Maiken High

Miss Fallen Matrix

To RPs I've joined. I'm sorry for my absence
@Miss Fallen Matrix, please edit this post to include the character/sign-up information.


Species: (optional)




Appearance: (Image please)


Lover/partner/crush: (optional)

Weapon: (optional)

Other: (optional)
Name:Iris Ackerman

Species: Werewolf


Power:Telepath, Telekiniess, and Invisibility

Personality: Cunning, Mischievous, Friendly, Stubborn, and Loving <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.7055316f109ebc1c3a84834cd7dd9298.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="33762" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.7055316f109ebc1c3a84834cd7dd9298.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.ab27a9c1ea355982d992e33dc6297550.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="33763" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.ab27a9c1ea355982d992e33dc6297550.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.ee2389a890b88128fa25e587196ef913.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="33765" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.ee2389a890b88128fa25e587196ef913.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Bio: Abandoned when she first turned

Lover/partner/crush: lone wolf

Weapon: (first pic!)



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Nevaeh Mai Kinano

Cursed Angel


Can heal anyone and anything, can poison you, highly powerful, can see your soul, mind and heart, and dark magic.

Kind, intelligent, strong, cunning, quiet, shy, helpful and dangerous.

Angel Form

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.17e35a24de292bedc02a3076ef8c321b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="33764" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.17e35a24de292bedc02a3076ef8c321b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Cursed form

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.8c8d4421ac231b08ba594d628f0e7bfe.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="33766" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.8c8d4421ac231b08ba594d628f0e7bfe.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Human form

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.7a5c2c1194d18d85d9318112e2d2d78c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="33767" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.7a5c2c1194d18d85d9318112e2d2d78c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Very multi-personality type person. It's why all of her forms look different. She was born a cursed angel. Her father a dark angel and her mother a pure angel. She was then brought into darkness when both sides tried to capture her or kill her. Her parents sent her away and died trying to protect her. She was sent to the school and was the first member of 'Katsura'.

Crush: she crushes on mysterious, cunning and kind guys sort-of nerdy and or Emo.

Weapon Heavenly cursed Scythe

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.ff06f25b6b022511832843d259295631.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="33772" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.ff06f25b6b022511832843d259295631.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Dislikes: being alone in the darkness, thunder

Likes: everything mischievous, sweet, funny, adorable and or intellectual.



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Name:Anastasia Micheal

Species: Gorgon


Power:lightning magic, turning people to stone, healing blood in right side of body, deadly poison blood form the left side of body

Personality: Can be flirty, joking, caring, though a little shy at times due to her suclusion one point but cold and almost feral monster in another.

Appearance: Add in some sunglasses as well.



Bio: Lived in seclusion for most of her life in a nearby forest due to the danger she possessed before she was somehow found by the school recruiters.

Lover/partner/crush: Open to any suggestions.



Other: (optional)
ThatGuyWithSouvlaki said:
Name:Anastasia Micheal
Species: Gorgon


Power:lightning magic, turning people to stone, healing blood in right side of body, deadly poison blood form the left side of body

Personality: Can be flirty, joking, caring, though a little shy at times due to her suclusion one point but cold and almost feral monster in another.

Appearance: Add in some sunglasses as well.



Bio: Lived in seclusion for most of her life in a nearby forest due to the danger she possessed before she was somehow found by the school recruiters.

Lover/partner/crush: Open to any suggestions.



Other: (optional)

Sorry I was out for a little bit
Name: Celes Akemi

Species: Unknown

Age: 16

Personality: Celes is a kind, soft-spoken girl, not really being the kind of person you'd expect to see in the employ of a group like the Remonai. Even under the employ of the Remonai she tries to carry out as little bloodshed as she can, instead using her gift to play a support role, playing the role of bait or creating alternate routes, cover and makeshift gear for her allies, minimizing the amount of actual combat she needs to partake in. She has and eerily long-fuse, and is able to take a huge amount of abuse before becoming angry or lashing out.

Power: The power of creation. Celes can create objects and constructs with the power of her mind. The full extent of her abilities are unknown, though the known limits are that to consciously create something she must have an understanding of how it works, for example to make say, a gun, she would need to understand how ALL the mechanical and magical parts of the weapon work, and her constructs must function properly within logic in both a mechanical and magical sense. Her subconscious seems to be able to bypass these rules, having manifested several things in the past that have been either far out of her understanding, or of a magical nature, though this has little to do with her actual capabilities with her gift, seeing as she, like all human beings, can't actually control her subconscious.



Born to a middle-class family, Celes had a rather normal first few years of life, with her gift not manifesting until she reached the age of five. As you can imagine, it led to a few... occurrences within her life, beginning with simple things like her coming into the possession of toys and other things seemingly out of nowhere. Understandingly, her parents were concerned, but were afraid that if they let slip to the world at large about the abilities, she'd be taken away or cast out, and elected to keep it a secret rather than seek out help.

As Celes grew older her abilities also grew in power, and slipped further out of her control, eventually leading to the 'monster under the bed' becoming a little less than imaginary, slaughtering both her parents, and likely would have killed her too, if not for her, in her panicked state, manifesting a sort of 'Guardian Angel' in the form of a man she named Kijiro. She didn't come out of the ordeal unscathed though, was rendered unable to move from the waist down, and ended up being adopted by the man she'd manifested to save her, though he acted as more of a butler than an actual father, mostly playing protector and friend, rather driving her to go out of her way to learn and grow.

Weapon: She's a pacifist.


-Paralyzed from the waist down.

-Stunted growth, looks around 14.

-Suffers from Night Terrors, which, thanks to her power, sometimes manifest in the real world.
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Kijiro Akemi

Species: Construct

Physical and Mental Age: 17

Actual Age: 5

Power: Able to summon a gunblade, along with the ability to regenerate wounds, due to being a Construct.

Personality: Kijiro's most prominent personality trait is the extreme amount of confidence he holds in himself, along with a fearless nature. Around most people he is fairly brash, though round Celes he acts fairly differently, being very attentive and helpful, though, this is only towards her, and he will behave as brashly as ever towards anyone else. His personality is essentially an 'offload' of Celes's pysche, designed to play the protector and servant towards her.

Appearance: (Image please)

Bio: Kijiro was created by Celes's subconscious five years ago during the incident in which her parents were killed, with the purpose of being someone who would be able to protect her from both the outside world, and any future incidents she may have due to her power, as such he doesn't really have much of a past, simply following Celes around, playing friend and protector to the best of his abilities. He likely isn't part of the Principal's plan, but one of Celes's conditions for joining Katsura was that he'd attend the school alongside her.

Lover/partner/crush: None

Weapon: Gunblade, he can summon it at will.
Name: Elizabeth Blackwell

Species: Human with powers

Age: 17

Power: Dark energy manipulation, invisibility, regeneration

Personality; Elizabeth is rebellious and not afraid to break any rule of she thinks that rule is stupid and useless or if she just feels like it. She is a daredevil and loves taking risks and extreme sports, she is very brave and intelligent and gets out of trouble very easily. She might seem cold at first but she is a very loyal and good friend ready to stand up for the ones she loves.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.d6eacd355000ff1be0ae6a091b4a1d9d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="34030" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.d6eacd355000ff1be0ae6a091b4a1d9d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Elizabeth was born in a wealthy family and everything was always easily for her. She had loving parents, good friends and control over her powers until she was fighting with her mother and her mother slapped her. She lost control of her powers and killed her mother without wanting to, her father tried to kill her but Elizabeth was able to defend herself and her father disappeared. She was forced to move with her uncle afterwards

Lover/partner/crush: Pm me

Weapon: Her powers

Other: (optional)



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Name: Ryuuk Fuso

Species: Draconian

Age: 354 looks 18

Power: super strength, speed, senses, regeneration, tough skin, and can turn into a half dragon.

Personality: strong and silent type. He is a great leader. Although he may seem like a dumb jock, he is actually one if the most intelligent students at the school. He can be nice.

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.418b37cb0d1220a0418eb04b5f7a1c8a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="34032" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.418b37cb0d1220a0418eb04b5f7a1c8a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bio: Lost with age.

Lover/partner/crush: Whoever.

Weapon: Swords.

Other: He smokes but since he has regeneration, it doesn't affect him in any negative way.



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Name: Mar Lurose

Species: Devil/Human

Age: 17 (Recent.)

Power: Physic Break, bone shattering strength for as long as his body may hold out. This makes him tired fast. (Max/Time: 1min and 30seconds.)

Personality: Easy to get along with. He may be extremely gullible at times. The only real dislike he has is a being's ignorance to their own mistakes.



(His skin, a bit brown, hair is seen, eyes are pastel gray until "Physic Break" [Red])

Bio: Born in late 97' (1997, July) to a couple who cared and loved for the "human" boy, Mar; was treated with absolute adoration. His father formerly as "Lurose" had worked as a overseer for the fishing post. His mother, a volunteer worker for the homeless and other. As Mar grew up it was evident he may have not seen his father too much, he may have been off on a boat scouting ahead of storms or mapping out uncharted territory. After his father left finally, during Mar's freshman summer heading to the 10th year, he left only a goodbye. As usual it didn't affect him, until his 16th birthday later that season when his father's promise of returning did not come to pass. The moment of the candles being blown out, a tradition for any child, it would be the last taste of joy for him, his body went limp. The only thing that remained open were his eyes, blood red and an unopened letter sticking side-ways out of the small cake reading: "Happy birthday, son." The silence around him was frightful, it seemed to be as a rough beating had happened, no groaning "Demon" suddenly coming from his Mother's pressed lips, the letter was readable now, "- I hope you understand, I tried but I failed. Love you with all my black heart, child." Below the note, a referral to the school.

Lover/partner/crush: To be announced. (If any)

Weapon: None (Possibility)

Other: His "Devil" rights give him the ability to learn minor magic. (Sparks, Ward [shield], etc)
EmilyPower said:
Name: Elizabeth Blackwell
Species: Human with powers

Age: 17

Power: Dark energy manipulation, invisibility, regeneration

Personality; Elizabeth is rebellious and not afraid to break any rule of she thinks that rule is stupid and useless or if she just feels like it. She is a daredevil and loves taking risks and extreme sports, she is very brave and intelligent and gets out of trouble very easily. She might seem cold at first but she is a very loyal and good friend ready to stand up for the ones she loves.


View attachment 86056


Elizabeth was born in a wealthy family and everything was always easily for her. She had loving parents, good friends and control over her powers until she was fighting with her mother and her mother slapped her. She lost control of her powers and killed her mother without wanting to, her father tried to kill her but Elizabeth was able to defend herself and her father disappeared. She was forced to move with her uncle afterwards

Lover/partner/crush: Pm me

Weapon: Her powers

Other: (optional)


Karkat Vantas


Nine sweeps or sixteen human years

Can control his own blood and turn it into a dual set of blades

Karkat is cantankerous buttmunch. He shouts a majority of the time and criticizes people without really meaning to. There is never any period of time where he isn't cranky around other people. But when he is alone it is a completely different story. Karkat has no love for himself but takes great care to not burden anyone with this information and keeps it bottled up inside.


Karkat has lived in fear and rejection for most of his life. The others of his race cast him out due to him being a 'mutant' or the black sheep. He came to this school to escape from them but he never really could shake off the years of torment.

(sorry I couldn't be rid of the watermark >.<)

[QUOTE="Chair Senpai]

Karkat Vantas


Nine sweeps or sixteen human years

Can control his own blood and turn it into a dual set of blades

Karkat is cantankerous buttmunch. He shouts a majority of the time and criticizes people without really meaning to. There is never any period of time where he isn't cranky around other people. But when he is alone it is a completely different story. Karkat has no love for himself but takes great care to not burden anyone with this information and keeps it bottled up inside.


Karkat has lived in fear and rejection for most of his life. The others of his race cast him out due to him being a 'mutant' or the black sheep. He came to this school to escape from them but he never really could shake off the years of torment.

(sorry I couldn't be rid of the watermark >.<)

That's fine. :) Approved!
Name:Skorn Vorax



Power:transform into a wraith,a creature that eats souls and have various mysterious powers,he might learn other powers though the rp

Personality;Skorn is the varied type,he can be sometimes serious,sometimes a energetic one,but for the most time he tries to be both friendly and somewhat quiet,although he enjoy passing time with others,although he doesnt enjoy to show his face to others

Appearance: Human form:

Wraith form:

Bio:Skorn had a simple life of a young child,until one day,when he was 14,he woke up with this strange power to transform,he didnt know how he got it or how he was able to even control it,but his parents sent to Maiken,since problaby he wouldnt harm anyone,since others have magic like him

Lover/partner/crush:Still none for now.....

Weapon:The Ravik,a powerful wrist blade that can be really good to cutting anything and can shoot some lasers from its hole
DaedricSkaarj said:
Name:Skorn Vorax


Power:transform into a wraith,a creature that eats souls and have various mysterious powers,he might learn other powers though the rp

Personality;Skorn is the varied type,he can be sometimes serious,sometimes a energetic one,but for the most time he tries to be both friendly and somewhat quiet,although he enjoy passing time with others,although he doesnt enjoy to show his face to others

Appearance: Human form:

Wraith form:

Bio:Skorn had a simple life of a young child,until one day,when he was 14,he woke up with this strange power to transform,he didnt know how he got it or how he was able to even control it,but his parents sent to Maiken,since problaby he wouldnt harm anyone,since others have magic like him

Lover/partner/crush:Still none for now.....

Weapon:The Ravik,a powerful wrist blade that can be really good to cutting anything and can shoot some lasers from its hole
Approved!!! :)
Name: Aqua

Species: Demon fox, spirit fox, Kitsune (Whatever you like to call me)

Age: 14

Power: Spirit fire, can change into forms, and speed

Personality; Kind, little shy, gets hyper easily, can be devilish sometimes



(The school made her wear hats whenever Aqua goes outside since she doesn't know how to control her ears)


(They also made her wear a jacket so she can hide her tail...)



Woken up in a abandon mine she lost her memory only knowing who is she and where was she. Finding dead bodies under all the rock and wood she escaped, limping til she passed out. She was found and taken care by a young man, which she calls Senpai. Not really knowing what was out there in the world. Senpai said that she couldn't use her powers yet, not knowing if it would destroy the house or not. But she didn't mind thought, Senpai was the only one she looked up to. Later on Senpai introduced to his friend, Haru who would also take care of Aqua. She was only 13 that time.

One morning they both suddenly disappeared. Confused and alone she dared to explore the world around her. Meeting many people, making friends, and in a quest to find her memory (Somehow?). She has of course seen dark places where people were suffering, crying for help, but carried on knowing she couldn't help those people. Keeping her head up high she manage to create new skills and improving her old skills. Her speed, strength, and magic had improved in a year since her caretaker suddenly disappeared,"Maybe,"she thought,"I can find Senpai and Haru."

Many people look up to her, not caring the fact she is a demon. No matter what Aqua will see you as you. She follows her own quote and will always see you as you,"Your heart is like a fan and when you open that fan it has a beautiful design. So when you open your heart no matter who you are you have beauty inside of you."

Deep inside, she longs for a feeling of love and family, feeling like a misplaced puzzle in the world. As she is forever wanders on the earth...

Lover/partner/crush: None



~ Terrified being lock in a room with no lights, alone

~ Use to being alone most of the time.

~ Will cry if scared

~ Has a habit of twitching her ears a lot
AquaSly said:
Name: Aqua
Species: Demon fox, spirit fox, Kitsune (Whatever you like to call me)

Age: 14

Power: Spirit fire, can change into forms, and speed

Personality; Kind, little shy, gets hyper easily, can be devilish sometimes



(The school made her wear hats whenever Aqua goes outside since she doesn't know how to control her ears)


(They also made her wear a jacket so she can hide her tail...)



Woken up in a abandon mine she lost her memory only knowing who is she and where was she. Finding dead bodies under all the rock and wood she escaped, limping til she passed out. She was found and taken care by a young man, which she calls Senpai. Not really knowing what was out there in the world. Senpai said that she couldn't use her powers yet, not knowing if it would destroy the house or not. But she didn't mind thought, Senpai was the only one she looked up to. Later on Senpai introduced to his friend, Haru who would also take care of Aqua. She was only 13 that time.

One morning they both suddenly disappeared. Confused and alone she dared to explore the world around her. Meeting many people, making friends, and in a quest to find her memory (Somehow?). She has of course seen dark places where people were suffering, crying for help, but carried on knowing she couldn't help those people. Keeping her head up high she manage to create new skills and improving her old skills. Her speed, strength, and magic had improved in a year since her caretaker suddenly disappeared,"Maybe,"she thought,"I can find Senpai and Haru."

Many people look up to her, not caring the fact she is a demon. No matter what Aqua will see you as you. She follows her own quote and will always see you as you,"Your heart is like a fan and when you open that fan it has a beautiful design. So when you open your heart no matter who you are you have beauty inside of you."

Deep inside, she longs for a feeling of love and family, feeling like a misplaced puzzle in the world. As she is forever wanders on the earth...

Lover/partner/crush: None



~ Terrified being lock in a room with no lights, alone

~ Use to being alone most of the time.

~ Will cry if scared

~ Has a habit of twitching her ears a lot
Accepted!!! :P

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