Magica a land of Adventure [Inactive]

"You think I've forgotten about my world on how you destroyed it... I won't let that happen again.... It's time I killed you once and for all!" Xeno pushed out all available power but he felt that he had more but couldn't pull it out.
"Just because your stronger then the others doesn't make you a god.... I know what a god can do but you are just a joke to think that you're counted among them." Xeno was taunting him.
"Oh the contrary boy. Since i killed my daughter, i now posses the pandora. She had the potential to become a goddess but like a good little girl she gave it to her father." His eyes began to glow as he punched the ground and began to make the earth quake and break apart showing dark rifts below the earth.
Xeno looked at him and his dark powers were now growing even stronger "you...... Killed...... Her!" Xeno then explodes with dark energy and he evolves into his Chaotic Guardian form and this time with a dark voice behind his "your going to pay for that...."
He laughed as he began to grow into a large black dragon. Large glass orbs began to circle him as the ground began to be consumed by the void.
Xeno laughs manically "do you really think that form will hurt me...." Xeno teleported and grabbed his tail and slammed him into the ground then he teleports again as he cloaks his dark power.
Xeno breaks free "darkness can't hold me I am pure darkness." Xeno then kicks All Father in the stomach and jabs his throat.
He grunted then began to laughed as he was uneffected. "Pure darkness hm? Well then. Allow me to lift that burden from you!" He said while one of his planet like orbs began to surround Xeno and filling him with voidless energy.
Kazuto drops to his knees after hearing this. A dark aura begins to surround him. "Aha... hahahah! Oh my god... aha! Run now Sky go!!!"
"" sky clenches her fists. "...ok..." she grabs xi and nana with her powers and runs off.


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