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Magic, Misadventures and More!

Two large blobs of groceries, one significantly smaller than the other, were walking to their apartment. The two of them were both far too stubborn to bother using a cart, despite the fact that both of them were struggling to hold everything and the bags were practically asking to be dropped. The smaller one's amber eyes poked out, trying to see what lied ahead while the one beside them was thinking about everything else besides the two's trip home. The sidewalk that they walked that obviously needed repairing spelled an accident waiting to happen. And soon enough, the small one's sneaker caught onto the rigid edge of the sidewalk, sending both the groceries and the child (minus the shoe) flying. The large one immediately begins everything down, revealing the sexiest man alive , but before he could check to see if the child was ok, a boy in his uniform rushes over to the scene. What a waste of food. He thought at first, but started to put the ruined food into the grocery bags anyways. " Hey! Can anyone stop that child from bawling? It's really bugging me!" The boy growled, hoping a passerby would come to the rescue.
A girl with short hair was walking down the sidewalk, not too far away from the bawling child, with her own grocery list. Her turquoise eyes skimmed the list a couple times before she just shoved the small paper in her pocket. Continuing her walk, she turned the corner hearing a familiar raspy voice call out, "There he is!" She looked up to see her angry adoptive father running at her and her worried adoptive mother not far behind her big, ugly husband. She just sighed and turned, running the opposite direction, shouting, "Leave me alone! I don't want to talk to you!" She put her head down to run faster as she could hear her "father's" heavy foot steps catching up. She cut through people and eventually turned down a side ally, coming out of the other side, "Ah!" tripping over a crying child, "Oof!" and crashing into some guy.
The poor child managed to get trampled over by some girl who seemed to be on the run, causing their crying to become even louder than it already was. The girl tripping over the child and causing the crying to louden only infuriated the schoolboy even further, his hand balled up into a fist, but before he could do anything, she crashed into him. He glared at her with his icy snakelike eyes, before pulling himself away. Meanwhile, the 'larger blob' rushed over to the child to check to see if they were ok. Unfortunately, they were not, blood was gushing out everywhere, including the groceries, making the older man cringe as he tried to comfort them. " This isn't what I meant when I asked for someone to help...." The schoolboy growled.
The girl looked up to see harsh eyes glaring at her. "Sorry." She mumbled before she stood up. She looked around to see her father charging for the little group she was in. "Crap..." She turned and was about to run, but slipped on some groceries, stumbling. Her father grabbed the hood of her jacket. "Stop running!" He yelled in her face. "Let me go!" She yelled back, trying to get her hood out of his hand. "Boy, listen-" He raised his hand, about to smack the girl in front of everyone.
The schoolboy brushed off the dirt on his uniform then proceeded to stand up, it was impossible not to tell that he was thoroughly annoyed at this point. He knew that someone was charging at all of them awhile ago, but didn't bother to do anything up until this point. Wait... you actually thought he's going to help free that kid from 'jacket jail', yeah right! He decided to lean up against the wall and enjoy the show, serves her right.


Even though the child was ballistically crying, the older man knew that they weren't in that much pain, the grocery bag duo was notorious for being a bit dramatic at times. Safety being one of his top priorities, meant that he would have to stop the man from doing anything instead of comforting their child. He stands up with a smug look on his face, his eyes locked with the father's. " Just what do you think you're doing?" He said slowly with his melodic voice, slowly approaching the two. As he got closer he flipped back his long ponytail, knowing that a fight might break out any second. Something was weird about how he addressed the girl with male pronouns, she did look slightly masculine, but her gender was obvious to a man like Juniper. He just had a way with knowing things. Juniper gently placed his hand over the bottom of the girl's hoodie, hoping that she was wearing a shirt underneath. " Let go of her before I make you."
"And what're you going to do?" Her father said, tightening his grip on the brunette's hood. "He is my son. Go back to what you were doing, we're leaving." He said and made a move to leave. Hana tried to resist and move the other way. "Let go!" Hana tried to jerk away again.
Juniper's grin only grew as he inched up even closer to the man. Personal space was truly a foreign concept to him in these sort of situation. "Son?" He repeated softly, lifting an eyebrow, not wanting to ruin the surprise for anyone else. His hand grabbed on tighter to the girl's hoodie. "Misses, I'm sorry for what's about to happen." Juniper whispered before jerking his hand upward, taking the hoodie off the girl. The angsty schoolboy was far too engaged texting to bother looking up from his phone, while the child was too distracted drawing on the sidewalk with their blood to notice. Juniper didn't care about what she was wearing underneath, safety was the top priority here. He guarded the girl by pulling her behind him and looked over at the father. "I'm sorry, but I don't tolerate those sort of actions, especially against your own child, well, I assume?"
Hana's father stumbled back as Hana peaked over this guy's shoulder. "He's no father to me. He can't even tell his son is his daughter." She spat. "Honey, why do you have wrappings all over you? Show off your muscular chest!" Hana spun around to see her mother standing in the crowd that had formed. "I don't have a muscular chest or are you blind? I'm a girl! Your son died years ago!" Hana said as she looked down at her wrapped up body. The gauze was blood stained and needed to be changed. Hana winced and grabbed her side, "Just. leave me alone..." She ended as she took her hoodie from the kind stranger and made a move towards the ally she came from as both her parents just stood there stunned.
" I see..." He commented, giving a slight nod. Issues with fathers happened to be an ongoing theme in the Gaylord household, so everything that was going on hit pretty close to Juniper. Even though he wasn't exactly sure what to make out of everything, it wasn't hard for him, or anyone to tell that there was obviously an ongoing conflict going on between the parents and their child.He had already noticed the large crowd that was beginning to form and quite frankly, he loved it. All the drama and violence that was circulating greatly invigorated him. Being the stage persona saint he was, Juniper just had to help, knowing that it bring good press. Before he took off after the girl to see if she was ok, he looked over to the child playing with their own blood. " Dearie! Follow me now!" He yelled, the lightweight child was quick to jump on his back, thoroughly enjoying the chase. " You need help and that's not hard to tell, we can assist! " He yelled at the running girl while trying to balance both groceries and a child.
Hana stopped in her tracks and slowly turned around, gripping onto her hoodie tightly. "Why would you want to help me? We aren't even friends, just strangers." She replied, eyeing the man and child in front of her carefully.
Juniper rolled his eyes. " I wasn't born yesterday sweetie, of course we aren't." He muttered in a lower tone than usual. Both comments that came out of the two made the child frown a little, they seemed to have thought otherwise. " I can't explain everything as of right now considering how little time we have, this is kind of my-" Before he could finish, the child interrupted. " Our job!" They said, butting in. He looked over at them and gave a brief, but caring nod. " Of course! Well, you're going to die if you don't get help, and from the looks of it, you can't afford hospital care. Let us just fix up that chest and we'll be out of your hair." He told her in a sing-song voice. " It's not like you have much of a choice!" The child chimed in.
She stared at the two males in front of her. Then she realized they said her chest. "Wait a second! How do I know you aren't some perverts! I'm still a girl, don't forget that much!" She snapped as she quickly put her hoodie back on, wincing as she did so. She was about to turn around, but stopped. There was this little voice in the back of her head that said, "Always except other people's generosity and kindness, you never know when you might come across it again."

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