.:Magically Esteemed Educational Private School:.

Name: Barry "Berry" Valentine

Age: 12

Gender: Male

Blood Status: Pure-blood

House: Eadmark

Personality: Barry is the very definition of optimism, with his cheery demeanor and overall carefree attitude. Despite this, he will still put forth hard work and sacrifice to accomplish his goals, and will never go back on his word. He will even lay put his life on the line just to prove a point, a quality of which his parents and teachers are not fond of due to several incidents in the past. A bit of ditz, he's often very clumsy and prone to breaking something and/or tripping over nothing.

History: Born to two loving parents, Barry was raised as best any child could wish - smothered with toys and gifts from his wealthy family, as well as his favorite candies and other entertainment. This led to a generally happy childhood, and a generally happy child. When he received his letter to join the school for magic, MEEPS, he was ecstatic! Overcome with excitement, Barry wanted to get there as fast as he could, so that he would be able to meet new friends and learn new things (but mainly make friends). He plans to work his hardest to become the best around, and make his parents proud one day, and maybe even change the world with his smiley attitude.

Other: Barry loves bubblegum (especially strawberry flavored) more than life itself and will do anything to get some. He also enjoys many other types of candy as well, though not nearly as much as gum.


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(Hi ^_^ )

Name: Poppy Primrose

Age: Has just turned 12

Gender: Female

Blood-status: Muggle-born

House: Ramael (if too many people are in this house I'll change.)

Personality: Poppy tries her hardest in everything she does, but is literally cursed with utter clumsiness (a.k.a. she's that annoying girl that breaks everything she touches somehow.) Almost everything Poppy tries to do-good idea or not-ultimately fails due to her pure awkward/clumsy nature. She isn't awkward in a the sort of 'anti-social' way, more of the 'tries too hard and messes up' kind of awkward. Despite knowing this, Poppy still continues to always put in her best effort.

This ditzy girl can become somewhat stubborn at times, always trying to be completely independent. This is because she doesn't want to have to rely on other's and have them carry her weight on top of their own. In short, she's aware of her clumsy nature and is secretly afraid of weighing anyone down because of it. Even though she is a tad awkward, Poppy is still very talkative and enjoys making new friends. She has a very positive attitude and outlook on life, loving to learn new things.

History: Poppy has always lived in a muggle home containing one parent, her father. Sadly Poppy's mother died giving birth to her and never got to give Poppy her motherly love. But on a good note, Poppy couldn't gave gotten stuck with a greater dad. She was raised up with so much love and compassion, which helped her mold into the young girl she is today.

Ever since Poppy could remember, she had always felt like she could do bigger and better things. Once she got that unexpected letter from MEEP, she made a promise to herself. This promise included that Poppy would always try the hardest she could at school. Especially in those things they call...BATs..and uhm..EWEs? Even though she was very nervous -seeing as she hadn't known magic even existed until up to this point- she put up a confident act and reassured herself she'd figure out soon enough. After all, her father had always told her to stay positive and the sun would soon enough shine through!


[QUOTE="Lucem Tenebris]14? I thought everyone started at age 12?

....oops...wrong roleplay....! ^^" Yes, you are correct, 6 years for halfbloods and pures and 6 1/2 for muggleborns. Haha! Sorry about that...
So....who wants to start? I'm kind of sick of waiting, the teachers will just be NPCs until we can fill them out xD
[QUOTE="Lucem Tenebris]The two students who rank highest on the BATs go to a resort for the summer, right?

DING DING DING!! You are correct! *streamers fall from the sky* weooo! Yeah, they do, why? (Usually I just skip the summer unless something big happens)

Xynia1998 said:
I can play A teacher what class needs to be taught?
Ermagerd! I love you, Xynia! There area bunch of classes that need to be taught, mostly the interesting ones, things like Arithmancy is just there for show and will be taught by an NPC if no one wants to take it (and who would? Lol)
Xynia1998 said:
Okay I will make My wonderful teacher (Laughs evilly in my corner of darkness) Also, are there is student spots left?
Of course, Xyn! There's always a spot for you xD
Name: Adriena Travelsted


Gender: Female

Blood Status: Pure blood

House: Claimil


Adriena is a very quiet girl. She is kind of nerdy in the sense that she is never not reading. Adriena loves to obtain information as that was almost forbidden in her house hold. She has memorized and nearly perfected most basic spells. The kind of spells you don't need a teacher for.

Adriena has a bit of a hard time relating to children her own age. Her quest for knowledge has put her at a very high IQ level. It's not that she see's others in a sense beneath her. She just doesn't understand the point of most things. Such as petty bickering.

Adriena almost never gets mad or annoyed. She can be pushed to a point of anger, but she usually tries to let it go. Like most people though if you keep pushing the right buttons she can snap. Due to her young age she doesn't yet know how to handle her anger. When pushed to an extreme her magic can almost act on its own. No one has even been hurt, but some funny things have happened. In future years Adriena will be better at handling her emotions.

All in all Adriena is a calm and down to earth person. She doesn't have a crazy temper, but she can be angered. Adriena loves to learn and would be very attentive in class. While she wouldn't have the courage to buck up and answer any questions aloud she would get A's on all of her assignments.


Adriena is born from a long line of purebloods. Her family believes muggles are disgusting and should be hated for their ignorance. She however thinks differently. Adriena is fascinated by muggles or humans. She wonders what it would be like to be in their shoes. Being a witch is hard. There are so many things to be afraid of, but muggles don't have to worry about that. Her dream is to become a teacher of muggle studies at MEES.

Adriena is the eldest of 3 children. She has a sister Loraine who is 10, and two twin brothers Austin and Oliver who are 6. One of her brothers has yet to show sign of magical abilities. This is sparking huge controversy around her family. The media thinks Adriena's mother may have had an affair with a muggle and are hounding her father to order a paternity test.

With the headlines in her local paper being "Travelsted family: Are they not so pure?" her acceptance into MEES all, but ignored entirely. Her mother had to hire a personal assistant for Adriena to buy her school supplies because she was too ashamed to go out and buy them herself.

The Travelsted family is the owner of the very successful company MagiBooks. A series of book stores scattered around the wizard world. Her daft and yet beautiful mother constantly gets books mailed to her from admirers. She usually tosses them out. These books are how Adriena gets most of her knowledge. Her mother believes 'a proper lady is not to be learned, for a smart woman intimidates men'.

Adrienas father has taken notice of her scholastic ways and has told her multiple times she will be first in line to run MagiBooks after he passes. Adriena doesn't really want the responsibility of the multi-million dollar empire, but has no say in the matter.

Adrienas mother and sister both have huge personalities. Her mother is loud and ditzy, but still charming and her sister seems to be developing the same way. Her two brothers are also loud, but more in a rambunctious 6 year old way. With so much personality Adriena is constantly over shadowed and forgotten. She doesn't mind it, she just sometimes wishes someone would pay a little attention to her.

Other: "The BATs and EWEs will be so easy as long as I follow the rules!"

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/Adriena.jpg.1f240edd82a71ba56d1b35664cb3ec6f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="5062" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/Adriena.jpg.1f240edd82a71ba56d1b35664cb3ec6f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> 


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