Maiken High

Lol yeah okay, if you want I can add more characters to be available? I'll gladly edit some things here and there in the Overview. :)
Name: Kyoko Maki

Species: Kitsune

Age: 17 (Physical Age) 300 (Actual Age)

Power: Illusions, Mind Control, Make Fire and Lightning, Possession, Shapeshift

Personality: curious, mischievous, calm, cunning, sly, quick-witted, impulsive, intuitive, curious, and secretive.


Human Form


Fox Form


Tails: 3

Bio: Abandoned as a small child and grew up in the woods playing tricks on passersby until she played a trick on a group of recruiters from the school that were passing by.

Love/Partener/Crush: Open



Other: None
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Name: Unknown

Species: Human

Age: 16

Power: Engineering/Programming

Personality: easygoing, gets frustrated real quick.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/upload_2014-11-11_21-52-0.jpeg.73d97c382ffffde81c2a3adbec5d8930.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="34285" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/upload_2014-11-11_21-52-0.jpeg.73d97c382ffffde81c2a3adbec5d8930.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bio: As a boy, he had always loved to build. Especially war machines. Big ones. As soon as he got his first building kit, he built a pistol and nearly shot himself with it. That is all anyone knows.

Lover/partner/crush: None

Weapon: Simple pistol, with improvements.

Other: (optional)



  • upload_2014-11-11_21-52-0.jpeg
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Name: Jax Arison

Species: Living Shadow

Age: 17? (Real Age is unknown)

Power: Can control the basic elements, as well as create them out of thin air, the full extent of which is currently unknown, even to him. (Fire, Water/Ice, Air, Earth) And can become a complete shadow, incapable of touching anything or being hurt, also allowing him to pass through tight spaces with ease.

Personality: Jax is usually very quiet, not liking to talk. He is very friendly, and enjoys being around others. He is a hard worker, and always tries to improve his own abilities. He doesn't like to fight unless he has a good reason to, and even then he still holds back, afraid of losing control. He is sometimes completely random and says things that make no sense. He is usually very upbeat and likes to try to cheer others up.


Normal appearance:

Shadow form Appearance:


Bio: He was created from the shadow of an unknown person through some sort of ritual, but remembers nothing about his past or how he was created.


Weapon: A staff (Shown Above) And two daggers that he hides in his coat.

Other: Always carries his staff with him and never takes his hat off, EVER.
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Cecil said:
Name: Kyoko Maki
Species: Kitsune

Age: 17 (Physical Age) 300 (Actual Age)

Power: Illusions, Mind Control, Make Fire and Lightning, Possession, Shapeshift

Personality: curious, mischievous, calm, cunning, sly, quick-witted, impulsive, intuitive, curious, and secretive.


Human Form


Fox Form


Tails: 3

Bio: Abandoned as a small child and grew up in the woods playing tricks on passersby until she played a trick on a group of recruiters from the school that were passing by.

Love/Partener/Crush: Open



Other: None
Accepted!!! :)


AriaTheWatcher said:
Name: Jax Arison
Species: Living Shadow

Age: 17? (Real Age is unknown)

Power: Can control the basic elements, as well as create them out of thin air, the full extent of which is currently unknown, even to him. (Fire, Water/Ice, Air, Earth) And can become a complete shadow, incapable of touching anything or being hurt, also allowing him to pass through tight spaces with ease.

Personality: Jax is usually very quiet, not liking to talk. He is very friendly, and enjoys being around others. He is a hard worker, and always tries to improve his own abilities. He doesn't like to fight unless he has a good reason to, and even then he still holds back, afraid of losing control. He is sometimes completely random and says things that make no sense. He is usually very upbeat and likes to try to cheer others up.


Normal appearance:

Shadow form Appearance:


Bio: He was created from the shadow of an unknown person through some sort of ritual, but remembers nothing about his past or how he was created.


Weapon: A staff (Shown Above) And two daggers that he hides in his coat.

Other: Always carries his staff with him and never takes his hat off, EVER.
Accepted!!! :)
Name:Drake Kuran

Species: (optional) Pureblooded Vampire

Age:160 but looks 16

Power:The pureblood vampires powers ((

Personality:He is a smug erson who thinks less of pritty much anyone he meets giving little to no respect to those he meets and adresses them by their species



Lover/partner/crush: He stays out of those sorts of confusing HUMAN emotions

Weapon: His sharp nails and his vampire instincs

((sorry pressed enter by accident))
Iak Destler]Name:Drake Kuran Species: (optional) Pureblooded Vampire Age:160 but looks 16 Power:The pureblood vampires powers (([URL=" said:[/URL]))

Personality:He is a smug erson who thinks less of pritty much anyone he meets giving little to no respect to those he meets and adresses them by their species



Lover/partner/crush: He stays out of those sorts of confusing HUMAN emotions

Weapon: His sharp nails and his vampire instincs

((sorry pressed enter by accident))
Hello! So I was wondering if there was any supernaturals left? Or what positions were left? :3
I think it's just only humans unless you want to create a male supernatural.

Wait never mind you can have the last spot for a supernatural female
Right in the info it says there is only going to be five males and females that are supernatural, but I think it exceeds that... Maybe.. i'd have to go back over all the characters and count... I think the males are all accounted for too.

I'll just make some humans.
Name:Amelia Dugray

Species:Human (with Power)

Age: Seventeen

Power:Electrokinesis; the ability to produce and manipulate electricity. She doesn't has control of her powers though, or know much about them.

Personality; Amelia is that girl that sits quietly in class, due to the fact that she is forming some kind of story in her head and so its a shock to everyone when she does suddenly speak out loud. She is stubborn, quick tempered, and opinionated and doesn't back down when she is getting accused or confronted. Sadly not everyone can take her seriously because of her small stature, her young appearance and the fact that she gets distracted easily. One moment she could be discussing something important, or one of her stories, the next she would be halfway down the hall since she saw a cat outside through the window. It's earned her the nicknames Kitten and Ferret since she flits from one "shiny" thing to the next. She is generally friendly with everyone and believes in the saying 'Forgive and Forget', another reason why most won't take her seriously. She is easily excitable and just as easily scared a trait that annoys her, but one she can't seem to control.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/sailor_jupiter_by_noflutter-d7rnhvh.jpg.2e135b07365dad4f528041fc1e7ae301.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="34889" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/sailor_jupiter_by_noflutter-d7rnhvh.jpg.2e135b07365dad4f528041fc1e7ae301.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bio: Amelia was adopted into the middle class Dugray family at the age of two. When she was six years old the loving, albeit argumentative parents split, the father surprisingly getting full custody of her. The young girl was home schooled from elementary school all the way up until high school, being taught by a tutor and housekeeper while her father worked all day. Initially Amelia was confused about the divorce and thought that it was her fault, as most kids at that age tend to think in that situation, and no matter how many times she was reassured, a tiny part of herself still felt responsible. It was a year after the divorce that her powers manifested, or started to show themselves, though no one took much notice. It was little things, if she got angry the lights would flicker once, if she got excited, everyone around her would get shocked, as if by static electricity. They got stronger as she got older, and though she now understands what exactly she can control, she still is weary of that and tries to control her emotions because of it. But she has no such luck and refuses to practice her power so she has little to no control over it. Strong emotions make it manifest in large quantities and that is all she has been able to deduce (lets just say when she got excited on her birthday one year the light bulbs around the house brightened and then exploded). She convinced her father to let her try out high school and so she got sent here. She has random bouts of sadness when she remembers her mother and the divorce and still doesn't know that she was adopted.


Weapon: Her fists? She knows self defense and uses her 5'2 stature to her advantage.

Other: When she was home schooled she would make up characters and stories to pass the time and still does it now when she's bored out of habit. If ever seen drawing or writing, its usually because she just thought of an idea or her next scene. Her hair will begin to stand up messily sometimes as she gets more excited about it. (Darn you happy static electricity!)

I'm making a boy too. But he'll have to be posted after work most likely.



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Give me a minute to post the information

Name: Christian Morgan

Species: Demonic Angel

Age: 15

Power: Manipulation

Personality: Careless, bold , somewhat unapproachable. Christian will rarely speak directly with anybody,and will speak what's on his mind majority of the time.

Appearance: (Image please


Bio: Christian was once one of two children, until his sister was brutally murdered before his eyes. Not son after, his parents were murdered while he was away, resulting in himself distancing himself from others, refusing to have anyone else of which he cared about be forcefully taken from him. Up until recently, Christian housed with his aunt, himself never getting close to her in any way possible. Presently, he now lives by himself, occasionally going out to visit the greaves of his loved ones.

Lover/partner/crush: (optional) N/A

Weapon: (optional) A red rubied fire sword that only materializes whenever needed most.

Other: (optional)
Give me a minute to post the information

Name: Christian Morgan

Species: Demonic Angel

Age: 15

Power: Manipulation

Personality: Careless, bold , somewhat unapproachable. Christian will rarely speak directly with anybody,and will speak what's on his mind majority of the time.

Appearance: (Image please


Bio: Christian was once one of two children, until his sister was brutally murdered before his eyes. Not son after, his parents were murdered while he was away, resulting in himself distancing himself from others, refusing to have anyone else of which he cared about be forcefully taken from him. Up until recently, Christian housed with his aunt, himself never getting close to her in any way possible. Presently, he now lives by himself, occasionally going out to visit the greaves of his loved ones.

Lover/partner/crush: (optional) N/A

Weapon: (optional) A red rubied fire sword that only materializes whenever needed most.

Other: (optional)


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