Magicae Knights [Inactive]

Kareem guided Ken through the back alleys, "Do not speak." He stopped before passing a corner. He dispelled his disguise revealing his true form, (by form i mean showing that he is not the size of an adult his outfit didnt change, just his size). He pulled him through a crowd of his toys. They all bow to him as he escorted Ken through his area. Kareem could careless about the act but being in front of stranger gave him a small ego boost.

Kareem reached the end of the journey which was the shopkeepers house. "Your Hope of Magic," he pointed. Then he ran into the shop.

He tried to hid his excitement, but he was a little twitchy. He looked for some way to get the shop keeper attention. He saw a bell on a counter. He beat the **** out of that bell. like you would hear the *DING DING DING* like rapid fire. Kareem even forgot why he was beating it.

xxxxxIt seemed that travelling over building roofs had become the norm now, as Cho found herself above the city for the third time that day. After the run-in with the knight earlier today, she figured he'd probably be on the look out for her now, and most likely some other knights as well if he had informed them of her. Cho sighed, already frustrated at the thought of how much more difficult it would be to get by now. She couldn't get caught.

xxxxxSoon, she found herself on top of a building across 'Path-E-Tech," making her way down onto the ground in the alley beside it. Cho casually walked across the street towards the store, managing to pickpocket some change for herself in the process of passing by a few strangers. A satisfied smile found its way onto her lips as she pocketed the money, pulling her headphones down to her neck. Every time she stole without any use of her magic, she felt almost invincible. Though the money wasn't exactly enough to buy anything useful, it was enough to put a smile on her face.

xxxxxUpon entering the shop, she was met with the sight of two people, and the deafening, yet irksome sound of the front desk bell. The constant dinging was enough to make Cho pull her headphones back up over her ears, just barely muffling the sound. As she looked up, Cho quickly identified one of the two people as Kareem, whose state appeared to have improved greatly. The other person was a man with short red hair; he looked to be about her age. She knew he wasn't exactly a threat, but she kept her caution up anyways.

xxxxxCho made her way around the counter, pressing her hand over the hand that Kareem was using to ring the bell to mute the sound, pulling the

bell away and sliding over to the other side of the counter.
"Seems like you've gotten better." She said with a faint smile as she looked down at the boy. "Care to explain to me how you went from completely passed out, to fully functioning in such a short amount of time?" Cho asked.

[[ OoC:// They're in Path-E-Tech, right? o-o;;; I hope I didn't get it wrong... ]]

Kareem looked up at Cho, his hood fell off revealing his surprise face, "Cho." His face became red, and he backed away, recovering his head. Kareem turn to Ken, and pulled Cho away. "Ka... we drink water and power up," he responded as he pulled out his bottle. He hesitated to give his name, to hide it from Ken. "Ken dangerous person, hides powerful magic. Cho not safe here," He said as he turn to Ken, "We will protect Cho." Then he handed her his backpack filled with his rations. Trying to return the favor he owed her. He did not want to let her, normal human, to get mixed in with the dangerous people. He grabbed Cho's hand and tried to pull her to the door.
Arin blinked as the door bell rang constantly. "Oh hello, I see you're all batter now." He peeked out the window. "Let us convene somewhere safer, shall we?" He led them to his basement and opened the door. "Welcome to the basement." He bowed. "I am Arin Xerath, owner of Path-E-Tech, Magiscientist and Rogue Mage Extraordinare." He suddenly stopped. "And for the love of all that is holy, do not knock over that jar." He said while pointing to The Jar. "Feel free to ask anything of me."
"Uuuuuuh" was Ken only answer. He was still completely lost, too busy forging a new sword. He noticed he was back at the store.

He said "No army too many cowards."
Christopher looked at Natsu, giving him back the Jessie Leemans's file. "Keep it to yourself. It's a copy to you", he said, with his lips still wet from the soup. He looked at his bowl. It was empty. The week away on the assignment made him actually miss the Order's food. This thought made him smile. He looked back at Natsu.

"Finish your awful meal too, so we can get some sun light and arrest some people".

((sorry for the short post, really tired right now))
Brendan wasn't sure what had happened. He remembered following his master. He remembered talking. Then he recalled a weird buzzing sensation. It started in his ears but then soon his whole body became consumed by it. He stood, frozen in his spot as he tried to understand what was going on. He touched his collar wondering if his master was punishing him but no. This was not the same thing. Brendan wasn't feeling any pain. More of an odd sense of discomfort. He felt removed from where he was and his vision began to blur.

"Mas-" Brendan tried to call out, worried he was becoming sick but something caught in his throat before he could utter much. He saw his master's back before his vision faded completely.

Then...nothing. Brendan started to feel his mind slip away but he did not care. He wondered how long he was like that. A new feeling replaced it after what seemed like hours. A feeling of dread - and anger. His whole body became consumed again feeling like it was on fire.

What was happening to him? It felt like something else had taken ahold and he was at it's mercy. Suddenly he was back in reality, screaming in pain. He had tried to use magic subconsciously and the collar reacted to this. He grabbed at it as if he could pull it off. He was on the ground, crying and whimpering wondering what his owner would do now.

Wonder what exactly had just unfolded. He looked up for a moment blinking, thinking maybe in the haze of his pain be imagined a shadowy figure disappearing.


If Bella had to say what she just felt, she would describe it as an intense wave of magic. It felt wrong and she turned back towards a house. But as quickly as it happened it was gone. She paused in her steps and glanced at her Mage to see if she had felt it as well. Then she sighed. It was probably some collared Mage trying to break free. Since it stopped he or she was most likely taken care of.

Bella returned her gaze to her Mage. "To them all. But mostly to anyone who appears suspicious. I will not give names now but if you report a description I might narrow the list for you."

Then, not waiting for a response, continued on her way. She noticed a few other Knights and collared Mages she passed by looked a bit confused but she did not stop to talk. She had things to take care of. She entered the Order office and went to one of the records room. She wanted to check something out.

[Note: Everyone felt the same sensation of magic like Bella did. React accordingly.]
Kareem walked over to the jar. The Hope of Magic treasured it but that only meant it would be even more fun to mess with it. He lifted his hand preparing to remove the top only to feel a weird buzzing of magic. It did not hurt but it completely broke his concentration. He hovered to Cho, feeling threaten by another magical presents. His eyes and hands gave off a blue glow. Mist was released from his mouth slowly. "WHERE ARE YOU..." he cried. The buzzing ended but Kareem was still on edge. He was so use to being the one hiding and attacking from out of site that. Being hit first was almost a strike at his pride but more over scary. He started breathing hard and sweating. The floor in the room was covered with the mist. Before long his illusion kicked in unconsciously, the room became darker and everyone was hazy. It was a weak illusion which anyone could easily pick apart but to Kareem, it was pretty much the real thing. Everyone disappeared in his eyes and he called out everyone names. Next his illusion created the sound of crows, rustling, and other scary movie type noises in turn which cause him to mute out everyone. His magic did not respond(because it was already in affect) and he freaked out cowering in a corner of the room crying for help.
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After licking his bowl, Christopher stood up and went to the lockers room. It would still take a while for Natsu to eat, so he had time to get his special gear. He walked through the lockers and stopped at the one that said "Fowler Family" in front of it. He took a key from his pouch behind his back and opened the locker. On the inside of the little door, there was still a picture of him, still a kid, playing with Nasri. He didn't dare to throw it away. He looked into the hole of the locker and saw his gear: The blessed shield, with a big white star drawn on it, given to him by one of the old friends of his father, immune to any kind of magic, but Chris always thought the shield was too small. If he used it from defend himself of some powerful wave of magic, it would only protect his chest and a bit of his chin. The rest of his head and his legs were protected only by his armor and by his own immunity; The two swords, forged on magic fire and by the weapons used on the greatest battle of the war, made of swords of the three main Order's generals. Gifts from his father...

After gearing up, Christopher felt an unusual wave of magic that made him shiver. It was different from others that he felt, but then, it stopped. It felt like one of the waves released from an escape attempt of a collared mage. But that was a powerful and different kind magic. Could it be... Natsu trying to escape? Chris ran towards the dining hall. Natsu was there, eating his soup, with the collar around his neck. Well, the wave of magic had stopped. It was probably nothing. He could just be freaking out with all the stuff that was happening. What he should really be worrying about was Jessie Leeman. He walked to Natsu and talked to him.

"You'll go to the records. See if there's anybody there that can show you the records at the time Jessie Leeman was killed, and if the cameras caught something. I'll try to ask the other knights around here, see what they already know".
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Natsu tucked the letter back where it had come from and looked down at his soup again. He felt compelled to lift the bowl to his lips and drink the soup without touching the spoon as he usually did to conserve time, but they were in the Order's Main Office and Natsu's old sense of eating-out manners kicked in. He picked up his spoon and began to eat at as fast a pace as he could without being considered rude. His owner disappeared soon after he had begun to eat, having already finished his soup. Natsu continued to eat his soup as if nothing had changed, his arm only a bit stiffer than usual from the stress of being slower than the one he was serving. Natsu hated being a burden, even more than he hated a lot of other things.

Just as Natsu's spoon began to scrape the bottom of the bowl with each spoonful, a strange burst of magic hit his senses. Natsu immediately closed his eyes, his spoon pausing in midair as he concentrated on the three things he needed to deduce about an unidentified burst of magic. It was likely an escape attempt by a collared mage, but it seemed a little different. The burst had died down rather quickly - too quickly for a real escape attempt for a mage emitting that level of magic resistance from his collar. The magic had seemed to come from a relatively close location, so it was easy for Natsu to guess at these things given his surroundings. Still, these were less than positive deductions, and Natsu had other priorities at the moment. Natsu heard the semi-familiar footstep pattern of his owner running towards him. He opened his eyes and resumed eating his soup as his owner approached.

"You'll go to the records. See if there's anybody there that can show you the records at the time Jessie Leeman was killed, and if the cameras caught something. I'll try to ask the other knights around here, see what they already know".

Natsu nodded at his owners' words and scraped the last of the tasteless soup into his mouth. Not that anything else would have tasted much different to Natsu, except perhaps poison. He stood up and tossed the styrofoam bowl into the trash, leaving for the Record Hall without a word.


xxxxxCho only nodded when Kareem explained how he had recovered so quickly. She should've known the water would have helped him. The kid was a water mage after all. She gave the kid a good look over, just to make sure he was completely okay before walked back around the counter to stand beside them. "Ken dangerous person, hides powerful magic. Cho not safe here," Kareem warned. She looked over at the man, her head tilted slightly as she observed him for the second time that day. Her sixth sense informed her that she didn't need to worry about him. Sure, he may be powerful, but he didn't feel dangerous. "It's fine. Don't worry about him." She said, just before Kareem handed his backpack over to her.

xxxxx"What?" she asked, unzipping the bag. Inside was enough food and water to last her for a week, maybe more. "Where did you get these?" She wondered aloud, digging through the things before a pang of guilt hit her. These were Kareem's. It didn't feel right to freely use what she hadn't earned through her own work. Cho zipped the bag up again and returned it to Kareem. "Keep it." She said, ignoring his useless tugs to pull her out of the store. Despite the fact that he was a potentially powerful mage himself, he didn't seem to be making any progress in moving her any closer to the door.

xxxxxSoon enough, the shopkeeper poked his head through the indoor window, as if he had only just now heard the loud dings of the bell. "Let us convene somewhere safer, shall we?" Cho raised an eyebrow, but didn't question him as she followed him down to the basement. It occured to her that she really had no business in the shop, and she had really just come to check up on Kareem. Cho shrugged at the thought, and just continued on. He made sure to give emphasis on a jar he kept, making sure to tell them not to break it. Of course, due to reverse psychology, she had every urge in the world to pick the thing up and smash it on the ground, but she didn't. Instead, she thought about how the guy could have just put the jar in a less hazardous place.

xxxxxOnce again, Cho decided against questioning the man, who later introduced himself as Arin. She took that moment to take into consideration his appearance. He appeared to be around Cho's age as well, maybe younger. It sort of gave her the reminder that rogue mages never lasted long when Magicae were everywhere. Her mother was lucky to be alive. It was then when an unfamiliar wave of magic hit her. Cho was confused. She had never sensed such a thing before, yet she knew that it was magic. ~What the...~ She thought, scanning the room. Had it been one of Arin's contraptions?

xxxxxApparently, the others had felt it as well, as Kareem seemed to cry out in alarm. Before long the floor was covered with mist, and the room became dark. The sound of crows echoed around them. It was an obvious illusion. Even non-magic users would probably be able to tell it was fake. The sound of Kareem's cries for help guided her over to the boy, who was cowering in a corner. "Seriously? You're going to use up all your power again..." She muttered, squatting down beside him and giving him a good flick in the forehead. Illusions were created by the mind, and enough shock to the user's head, especially a child's, was one of the few ways to stop one. Hopefully this would work. Just to be safe, Cho gave Kareem's head another flick, twice as hard as the first.

[[ OoC:// Head-flicking!! Heheheh C:< ]]

"Do not worry." He said as a panel slid out the wall. "What we lack in numbers we hav in strengths." Then the mist went up and the crows cawed. He sighed and pulled out a device from his pocket and pressed a button. The illusions dispelled. "Really? Crows and mist? You need some scarier stuff. Remind me to give you a book about need more material for scarier stuff." He said. He turned to Ken "Did you find where the collars are made? That'll be our first target and the mark of the Glorious Revoulution."
"No, i was busy gathering an army, i can't search around blindly for where the collars are made. Do you have a clue or know where i should look?" Ken asked. Ken was not phased by the mist as it just wasn't scary enough. It needed monsters and the like to be scary but that's just Ken's opinion.
"Hmm..." He sat infront of a computer. "Magic is a form of energy..." He started to type in his computer. "So in theory I should be able to use satellites to detext ambient energy signatures and compare them to varioussignatures." A map appeared on screen with various colored dots. "I eliminate areas which aren't magical in nature." Only red dots remained. "Referencing timestamps..." Only a few were left. "Checking nearby cameras..." Only one dot remained. "Here's the target. The collar factory, so how do you want to do this? Incendiary? Explosive? Chemical?"
"How about all three?" Ken asked excited. He knew he'd finally get to strike a blow at the magicae. He couldn't wait he wanted to hit fast and hit hard. He was amazed at how fast the mao cross referenced the terms and then processed the data. The Hope of Magic, is truly something. It's good to know Magiscience is good for this kind of thing too.
Natsu headed through the halls of the building and out the door of the Main Office. He didn't think twice about leaving his owner behind like that - he would summon him through the collar if he was needed. A few Knights looked at him on the way out, but none of them spared him a second glance other than one particularly rude Knight Natsu recognized from the night before sticking out his leg to trip him as he passed by. Natsu simply ignored the leg and stepped over it without so much as glancing down. Luckily, the Knight didn't make any further attempts at Natsu, and he was able to exit the building freely. He stepped out into the bright white light and blinked twice as his eyes adjusted to the light. Good. His eyes wouldn't stand out too much under the dark shadow of his forehead in this light. His gun was tucked discreetly in a black tote bag with a zippered top, which Natsu concealed the majority of under his arm.

It didn't take him long to reach the Record Hall, as the building was only a short walk away. Natsu stepped through the threshold and waited for his eyes to adjust again. He went up to the short blonde haired woman sitting at the front desk area. Behind her, a collared mage sat staring at a computer screen with images of different faces on it. He stopped in front of the desk and pulled down his scarf to reveal the collar around his neck, giving the woman a slight bow before speaking.

"My Master sent me to ask you for information on the case regarding images of Jessie Leeman. I need to see the records from the time Mr. Leeman was killed. If you have footage, I'd like to see that first, please, Master." It was customary for collared mages to call all Magicae Knights Master, something that had horrified Natsu at first. He wanted to be loyal to one person, something his father had stressed when Natsu was a child. Through time and harsh training, though, Natsu's illusions were broken, and he learned his lesson. He wasn't stupid, after all. He wouldn't put himself at risk for something so childish.

The front desk lady gave him a look over and led him through a metal door to a back room full of surveillance cameras covering the walls of every angle of the town. Two tired looking Knights and two tireder looking mages sat monitoring the footage as it came in live. Natsu was led to a corner of the room where the TV screens were blank, and the lady sat down and took him through the process of operating up the screens and getting to the timeframe he wanted. The Knight said she had work to do, and so she left Natsu to his work. He sat down and started scanning through the footage of each camera around the time of Jessie Leeman's death.
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Kareem woke up out of his trance by the first flick on the forehead. "OUCH," he cried as Cho flicked him even harder. He came to his senses and absorbed his mist, as to not waste water. Kareem there is no danger, calm down. Hearing the sound of his sister after so long relieved his mind. He grabbed Cho, to worried about another magic attack. He wondered of she felted it. Now more then every he wanted to leave but she would not follow him.
Jayce woke up with a tear streaming down his face. He doesn't know if his shirt is soaking because of his tears, or his nervous sweat. Jayce gets out of his bed and walks around, figuring that maybe it will take his mind off how depressed he really is. Jayce starts crying again, tears falling two times faster then they were before. He lies back down on his bed, his mind running about everything that happened, or could of happened. He fell back into a deep sleep, including probably the worst nightmares that hes ever had.

PS: IK this is badly written, but i just found out that the roll play started, and because I'm not in the roll play yet, there's not much I could do, so before my "owner" makes a post with me in it, this is as far as I can go for now
Christopher was tired. He asked every knight he had seen about the Jessie Leeman's case, and none of them gave him any new information. Some said that Ruidaman could help him, that she was on the case too. Who the hell was Ruidaman anyway? Goddamit. During years he worked for the Order and never even learned the name of anybody. At least he knew she was a woman. Counting with his collared mage and hers, four people on the investigation. Too many people in his opinion. It was already hard to get along with one, imagine with three other humans, working with him. He wanted to smoke, badly. He entered the bathroom and locked himself in one of the toilets. He searched his pockets for a cigarrete. Nothing. Screw it, at least he could rest for a little bit there... He closed his eyes and napped, sitting on the closed toilet bowl.

Someone was knocking on the door, almost bringing it down. What the hell... "Come on Chris, I know you're in there!", the voice of Bishop said, from the other side. "What the hell do you want Bishop? I'm kinda in the middle of something", Chris answered, with a tired tone on his voice. "The hell you are! A classy boy like you would never take a dump here! But nevermind that, listen, there was a little problem when we were dealing with the paperwork about your collared mage, and it seems that... Well... Congratulations, you now have another one...". Chris stood up quickly and opened the door even quicker. He grabbed Bishop by his collar. "WHAT?!". "That's right sir, two collared mages", Bishop said, scared. On his hands there was the file of Jayce Opinius. He gave it to Christopher. Christopher looked at the file. "Fifteen?! Oh, come on...", Chris said. "Am I a baby-sitter now?". Bishop looked upset. "Look Chris, enough of this ****, you're the only knight that wouldn't like to have a collared mage that I know. God, if you don't like them, just torture them, beat'em up or sum'thing like that, like everybody else does, just don't throw your anger at me!". Bishop left the bathroom. Chris analyzed the file for a bit longer and then came out of the bathroom.

This time, he was alone. No more stupid comments from Bishop. There it was. Cell 16-B. Inside, there was a boy. A fifteen years old rogue mage. ****, he probably wasn't even part of the revolution, but still got locked up because of his magic. Now, that was a situation that Chris would never agree with. If they fear magic so much, they could had just sucked it out of the kid. There was no need to lock and beat up an innocent like that. Well, two collared mages... Okay, enough, time to do this already.

"Hey kid, are you alright?"

xxxxxCho smiled once Kareem was brought back to reality, the illusion dissipating as soon as she had flicked his head. "Sorry." She said apathetically, ruffling the boy's hair before pulling him back on his feet. "If you want to freak out about some magic, do it to the source, not the people around you, okay?" she advised with a reassuring smile. Cho nodded and turned to face the other two teens in the room. She only needed to hear the first sentence to know why he had offered to bring them down to the basement. "Did you find where the collars are made? That'll be our first target and the mark of the Glorious Revolution." Arin stated, turning towards the red-haired boy, who Cho still had yet to learn the name of. ~The Glorious Revolution?~ She thought, forcing back the confusion that threatened to make itself evident on her face. Instead, she kept quiet, listening in on their conversation as they continued to discuss their plans.

xxxxxThey continued on talking, searching for where the collar factory was, and how to destroy it. At this point, Cho couldn't hide her confusion any longer. They were planning such a major attack, yet their numbers were only at the incredible height of two. She had heard rumors about a revolution among the rogue mages, but she had never taken them very seriously. In fact, she thought of them as just terrible jokes. "If you don't mind me asking..." She began. "Why the collar factory?"

xxxxxShe looked over the shoulder of Arin, pointing at the computer screen. "Sure, blowing up a factory might slow down production a bit, but it's not like that's the only one in the world." Cho turned to look at the two. Hopefully, they would understand what she was trying to get across. "They'll just import more until they build another one, and with the lock down on the city, you can't really leave to blow up other factories." She pulled out a chair and sat down beside the desk. "If you want a revolution, you might want to start with the people." she said.

[[ OoC:// I got my new character up! c:]]

Arin turned to her. "We're starting with the factory because it is symbolic. It'll show how we aren't afraid to fight the oppression thay have done to our kind. They feel safe with their collars and controls we take it down, it'll give us a few days until they start to import new collars." He turned to his computer. "The plan is have them import to find out where the rest of the factories are. Then we send coordinates to other Rogues around the world. They will handle them." He smirked. "Simultaneously, we will make the people lose their trust to the Magicae by either exposing corruption of some, either here or other places, or by making them think that they are attacking people under suspicion of hiding mages, which would later be proven innocent." He looked at them. "This is how war is fought, deception, force and propaganda." He turned back to his computer. "Then we go big, attacks on random areas, well...what would look like random but in actually is a big magic circle. We will sink their structure. By this time, little to none will trust Magicae Knights." He stood up and stretched. "Ngghhh...While they lose trust we will have to gain trust by doing public works. You know...Robin Hood and all that."
Kareem did not understand most of what Arin was saying. The idea of revolution, the complexity of stragey, it was all gibberish. Most of his plans always came from his sister. But there was one thing he did understand it was Destruction. The idea of blowing up the factor brought a spark into his eyes. The MKs always were taken away his toys, so why not break theirs. He looked toward his sister for guidance and she agreed. "We want to blow up factory." said Kareem nervously. He stepped up in front of Arin. "We want to break the MK's toys. Please," he begged. Then he zoned out and started laughing, envisioning the idea of the destruction.

xxxxxSo they were planning a revolution. How fun. Even though Cho honestly wasn't exactly an advocate for this, 'Glorious Revolution' of their's, she found it interesting to listen to. She nodded in reply as he explained his plans. Explaining how they would contact the rogue mages outside of the city, which meant that they had a lot more people on board than she had thought. The image of his plans played out in her head as he spoke. She pictured quite a bit of destruction and chaos. Magicae weren't easy opponents, so they couldn't risk getting caught early on. They had all spent years in training and were difficult to fight against. On top of that, they each have a collared mage serving under them, so technically, they also had powerful mages on their side. This wouldn't be an easy war to win.

xxxxxHowever, Arin's plan seemed pretty okay. Very general, but it seemed that he had the general outline written and ready. "Then how do you expect to gain the trust of the people?" She asked him, leaning forward in her chair as she tugged at the headphones around her neck. "After attacking all those structures, Magicae will probably have already used the press to inform them what the rogue mages are doing." Cho looked at him. "Won't they be afraid of us, or at least have just as they do the knights?"

xxxxxThat was when Kareem began to speak. "We want to blow up the factory." He said. Cho raised an eyebrow. Wasn't he a bit young to be so willing to blow a giant building up? But then again he had tried to kill a man not too long ago, so her look of surprise quickly faded. Kareem's eagerness to destroy worried Cho a bit however. After witnessing his magic, she figured he didn't exactly know how to control the intensity of his magic use. "I'll go too." She said, without thinking. "I can make sure no one sees you." Cho explained. Truthfully, she didn't want to accompany them at all, but she felt almost a sense of responsibility over Kareem, and she wanted to be there to make sure he didn't make any stupid mistakes. Having him get caught was the last thing she wanted. 


xxxxxIt was a nice day. Sun in the sky, shining over the beautiful green pastures. Muffins were holding hands, dancing in circles while rainbows filled the sky in a beautiful collage of bright and shining colors. Krista reached out for a muffin, her mouth watering as the rest of them ran screaming in terror. She was just about to take a delicious bite when...

xxxxx"SCARLETT!" The familiar voice screamed in her ear, as she jumped awake and slipped off of the couch she had been napping on. Her backside took a hard crash to the wooden floor, as a string a profanities left the girl's mouth. "S*** Bishop, the hell was that for?" She groaned, pulling herself up. "That's the third time today you were caught sleepin' on the job. You're lucky that I haven't reported you yet." Krista punched the guy in the arm, fixing the now tangled red mess on her head she called hair. "Oh shut up, we both know it's because I saved your ass last week when that rogue mage went berserk." Krista yawned, stretching her arms up in the air as she made her way to the coffee machine, pouring herself a cup and taking a sip.

xxxxxAfter waving a quick goodbye to Bishop, she left the room with her coffee in hand, wandering aimlessly through the halls as she had no job assigned to her so far. Probably because she hadn't exactly been awake to take one. As she turned a corner, there was a sound of buzzing in her pocket. It took her a few seconds of believing that there was something wrong with her gun before she realized that it was just her phone. Krista pulled it small device out, glancing at the contact name, and tapping a finger on 'Answer' before pressing it to her ear. "Heyy, Drake!" She answered, in a far less than serious tone as she mentally cursed at herself for her forgetfulness. She had completely forgotten to go pick up the collared mage that had been assigned to her just this morning.

xxxxx"What? Of course I didn't forget! I'm at the cells right now! Here, say hi." Krista pulled the phone away from her ear, mimicking a weak voice that was undoubtedly her own. "Hi..." Drake's booming voice pierced through the speakers as he began scolding the knight, obviously frustrated at her irresponsibility. "Oh, gotta go Drake, reception's terrible in the cells. Bye!" With that, she abruptly hung up on the man and rushed over to where her office was, digging through the mess of papers on her table before grabbing the file on the collared mage before rushing back out.

xxxxxKrista easily ran down the stairs to where the cells were, almost sighing in relief once she got there. She opened the file, flipping though it. The boy was seventeen, and he had a rather impressive list of spells he was able to use. Though none of them involved making food magically appear. Bummer. She walked down the long dark hallway. It saddened her a bit that they were imprisoned in such a place. Having been raised by collared mages, she knew better than most people that they were pretty much just like regular human beings. On her way towards the cell, she noticed Christopher, one of the other Magicae Knights. He seemed to be picking a mage up as well.

xxxxxWithout a second thought, she poked her head inside the cell in which Chris's mage had resided in. "Hey Chris." She greeted, her eyes turning to look at the young boy in the cellar. "Be careful around this one." She told the boy, a look on her face far too serious to be genuine. "Some say he's a sexual predator." With that, she offered a wink towards the collared mage and walked off stopping at the cell in which her own collared mage was supposed to be. Krista swung the door open, her eyes resting on the seventeeen-year-old boy. "There you are! Sorry about not getting you earlier. I kind of fell asleep." She explained, scratching the back of her head. "Brendan, right? I'm Krista, but most people just call me Scarlett."

[[ OoC:// Bwahaha. I had too much fun writing this post. Anyways, I sorta had her pick Brendan up at the cell's rather than where he left off in the roleplay, because I couldn't figure out how to pick him up at another knight's home. o-o;; If that's not okay, I can rewrite the post.

:P @Legendless ]]
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Jayce looked up in fear, he has heard about these "owners" before. Cruel, and mean to there collared mages, they even beat them. The man looked at him patiently; Jayce saw kindness in his eyes, something in him seemed forgiving. Jayce wiped the one tear that remained on his cheek, "yeah I guess I'm alright, are you my new owner?"
There he was. His second collared mage. God, now there was two of them. This one seemed to be less experience and more innocent than Natsu, and there wasn't much information on his magic. Well, what can you do anyway? "Any help is welcome", Chris thought, not believing in himself as he thought it.

"Yes, I am", he said, opening the cell of the mage with the key that Bishop gave to him. "Jayce, isn't it? Want me to show you around this place?".

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