.:Magically Esteemed Educational Private School:.

I hope not, we might get copyrighted. And in case you were thinking it, no, Pai. Changing it to _ 3/4 doesn't change anything.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/image.jpg.a3ef2c41788c12754aba3d9e78523dda.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="5064" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/image.jpg.a3ef2c41788c12754aba3d9e78523dda.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Back!~ Lol swagrid (I liked everything just for the halibut. -10 Points from Ramael for terrible fish pun)

Anyway, I was actually thinking we do something else other than a train, perhaps a boat that goes underwater? Any ideas, everyone?
Maybe I should get this moved to Fandom xD It's using a lot from Harry Potter, but isn't Harry Potter at the same time. Oh well, I'll just put a few copyrights here and there.
In case you're going to put a bunch of Harry Potter references, I felt you should know that I've only seen the first movie and I was a little kid at the time.
[QUOTE="Toaster Muffins]Me >.>

Wooooooooooooooow! So slow xD lol jk take your time, we'll just go ahead and buy stuff and interact a bit. Anyone got ideas for everyone to meet up? Perhaps we all just bump into eachother? Perhaps someone gets robbed? Ideas, ideas, ideas.
Don't worry Folks I am still alive, but the evil dreaded school had to kidnap my attention of a little bit My teach will be up soon for you all to enjoy. 

Name: Eve Jackel, or most commonly called Ms. Jackel

Age: 27


Blood Status: Pureblood

Class: Defense against the Dark Arts.

House: I didn't know what I should put here, because she is a teacher. Does she have a house?

Personality: Eve is like the sun and moon, totally different during certain times. Sometimes she can be cheery, hyper, maybe just a little confused ready to teach her students with a blazing white grin on her face (She loves her dental Hygiene), kinda creepy if you ask me) and can be kinda a push over But, then comes the times when she is totally changed. It's like something had possesed her body, making her become a monster from Hell itself. And it always starts out the same way. She will act normally at first, but you can just see the burning hatred in her icy eyes, like she wants to kill you, Yet her voice is still sweet as sugar when she talks. But you can't, but feel like she is a cat fixing to pounce. It is just a good thing that she is clumsy in both states, so even if you do catch her in a bad move you can run.

History:(Finish later)

Other: "BATs and EWEs"

Appearance: Ms. Jackel is a slip of a girl, as her mother says with a very thin, yet curvy waistline and is only about 5 foot 2, but gains about 4 inches once she slips on her heels. Which she hates, but wears because she just can't stand feeling short. Eve's hair is dirty blonde streaked with thin lines of silver, but most don't notice than unless she is standing in the sunlight. She normally keeps it in a tight bun, but when she is in one of her moods it falls down to her shoulders.

Eve is also what you may say a girly dresser, she just loves to wear skirts and, or dresses that she can twirl in.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/Eve.jpg.0832f068aa65c114a29bfe1c13ad390a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="5086" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/Eve.jpg.0832f068aa65c114a29bfe1c13ad390a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> 
I will get her history up in a little, bit I am just kinda lazy right now and figuring it out is kinda tricky.



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