Maiken High

Name: Christian 'Ren' Weston

Species: Demon


Power: Shadow Manipulation

Personality; Christian is hot tempered and is easily annoyed or angered. Some might say he anger issues, he says that people shouldn't act like complete and utter idiots around him. He holds himself up and above his classmates, thinking himself on other level than they are. He is analytic and begins his own 'mini' analysis of you as soon as he meets you and if he doesn't like someone, he's been known for ignoring them at times. He's a little higher than average intelligence and has a tendency to flirt to get his way, or just pass the time. Some call him a playboy, though he has never actually gone out with anyone from the school.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/Nikaido.Akira.full.1398979.jpg.b65811e741bfb8976c7bf8e3b280c5c6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="34890" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/Nikaido.Akira.full.1398979.jpg.b65811e741bfb8976c7bf8e3b280c5c6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bio: The only son of a single father who owns a huge corporation, Christian has been taking care of himself most of his life. He's gone through more tutors and housekeepers than he can count, or even care to remember. When he was 9 his father got remarried to some lady with the name Dugray, who despite his flat out telling her he doesn't need or want her as a mother, still tries to act motherly towards him whenever she is around. Once he hit the age of 12, his father put his foot down and cracked down on him and his education. He is expected to act a certain way, to get certain grades and to eventually take control of his father's company. And he does as is expected of him, at least for the most part. He hasn't had much of a childhood or friends and finds the concept confusing. His father always told him "You don't have friends, just people that you can use and that use you. People you can trust and those you cannot. The latter doesn't need to be apart of your life."

Lover/partner/crush: N/A

Weapon: A pair of daggers that has been passed down through the family. They have a silver hilt and a ruby adorned on the bottom of the hilt.

Other: The red eyes run in the family and occasionally appear brown, but they are in fact red.

I have to go to work. I'll see if I was accepted later.

So we can still have supernatural characters?



  • Nikaido.Akira.full.1398979.jpg
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[QUOTE="Laney Lane]Name: Christian Weston
Species: Human


Power: N/A

Personality; Christian is hot tempered and is easily annoyed or angered. Some might say he anger issues, he says that people shouldn't act like complete and utter idiots around him. He holds himself up and above his classmates, thinking himself on other level than they are. He is analytic and begins his own 'mini' analysis of you as soon as he meets you and if he doesn't like someone, he's been known for ignoring them at times. He's a little higher than average intelligence and has a tendency to flirt to get his way, or just pass the time. Some call him a playboy, though he has never actually gone out with anyone from the school.


View attachment 87578

Bio: The only son of a single father who owns a huge corporation, Christian has been taking care of himself most of his life. He's gone through more tutors and housekeepers than he can count, or even care to remember. When he was 9 his father got remarried to some lady with the name Dugray, who despite his flat out telling her he doesn't need or want her as a mother, still tries to act motherly towards him whenever she is around. Once he hit the age of 12, his father put his foot down and cracked down on him and his education. He is expected to act a certain way, to get certain grades and to eventually take control of his father's company. And he does as is expected of him, at least for the most part. He hasn't had much of a childhood or friends and finds the concept confusing. His father always told him "You don't have friends, just people that you can use and that use you. People you can trust and those you cannot. The latter doesn't need to be apart of your life."

Lover/partner/crush: N/A

Weapon: A pair of daggers that has been passed down through the family. They have a silver hilt and a ruby adorned on the bottom of the hilt.

Other: The red eyes run in the family and occasionally appear brown, but they are in fact red.

I have to go to work. I'll see if I was accepted later.

So we can still have supernatural characters?

Yes :)

[QUOTE="Laney Lane]
Name:Amelia Dugray
Species:Human (with Power)

Age: Seventeen

Power:Electrokinesis; the ability to produce and manipulate electricity. She doesn't has control of her powers though, or know much about them.

Personality; Amelia is that girl that sits quietly in class, due to the fact that she is forming some kind of story in her head and so its a shock to everyone when she does suddenly speak out loud. She is stubborn, quick tempered, and opinionated and doesn't back down when she is getting accused or confronted. Sadly not everyone can take her seriously because of her small stature, her young appearance and the fact that she gets distracted easily. One moment she could be discussing something important, or one of her stories, the next she would be halfway down the hall since she saw a cat outside through the window. It's earned her the nicknames Kitten and Ferret since she flits from one "shiny" thing to the next. She is generally friendly with everyone and believes in the saying 'Forgive and Forget', another reason why most won't take her seriously. She is easily excitable and just as easily scared a trait that annoys her, but one she can't seem to control.


View attachment 87574

Bio: Amelia was adopted into the middle class Dugray family at the age of two. When she was six years old the loving, albeit argumentative parents split, the father surprisingly getting full custody of her. The young girl was home schooled from elementary school all the way up until high school, being taught by a tutor and housekeeper while her father worked all day. Initially Amelia was confused about the divorce and thought that it was her fault, as most kids at that age tend to think in that situation, and no matter how many times she was reassured, a tiny part of herself still felt responsible. It was a year after the divorce that her powers manifested, or started to show themselves, though no one took much notice. It was little things, if she got angry the lights would flicker once, if she got excited, everyone around her would get shocked, as if by static electricity. They got stronger as she got older, and though she now understands what exactly she can control, she still is weary of that and tries to control her emotions because of it. But she has no such luck and refuses to practice her power so she has little to no control over it. Strong emotions make it manifest in large quantities and that is all she has been able to deduce (lets just say when she got excited on her birthday one year the light bulbs around the house brightened and then exploded). She convinced her father to let her try out high school and so she got sent here. She has random bouts of sadness when she remembers her mother and the divorce and still doesn't know that she was adopted.


Weapon: Her fists? She knows self defense and uses her 5'2 stature to her advantage.

Other: When she was home schooled she would make up characters and stories to pass the time and still does it now when she's bored out of habit. If ever seen drawing or writing, its usually because she just thought of an idea or her next scene. Her hair will begin to stand up messily sometimes as she gets more excited about it. (Darn you happy static electricity!)

I'm making a boy too. But he'll have to be posted after work most likely.


Name: Phoenix Adams

Species: (optional) Dhampir (half human, half vampire)

Age: 694, looks 16

Power: Super speed, strength, reflexes, and senses due to his vampiric side.

Personality; Caring and kind, although silent most of the time. he is also very protective of his friends or crush/lover. he is serious about everything.

Appearance: (Image please)


Bio: When phoenix was a baby, he was raised by his human mother for 14 years. he was then put up for adoption on her day of death, 9/11, and was adopted by a vampire, who he found was his dad, two days later, and has lived with him for 682 years. he dies and goes to live with his adoptive father, who was human and his mother’s friend. before signing him up for a a special school, his adoptive father gave him his Claws (pictured).

Lover/partner/crush: (optional) N/A

Weapon: (optional) Claws that he had inherited from his dead adoptive father.

Other: (optional) he was born with a problem with his voice, making him sound like he is struggling to breathe, and he rarely speaks because of it. he also tends to hiss randomly during conversations, since he has speech problems.

@Miss Fallen Matrix
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[QUOTE="Laney Lane]Will it still be accepted if I change his species and add a power?

Yes of course!
Name: Yumi Flameheart



Power:control fire heal with fire(takes alot of time and energy) create fire(takes energy unlike just using fire around her)

Personality; Is a little crazy but also smart she likes making friends with the strong and protecting the weak.


Bio:She was a normal street thug until she found a demon being chased by some demon hunters she tried to save but got beat to a bloody pulp and was left to die with the demon but she formed a contract with the demon and they fused giving her fire powers. She enrolled in the school to met strong people.

Lover/partner/crush: anyone who beats her

Weapon: pair of brass knuckles

Other: goes crazy if made anger to a certain point or if blood lust gets out of control
Name: John Abraus

Species: Corruption (A worm that controls its host, and boosts its psi, and mental capacity. He has a host.)

Age: ???

Power: Mind reading, can create almost every illusion, and can leave his host, and control another.

Personality; Generally calm, he freaks out near poison.


Bio: He doesn't like to talk much

Lover/partner/crush: None

Weapon: None

Other: (optional)
Name: Ryou

Species: Fallen Shadow angel

Age: Looks at least 17 or 18

Power: Memory control, speed, and shapeshifting

Personality: Devilish, cold hearted, tricky, loyal, patient (rarely), kinda crazy at times, reckless, protective, cruel



Human form


Angel form


Female angel form

Bio: Raised by the Maki family, which is a fallen angel family, Ryou never really learn what was right and wrong. It wasn't long til he met Aqua which had a perfectly good life. Which was odd since she was part of a demon family. He played with Aqua time to time keeping her company. Later She and her family suddenly disappeared. Finding them trapped in a abandon mine cave he saw little Aqua crying, suffering as most of her family members died right in from of her. So to take away her suffering he did something only a high level angel can do. He took her memory, in return his suffered her memories and dark cracks formed on his body killing each cell that got in their way. Ryou is now back to protect Aqua as a servant and as a forgotten friend.

Lover/partner/crush: None.

Weapon: Anything he founds can turn into a dangerous weapon


~Crafts mysterious items

~He claims that he is cursed

~The dark cracks covering his body can shock or defect the powers unless the attacker is a full angel, demon, or god
I am sooooo bad at maintaining my one and only RP! (I have MANY others, but am not the creator. lol)

From now on, If your CS is liked, then you are accepted!

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