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Fantasy Maiken High (Supernatural Highschool RP)

He let out a little laugh, he realized the teacher was lecturing, but he didn't pay attention. "Lucaris right? Mar, I don't think we really have met." He attempted to be kind, he seemed like a nice person other than the fit of rage. Mar's eyes drifted to the window as he let his last words out, he then slid his hands into his pockets leaning back ever-so-slightly.
Lucaris grinned. "Nice to meet ya Mar." He said as he looked at Nevaeh smiling at them.

Nevaeh walked over. "Hey! Lucar made a new friend!" She said a little too loudly and cheerfully.

Lucaris Blushed and let out a little Humph.

Nevaeh looked toward Mar and smiled brightly. "Thank you! This is the first time he spoke to someone in his own will. He even told you something. May I ask what that something was?"

Lucaris abruptly said,"Nope! You'll find out soon enough! Please don't tell what I said Mar."

Mar acknowledged the 'bro code', but laughed at the conversation with a chuckle, he found it rather amusing. "Sorry, can't tell you even if I wanted to." He shrugged playing it off, then as the people stared at the three, he blinked, then looked to Nevaeh again. "Uhh."

(Sorry, short post. x.x)
Nevaeh frowned then acknowledged the others' stares. She laughed at how awkward it was and pet Mar and Lucaris in the head. "Even keeping secrets from me now huh? You are changing. And in the best way possible. I think you once again Mar.

Now excuse me, I have to see what's taking so long for the advisor to get down here to escort us to the building." She said smiling kindly.

"Whatever...." He said with a humph as she left. "Thanks Mar. I owe ya one for that." He said with a smile.

(It's okay! I appreciate that you care, but really. It's fine. @Sancturio :)
Mar nodded then blinked again as the stares slowly left, he had a faint smile. He looked upwards to the clock, it never seemed to move to him. "Anytime." He meant his words, he wouldn't take them back. He cleared his throat after a moment. "Say, what advisor? Building?" The referral didn't mention the school's 'extra' effect.
"Oh yeah. You're newer then Nevaeh and I." He hesitated to answer thinking about his response. "Well, The supernaturals don't get along too well with the humans. We are supposed to be put in our own individual building with only Supernaturals. The only bad thing is that are dorms are also together. Let's just say everything is Co-ed for us. The advisors will be coming into the building and helping us learn without actually having a class of Humans everywhere." He nodded in agreement with his words,"that's about it." @Sancturio
Skorn was walking though the hallways of the large school,he didnt knew where he should go or where was his class,he heard that they had supernatural powers like him,so he kept searching for anybody who would have such things,he had a hard time since he didnt knew how to do it
Nevaeh finally reached the front office. She saw Skorn and greeted him politely. "Hello. You must be new. I am Nevaeh, it's a pleasure to meet you." She said as she held out her hand. "If you need help then please tell me. I am going to be going to the front office. And if you need a schedule, you'll need to be going there." She said as she smiled. @DaedricSkaarj
he glanced at Nevaeh surprised and curious "th...thank you so much....my name is Skorn,nice to meet you...." he smiled abit and held her hand "so...you have powers like me?" he smiled abit more "thats great....i fought i was the only one....and that i was going to be sent...in..well...that place for crazy people" he sighed abit remenbering somethings but continued smilling,holding her hand
Nevaeh smiled. "Well, Skorn. I do have special powers. It may not be the same powers as you, but I have powers too! Would you mind showing me what you can do? Then, if you want, I'll show you my power. I'll also help you get everything prepared for your classes." She said as she put her other hand onto theirs and smiled brightly.

he looked confused at her,he noticed her holding his hands and blushed alot,he sighed and looked down "fine...i will do it..." he quickly glows green and transforms into his wraith form,after a minute,he transforms back to human "there...i can transform into a wraith....what about you?" he asked curious and blushing abit
Nevaeh smiled. "You are a very interesting Supernatural." She said kindly as she let go of his hand and stepped back. She changed her form from Human to angel. Her red hair blowning with the wind made by her white wings. She then sighed and changed from Angel to cursed. Her white hair whipped the floor and devilish state in her eyes caused one of the advisors to faint. Nevaeh changed from cursed to a human once again. "As you saw, I am a cursed angel." She said as she sighed heavily. "I am dangerous when I am not in my human form. Please beware of me when I am in those forms. It's only because I have more power, but they're all mixed." She said kindly as she smiled. @DaedricSkaarj
he looked surprised and smiling at her "wow...you look preety nice on ang...errmmm...nevermind you still look nice any fo....nevermind again...anyway....thats one intersting and nice power you got there friend" he smiled blushing alot
Nevaeh giggled acknowledging him blushing. "Why thank you very much, but I find your power even more interesting than mine." She said smiling as she grabbed his hand and led him to the front office. "I need to get your schedule, and when we get to class we can talk more about ourselves. I'll even introduce you to everyone!" She said cheerfully as they finally reached the front desk.

"Hello. Please state your name." The front desk assistant said as she looked at Skorn. @DaedricSkaarj
he smiled and nodded"all right...thank you....cant wait to see everbyody...you seem like a nice person" he followed her to the front desk,he looks at the assistant "Im Skorn Vorax...new to the school....lived in Brazil..."
The assistant nodded and gave him the schedule. "Hey Skorn, I have matters I must attend to with the principal. I am not very happy with his recent actions and can not comprehend his stupidity. Please excuse me." She said as she turned back around," Go to the English class, the class room number should be on your schedule. If you need help ask my friends Lucaris. He'll ask who you are and just say you are my friend. He is not too kind, but he'll help you." She smiled and walked into the principal's office waving goodbye. @DaedricSkaarj
he smiled and nodded he walked to the class and sat in a random chair,he picked his bag and looked around,waiting for the other (well i gtg for now...see you tomorrow)
He came in a bit late, Mar stood with a strange look upon his face. Infact he was drowned of all sleep. "Morning.." Was all that he mentioned with his mouth as he trotted his awkward way inside the classroom, he plopped face down on the desk farthest in the back.
Lucaris looked at Mar and greeted him kindly. "Yo. You don't look too great. Did you get enough sleep last night? Or... At all?" He said as he tapped his pencil on the desk behind him. He was a little more cheerful then yesterday and looked overly happy. @Sancturio
He looked to him with a smile peering across his lips, he shrugged "Homework." This was his excuse for looking at his ceiling all night, he didn't wish to seem like a true weirdo. "Anyways, how are you doing?" He said once again his thoughts running rampant through his mind, pulses and urges racing through faster.
His eye's color got darker. "Homework? Sure. More like procrastination?" He said as his eye changed back to the normal color. He laughed. "I'm doing awesome. I didn't do much, but I... Am great..." He said as he sighed happily. He smiled as his mind wandered off. He then blushed noticing he wasn't paying any attention. @Sancturio
"Smooth." He said softly with a small laugh, he then pulled out his pencil, followed by a small notebook to write in, Mar truly may have no cared about his classes. Although, Lucaris was right, procrastination, was he the same? "I wonder.." He said to himself, although his thoughts soon focused on the ground outside, calm and rough.
Lucaris smiled. "I'll just let you think. I'll be waiting for someone right here." He said as he pat on the seat beside him. He turned back around and put his feet back on the desk.

Mar had began to think about the different kinds of people that went to the school, he knew what he was but everyone was so obvious, he himself was hidden behind a mask. Mar hid well with humans, considering he considered himself one.

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