Magica a land of Adventure [Inactive]

Raveg64 updated Magica a land of Adventure with a new update entry:

Magica RP Part 1

A long, long, long time ago, Magica was a peaceful world with no violence and no sin. But that was only until one day, a evil entity known as Raiden was created and corrupted Magica, turning even the kindest person into a fearful tyrant. But then there came a knight from the Kingdom of Crimsonian. He then sealed Raiden away into a shrine, never to return.
1956 years later, Raiden soon gains enough negative energy to re manifest itself. But there is to be a new legend and a new prophecy. A...
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Akio is flying around the world of Magica. "Where is this Raiden? I'll give him a piece of my mind!"
(Raiden is actually a girl but I don't blame you for thinking its a boy)

In a far off plain in the dris desert we meet A knight wearing silvery-white armor riding his horse.

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Akio looked down and saw a knight riding a horse. Akio goes downwards and is flying beside the knight, "Excuse me."
Chessix noticed this knight , and wondered. What is a knight doing in the desert? In any case , he turned into ball mode and rode after him , then exited ball mode and asked him "who are you? You hear to aid me in destroying raiden? If so , come with me. If not , you look tasty" (he eats some of his enemies , he's just ruthless like that)
Akio looks down at Chessix, "Tasty? I doubt you could eat him. His armor would make him too crunchy. Besides, I won't let you eat anybody. But I can aid you in killing Raiden. You can eat her carcus afterwards."
Chessix muttered something in his own language that really was cussing , then said "I actually don't eat any humans anymore. I've found I don't make friends that way , if you get what I mean" and then continues to walk in the strange way he walks "and I could take his armor off If I wanted to"
The knight then notices the two people and looks at the ball creature.

"hm. So I'm guessing you two wanna look for Raiden huh? Well if that's the case your out of luck." The knight said.

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A sudden voice entered their minds "to challenge Raiden is asking for death" the source was no where to be seen
"What!? Are you saying we can't beat her!? I am a Saiyan. The Ultimate Race of Warriors! NO GOD IS STRONGER THEN ME!"
Chessix "I can see you. I have a different color spectrum. And you , flying piss-ant , you aren't a god. Now , can we actually get something done? I happen to have a rather large cache of weapons"
Ignoring the voice he then replied "yeah right. You wouldn't stand a second. And on top of that, do you two even know where Raiden is?"

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"I have a Katana. This Raiden is a god, is she not. I can kill her if I wanted to. I'm training with the Z-Fighters, the strongest team of fighters on this planet. And did you call me a piss-ant!? Most people would decapitate you." 
"Uh.." He said to the knight, "I haven't mastered Ki Sensing yet..."
Chessix "which they have tried to do , and failed since I have a exoskeleton the strength of iron" and sighed "can we stop fighting , and get shit done? Or else , I'm going alone and kicking ass"
"Listen man calm down. I'm not saying your weak I'm just saying your a bit Mis guided. But before we get into that may I ask where you heard of Raiden?" The knight asked.

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"Rumors and all that..." Akio noticed the creature, "What a dark energy...!" Akio quickly unsheathed his katana, and was ready for an attack.
Chess six seemed to recognize the creature "so , someone else that is the last of a race of badass aliens? In any case , I heard of this raiden piss-ant because she killed most of my race"
Wernox then noticed the creature and jumped off his horse. He then whipped out a giant crimson sword.

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"Chessy, you sure like to call people piss-ants." Akio said, not shifting his gaze from the creature.
Chessix took the creatures side "what the hell is wrong with you guys? This is my buddy from I don't remember when! No just kidding. I just don't happens to like the flying piss-ant"

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