Magicae Knights [Inactive]

"No...I will not hesitate...if they get in my way..."Arin responded. "I want to start something idea." He said as he walked back to his shop. "They say the collaring is for humanity, no matter how inhumane it is." He clenched his fists. "We must show them the error in their ways." He led him into the store and showed him one of his greatest inventions, The Mannon. "God has upon you on this day, the fate of the people in our hands." He loaded the weapon. "And blessed be the people who fight with all their bravery til only the righteous stand..." He tinkered with it a bit until a low humming sound was heard. "Tonight, tonight we strike, tonight we declare our freedom!"
Kareem stared at the girl. Who was she, what did she want? He stared at the gondola bar she forced in his hand. Normally in this situation he would use his magic to disappear. But Sister warned him about using magic around Knights and MK. The stranger show no intentions of harming him. Coming from an area where backstabbing is a norm, he was still weary of the gift. Sister was the only one he could trust. Sister is the only person who loves him. This girl must be dangerous, this girl knows who he is. he clenched the bar. Sister what should i do... Then His stomach started grumbling.

As if it was a sign. reached for his stomach, then looked at the bar, and then the girl. It was a sign from Sister. She said it is safe. he opened the snack and took a bite out of it. the sweetness overpowered his senses. He forgot what it was like to have good food. He ate very little, and anything he did eat was barely not soiled. Tears feel down his eye. He put the snack in his pocket, such a treat should not be eaten right away. He rubbed his eyes removing the salty liquid. His sisters voice echoed though his ears. The sound of them playing together, being a family. The image of Cho in his eyes became his sister for a minute.

"But Mom is dead and sister...," he blurted out loud. His sister stopped him reminding him that she was to stay a secret. It was not safe to talk about her. This girl, who is she. She is not bad. She is not evil, or dangerous. She is not broken or defected. She was a treasure, and must be protected. Kareem completely forgot his mission to inquiry about the MK. Kareem grabbed her hand and dragged her away from the area.(WHICH HAPPENS TO BE THE SAME DIRECTION OF WHERE EVER SHE WAS GOING BECAUSE I dont have a map of the city, nor do i understand where anything is.... if i may ask RP master could you design one of those so it would be a little bit easier to know what happening where?)

Kareem opened his mouth when he felt they where far enough away. Nobody in the city knew his name nor his identity so it was very important to him. He signal Cho to bend down so he could whisper in her ear, "Kareem is Kareem." Then he smiled, This was the first time he did something without his sisters consent. "Kareem heard about bad things but the Knight stopped Kareem," he said answering her second question, "What do they hide from Kareem? Kareem will know... Cho will know too yes?" He red eyes sparkled, he was positive this is what sister wanted. And new sister will help too.
"I don't hesitate either, it's helping them release from their misery. That weapon looks awesome, i am right with you. Tonight we kick some serious a**!" Ken said. He was liking this morr and more by the second. Here he thought he'd have to wait long to see action.
Arin looked at Ken. "Find out where they make the collars." He hefted the Manon and set it on the table, his magic activating various machines. "That is our first target." He flipped a switch as a massive computer slid out from the wall. "Gather any Rougue Mage you can find. Tonight...we give them hell."
"Well consider me on it. Turnin up today, they'll wake up to ash and dust. Going to go recruit a set."Ken said as he left the store. He was too excited not to start right away. Now finally the Magicae will crumble without their mages. Then the humans will have no choice but to accept magic.This should've been done long ago.

xxxxxWith a smile, Cho stood back up, taking another bite of her own granola bar. The boy seemed angry and skeptical at first, but then softened, unwrapping the bar and taking a small tiny bite out of it before putting it in his pocket for a later time. Smart of him to conserve his resources now. Even though she had a couple of other things in her pockets she could offer to him, she had another mouth to feed back at home. It only took a moment for Cho to look up at the kid's face before realizing his was crying. Whether it was out of happiness or despair, she had no idea. "Woah there. I know the it tastes good, but it can't be that good." She joked, in an attempt to lighten the mood.

xxxxxLuckily, he wiped the tears way, and was fine. Well, at least until he had mentioned his deceased mother, and something about his sister. Cho decided against pressing on the matter. She had never been fond of people question her when she had lost her father. However, before Cho cold even open her mouth to comfort him, he simply grabbed her hand and dragged her off. "Woah, woah, woah. Where are you taking me?" She asked, stumbling behind him.

xxxxxSoon enough, the boy decided to stop when there was far less people around them. He probably didn't like all the people watching. Either way, Cho was still confused. All she had done was offer him a granola bar and now he seemed to be a completely different person than when he had first appeared. Her sixth sense had even informed her that the darkness had lifted significantly. "Kareem is Kareem." the boy informed her. She nodded in return. So that was his name: Kareem. She'd have to remember that, and also the fact that he referred to himself in the third person. For a preteen, he seemed a lot more childish than expected. After bending down to Kareem's level to listen to him more efficiently, he continued on explaining his situation. Apparently he had heard about 'bad things,' which only further confused the teen. "Bad things? What bad things?" She asked him.

xxxxxThen he continued on, asking her if she would know of the things they hid from him. Cho was silent for a moment, still trying to make sense of what he had just said, but nothing rang a bell. From the sound of it, is seemed like the Knights were doing something, and Kareem had overheard. The knight made an effort to 'stop' him, which might explain why he retreated further into the town. Still, his explanation wasn't too detailed, so Cho made a decision to try and figure out whatever was going on. "Uhm, yeah, I'll know." She replied, in whatever way might make sense to Kareem, seeing as how she hadn't even understood his question in the first place. "I just need you to tell me what happened so I can help you."
Kareem dropped his smile and looked around for any listening ears. His sister would always warn him not to give away information to anyone but the recipient. "A MK... umm Ma-magicee.... Magicee Knight is dead. Knights are hiding it but Kareem knows truth," whispered Kareem, "Kareem even knows name, Jessie Leeman." Kareem chuckled, proud of his resources acquiring him so much info. Never the less it was not enough. The thing that killed the Magicae Knight was still a mystery, friend or foe. Until the killer is discover who knows what will happen in the city. "Kareem needs to know how MK died... important for Kareem," he continued, "Unknown is dangerous, Known is safe."

After that comment, A thief appeared behind Kareem, "I heard that phrase before... you cant be him, can you little boy..." Kareem turned around. The man was one of his toys. If Kareem was using his magic he could easily fool the man, if not just kill him, but he could not risk people connecting his real identity. Added to that fact was the fact that he was tired from his last kill. He turned to the man clenching his teeth. His sister warned him not to respond and give him more evident to convict him with. "It does not hurt to kill a little street rat and his sister. the city could use the extra space," threaten the thief. Kareem stepped infront of Cho. Hearing the man threating his sister, despite him refering to Cho, brought back the memory of his father. His eyes flared up and the magic in his body began to stir. The man sneered and started walking forward bring out a knife. Kareem mumbled to his self, "Father... will not kill ... again." His eyes turned blue and and all his magic gathered to his hands.
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At her master's order, Audra stopped playing with her shirt cuff and followed behind her. She was still a new collared mage, seeing as she was only recently deemed safe to use.

Pff. Use.

She was an object to them, lower than dirt. A slave to the world. She was still terrified at the thought of having to fight another mage, just because someone ordered her to.

Audra watched her new master, Bella, curiously. She didn't seem as horrible as some of Audra's past masters, much less the scientists. She shuddered at the memory of the beatings she got after each failed attempt to break her stubbornness.

Maybe this time, she would actually try? The woman she followed hadn't called her scum yet, or sworn at her, so that was a definite plus.

Sighing, Audra decided she would at least try. She wasn't particularly excited to go back to the scientists, or another owner.

((For some reason, i didn't get any notifications for this... Didn't know it had started.))

xxxxxCho listened closely as Kareem began to elaborate on what he meant. As soon as he informed her that a Magicae Knight had passed, Cho's eyes widened. Another one was gone. First her father, and now some man named Jessie Leeman. Cho had even recognized his name, recalling the number of times when her father would come home and complain about his colleagues. One of the names that had been brought up frequently had been Jessie Leeman's, and now he was gone. At least there would be less frustration at work for the knights. However, Kareem's desire to find out how this man was killed piqued Cho's interest. This was her opportunity to find out how her father had disappeared. "It's important for me too." She replied. "Mind if I help you figure out this mystery of yours?" She asked him, offering a friendly smile. Not only could she possibly uncover her father's fate, this boy might put himself in danger attempting to find the answer to this question. It wouldn't be a bad idea to make sure he didn't die. "Why do you need to find out who the killer is anyways?" She asked Kareem, standing up straight and putting her hands in her pockets.

xxxxxBefore any reply came from Kareem, a man stepped up behind him. Cho had first assumed he was just a passer-by, but instead, he seemed interested in the two of them. "I heard that phrase before... you can't be him, can you little boy..." He stated, nearing them. Cho remained silent. What had he meant by that? She looked up, making eye contact with the stranger before her sixth sense went off like an alarm. He was dangerous, and they needed to get away. "Kareem!" She warned, just as he pulled out a knife, threatening to kill the two of them.

xxxxxThe boy stepped between them, muttering something about his father, which only made the situation even weirder. But that didn't matter at the moment, what mattered was that a complete stranger was about to make an attempted murder, and that could be allowed. Her eyes caught sight of the blue magic forming at Kareem's hand and Cho's eyes widened in shock. So he was a mage: a rogue mage, and he was using magic in public. Of course, there weren't many people around, but enough to attract unwanted attention. Cho jumped in front of Kareem, casting a quick illusion spell to blind the eyes of a few off the people around them from the magic that Kareem was using. Her range of magic wasn't huge, so as long as no one a distance away turned to face them, they were safe. However, as she cast the spell, the man took the knife and made a stab, catching Cho off guard as she barely dodged it, the weapon grazing her face as a cut formed.

xxxxx"Ix-nay on the agic-may!" She hissed at Kareem, making a swift kick at the attacker's hand, knocking the knife out of his hand as it skittered across the ground. She took that moment as he dashed to grab his weapon to create space between the two of them and the man, backing up. "Unless you want to get us killed, use something a little less blue and flashy." Cho advised.
Rage overtook Kareem as he ignored Cho's words, in his mind he was reliving the moment of his sisters death. Kareem waved his hand and command, "Mirage." A white mist surround the 3, causing everyone inside to disappear. To everyone outside it just looked like an empty street. The mist thicken limiting the vision of everyone inside. The man realizing who he was dealing with became desperate. He hit the ground looking for his knife. Kareem hugged Cho, "Sister, Father wont get you, run out now." Kareem's eyes stopped glowing reverting red and he fainted from exhaustion.

Meanwhile, the man found his knife, "Yes now its..." The man felt a knife in his back. He looked down to see his knife turn to water. He turned around to see Kareem in his Black outfit. "Broken toys must be disposed of ..." He lifted his hand and the formed the knife in his hand. The man froze traumatized. Kareem proceed to stab the man in the face. The man watched as the blade pieced his face. A liquid ran down his face, but it wasn't blood. It was water. The man watched as Kareem's form fluctuate. "Di....E...Ei..e." Kareem turned to water and soaking the ground. The man grabbed the knife out of his back and escaped into the back alley.

(the two events are happening at the same time)
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Chris walked through the streets, lost in his thoughts. He had received another call before leaving his office, concerning Jessie Leeman's death. One of the investigators in the office informed him that Jessie was probably killed by a normal human weapon. Hm. That was unusual. Still, it could be done by a mage who was just very good at covering his tracks. Well, the best thing for him to do was to head to the main office and take a look at the rest of the leads. If that didn't worked out, he would have to resort to an informer, and that was a rare thing this days. All of his informers were getting arrested. No more use for the drugged mages now. He would have to find another, but getting in informer wasn't easy. He would have to track someone who was just as concerned to find the killer as he was. One of "them". One of those mutated freaks.

Christopher kept walking until he reached the market street. It was slow there today, but a few people were disoriented, apparently blinded by some sort of magic. Close to them, there was a young boy, an older girl and a man drawing a knife to both of them. A battle followed. The boy surrounded the three of them in water magic, using invisible mist. It wasn't the first time he saw that happening, and it wouldn't be the last time. The thing that bothered him the most was the fact that the street was so empty that day. Weird. He turned his eyes to the battle again. The mist faded out. The boy had fainted in the arms of the girl and the man was running to a back alley close by. Chris ran towards him, drew his dagger and threw it at the man's leg. The man fell in the ground, screaming in pain. Later, he would call someone to arrest the man and take him to interrogation, as it was procedure. Chris turned himself to the girl, analyzing the boy on her arms. She seemed scared by his presence. He could sense magic coming from her, but it seemed like it was well hidden. It was something to deal with later, however, the boy was probably going to be taken away in no time. Even if Christopher wouldn't arrest him, that magic would have been sensed in over a mile radius, other knights were coming. The boy used too much power. Chris looked to the face of the girl, while pointing to the boy.

"Is he going to be alright?"
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xxxxx"Oh, you have got to be kidding me." Cho muttered under her breath as soon as a thick mist surrounded them. Kareem wrapped his arms around her in a tight hug, calling Cho his sister, and that his father wouldn't hurt her. "Sister? What the he-" Then Kareem fainted, falling straight into Cho's arms. However, she could still hear a battle ensuing between the two, as Cho attempted to comprehend the situation she was in. All she heard was a creepy voice, resembling Kareem's telling their opponent to die, and then the ground around her became soaked with water. Any normal person would have been frightened, but for Cho, frustration and annoyance built-up inside of her. Right after telling the kid not to use magic, he went ahead and started having his own little fancy performance of his skills. Kareem was young, and though he could control the powers, he didn't know how to conserve his energy, and obviously didn't know that some knights could sense magic.

xxxxxWith the giant mist cloud and the fancy water tricks, there was no doubt that they were on every knight's radar within a mile radius. Once the mist cleared, she caught sight of the man who was attempting to make an escape. Cho reached into her jacket, and wrapped her fingers around the handle of a throwing knife. This guy had just witnessed, first-hand, a rogue mage's magic, and Cho would have to rid of him before word got around. But before she could make her move, someone else beat her to it. Another man ran towards the criminal, pulling out a weapon of his own and throwing it straight at the man's leg. She sighed in relief. Well that took care of one problem.

xxxxx"You idiot." Cho commented, as she looked back down at Kareem, cursing under her breath. In an effort to wake Kareem up, she gave him a few pats on the cheek. No luck. "Wake up, Kareem, we gotta go." Cho shook the boy for a few seconds before giving up, lifting him up with her arms and throwing him over her back into a piggy-back position. Before she could leave however, the man from earlier approached them. "Is he going to be alright?" he asked. Cho nodded in return. After getting a better look at him, she realized that the man was one of the knights, and she needed to high-tail it out of there. Hopefully he was one of the ones that couldn't sense magic. "Yeah, he's fine. We've been working all night, and he kind of just crashed." Cho lied, but her words came out as easily as any. Having light quite a bit in her past to get out of things, stretching the truth had become second nature to her. "Well, we'll be going home now. Thanks for the concern." She adjusted the boy on her back before giving the knight a friendly wave goodbye. ~Don't look at me. We're normal human beings, just goin' home. No magic here.~ Cho thought worriedly as she turned to make her escape.

[[OoC:// I'M JUST GOING WITH IT. SORRY IF I GOT STUFF WRONG. Don't judge me. I'm a cool cat. ]]

Chris got sad as the girl walked away with the boy on her back. He could sense the magic leaking from the boy. He could only be insane to be that weak controlling his magic. The girl was carrying a smoke signal with her. Well, he did needed an informer... He started to walk after the girl.

"He's going to get locked up, you know? There's magic leaking all over him".
Arin heard a commotion near his shop. He went to it and found several people."What's going on here? You're scaring my customers!" That was a lie, he was still out for lunch. "If you have some shady business here then take it elsewhere!" He ranted. He looked at Chris. "You! You seem to be the adult here, tell me what's going on!" He said while shaking his fist at him. He took a deep breath and calmed down. "What? What must be so important that you must interfere with other people's livelihood?" Out of the corner of his eye he saw the other two get away. Good. "What do you have to say for yourself?"
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Kareem finished reenacting his sisters death scene through a nightmare. "Sister NOOO," he cried as he envisioned her head rolling off her body. With this the memory was completed and Kareem regain his conscience. His body was very weak, and he was exhausted. His head filled with words from his sister. Kareem how you let me die, Kareem why did you use magic, Kareem I'm dead because you. Kareem you doomed us all. Kareem your magic, Kareem your magic. Kareem focused to concealed his magic. Being hunted down by knights for so long teaches one how to hide their magic. He could hear voices of 2 men he did not know. 'Dangerous' echoed through his head, but he was too tried to act. "Cho not safe, man alive, must help," he said weakly. His body did not move.

He thought back on the mistake he made. He revealed his magic not only to 1 but 2 normal people. He probably has been caught and is about to be collared. He was not gonna give up though. when the time was right he would escape the lab like before.
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xxxxxAs Cho walked off, she took a quick glance behind her, only to see the knight following behind her. After muttering a few rather, insulting words, she turned around, ready to give him a lecture on how much of a creep he looked following two teens, but he opened his mouth to speak first. "He's going to get locked up, you know? There's magic leaking all over him." The knight said. Cho cursed again. Her mouth was getting dirtier by the minute. So the knight could sense magic; no wonder he had reached them so quickly. Still, despite his occupation, he still hadn't made a move on the two of them. She debated on using her illusions to get away, but she didn't want to set more people on her track. "Magic?" Cho replied, acting out a rather genuine look of confusion on her face. "I don't know what you mean by that, but he's not a mage, if that's what your implying." Cho was lying straight through her teeth, but she knew it would do no good, especially since he could sense magic. If only Kareem hadn't went all crazy and used so much magical power at once.

xxxxxLuckily, for Cho, a man stepped out, yelling at the three of them, but seemed more focused on the knight because he appeared to be the oldest of the group. She thanked whatever god was out there for such a convenient and lovely distraction and turned away, walking casually before breaking into a run as soon as she snuck her way out of sight. Cho came across the side entrance to 'Path-E-Tech Repairs,' and nearly cried in relief. There had been rumors circling around the rogue mages about this place. Apparently, the man who worked here was a rogue mage himself, and his shop was practically a safe haven from the knights.

xxxxxWithout a second thought, Cho stepped right in. As soon as she entered the shop, Kareem cried out. First for his sister, and then or her. The boy's words were getting weirder and weirder. He was too tired to move, but at least he was awake now. "It's okay." she informed him. "We're safe now." Cho set him down on a nearby chair and leaned back against the wall with a sigh. Her heart was pounding from all the events that happened earlier. "I guess this is what happens when you give food to a kid..." she muttered under her breath, putting her headphones over her ears. There was no music coming from the speakers, but the feeling gave her a sense of safety, like she didn't have to worry about the dangers in the world anymore.

[[OoC:// *Sigh* I was hoping to have Cho interact with Chris more, but I gotta stick with the character's position. :I ]]

Ken walked around town for a while.He was looking for someone to spread the word to all the other Rogue Mages. He was thinking he was out of luck when he ran into someone who could get the job done. He said "Messenger get the word out to all rogue mages in town.To meet me at the abandoned building eastside of town." The boy ran off without saying anything back, soon the he'd have an army and weapons. The magicae shall fall. Ken headed over to the abandoned building. He opened up the warehouse door and sat in an old chaif waiting.
Chris watched as the man from the store started to yell at him. It was the owner of Path-E-Tech. Chris smiled, seeing the girl escape with the boy on her back. There was trouble coming at them anyway, it was okay if it wasn't by his hands. Although, it was a shame to lose that chance for getting an informer. The girl would do a nice one, she wasn't the rebel type that would stuck a dagger on your back just for the "glory of the rogue mages". For some reason, he thought that he could trust her, and that was unusual, given the fact that she was a mage. She seemed to be more trustworthy that his old informers. "Catch you later", he mumbled to himself.

Chris looked back at the owner of Path-E-Tech. That was the most obvious distraction he had seen in his entire career as a knight. Before being arrested, his last informer had said that the word on the street was that the owner of Path-E-Tech was up to no good. But without evidence, only the word of a drugged and now collared and deeply traumatized mage, he couldn't do anything. Arin... something. He couldn't remember. All that he could remember was that some of the knights respected that man for his skills with mechanics. So far, he was untouchable. Until Chris somehow could get a permission to investigate Arin, this was his best chance to get to know the ground he was stepping on. He smiled at Arin.

"Sorry sir, there was a fight happening here, but it's fine now. But there's a man bleeding to death in your alley. You seem like a good samaritan, could you give me a little help?"
Arin looked at him for a long while. It seemed convinient that he was nearby to witness a murder in the presence of one, possibly two, Rogue Mages. He has to be on his guard. 'I have to disengage!' he thought quickly. But the question was how? How would he disengage? Then he heard him say something. 'Sound...that's it!'. "Why surely, can't have a man die can we?" Just as he stepped closer a scream echoed through out the alley. That was just a small amount of magic throwing the sound elsewhere.
Chris looked at Arin as he heard the sound crossing through the air. The sound withdrew the magic way. The magic that remained was too weak for Chris to feel it. Still, he wasn't the best in sensing magic. The professionals in following scents and colours of magic could still feel that easily. But it wasn't up to him anymore. The boy and the girl were on their own, and he wasn't the responsible for investigating Arin, and Chris words wouldn't be enough to take him away. If there was somebody investigating, it would be someone from the secret services. Right now, the best thing he could do would be to take the wounded man to prison and question him about the boy and the girl. Dammit... He still hadn't been to the main office, to see his new collared mage and to look at Jessie Leeman's file. More stuff on his "to do" list. He entered the alley and turned to Arin, as if nothing had just happened:

"I'll make pressure on the wound on his back. Call the knights and ask for them to come here, in the name of Christopher Fowler. Hurry, this man might die from the bleeding".

Chris started to make pressure on the wound in the man's back.
Arin quickly pulled out his phone and dialed the number. He said everything he should before shedding his coat and tearing it into strips. He then proceeded to bandage the man but not before unnoticably poisoning him by slipping poison into his system while checking his breathing. He finished wrapping the makeshift bandages. "Knights are on their way, this man will be safe." Arin said. 'Yeah, before the poisoning takes oughta kill him right as the Knights arrive.' he thought. He proceeded to walk back into his shop. "Now if you'll excuse me, I must return to my business." He proceeded to walk back to his shop. He almost flipped the sign to 'open' when he noticed the wind chime ringing. "Come out, you're safe here." He said.
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Bella looked back and smiled a little as her Mage followed her. She was a good girl and despite knowing Knights and owners in general were meant to have low opinions of Mages, Bella found she rather enjoyed the girl's presence most days. She was obedient but Bella knew that part of that was due to the consequences of not.

"We are heading to the office. I need you to watch the other Knights there. I can assure you they won't comment. I want a second opinion on something. I know I can trust you to follow through."

Bella exited the house moving swiftly towards the Order's building. She didn't walk often but choose to do so today. It was the easiest way to put out sensors for magic being used. If she caught a large presence it might be the best lead they will get for a while. She only noticed small traces but she lived in a community with many Collared Mages. It meant nothing to her. People stared a little as they past but Bella ignored them too.
Audra nodded, smiling slightly. She trusted Bella, one of the nicer Knights, and had become slightly attached to her. Bella seemed to actually care about her, which made Audra happy. She couldn't remember the last time someone cared about her...

Following close behind Bella, Audra tried not to make eye contact with passerby. "Who am I to watch? All if them?"

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Hearing Cho voice calmed Kareem down. He knew that she was not going to turn him in, despite him being a mage. He opened his eyes and looked around the room. It was a repair shop. It did not give off the presences of MK's office. It felt more like place his toys would complain about being unable to rob. His Toys... His sister told him how if they found him out, he would lose his power over them. That man, he had to be found and silenced.

"Cho..." He called weakly, "We got to go, if they know, they hurt you." He knew he put her in a terrible situation after she was so nice to him. He tried to stand on his feet but his exhaustion kept him glued to his seat. After a few failed attempts, a sense of dispair flooded his face. Sister what do i do now he thought.
Ken knew atleast one man in town his messenger would contact. He'd go and contact that water mage in town. But, he decided that he'll comeback after he reloaded up on gear. He made the mild walk to his friend's mansion to show him the upgraded lightning blade and get some more gear. His friend look astounded and said "Wow, if me and this other guy put in half the time it takes each we can manufacture better gear. I am going to analyze this so i can mass produce it." He walked off while readjusting his goggles.

Ken walked down into the armory. He took an upgraded lightning sword along with a spear with wind power, an earth hammer, and water whip. He grabbed a load of grenades. He took a nice set of throwing knives which will come in handy. He saw a newly modeled bazooka which had slots for different ammo, so he grabbed all kinds of ammo and left the armory. He was on the street once more.

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