Magica a land of Adventure [Inactive]

Raze walks into Xeno's mind. He sees a dark figure and a diminishes red light. The red light was Xeno's consciousness. Terrior took over him. Raze speaks to terrior,"So this is how u r doing it?"
((I'll just explain everything))

Xi growled angrily as he voice began to sound as if it we're not her own. "I have grown tired of your games Terrior! Come forth and face the All Father."
"Don't worry about me! Worry about xeno!" If kaz was gonna strike she'll restrain him till the last second and move out of the way. She tightened her group
Terrior began to chant an ancient chant. Xi growled as her hand began to glow. "Insulant mutt!" She said as she began to pull Terrior out of him and into her hand.
Nana gritted her teeth. She was tird. But.. she started to flow energy into xeno" keep strong. Xeno! Stay with us!" Her voice started to waver
Kazuto grabs Xi quickly and disapears and reappears next to Sky before returnin his hand to Xenos face.
Xi began to laugh a wicked laugh. "I gave you the gift of life mutt. I hope you are prepared to return the favor." Terrior began to scream please of mercy but soon Xi opened her mouth and consumed his being until he was gone.

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