, as he just couldn't afford a smile after all the annoying, bad stuff that happened to him today.

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