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Magic, and Royals, and Pirates Oh My!


The Lone Wolf
A growing concern for royals is the subject of pirates. More and more pirates are invading kingdoms stealing and kidnapping for ransom. The knights arent able to keep up with the never ending pirate attacks in smaller kingdoms and even some larger kingdoms. Villages have been destroyed and villagers slaughtered. No royal has stepped up to try to stop these attacks until now. Young sixteen year old princess Erena Carser was the first to step up. She is superb with a sword and very fast and nimble. She alone with her wit and a sword took out half of the pirates that attacked her kingdom. The knights killing the rest. She let a few go so they would spread word of her. Her stand up made her a target for some of the most powerful pirates and most especially the most notorious pirate in the lands. Erena is playing a dangerous game with a dangerous pirate.

(Looking for a male to rp as this notorious pirate.)
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Erena's heart dropped as she ran towards her village. She could hear only one thing; the screams of villagers getting slaughtered. That itself was like a dagger piercing her heart. She quickly runs through the village looking at the many people that littered the streets that were covered in blood. Rage and sadness courses through her body as she picks up a bloodied knife on the ground. They werent going to hurt anymore people she cared about she'd make sure of that. Suddenly her surroundings changed to the throne room in the castle as she saw her parents being killed, shouting at her that it was her fault. Erena then jolts awake sitting up quickly. "Just a dream.." She mutters unsurely and wiping the beads of sweat that formed on her forehead. She took numerous deep breathes to get a slow her irregular breathing. She had to do something or everyone in her kingdom would be killed. So Erena got up, grabbed her sword, and headed to the garden where she practiced for the reaining of the night.

Joka was having a dream of his own. It was a dark room, shapes and shadows tracing across the walls, a lone figure towering above him. He stumbles back as the figure steps forward, boots scraping across the wooden floor as the figure raises a whip. Pounding sounded in his head, and as the figure let the whip crack down upon his shoulders he awoke, panting lightly, bright green eyes flying open, his body shivering in its own cold sweat. He let himself sit in silence for a few moments, the gentle motions of his ship bringing his breathing back to normal. He then stands from his hammock, grabbing his knife from where it lay at his waist where it always was, and made his way up to the top deck, leaning out over the railing as the sun began to peak at the horizon, turning the sky a royal purple. On the other side of the ship land could be seen in the distance. They'd been skirting the land for a few days now, the kingdom, but he'd made his decision; they'd attack today.
Erena practiced her sword skills till the sun peaked out from behind the horizon. The sky was gradually painted a beautiful royal purple with tints of pink and orange. She still wasnt sure when they'd attack again but she expected it to be soon. It came to no surprise thatit has been a bit since the last attack considering her kingdom was somewhat secluded. She took one last swift swip to the air and headed back inside.

After entering her room she pulls a dress from her wardrobe. One she tailored and tweaked to fit her needs. The long skirt part was able to be pulled off revealing the normal pants she wore. That was incase the pirates were to attack again since fighting in a dress is quite difficult. She changes into it and braiding her long scarlet hair. She'd grab her two inch white leather hairband thats decorated in sharp crystals. In case someone was to grab her braid during battle their hand would be pierced by the many crystals. Erena places the hairband near the end of her braid. She then heads out of her room while sheathing her sword.
"Get up, you scumbags, today's the day" . Joka's voice echoed through the lower barracks of the ship, which was followed by the thump of his boot-laden footsteps and the clunks and fibrous slaps as he kicked and grabbed at the men in the hammocks where they had been sleeping, the resting room bringing to mind the image of a cavern of cocooning caterpillars, that began to grumble and groan as their captain shook them from their slumber. In a few minutes most were up and putting on their boots and any clothes they hadn't slept in, and in a few more minutes most of the crew had assembled upstairs. It was your average crew for the most part, criminals and thieves of all shapes and sizes, with a decent amount of respect for their ruthless captain who now stood before them, hands clasped behind his back as he paced before the mob. "I have made my decision on when to raid and take over this kingdom" he gestures to the far off land, the crew murmuring amongst themselves. "And I have made my decision. We shall attack today." at that the crowd roared to life, muttering and grunting in disbelief and thought, the sound of boots shuffling creating a thunder beneath the gruff voices of the crew. It irritated Joka. "Everyone shut your filthy traps before I cut off your bilge-rotten tongues for ya" The grumbling died off nearly immediately. "Understand me, it is sudden, but due to the recent attacks, the kingdom is weak. Guards are slain, the common folk are running amuck. It'll be a cakewalk.". A smile curled across his lips at the last line, bringing about a few grunts and shouts of approval. In all honesty he wasn't sure of what the kingdom's security was currently, but the rebel princess intrigued him to no end...he had to find her. She'd make a good prisoner, or maybe she'd be wearing her crown out in the fray, now THAT would make a beautiful trophy...
Erena walked to the throne room and greeted her parents with a small bow of her head. She neednt bow to them but liked to show respect. "Good morning Erena, up as early as ever. Im proud to see you work this hard for our kingdom." Her father says while her mother nodded in agreement. "You've grown into a beautiful and strong women." Her mother smiles. That earns a small chuckle from the princess. "Mother im only sixteen im not a woman yet." She says with a grin. "Well that doesn't matter, your a woman in our eyes." Her mothers replies while this time earning a nod of agreement from her father. Erena laughs, "if you say so. Im doing what you taught me; protect my kingdom." She replies then excuses herself. She fetches her boots from the library where she had left them, slipping them on and counting the throwing knives she had placed inside of them. Five each. Perfect. You could say the Rebel Princess was to prepared though it came in handy. She made weapons or useful items out of the many everyday items she wore, like her jewelry and metal tassels on her dress. Erena heads out of the library and to the garden again to practice her archery.
The sun slowly rose into the sky, casting a pale, ever-growing light over the sea and the bay, making i dance with a myriad of colors. It was almost beautiful;the flap of the sails, the steady sound of water lapping at the sides of the ship, the calls and shouts of the men on deck as they worked to tie the ropes down and rig the sails to get into motion. Joka watched the proceedings with a small nod of his head, then turned his sights towards the small rise of land in the distance, that would soon grow closer and closer as they neared. At last, with a breeze in their favor the sails stirred to life, swelling with wind as they began to move forward. Joka gave a nod of approval, then made his rounds, checking on those who needed checking. They sailed through most of the morning, land growing nearer and nearer until they could make out the docks on the shore
The docks were barred and dull. Not a person was in sight since the remaining villagers were now living in the castle. The land was almost sad, almost crying, but unable to from the lack of water. It was nothing like the kingdom use to be. It use to be quite lively with people crowding the streets. It was absolutely silent except for the occasional hum of the wind and russel of the leaves on the trees. Chattering, laughing, and singing use to fill the streets. This kingdom was one of the fortunate, there conditions and economy was always good and there wasnt any worries of the kingdom falling.. That was until now.. Even Erena herself felt some fear but not for her life but the lives of the people she cared about. She would give up her life for anothers in a heart beat... That was her greatest flaw.

The princess had practiced archery since she woke up. The center of the targets were littered with split arrows. She was trained like a knight since she always wanted to be one. She didnt want to be a princess and rule beside a man one day, she wanted to protect people. Yes Erena was in her 'battle mode' when she was fierce and bold and very dangerous.
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As they sailed onwards, Jako could be found on the top deck, dagger flashing in his hand as he practiced fighting, the scarf bound around his head flapping in the wind. He had prompted Scully, one of his more amiable crew members, to spar with him, which the man accepted not without fear, and they were there now, sword and dagger clashing together as they ducked and weaved past each other, sharpened metal glinting in the sunlight. The captain was fast and lithe like a snake, slipping past the pirates attacks with relative ease. Maybe he wasn't truly practicing, this was more of a way to bring forward his own ego, to loosen up and find sanctuary in the defeat of his opponent. Scully was panting heavily now, his arms dripping with crimson from the multiple clips and cuts that his captain had administered, and after nearly falling on his back he took a few steps away and held out his hand. "P-please captain, no more, I-I don't wanna be killed before the fightin even begins" he persuaded with a nod, his captain narrowing his gaze before nodding slightly."Yes, alright, be off with you then, useless opponent." Scully nodded respectfully then hurried off, though before he could get very far, Flinter -- King of the crows nest, as he called himself -- shouted down from his post. "Get ready to dock! shore in 400 meters!"
From the castle you were able to see the dock. A little girl not older than six had saw a ship approaching the docks. She quickky runs towards the garden where Erena always is, "Ena a big shwip is comwing towards the docks." She says and Erena tenses up. She walks towards the girl, Olivia, and kneels in front of her. "Are you sure Livi?" She asks and the girl nods. "Ywup." Erena nodded and stood up. "You and the other villagers go to the safe room ok?" Olivia nods as she makes her way towards the castle entrance anger building up inside of her. Couldnt they just leave her kingdom alone? Erena didn't understand the point of raiding her kingdom but she still was gonna defend it. This is not good.. We're down almost all the soldiers only ten survived and three are still wounded.. I suppose its time to play fake out. She peers out the window, nods, and enters the library. All the doors were locked and hopefully her plan would work for a bit.
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The ships lands at the docks, rope beings thrown overboard to connect them to the wooden supports and planks, then ship lurching slightly as they weigh anchor and bring it to a complete halt. Joka stands near the bow, watching the proceedings with a keen eye, then heads below deck, taking out his prized possession; The Ronko. It was a blade that he obtained from his father, who had apparently stolen it from the king of a long-gone kingdom. It was of the sharpest iron, never dulled, and fit to Joka's hand like a glove. He only brought it to what he considered important combat; he believed this counted. He ran a cloth along the edge of the blade, admiring the way it gleamed even in the dull light of the lower ship, the grip well-worn and etched with ancient writing.

In a little while, most of the crew had jumped down from the ship, and were making their way through town, breaking into shops and homes that looked like they might contain valuables, but at Joka's command they were rallied together. "We are to attack the castle itself, that's where the townspeople must be" he announced, which was returned with grumbles and cries out retaliation. "But the town's ours for the takin!" one man cried, gesturing to the buildings with his sword. Joka lowered his gaze and scowled, green eyes flashing. "We are to attack the castle. Anyone who resists this command will be personally stripped of their eyesight by yours truly." the crowd fell silent, Joka giving a small nod. "To the castle!"
Erena heard the shouting of the men outside. She was ready and had quite sone tricks up her sleeves. She'd rip the skirt part off her dress then run out of the library. The castle doors were locked and would take them a bit to get in. The princess unlocked a door to a hallway and placed the skirt inside then shut the door and locked it. Only a bit of her skirt would be visible making it look like it got caught as she ran through the door and shut it. She then proceeded to look out the window and make sure one of them saw her. Once one did she'd quickly pull her head from the window and run back into the library locking the door. She hoped that made her seem as if being seen was an accident. First step complete..
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