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Fantasy Magical Revolution -OOC-

Oh yes, I believe I forgot to say this. For those of you who don't feel like carrying your artifacts at all time(me at times XDD) they do become little charms for either bracelets or necklaces. To use them all you have to do, is just pull it off the necklace.

This is just in case you don't want to carry them around at all times~
Andraus Andraus And you get to meet Useless Son of a Gun with an Overprotective Weapon. lol Here's to hoping this rp doesn't stop short like so many others.
Andraus Andraus There's clearly a lot of work that's been put into this, Cheshire Grin did a great job. And this was your idea? It's a pretty original take on magic/fantasy, if I do say so.
BlightGiver BlightGiver How does everyone notice that? My friend saw it, and she doesn't even like gaming like I do ( Cheshire Grin Cheshire Grin )

And it fits. They have a deal, and he just has to find this one demon to square himself with the devil.
Done. Just a quick warning: I finished most of the CS while I was tired. So there's probably mistakes galore. Please let me know if you spot any or there's anything you don't like. Cheshire Grin Cheshire Grin
KAmber KAmber
I tagged everyone o.o just go to the first page of the OOC and click the roleplay link~ I might have to tag everyone again like Andy said o.<

Verdas Verdas
Your character's last name is beautiful XDD I had to stop for a good minute and stare at it. So far, I like the character, feel free to post~

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