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Fantasy Mahora Academy


Within Japan, there is a city, an academy city, but this certain city is unlike any other of its kind. It is a city for all manner of beings, be them human or monster, magical or demonic. The supernatural element to the school was brought on solely by the headmaster, Ras Silas Gideon, a man full of mystery and wonder, no student nor teacher has ever seen his face he hides himself away in his office in the centre of this giant city. The city and the surrounding cities are full of supernatural beings, allowing the students to fully be themselves As the students wake on the first day of school with a new teacher the time was 7:30, a breeze was rolling by and the sun was shining through pleasantly, this was the bigining of something at the time, none if them could possibly even imagine.
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Two girls walk to their class and look around, they wouldn't expect to see a new teacher in the class, they both stayed silent wondering what to do or think of, they take their seats and keep quiet, one was shy, she doesn't talk much but once you get to know her she'll probably talk your ears off, she is kind and getal human soul that couldn't harm a fly even if she tried, the other wasn't similar to the other, this girl may be small but she will kick ass if she was mad enough, big things come in small packages, don't underestimate her, she can either be nice, kind and silent, or she could snap and start beating on you for thinking less of her, she doesn't talk much either she doesn't seem to have a reason to, she keeps getting transferred from schools cause people never stopped messing with her, she has gotten into some pretty intence fights, she always has her weapon on her, you just can see it, she knew that she might get introuble here, she just needs to keep a close eyes on things, her name was Mirai kuriyama, she is a spirt warrior, and she is the last of them, the other girl's name is Mariah she is human, and doesn't believe in supernatrual things,till now, she joined here cause her friend Mirai did, she will stay by her, no matter what not very well in trusting people at all. (Mirai- http://images6.fanpop.com/image/photos/35700000/Mirai-Kuriyama-kyoukai-no-kanata-35764718-409-600.jpg . Mariah- http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/hanasakuiroha/images/0/02/HanasakuIroha401.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20110525131715 )
Dragonrose said:
Two girls walk to their class and look around, they wouldn't expect to see a new teacher in the class, they both stayed silent wondering what to do or think of, they take their seats and keep quiet, one was shy, she doesn't talk much but once you get to know her she'll probably talk your ears off, she is kind and getal human soul that couldn't harm a fly even if she tried, the other wasn't similar to the other, this girl may be small but she will kick ass if she was mad enough, big things come in small packages, don't underestimate her, she can either be nice, kind and silent, or she could snap and start beating on you for thinking less of her, she doesn't talk much either she doesn't seem to have a reason to, she keeps getting transferred from schools cause people never stopped messing with her, she has gotten into some pretty intence fights, she always has her weapon on her, you just can see it, she knew that she might get introuble here, she just needs to keep a close eyes on things, her name was Mirai kuriyama, she is a spirt warrior, and she is the last of them, the other girl's name is Mariah she is human, and doesn't believe in supernatrual things,till now, she joined here cause her friend Mirai did, she will stay by her, no matter what not very well in trusting people at all. (Mirai- http://images6.fanpop.com/image/photos/35700000/Mirai-Kuriyama-kyoukai-no-kanata-35764718-409-600.jpg . Mariah- http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/hanasakuiroha/images/0/02/HanasakuIroha401.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20110525131715 )
At this time, most students were barely waking up, and as much if a miracle as it was that they were awake at 7:30 am and already in their class. They were quite early, they had until 9 before class actually started and the school was like a ghost town, no one in sight, and few teachers walking around. The massive cafeteria was open and the few students in there looked more like zombies at present having only just woken up on their first day.

They just sat there, having their heads down, not caring about much around them, they just wanted to get the day over with already, they were tired and exausted not really wanting to being their but it's not like they really had a choice or anything, Mirai would close her eyes just to take a little nap, but Mariah was unsure about this place, she didn't really know what to do, she felt an uncomfortable amount of energy around her, she wont go anywhere with her friend being by her side.
At this time, Ras, the headmaster was waking up in his room. A loud alarm clock was ringing, out of the bed flew an arm with a clenched fist, hitting the clock and smashing it to pieces, as the ringing instantly stopped. Ras got up and got dressed, wearing all black and large boots, he threw his trench coat over himself and peered out the window, hating the sunlight as he did. He grunted and watched the students walking out of their dorms "well, I suppose this year will be fun" he said in a darkly twisted and distorted voice, it had an almost metallic ring to it. He opened his door and walked out, closing and locking it behind him.
They wait in class as Mariah was eating an apple waiting for everyone to show up, she doesn't know much of this academy yet, she knows she might have a bad time but she'll stick by her friends side, who knows... it may not be that bad.
Slowly but surely as time went on, more and more people crammed into the classroom. Ras on the other hand was sat in the canteen, lazily eating a bacon sandwich and drinking a coffee. He finished and went into the staff room to get his student roster and other necessary things.
Mariah grew a bit nervous of the students as she stays near her friend and looking around, Mirai slowly wakes up and looks at her and mumbles, "calm down, Mariah,you'll be fine.." and with that she starts to rest again, Mariah put her head down and just waits for the teacher to arrive.
Avery was asleep in his bed when he was abruptly awakened by Alastor's loud voice in his head. "Wake up or you'll be late!" Alastor snapped in his head. Avery quickly sat up and began getting ready. After brushing his teeth and hair, he threw on a sweatshirt and a pair of jeans and some white converse. He then quickly made his way to school and to the classroom. He made his way to a desk in the back of the room and sat down.
The door of the classroom slid open as Ras came walking through, his appearance obscured by a long hooded and collared trench coat, girls were talking amongst themselves all around as he began to write on the blackboard. The girls kept talking saying things like "who is that, a new teacher?" And "why is he wearing they coat?" Eventually one girl exclaimed loudly "it's him, the head master, no ones ever seen his face before!" The talks continued as the man wrote on the chalkboard.
Avery looked at the board, wondering what Ras was writing. He blocked out the girl's yells about him being the headmaster. Though, he was curious as to why no one had ever seen his face. @Ras
Mirai lifts her head up to look at the teacher being a bit curious, she watched him, and Mariah watched him keeping her head down still being shy of the people around her.
He finished writing, and turned to the class, the writing said "Ras Silas Gideon, son of the thousand master and head master" all that could be seen behind his long hood and tall collar were two beaming red eyes and sharp teeth. The students simply stared in amazement at the figure, suddenly he grabbed the side of his coat and threw it off, revealing his quite, inhuman appearance. He had milk white skin, long white dreadlocked hair reaching down to below his thigh, his arms seemed to be made of a black metallic substance, exoskeletal and with obvious protruding joints, sharp claws for fingers and a demonic tail that matched. Folded on his back were large pitch black angelic wings and his body was covered from head to toe in hundreds of scars. His eyes were equally as strange, black sclera, blood red irises and a cat like pupil, coupled with his razor sharp teeth and large build the man looked more monster than person. He spoke, and as he did, some students stiffened due to his metalic, twisted voice "listen up! I'm Ras, the headmaster, this is the first time I've actually taught a class, now, I'm a relaxed guy, but, piss me off and you'll regret it severely, also I don't mind you using your powers, in fact, I encourage it, but just don't go overboard, any questions? He finished and looked across the class for anyone with a question.
Avery looked at Ras, surprised when he took off his coat. He took in his features, curious why he was so pale, but decided not to ask. He shivered a little when he heard his metallic sounding voice. @Ras
A girl by the name of Kaori popped her head in the classroom. She was slightly confused and a little embarrassed but strolled over to an empty seat and sat down.
Mirai gave no sign of fear or surprise towards Ras at all as if she didn't really care, Mariah however she squeaked a bit seeing Ras, she then lowers her head groaning softly , scared now.
"That's a no then, good, cause I hate answering questions, now listen, I ain't no normal teacher, neither are any of the others, this school got rid off all that superiority crap, teachers are more like......really well informed students here, like friends. That's why the teacher stays in the same dorm as the rest of the students, yup, that's right, I stay in the same dorm as you guys. Although you most likely didn't see me leave, but I'm there, so get used to it!" He announced, lazily. He then turned and wrote on the blackboard again, this time it was random Latin words "now, I'll be teaching you magic, pactios, ki, martial arts, demonic, angelic and race oriented abilities. Basically, I'm training you guys! I don't care if you're human, demon or whatever, I don't settle for average! I only settle for excellence, amazement! You'll be able to destroy armies, ships, and anything that stands in your way when I'm done with ya! Now, shall we begin?" He asked rhetorically. They knew they were going to anyway.
Ichika stepped off the train that led him to the entrance of Mahora Academy. His gaze drank in the sight of all the tall buildings, the Giant Tree, and the main campus ahead of him. It was only after a few moments that he realized that no one was around. He turned to look at the clock nearby and frowned.

He was late.

With a soft grumble he dug into the small bag he was carrying, shifting it over the hilt of his blade, and fished out the instructions given to him by his father, "Make sure you respect your instructors, help others, Speak to people for heaven's sake, and above all..."

"...don't be late!"

Next to that was a small chibi drawing of his father with a thumbs up and his tounge sticking out. Ichika sighed and crumbled the note up, "Typical." With nothing else to do, he made his way forward hoping that his punishment was too severe. If he got expelled on his first day for being late, his father was going to catch hell.
Ras continued to write on the blackboard for the class, different Races and beings. Different types of immortality and effects "now, as you know, some creatures are born as immortals, or supernatural beings, others used to be human and one way or another got turned into different beings. I am one that got turned into another being. Yep, used to be human, and I was an optimistic idiot too, but that was a while ago now, anyway, most being when they change from human to something else, they take on a new name, just like me" he announced before writing on the board more "Negi, Springfield" he announced "that was my name, ahh, I remember those days, those were fun days. Back with my old class, Asuna, Setsuna, Kū, Kaede, Chachamaru, and all the rest, but they aren't students anymore. Nope, they're teachers and they will all be training you lot with me, well most of them will, Eva's probably too lazy and she'd most likely try to bite you, she always did they to me, man she took so much blood, that Shinso. And one of my rivals might not be here, although I did get a message about his son apparently joining the class, but.....he's late, like farther like son I guess" he announced looking like he was daydreaming about his old life.
Avery looked at what Ras was writing on the board. He was interested in what he was talking about and what he would teach. @Ras
Ichika continues to wander around aimlessly in the direction of what he assumed was the area where his class was. Idly he wondered why his father never bothered to give him a map to find his way around, but his mother always said that dad was a bit of a blockhead. Having enough, he cast a short enhancement spell on his legs and shot up onto one of the buildings to get a better vantage point.

Sparing no time to admire the view, he uses another spell to enhance his sight. Everything came into focus in an instant, like suddenly looking through a pair of binoculars. His father said that he would recognize his teacher easily but the young man had no idea what tha-

He blinked a few times upon locating a tall man standing in front of a blackboard. "Interesting." With his destination now set, he made short work to travel along the roof tops and at least get half the lesson in.
TheWhiteLion said:
Ichika continues to wander around aimlessly in the direction of what he assumed was the area where his class was. Idly he wondered why his father never bothered to give him a map to find his way around, but his mother always said that dad was a bit of a blockhead. Having enough, he cast a short enhancement spell on his legs and shot up onto one of the buildings to get a better vantage point.
Sparing no time to admire the view, he uses another spell to enhance his sight. Everything came into focus in an instant, like suddenly looking through a pair of binoculars. His father said that he would recognize his teacher easily but the young man had no idea what tha-

He blinked a few times upon locating a tall man standing in front of a blackboard. "Interesting." With his destination now set, he made short work to travel along the roof tops and at least get half the lesson in.
Ras's extremely sensitive ears twitched, upon hearing footsteps moving toward the class. He turned and locked eyes with Ichika "found ya" Ras said, smirking, before putting one hand out toward him "Evocatio Valcyriarum Contubernalia Gladiaria! Age Capiant! Contra Pugnent!" he incanted. The boy was suddenly swept up by an unearthly force and blown through an open window into the class, Ras turned to him after putting the chalk down "so, you must be that muscle brained idiot's son" he said in a friendly but extremely British accent.
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"Well, now that most of you are here, I'll tell you what'll be happening, I'm your home room teacher, so you have me in the mornings, and in the afternoons, the other teachers have various subjects they teach, but you'll all be together since you are a class, and you'll all be in the same dorm on the same floor with me and the other teachers, we handle you class and your year's class" he finished just as the bell rung. "Ahh, now, next class should be starting in ten minutes, off you go then"
Is simply speechless. He knew the man was powerful, from what his father told him anyway, but to lift him off his feet and send him flying into the class room at such a speed...

"Ah... I missed the class." After such a stunning deduction he realized the man had spoken to him before dismissing the class, "Yes, ichika inugami. My father told me a lot about you." His words were spoken quickly and softly, not prone to wasting time and effort on being heard.

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