Magicae Knights [Inactive]

Chris was heading to the main office. When he left Market street, “Path-E-Tech” was surrounded by knights. The man on the back alley was dead. He couldn’t had died from the bleeding. He didn’t bleed enough to die. The cause of death was still unknown. They tested him for poison and for magic, but didn’t found anything. The only things that were left as reasons to his death were the piercing wounds on his back and leg. Chris was worried. Arin could have poisoned the man, but a poison that couldn’t be identified by the specialized magicae knights on that area... It was something that had to be very well developed. Christopher started to think that Arin was a dangerous man. The knights surely were going to interrogate him, but he could just say that Chris was the one that killed the man. And then, that thing would be all over the news. People would get scared of the knights, giving more power to any revolution of the rogue mages.

Chris had to find the boy and the green haired girl and hope that they would serve as witnesses... Yeah, sure, because the boy would just deliver himself to justice to be collared instead of letting Chris be condemned. Dammit, he had to arrest the kid and hope for the best. If Arin was what Christopher thought he was, that was a brilliant move. Killing a mage instead of arresting him - even he wasn’t guilty of anything – was something that would still be okay to most people, but killing a human civilian with no evidence of him being a criminal... It was exactly the type of thing that could crush his career. At least people would also investigate Arin. If there was something suspicious in his store, maybe they wouldn’t arrest him, but they would definetely aprehend it. Any weapon he had there would be taken away until the case of the back alley man was finished.

And then, there was still Jessie Leeman’s case. And his collared mage. And the lack of an informer. And finding the green haired girl. And convince her to become an informer. There was still a lot to deal with, and he didn’t trust any of the magicae knights he knew to help him on any of this. Chris walked into the main office. Things seemed to be busy in there.

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Arin watched as lots of Magicae were scattered around his store. "Man, how troublesome." He went into his basement and pulled a few switches and pushed a button, electricity traveled through a wire and onto someplace else. He then went to the kitchen and grabbed some lemonade and a tray. He stepped out. "Do you Knights want some lemonade?" He asked. Just then an explosion happened at the far side of town and a building was aflame. The weird thing was, the flames were blue and mesmerizing. 'Haha, copper-based explosives really look like magic.' He thought. "Oh my God! Was that thing caused by magic?" Just as he said that several more buildings were aflame. The Knights were quickly called away to help with the explosions.
Ken was on his way back to the warehouse when the building next to him exploded. He took a throwing knife spoke instructions into it for those who'll heed the call. He threw it and sooner or later it will land in the chair at the warehouse. Now Ken would have to deal with a Magicae Knight , because the battle looks to have started. Ken slipped into an alley and waited in it's shadow.

xxxxxAfter a couple seconds of sweet silence, Cho's resting was disturbed by a not-so-pleasing amount of commotion outside. "Oh God..." She muttered as she peered out the corner of a window. The shop was surrounded by knights. There was no chance of Coh getting out even through the side entrance. So much for safe. Then again, none of them were trying to get inside. Maybe they needed a warrant, or some kind of fancy contract to get inside, but then again, with the devastatingly high amount magic that Kareem had used, they were probably just being cautious. Maybe they could just wait them out.

xxxxxAs she watched the knights outside a weak voice called out to her. "Cho..." She looked over at Kareem, he looked like he had just been hit by a train. His exhaustion was evident, and there was no way they'd be able to get out of here without being caught, even if Kareem might not have magic surrounding him now, the knights were all experienced enough to know what exhaustion from over-use of powers looked like. They'd squash them in a second. There was no way she'd be able to use her illusions to affect the minds of so many knights. Some of them were probably immune to them.

xxxxxAs if on cue, their savior from earlier waltzed right out from the basement of the shop through the front door, with a tray of lemonade and a cheery expression on his face. Was he crazy? They were all there because they sensed magic in the area, and walking out like meant that he might as well get himself killed. Cho stood there silently, watching him as he offered all the knights some lemonade, but before they could react to them, a huge explosion sound a few miles away and the knights ran to go investigate the noise with the help of the shop owner's obvious acting. "Oh my God! Was that thing caused by magic?" He had exclaimed. Cho couldn't help but to turn away and laugh a bit. If it was't for the giant explosion, they probably would have just interrogated him.

xxxxxAfter another glance in Kareem's direction, a small pang a pity came across her, as she set her water bottle beside him as well as the last of her granola bars. One glance at the food she had stolen gave her a quick reminder as to why she had stolen them in the first place. She needed to bring food home to her mother. Cho bent down to look at Kareem. "Listen," she stated, "I need to head out for a little bit okay?" She reached out to ruffle the boy's hair. "You stay here, and rest up. I'll be right back. You'll be safe here." Hopefully. Cho turned and walked straight up to the shop owner. Due to her sixth sense, she knew he was someone she could trust. Not necessarily as a leader, but maybe as a friend. "Hey. this kid's used up way to much MP and he can't even walk right now." She told him. "I have to head out for a bit, so could you do me a favor and just take care of him for a little bit?" Cho didn't wait for an answer, and instead opened the door to Path-E-Tech's entrance and took a quick scan around the area for safety's sake and stepped out, immediately swinging herself up onto the store's awning and hopping over onto the roof. She didn't want to risk getting caught by any knights in the area. Hopefully, none of them would look up.

[[ OoC:// Finally got a post in! Sorry for the wall of text and probable typos... ;-; People Mentioned: @ZombieDesu @Mintsong ]]

Natsu waited for his new owner to come pick him up in a holding cell designed specifically for collared mages somewhere inside the Main Office of the Magicae Knights. He could hear the sounds of hustle and bustle through the concrete walls behind his head. The room he was in contained three or four cells of similar nature on each side, and a door at each end. Natsu hadn't gotten much time to look at the rest of the office as he was escorted in last night through a dark hallway, but his instincts had allowed him to keep a map of where he had been. He remembered the turns he had taken to get here and the doors he had been escorted through. Not that the information was any use to him now, but it was a part of his training from Liza, and it had been drilled into his mind enough times that he still did it whenever he went to a new place.

The bright white lights lit up the sterile hallway between his cell and the opposing one, though the cell itself contained no lighting fixtures. It was probably a tactic to prevent the use of magic, he figured, should there be any attempt to do so. A faint mechanical buzzing sound from somewhere nearby echoed in his ears. Natsu hadn't seen any guards in this room since he had been dropped off, but that could have been because of his late-night arrival and this mornings' commotion outside.

Natsu sighed and shifted his back closer to the concrete wall. He sat with his legs crossed and his back straight against the wall. His arms remained crossed across his chest as he bowed his head and his eyelids fluttered closed. To anyone else, it might look lake Natsu was asleep or just trying to block out everything going around him, but this was how he prayed without letting anyone else know. He could do it for hours, and had gone whole nights meditating like this instead of sleeping when his mind was more worn out than his body.

Natsu's ears picked up something from outside, a keyword, maybe. He kept his eyes closed and concentrated on the sounds from outside to see if he could pick up anything more. Praying helped him calm down, but if there was information to be learned, that was a higher priority.
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Christopher walked through the cells hallway, following one of the knights, called Bishop. Bishop laughed while hitting the cell doors, waking up prisoners that were sleeping or had fainted due to tortures. Christopher remained serious through the hole time. Bishop looked at him, thinking that Chris was affraid of the mages inside the cells. "Oy mate, there's no need to fear'em. You just have to imagine'em as big oranges full of magic, and we are squeezing every drop of it. And it is our privilege to drink this juice. Ain't I right, handie?", Bishop said, while knocking his rifle against the cell door of a mage with one of the hands chopped off. The mage looked at Christopher with a gray glow on his eyes. Chris looked away from the mage, with some sort of guilt in his heart. Bishop stopped in front of a knight guarding a door. "Checkmate", he said. The knight stepped away and opened the door. The hallway that Chris walked in was extremely white and clean. He closed his eyes a little bit as he walked through it. "That's it", Bishop said. "The new jewel of the collection". The two knights turned themselves to the collared mage inside the cell. He seemed to be praying before they looked at him. Bishop laughed. "Oh my god Chris, did you see that? Hahaha!", said Bishop, while punching the cell door. "There's no more salvation for you, goddamit! You'll die under our command!". Chris placed his hand on the shoulder of Bishop, saying: "Leave me alone with him for a moment Bishop. It's time for me to meet my collared mage". Bishop obbeyed him and walked out of the hallway. Chris looked to the mage, confused as to what he was going to say.

"Erm.... So... Hey... How are you doing?"

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Natsu heard the sound of a door opening, and two sets of footsteps approaching. He chose to focus on the footsteps, though he was still aware of the meanings of the noise coming from the Knight's mouth. The noises and footsteps approached the gate of his cell, but Natsu ignored them as he focused on preparing himself for what was coming. The footsteps stopped, and Natsu heard the guard punch the cell of his door. There were words, too. Ugly words. He stopped that train of thought before it got going. The words weren't a question, so Natsu had no need to respond to them. That was all that mattered.

"Leave me alone with him for a moment Bishop. It's time for me to meet my collared mage". Natsu noted the tone of voice of his new owner as he spoke to the one he now knew was called Bishop. After a moment, Bishop's footsteps retreated out of the room, and Natsu was left alone with his new master.

"Erm.... So... Hey... How are you doing?" This time, it was a question. Natsu opened his eyes, each of which shone dully against the shadows in the back of the cell. One eye glowed a dull red, while the other did the same in blue. He noted that he would have to cut his hair soon - his bangs were starting to get in the way of his vision. He looked up at his owner's face. He seemed about the same age as Natsu, perhaps. He didn't dare make eye contact upon the first meeting - he had yet to judge this guy's personality.

Natsu's answer came with ease. "I am doing well Master, thank you for asking." He spoke the words fluidly, without a tone of any kind. Even the word 'Master' slipped from his tongue without problem. It was the truth, actually. He hadn't lost any limbs during his stay here, and his temper had cooled completely by the time anyone arrived. He considered this to be doing 'well', given the alternative. Natsu didn't make any further movements from behind the bars. He hadn't even shifted his weight yet, not since the Knights came in.
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Arin nodded and scooped up the child and placed him on his bed. He then left some food, water and a letter saying that he is in good hands and is free to go as he pleases but advices him to wait for the girl. Then he goes to the basement and activates something. "No one shall be able to sense our magic now." Then he proceeds to go to the door and snap his fingers, a small rumbling occured and when he peeked inside he saw nothing but an ordianry basement with scraps of metal. "Now, nothing in my shop will implicate me with magic." He goes up and looks out his window, it was almost sundown. "The Glorious Revolution is at hand." He started to chuckle then ended in full blown laughter. He stopped after a while, "Must get drink first." He goes to his kitchen to drink a glass of water.
Kareem grabbed the water and guzzled it down. You have to stay hydrated brother... you tire because you do not have enough water in you system, his sister whispered in his ear. He removed the glass from his mouth and stared into the glass. There was only a little bit of water left. His energy came back to him like MAGIC ((bad pun)). Nobody was in the room, only a note sitting next to the snack Cho left. Kareem looked at the note, but he couldn't make out most of the words. Although most people would just blame the handwriting, Kareem is an exception. He was uneducated but knew enough to get around. The word girl caught his attention. Was it his sister... The voice in his head became mute. Magic rushed to his hands. "Mira...." he stopped. Last time he did this trick, he revealed his identity to a stranger who got away. He grabbed the snack, "Cho left food, must return."

He finished drinking the water, and closed his eyes. Using as little magic as possible, he constructed his black outfit hiding his identity. He then created a backpack and placed the snack in it. He quietly walked around the shop until he heard an the shopkeeper say "The Glorious Revolution." He watched him has he entered the kitchen. He followed slowly. The thought of his sister faded from his mind allowing her to keep him in check from killing the guy. This guy has not harmed you so far so he not a threat. He knows some... The sound of water coming out of a faucets. He source of his power, the domain for which he was god of, was flowing out of the metal tube. Was it magic, he could not tell. His sister was clueless to the site as well. Free water... we need more water... but it is not safe, retreat now you toys can find you this free water. Kareem nodded and ran out the shop. There where no sign of knights around. Ironically the shot was actually a street away from his home. He ran into the alley way and disappeared.

Inside his dark alleys a boy was wander around looking for King. The people warned him to be careful when using that name for fear that King would get mad. Despite this continue asking around. A drunk thief who has been around since the being of Kareem 'rule,' pointed the messenger to Kareem's HQ, little did the boy knew the danger of the area. The Thief was one of Kareem special toys. Kareem assign him to send anyone who dare wish to contact him to look in that area. This place served as an easy place for Kareem to safely get and relay messages to other people and kill spies. The area was a damp dead end road that rarely got sunlight. Also anytime it rain water would gather up and sit for weeks at end. The boy enter the area. Looking at his surroundings confirmed that he was dealing with a water mage. Called out the king. The water formed a puddle and Kareem, rose out of it. Only instead of a kid, It was a 6'0 adult male. His eyes glow blue and his voice was deep. "What business do you have with me."

The boy read out a message from Ken. A fellow Ken request that all mages meet him at the abandoned building eastside of town. Then the boy ran off. Kareem did not pursuit, the boy was smart, and aware of how dangerous of a position he was in. As the boy left site the man melted into Kareem's real size. "Sister, should i go another mage asked of me." The boy was wise, and careful. Had he been a spy for a knight, he wouldn't need to visit him in person alone. Heed his request but do not let your guard down. "What about Cho..." His sister didn't respond.

Kareem entered his room. It was filled with bottles of water and rations his toys stole from guards and knights. Under the food was chest filled with clothes. He pulled outfit matching the artificial one he created using his water manipulation. the outfit melted off of him and he changed clothes. He grabbed an backpack and filled it with water and snacks. "Kareem wishes to give Cho niceness back," he told his sister. She did not respond. Kareem let out a sigh and left his room. With his new look he could walk around public without showing his real self, and he could use magic without showing his face. He arrived in the area, Carefully out scouted his surroundings. Nobody was here yet, at least in the open. He left the area only to enter it again through a ally way. From there he stayed hidden out of site and waited.

((I like how Evil colors her words when her character speaks, so imma take it a step further. Most of Kareem thought process revolves around his 'sister' speaking to him, as such anything Kareem is speaking i will color his words blue, any time his sister is speaking i will color her words Pink))
Ken managed to slip away in the shadows. He moved by the alleys so he wouldn't be seen. Well i guess this was right up his alley(pun) anyway. He finally made it to the warehouse and did it look inviting. He decided he should check for Magicae. He pulled out a fragile looking sword and swept it's light over the area. Magicae always leave spots void of magic and mages fill them with magic. So he didn't detect any spots void of magic but he detected spots with excess magic. A mage has been here.

"Is there someone there, my sword says you are or were here.?"
Arin heard footsteps and froze. Was the boy awake? He peeked out and saw him run out. He followed him to a dark alley, where he waited outside the area. "So this is whereyou go." He said as the boy left. "Do not worry, I heed no harm" As if to prove it he quicklt removed his coat, revealing no weapons on him. "I hear that you received Ken's message. Allow me to introduce myself, I am Arin Xerath, I am known in many parts of the world as The Hope of Magic." He pulled out a trinket from his pocket and set it down. "A little gift young man." There were a few clicks before a tiny metallic figure rose. "The girl from earlier will be back soon, do you wish to wait in comfort?"
((i guess i go back in time alittle in this post to respect mintsong post))

(-- before Kareem disappeared in the alley way and is standing in the alleyway--)

The man caught you... Another person who linked your identity... Kareem You know what too .... Then the man said that he meant no harm as he removed his coat. Kareem watched, keeping a close eye on his movements. Removing clothing does not equal harmless Kareem. Kareem stayed on guard, careful not to release anymore magic then he needed too. The man said something about a message from Ken but Kareem did not recognized the name nor had he heard of this message. The man revealed his self as the Hope of Magic. A fancy title to spit in the open but Kareem wasn't so cocky as to give his. Then the man pulled out a trinket which transform right in front of his eyes. Is this new magic. Kareem it looks like... His sisters voice went mute. Kareem started shaking, He did not know whether to feel threaten or amazed. Then the man asked him to stay and wait for a girl. Kareem grabbed his head, memory of his dead sister flooded his mind. Kareem's eyes started to glow blue. "LEAVE US ALONE, YOU WILL NOT HAVE SISTER," he yelled. He threw the trinket back at the man and ran off into the alley way to DISAPPEAR, and not be FOLLOWED... (unless you had a tracker thing inturn i will respect but there way you can follow Kareem safely without him knowing because you saw him run into the alley and know where he lived)

((Back to the present))

Hearing Ken call him out, Kareem planed out an response. This man used some sort of device to detect his presence. This was a new method he never seen before. There has always been people who could sense magic back when he was running from his family but never had any of them use a physical object. Was this the man connected to the Hope of Magic. This man was dangerous if not to his health than to this secret. Kareem you must be wary mage or not this man knows what he is doing. Anything you do will have to be one step above him. He created a water clone, the same one that the boy saw, and send it to greet Ken. The clone walked out of another alley way slowly not to make too much movement and waste mana. "Are you Ken?" asked the man in a deep voice. Kareem pulled out a bottle of water and began to sip on it. The air was dry so he had to be extra resourceful as to not repeat the past. And if this man proved to be dangerous, he was ready to take him out. Nobody was escaping his wraith this time.

xxxxxFrom building to building, Cho hopped over each one easily. She easily scaled the walls that were on the higher side, and any person that caught sight over her from the inside of a building only caught a flash of the girl before she was gone. She was searching for another small store she could possibly steal from. She had given Kareem her rations for today as well as well as tomorrow and needed to stock up on food again. With her skills, she could technically take a lot more than she usually did, but she would be risking too much. Cho took a small amount of things she only needed from stores in order not to raise much suspicion. She also had to strategically map out where she would steal from, in order not to hit places too close to each other, which could also possibly raise suspicion. If only they didn't constantly raise the security around the stores. She couldn't even take from the major businesses anymore because they could afford high-quality security cameras and robotic guards. It was a huge inconvenience to her, as she was forced to find smaller stores.

xxxxx~Aha...~ She thought, as she neared another convenience store, similar to the one she had visited this morning, but a considerable distance away from the first.. Cho dropped herself into an alley a few buildings away and walked out, turning onto the sidewalk and walking with her headphones over her ears. Another perk of wearing them, was that it gave her an excuse to look busy and walk alone without raising suspicion. She turned into the store, giving the clerk a friendly wave and a smile, the wave disguised as just another spell-casting as she followed her usual procedure of magic on the clerk as well as the cameras. Cho pulled the last of her money out of her pocket with a sigh. She only had so little left. Enough to buy herself another water bottle, as she was running low after giving Kareem her's. Cho pulled a the water out of a fridge and stocked up on more granola bars, as well as a muffin and a can of juice.

xxxxxCho walked up to the cashier and for the second time that day, set the water on top of the counter, as well as the last of her money. "Just the water?" He asked. "Yep." Talk about deja vu. Cho walked out of the store, taking a small sip of the water bottle before turning and making her way towards home. She had walked about one block before she turned into an alley and scaled up a wall, landing on the roof of a building again. Things felt like they were finally back to normal. Cho dashed over the buildings before finally stopping at one. She pulled open a trapdoor at the top and hopped in, landing in the middle of her living room, where her mother was sitting on the couch, helping herself to their last cup of ramen. "Welcome home." She greeted, without even look up.

xxxxx"Hey Mom." Cho walked over to the kitchen and pulled open the kitchen pantry, setting down the food she had scavenged. It would last them for a while. "You were out for a while today." Her mom said. Cho turned to look at her. "Yeah, I bumped into a couple of old friends." It was a lie. Her mother looked up at her, chopsticks frozen under her mouth. Cho looked back. They were silent for a moment. They both knew Cho never made friends growing up. She was always kept at home as a kid, and was given her education at home. Her mother chose against questioning her daughter and just continued eating. Cho pulled the can of juice out of her jacket and set it in front of her mother. "I need to go out again. See you tonight?" She said, turning to leave through the front door. "Be safe." She nodded, walking out onto the street once again. She looked down at her jacket. She had kept the muffin as well as one last granola bar for herself, and held the water bottle in her hand. It was time to go back to the shop.

[[ OoC:// Oh my goodness guys, it's a wall of text, so I made the text smaller. Lol. Look what happens when she's alone. D: I'm sorry! Anywho, I'll get her to the shop in the next post. She's gonna flip out when she finds out Kareem isn't there. Lol

xD ]]
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Ken's sword chose that moment to malfunction and shatter.

"Prototypes" Ken snorted

Ken turned his attention to the mage before and answered "Indeed i am, guess i won't get an army today i suppose. Too many scared of Magicae but they should come so they can learn tue weakness of the magicae. Sorry, i was thinking out loud. "
"True weakness," repeated Kareems clone. This man is indeed interesting, Kareem hear him out. Kareem's clone walked closer to Ken. "MK sense magic, they boast high immunity to magic. They are trained soldiers as well as traitors. They each have the collar mages who are forced to work with them. They are a threat to us, so how can they have a weakness to us mages." Kareem's clone turned away from Ken Kareem started preparation for his next trick turning the clone less solid and moving the water behind Ken. "We have lost many toys in conflict with the MKs. Both loyal and traitorous. They use sweet words to break our toys and leave us to depose of them. Today we respect your request to meet with all rouge mages but only you and us are here, we do not even see your 'Hope of Magic' friend." Then the clone walked behind a pillar and reappeared behind Ken with a knife at his spine. Kareem took another sip of water. His trick was finished, should be scared or at least aware that Kareem is serious and not playing. "This weakness you speak of, we hope it is not simply a knife through the back, because we assure you this always works for1 any man, even you."
Chris turned away his vision from the collared mage on the cell. The whole idea of having a collared mage was weird to him. He never had any subordinates working for him, and he never liked the idea of enslave people. But mages weren't exactly "people", so that would probably. The new law was clear: Every magicae knight should be have at least one collared mage. But to Christopher... He always preferred loneliness instead of being close to another person. He didn't know what to do with a collared mage. He didn't know what to do with anybody close to him. So, how should he behave to his mage? Bossy, cocky, friendly? He thought that to the mage, it shouldn't matter. If it was him inside that cage, he would just love any reason for getting out and feeling the sunlight. Looking around, he could see why some of the mages went insane before leaving the prison. The blinding jail, the screaming whiteness of that place was giving him headaches. Everytime one of the prisoners inside the cages would just look outside, to the hallway, they would see this powerful blinding light. It was hard NOT to go crazy. Chris turned his eyes back to his mage on the cell, analyzing him. He didn't seemed to be a bad guy. He just looked cold. But who isn't after being captured and tortured from times to times? Chris reached a bag on the back of his armor and took the file of Natsu and the case file of Jessie Leeman. He looked at Natsu again. The best way to do this would be going straight to the point.

"Okay, Natsu, nice to know you're doing well. Here's the thing, I really hate your kind. I think at the first opportunity to get rid of this collar you will try to kill me. This is not my problem until it happens, because I'm really thinking this war is starting to get stupid, and that means we won't be discussing it. Actually, we won't be discussing much. I'm not your buddy, I'm not your friend, I'm not your daddy. If you want eat, eat, if you want to take a piss, do it. The only thing that I'm interested about you it's how well you can work an investigation, because this is what matters now", Chris took a key out of his pocket and opened the cell door. "Come on, after me". Christopher started to walk through the hallway, with Natsu following him. He delivered Natsu a copy of Jessie Leeman file. "This is one of the cases I'm currently investigating. We'll be heading to the crime scene soon. I'm also working with two other cases. Personal cases. We're trying to find a green haired girl and a boy that uses water magic. As you use ice magic, I thought it would be easier for you to track him. The other personal cases concerns Arin, owner of Path-E-Tech. I know you must like your kind, but he's a total ****, trying to screw with me for no reason at all except to take his out of the line. He's ruthless and he isn't exactly kind with anyone. I think the revolution made him insane. But now we're going to eat. You look like you could use a meal". Christopher opened the door at the end of the hallway.

"Got all of that?"
"Well like i said too many cowards out here. But if you're threatening me, then you've made the wrong move water boy." Ken said as he created a sword of flame and caused a spectacular explosion of flame that would surely evaporate the clone. Ken lept forward at the same time and planted a grenade in the ground to go off at his command. "The weakness is sciene which Magicae aren't immune too. I can't exactly share that info with cowards or the Magicae will find out. So how about you show yourself as i know one thing mages are stronger than that."
Natsu took the file without question, immediately opening it up and scanning the contents.

"Yes Master." He said without glancing up after his owner inquired about his understanding of the information given to him. He followed his owner through the door and to the lockers outside where they had made him strip and put all of his gear inside one of them. He stopped in front of the locker that contained his tools, glancing up from the file at his owner to make sure he had the key to it. His eyes went back to scanning the file for any clues. He was already on the fourth page.
Kareem Took another sip of water. A fire mage? no it was different. The flame originated from his sword. Is this what you this so call science a special magic. MKs are suppose to be immune to all magic but they where not immune to science magic. This man must be crazy. Even the your sharpest water blade, which has been known to cut through metal had issues when striking a MK. Unlucky for Ken Kareem magic doesn't just stop at water, steam is also manipulable. Then a loud bang went off, dispersing his steam and vapor out of Kareem control. Kareem took a big gulp out of his bottle which was halve empty. Humid day he could save energy but with this dry air, every drop of water counted. Kareem use clones sparing he can detect them easily. Kareem nodded and focused on his magic. He gathered most of the vapors blown away back to his location. He surrounded his self him the vapors and bend the light so that he appeared to look like the clone. "You call us a coward, and yet you send a boy into one of the most dangerous places in this city," respond Kareem with a deeper voice. Kareem held out his hand, "If it is a firefight you want, then a fire fight you will get." The illusion of flames appeared in his hand. He tossed the flame in front of Ken missing him on purpose. The flames gave off the look and feel of a real fire, despite just being a mass of boiling water. With the fire blocking vision from him he parted with his fake disguise. leaving it up as it continue to move toward ken ready to release another blast of 'fire.' "Your science magic is not stronger than my, " mocked the disguise before firing another blast of 'fire.'

Kareem wanted to see more of this Science magic, as such was still holding back his magic power. Mage in front of him relied on tools, one which broke after a little usage. If that his science magic could bring him, then the MK would never fear this "weakness," and he would never listen to this.
"Actually, i caring non magic items and create magic items." said Ken. He created a sword of lightning and stabbed it into the ground while dodging fireballs. Lightning streaked out and lashed at the Water Boy. "I'm fighting you with magic, just magic. You're not Magicae enough for my other tools."
Christopher was eating alone on the dining hall of the Order, all the other tables were empty. He was waiting for Natsu to pick up his stuff. The collared mage gave him a nice first impression, being very straight to the point. He seemed to be smart, and according to his file, he was very powerful. Smart and powerful, didn't talked much... Signs that he was going to be a nice partner. Partner... Considering a collared mage a "partner" was maybe a bit too much for a Magicae Knight. But who the hell cares for the Order or the Rogue Mages or the upcoming rebellion? It didn't matter to Chris anymore. He would never trust the mages, but the whole war talk was tiring him. What did the mages thought they were going to do after the war was over? Or what would the Order thought it would happen when they would kill the heads of the revolution? The war would never stop, there was always going to be some sort of leader, turning soldiers to ashes, thinking that they were fighting for a just cause. If that war kept going, it would go on until the last man standing would fall. All humans and mages, the intelligent life on Earth would be wiped by magical bombs and nuclear weapons.

But maybe that was just him being pessimistic. The anniversary of his father death was messing with his head. The last words of Nasri, whispered in his ear while he pierced his sword through his dad heart were: "You deserve peace, my son. Please, forgive me... I trust that you will bring peace to everybody". Christopher Fowler, an agent of peace? He felt like laughing, but kept his mouth shut, enjoying the cold soup of the Order's kitchen. He had killed so many mages already. He was never in peace. He remembered of the old master Ianto, the one that trained most of the rogue mages leaders of today. He remebered cutting his head off and then killing five of his main apprentices, without his blessed shield, using only two swords against guns and powerful magic, guided by his hate against the mages, using the wrath as his power.

There was too much blood on his past for him to bring peace to the world. He would never bring peace to anyone if he couldn't even be in peace with himself. He looked at the bowl of soup of Natsu. He was probably finishing reading the Jessie Leeman's file.
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Arin blinked at the boys reaction to him...'Well...' he thought. 'I did not see that coming.' And with that he turned to leave. "Time to work on that Magic Distortion Field." He mumbled to himself. He returned to his shop and opened a hatch in the wall, he pulled out a device and started to tinker with it. "Hmm...I should add a self-destruct function...just in case..." He finished working on the device and searched himself for a piece of paper. He wrote at it, scartching out a few numbers here and there until finally he was satisfied. "This Theory of Subspace was quite difficult, now I just need to find a way to apply it..."
Natsu had finished putting on the full set of his gear by now, which he could dawn in under a minute, but which he had taken slightly longer to put on this time as he checked his gear for any changes or damage to his goods. He folded his prison clothes and left them piled neatly at the bottom of the locker, then grabbed the file he had finished earlier and slipped it in a pocket at his waist. With that he wrapped his scarf around the collar on his neck, tying it behind him and tucking the knot inside. He repeated the process with a scarf around his head, then slung his sword over his back and grabbed the tote bag containing the parts to his submachine gun and seven magazines of ammunition. Natsu followed the path back to the dining hall according to the directions his owner had given to him. When he had reached the large, open room, he spotted his owner sitting at the only non-empty table with two bowls of soup, and walked over to him in a few short strides. He noted the time of day outside as people headed in and out of buildings on the streets outside.

Natsu sat down at the table silently and held out a hand containing the file for Jessie Leeman to his owner. He didn't know if the man wanted it back or not, though he would have preferred to go over it again tonight in more depth if the man let him keep it.
The disguise Ignored the shots of lightning as it pierced its body. It prepared to fire another fireball but froze.

Kareem stop, this man is wasting your time. Kareem dispelled all his magic. Everything melted instantly to the ground. Then all the water converged on his location. Filling up his water bottle. "We are using too much magic, we are leaving," he ordered Ken. Then He ran into an alley. He stopped before completely entering the shadow. Then he turned to Ken you coming. Despite wasting his time, he was a mage and was an enemy of the MK.
"Sure, one is better than none." Ken said. He noticed the man said they were using too much power meaning his water magic has a limit. Ken also, began concentrating on making a new sword so he was dividing his attention. One of his hands gave off the faint glow of creation while the other was normal. He saw the blade and made out it's specs so now is it's birth which will take a while.

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