Magica a land of Adventure [Inactive]

Nana nodded. And. She walked near Katz. " here. Let me help control it. She held her hand on his shoulder and started to help suppress. Terror. After a moment. Her energy started to help but not much." We have. Hurry though"
Eliza shrugged,"All I know is that it's Xi's father and that he kills those who are near Xi.." She said .
Holding all three Kazuto dissappears and appears in different locations as fast as possible. Carrying Xeno over his shoulder and and Sky now wedding style in his arms moving Xi on top of her to where Sky can hold her.
Kazuto stops at the spring and gently lays them down. Kazuto lies down on his stomach banging his head on the ground. "Go away, go away, go away.." He whispers to himself.
((The defeat of All Father will result in Xi's 3rd evolution))

Xi'Maw remained silent before turning to Xeno. "Xe-Xe?......."
Raze was affected by Terrior inside Xeno's mind. He had a bad head ache now. He felt dizzy as he lay down. His eyes closed.

((Bye everyone. See ya tomorrow))
Kazuto travels his own conciousness until the assassin inside of him appears. 'You know they cant suppress me forever. Keep traveling you were before. Leave this place otherwise you will destroy them.'
Nana took off her cloak revealing her bandaged covered body. She sat in the water after she made sure that kaz wasn't face down in the water and xeno and xi were alright. She curled into a ball. The water was full of posative energy that seemed to quickly heal her. The water spirits here were nice as she heard them quietly talk through energy. Though she wondered if the others could tell if they. Were there. Eather way the water spirits never interact with non water spirits ( hope this part was permitted. Nana can see more living things in nature more than others. Though this doesn't do anything to the rp does it?)
Xeno was passed out in the spring but his dark aura didn't disappear though but he did revert back into his blue form.
Kazuto was back to normal but he lied there with his eyes open, thinking about what the inner him told him.

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