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Fantasy Maiken High (Supernatural Highschool RP)

Nevaeh came rushing into the room. "ARGH! WHAT IS WRONG WITH THE PRINCIPAL?!?!" She yelled as she stomped to her desk and sat down. The screeching of her desk upon the floor was loud and almost unbearable. She looked around and saw all eyes upon her. She changed into her cursed form and glared at everyone who dared to look upon her.
Mar's eyes had a low gaze, but surely he was confused "Do what now?" [As usual] the form change wasn't expected but may have been 'possible' considering where he is, he then looked down again as the students may have been talking amongst themselves. He paid no mind.
Nevaeh growled at Mar's words then turned to Lucaris as he was staring at her. She hissed at him then turned her heads quickly as she ignored everyone as they were talking. Most were talking about her and she could tell. Her blood boiled and she was ready to strangle someone. Her anger was noticeable in her facial expression and her actions.
Iris was really uncomfortable with Nevaeh wanting to strangle someone, so she went out of the classroom. "Why do I have to be a freaking supernatural? It's not like I asked for it." She started walking through the corridors, not giving a damn how people glared at her.
Mar blinked for a moment unsure what to make of it. "Nevaeh.. I think you are scaring someone." He watched Iris walk out, then turned back to her with a calm smile, innocent and childish. "Please..?"
Nevaeh growled louder and the dark most around her grew darker and darker. "I'm glad that you think so. People shouldn't be bothering me anyway. They wouldn't need I be scared if they didn't annoy the hell out of me." She said as her twisted voice only seemed to be getting even more evil then in already was.
Mar blinked at her, to him it was still the same nice girl he met a just sometime ago, he didn't see a evil stranger. "Why..?" He asked sarcastically, then turned to Lucaris, hoping he'd answer it for him.
Iris felt better after that walk. She was going back to the classroom, until she saw black aura. " F*ck this." She then went outside, and began to think about her pack in the past. " I miss you guys. Ashe,Kristy,Jaime and everyone else." She said. She started to cry, while thinking about them.
Lucaris turned towards Mar. "It's her cursed form taking over. She has three forms. Angel, cursed and human... which is considered neutral. She can control the angel form, but when she's angry she can't help but change forms. It's just what she was born with." He said as Nevaeh growled at Lucaris.

"Way to go! Tell him everything why don't you?" She said sarcastically with easily sensible anger. The most darkened and turned into a pitch black. @Sancturio
Mar turned to Lucaris "She needs a good laugh." Maybe he was right? Anger cured by laughter seemed to work for him or some of the folks he knew. Then he looked to Nevaeh "Well.." He cleared his throat awaiting for Lucaris to back him up, the form still phasing him.
Lucaris nodded. "I guess." He said nervously as he flinched when Nevaeh decided to make a fist and almost hit his face. She put her hand back into the misty black bubble that formed around her.
Mar stood up, then walked to a good distance from Nevaeh his body leaned in a backward like state, his hands on either side, his white hair falling over his gray eyes. "Lucaris made a friend." Maybe irony? If she would punch him he'd just sit there and take the hit, he'd then hold in the pain.
Nevaeh stood up. "He made a friend. It's you. Betray him, let's just say I'll have your soul in a blink of an eye. It'll only be a matter of time before you quit on him." She said as she stood up and glared at him. She walked to the buzzer and called the principal to send an Advisor before she killed someone.
As she left the general area [The desk near], Mar's attention turned to Lucaris, then he whispered in his ear. "You should do something, I got your back one hundred percent." He chuckled, and he honestly felt as if he could lay it on the line for his new friends, maybe he was to sweet? Then at a moments notice he looked out the window once again, then turned to the door in an effort to calm himself.
Iris was walking back to the classroom feeling better. She then saw an advisor run to the classroom. She wonders 'what happened this time'. She then walked in the room seeing black aura everywhere. 'Ugh it's only first period.' She went back to her desk and started to study.
Lucaris shrugged. "Eh... She'd kill me. I've tried to calm her down before. I ended up with a broken scythe. My boss Death wasn't so happy about it." He said tensing up.


Nevaeh quickly turned to the door as the advisor walked in. "Took you LONG enough!" She said angrily.

"I apologize. Please let me escort the supernaturals to their building." She made a finger motion to follow her.
Mar picked up his things, the shoulder strap was his 'hitch' he began to follow her, his eyes keeping on the angry female, he was being cautious, the other students that were supernatural may have been as well. [Not to mention 'normos? (If I may?)]
(Of course.)

Nevaeh followed the advisor closely from behind. Arms crossed and the black mist still formed around her. "How much longer? You have taken long enough just to get here!" She snapped as she walked next to the advisor while glaring at her. She was impatient and waiting for an answer. "U-umm... Shouldn't be too long Miss Nevaeh." She said nervously as she began to speed up.
"Is she always like this?" Mar's words poured out of his mouth into the air, maybe someone heard him sense his wording was directed into the particular direction of 'no where'. His eyes kept on the Advisor. 'Why do we need to be led?' He would think, he knew himself to be harmless almost all the time.
Lucaris turned around and looked at Mar."She's only like this in her cursed form. Hopefully she didn't hear you. If she did, she's probably kill you." He said turning back around.

Nevaeh growled at Mar as she turned to look at him. She soon looked back at the advisor.

"Here is where you'll be staying. All your classes and even your dorms will be here." The advisor said kindly as she hurried to get out if the place before Nevaeh said something inappropriate.

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