• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Mafia High (reboot)


Name: Faceless

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A

Appearance: N/A

Equipment: N/A

Skills: Getting whatever he needs, and selling anything and everything.

History: Faceless is a blackmarket dealer who has connections to all four kings. Faceless will commonly sell “merchandise” to the four houses, as well as hire them to preform various jobs for him. Faceless never makes an in person appearance, always operating through his emissaries, and any attempts to find out who faceless is, often result in a knife in the back, and cutting off communications to those around the curious person. Faceless only contacts the four kings, and only through text messaging, the number untraceable no matter what.


Name: Emissary of the Faceless

Age: N/A


Equipment: You don’t want to find out

Skills: You Really don’t want to find out

Special Techniques: If you find out, your already dead

History: The Emissaries of the Faceless, are Faceless’ innumerable, silent workers. They deliver shipments, and collect shipments for Faceless, they follow all of his commands to the letter.

WARNING: Faceless is rather attached to his emissaries, and does not take kindly to those who threaten or harm them.

zenreaper said:
zen kraken









Alignment: the freakshow


View attachment 175793

Mask(s): (For Zeros. Not required for gang members unless they want to.)

View attachment 175794

Equipment: (whatever your character carries around with them on a regular basis.)

View attachment 175796

(a large cleaver around 7ft long)

dorm room: N-23

Skills:close quarter combat, speedy movements,dealing heavy damage

Special Techniques: doesnt have one

Personality:insane, sociopath, cold and uncaring, rarely speaks and only in small phrases

History:zen was abandoned as a child and barely managed to survive on his own. he lived in the slums scrounging for food and sleeping in alleyways. one day he was picked up by a rich family promising him a good home. instead they were a group of slave traders who kidnapped people from the slums and sold them of in underground actions. he was sold to another rich family as a cleaning slave. he was worked to the bone rarely being fed and was tortured every time he messed up even the slightest thing. this drove him to the point of insanity. one day while washing dishes he grabbed a large cleaver(his main weapon) which was hung up on the wall above him and murdered the entire family and running away with the cleaver in hand.




Approved btw
Teacher Application

Name: John "Boogeyman" Doe

Age: Unknown, thought to be anywhere from 20 to 30.

Gender: Male

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/image.jpeg.4753b2c511477fb8ec26fa57728b457c.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="78745" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/image.jpeg.4753b2c511477fb8ec26fa57728b457c.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Equipment: Cellphone, body armour, brass knuckles and a custom made suit.

Skills: Negotiating, finding information and close quarters assassinations, as well as cover ups.

Special Techniques: Can kill a man with one punch to the temple.

History: Not much is known about his early life, only that he came from a middle class family. Although he was never taken into any gang or Mafia family, he was respected and in some cases feared by most of them. He is a seller of information, guns, drugs, stolen goods and, in some cases, human lives. Rumoured to have personally killed anywhere from 50 to 100 people. Has been hired to profile serial killers by government agencies from time to time.

Classes: Psychology, Tactics, Communications and Hand to Hand Combat



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RedZombieWolf said:
Teacher Application
Name: Mister Boogeyman

Age: Unknown, thought to be anywhere from 20 to 30.

Gender: Male

Appearance: View attachment 175888

Equipment: Cellphone, body armour, brass knuckles and a custom made suit.

Skills: Negotiating, finding information and close quarters assassinations, as well as cover ups.

Special Techniques: Can kill a man with one punch to the temple.

History: Not much is known about his early life, only that he came from a middle class family. Although he was never taken into any gang or Mafia family, he was respected and in some cases feared by most of them. He is a seller of information, guns, drugs, stolen goods and, in some cases, human lives. Rumoured to have personally killed anywhere from 50 to 100 people. Has been hired to profile serial killers by government agencies from time to time.

Classes: Psychology, Tactics, Communications and Hand to Hand Combat
umm... it looks ok... but uhh.... change the name -_- .... I just would not be able to take you seriously at all. If you want that to be his nickname sure, but ugh give him an actual, name.
[QUOTE="Jesters Court]umm... it looks ok... but uhh.... change the name -_- .... I just would not be able to take you seriously at all. If you want that to be his nickname sure, but ugh give him an actual, name.

[QUOTE="Jesters Court]umm... it looks ok... but uhh.... change the name -_- .... I just would not be able to take you seriously at all. If you want that to be his nickname sure, but ugh give him an actual, name.

RedZombieWolf said:
Teacher Application
Name: John "Boogeyman" Doe

Age: Unknown, thought to be anywhere from 20 to 30.

Gender: Male

Appearance: View attachment 175888

Equipment: Cellphone, body armour, brass knuckles and a custom made suit.

Skills: Negotiating, finding information and close quarters assassinations, as well as cover ups.

Special Techniques: Can kill a man with one punch to the temple.

History: Not much is known about his early life, only that he came from a middle class family. Although he was never taken into any gang or Mafia family, he was respected and in some cases feared by most of them. He is a seller of information, guns, drugs, stolen goods and, in some cases, human lives. Rumoured to have personally killed anywhere from 50 to 100 people. Has been hired to profile serial killers by government agencies from time to time.

Classes: Psychology, Tactics, Communications and Hand to Hand Combat
Approved... i guess...



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/1.gif.3d52f24bf4c4c64a93347ec4dd6daee2.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="79259" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/1.gif.3d52f24bf4c4c64a93347ec4dd6daee2.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

N a m e

Tara Shizukai

A g e


G e n d e r


S e x u a l i t y


A p p e a r a n c e

Tara is a tall, fair skinned, and slender woman with sharp, dark-blue eyes. She often carries a nonchalant expression, only showing a soft, sarcastic smile every once in a while. Her hair is long, reaching down to her upper thighs, and can be described as a dark-blue, or even purple color. Narrow face, and high cheek bones, Tara gives off a professional impression, keeping her shoulders back and head held high when in the company of others. She wears revealing clothing, and her attire is often either a solid color, or decorated with stripes. Another noticeable feature would be her plump limps that often hold a light pink color to them, and her sizable breasts.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/7.gif.57525983d1c84b88d91c4cebf3700b5c.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="79261" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/7.gif.57525983d1c84b88d91c4cebf3700b5c.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

H e i g h t


E q u i p m e n t

She can always be seen carrying her sword, which is of great importance to herself. Having had it handed down to her after generations by her father. The sword has a pure-white hilt with a circular hand-guard. The sheath is also white, and the type of blade is a suguha, or straight blade. It is very sturdy, being able to slice through bullets when Tara is in her "zone" as she calls it. The sheath has a large, tan strapped attached to it for being carried. Other than her sword, Tara holds nothing more than the average necessities for a woman.

S k i l l s

After years of training and working to surpass her father, Tara has become an expert swordsman with great speed and stamina. She can easily dodge attacks, and slip through crowds of people without being fully noticed. Taking out many people at a time is something she specializes in, using only a sword. Like most criminals, thugs, and mafia men, Tara possesses the knowledge of picking locks and other deeds of that sort, but she is no pro. Despite only ever using a sword to fight, she is quite sturdy in hand-to-hand combat. Aren't we all? Having grown up with four brothers, and putting up with the terrorizing beatings they had to offer, Tara has proven to become a woman of high endurance, but she can only take so much. She can gather information on others with ease, and sell it off for her own wants. She is no average house-wife, and cannot cook, clean, or anything of the norm.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/10.gif.3dcdaaba89fb8677dc5abcaa39ffc1c8.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="79262" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/10.gif.3dcdaaba89fb8677dc5abcaa39ffc1c8.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

P e r s o n a l i t y

At first meeting, you'd probably expect some sarcasm and cockiness from Tara. However, that is not the case. Tara is actually very respectful, and treats others the way she wants to be treated. She is soft-spoken, and expects people to listen to her when she is speaking. Being interrupted will often strike up irritation, resulting in her sadistic side showing itself. Yes, despite her generous nature, and courteous personality, Tara is actually a brutal, blood-thirsty, battle-crazed, sadistic, needy, and blunt woman who loved to get her hands on other people's business. She shows no mercy in fights, and often looks to take their lives near the end. Tara is also proven to be a big pervert, often making comments on young women's bodies and facial appearances, men as well. She is a hopeless romantic, and falls in love with anyone who shows need for her assistance. This is where her neediness comes in. Tara does not lie, which brings up the part where she's a backstabber. Gathering information on others, and selling it away to their enemies is one of her hobbies...you could say. For example, if she learns the secret of another, she wont tell until someone ask for that information. However, there must be something in the deal for her. Tara is not easily angered, but she can get mad. She believes that lying shows the weak nature of the heart, and fear for the consequences that may happen if you tell the truth. Why not just start off honest from the beginning, and side with everyone? She is not religious, but she does think that there are high beings who watch over her. She is very intelligent, and always thinks before she acts.

S p e c i a l T e c h n i q u e s

Tara, having been trained in the ways of a master swordsman, has worked her way up to being able to slice bullets in half during mid-shot. However, this takes a lot of work and concentration. She must somehow slow her heart rate, and focus on the trajectory path and the estimated speed in which the projectile travels. Tara must also be in the zone to perform and act such as this one. She must take all of her attention off of everything else, and place it towards whatever small objects are flying towards her at such speeds. This technique is still one she practices, hoping that one day she'll be able to stop more than one bullet at a time. Her record is two bullets.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/12.gif.8657b533202f59216f31c819ff2e0032.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="79263" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/12.gif.8657b533202f59216f31c819ff2e0032.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

H i s t o r y

Tara grew up with only her four brothers and her father who all worked in the drug trafficking business. In and out came different men and women, all of them holding themselves high with well-known titles. She was always alone, and tried to stay away from their doings. Tara was home-schooled her entire life to assure that no information was leaked onto school grounds by accident. At home, her brothers would fights, and often take their anger out on her, resulting in their father growing angered at them. Tara's father loved her dearly, and hated the life he had given her. She showed interest in his sword collection in which all of them were actually stolen artifacts. Tara's dad began teaching her how to use a sword, and placed her in a dojo when she was 10 years old. She started drinking and smoking at the age of 11. Her grades in school were almost always perfect, and she never didn't reach her set goals, which often made things boring because of how easy it was. As a teenager, Tara was raped by her step-brother after her father re-married. She and her four brothers all ganged up and murdered the boy and his mother, much to their father's horror. Each of them were kicked out of the house, Tara only being 17, and had to fight alone on the streets, which was a true danger. All of her brothers went their own ways, except for the youngest one, who was only a year older than herself. The two of them stuck together for the longest time until her brother was killed during a drug deal. He had tried screwing someone over. This left Tara all by herself, and she began selling her body to a handsome man who also worked with trafficking drugs. She lived with him until six months ago, in which she stole his money, slit his throat, and burned the body. Now living in a nice apartment, Tara has been working as a teacher for only a year now.

C l a s s e s

Investigative Science



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/4.gif.f72d58e4c648340a9305f52eb8cff274.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="79260" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/4.gif.f72d58e4c648340a9305f52eb8cff274.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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[QUOTE="Suzumaki Arakai]



View attachment 177079

N a m e

Tara Shizukai

A g e


G e n d e r


S e x u a l i t y


A p p e a r a n c e

Tara is a tall, fair skinned, and slender woman with sharp, dark-blue eyes. She often carries a nonchalant expression, only showing a soft, sarcastic smile every once in a while. Her hair is long, reaching down to her upper thighs, and can be described as a dark-blue, or even purple color. Narrow face, and high cheek bones, Tara gives off a professional impression, keeping her shoulders back and head held high when in the company of others. She wears revealing clothing, and her attire is often either a solid color, or decorated with stripes. Another noticeable feature would be her plump limps that often hold a light pink color to them, and her sizable breasts.

View attachment 177081

H e i g h t


E q u i p m e n t

She can always be seen carrying her sword, which is of great importance to herself. Having had it handed down to her after generations by her father. The sword has a pure-white hilt with a circular hand-guard. The sheath is also white, and the type of blade is a suguha, or straight blade. It is very sturdy, being able to slice through bullets when Tara is in her "zone" as she calls it. The sheath has a large, tan strapped attached to it for being carried. Other than her sword, Tara holds nothing more than the average necessities for a woman.

S k i l l s

After years of training and working to surpass her father, Tara has become an expert swordsman with great speed and stamina. She can easily dodge attacks, and slip through crowds of people without being fully noticed. Taking out many people at a time is something she specializes in, using only a sword. Like most criminals, thugs, and mafia men, Tara possesses the knowledge of picking locks and other deeds of that sort, but she is no pro. Despite only ever using a sword to fight, she is quite sturdy in hand-to-hand combat. Aren't we all? Having grown up with four brothers, and putting up with the terrorizing beatings they had to offer, Tara has proven to become a woman of high endurance, but she can only take so much. She can gather information on others with ease, and sell it off for her own wants. She is no average house-wife, and cannot cook, clean, or anything of the norm.

View attachment 177082

P e r s o n a l i t y

At first meeting, you'd probably expect some sarcasm and cockiness from Tara. However, that is not the case. Tara is actually very respectful, and treats others the way she wants to be treated. She is soft-spoken, and expects people to listen to her when she is speaking. Being interrupted will often strike up irritation, resulting in her sadistic side showing itself. Yes, despite her generous nature, and courteous personality, Tara is actually a brutal, blood-thirsty, battle-crazed, sadistic, needy, and blunt woman who loved to get her hands on other people's business. She shows no mercy in fights, and often looks to take their lives near the end. Tara is also proven to be a big pervert, often making comments on young women's bodies and facial appearances, men as well. She is a hopeless romantic, and falls in love with anyone who shows need for her assistance. This is where her neediness comes in. Tara does not lie, which brings up the part where she's a backstabber. Gathering information on others, and selling it away to their enemies is one of her hobbies...you could say. For example, if she learns the secret of another, she wont tell until someone ask for that information. However, there must be something in the deal for her. Tara is not easily angered, but she can get mad. She believes that lying shows the weak nature of the heart, and fear for the consequences that may happen if you tell the truth. Why not just start off honest from the beginning, and side with everyone? She is not religious, but she does think that there are high beings who watch over her. She is very intelligent, and always thinks before she acts.

S p e c i a l T e c h n i q u e s

Tara, having been trained in the ways of a master swordsman, has worked her way up to being able to slice bullets in half during mid-shot. However, this takes a lot of work and concentration. She must somehow slow her heart rate, and focus on the trajectory path and the estimated speed in which the projectile travels. Tara must also be in the zone to perform and act such as this one. She must take all of her attention off of everything else, and place it towards whatever small objects are flying towards her at such speeds. This technique is still one she practices, hoping that one day she'll be able to stop more than one bullet at a time. Her record is two bullets.

View attachment 177083

H i s t o r y

Tara grew up with only her four brothers and her father who all worked in the drug trafficking business. In and out came different men and women, all of them holding themselves high with well-known titles. She was always alone, and tried to stay away from their doings. Tara was home-schooled her entire life to assure that no information was leaked onto school grounds by accident. At home, her brothers would fights, and often take their anger out on her, resulting in their father growing angered at them. Tara's father loved her dearly, and hated the life he had given her. She showed interest in his sword collection in which all of them were actually stolen artifacts. Tara's dad began teaching her how to use a sword, and placed her in a dojo when she was 10 years old. She started drinking and smoking at the age of 11. Her grades in school were almost always perfect, and she never didn't reach her set goals, which often made things boring because of how easy it was. As a teenager, Tara was raped by her step-brother after her father re-married. She and her four brothers all ganged up and murdered the boy and his mother, much to their father's horror. Each of them were kicked out of the house, Tara only being 17, and had to fight alone on the streets, which was a true danger. All of her brothers went their own ways, except for the youngest one, who was only a year older than herself. The two of them stuck together for the longest time until her brother was killed during a drug deal. He had tried screwing someone over. This left Tara all by herself, and she began selling her body to a handsome man who also worked with trafficking drugs. She lived with him until six months ago, in which she stole his money, slit his throat, and burned the body. Now living in a nice apartment, Tara has been working as a teacher for only a year now.

C l a s s e s

Investigative Science



View attachment 177080

Ok, i figured out she's a teacher from reading the history, but could you make that clear somewhere? that threw me off for a few minutes xD

[QUOTE="Jesters Court]Ok, i figured out she's a teacher from reading the history, but could you make that clear somewhere? that threw me off for a few minutes xD

Oh, my bad. I figured the difference between the CS' would make that clear. Her age, too. At first I had TEACHER written up there but my BB coding started being a bitch.
[QUOTE="Suzumaki Arakai]Oh, my bad. I figured the difference between the CS' would make that clear. Her age, too. At first I had TEACHER written up there but my BB coding started being a bitch.

nah thats fine, i understand how annoying it can be.

Name: Veronica Blakk (Black is how you say it)

Nickname: V

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Alignment: The freakshow


(She keeps the dagger in her shoe) (The spears extend so the fit in her leggings)

Dorm room: W13


  • Speed
  • Strength
  • Steath

Special Techniques: doesn't have one

Personality: Out of mission- when she is not on a mission she is fun, clumsy, patient, and calm.

On a mission- When she is on a mission she is serious, short tempered, light on her feet, and impatient.

History: She was an only child. Her mother and father went to Mafia and were and different gangs. They fell in love and got married after they graduated. Her mom and dad trained her. She got a note from Mafia when she turn 18.

Classes I.E. Unarmed, CQC, Tactics, Explosives, Ballistics, Survival Skills, and Animal Training
Ceres said:

Name: Veronica Blakk (Black is how you say it)

Nickname: V

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Alignment: The freakshow


(She keeps the dagger in her shoe) (The spears extend so the fit in her leggings)

Dorm room: W13


  • Speed
  • Strength
  • Steath

Special Techniques: doesn't have one

Personality: Out of mission- when she is not on a mission she is fun, clumsy, patient, and calm.

On a mission- When she is on a mission she is serious, short tempered, light on her feet, and impatient.

History: She was an only child. Her mother and father went to Mafia and were and different gangs. They fell in love and got married after they graduated. Her mom and dad trained her. She got a note from Mafia when she turn 18.

Classes I.E. Unarmed, CQC, Tactics, Explosives, Ballistics, Survival Skills, and Animal Training
Lol, no love for the family. Approved!


Name: Kilik Vindicta

Age: 19

Gender: male

Sexuality: straight

Alignment: Zeros – Enforcer

Dorm room: W - 17

Equipment: his staff

Skills: Secret arts of the Ling-Sheng Su Style Rod (Kilik’s fighting style) ((P.S. I will be using Kilik's move list from SC 2, because i actually own that one, so when i need to describe how he's kicking the @#$% out of someone, i can just go and check what the combo looks like. also, i will be using his critical finish because its just too awesome.))

Special Techniques: None


Kilik is disgusted by the scum that tarnishes his school, and is determined to exterminate that scum using any means necessary. Kilik is always looking for ways to hurt the gangs, and is not opposed to framing the gangs to cause tension and conflict between them. Although, Kilik is determined to bring down the gangs, that doesn’t mean he cares about others; and he believes that anyone who gets hurt because they were too weak shouldn’t have been at his school in the first place. And off topic, Kilik is a massive music guy, so the only real way to get close to him is music. If you do manage to get close to Kilik though, he will still beat the #$%^ out of you if you get in his way while he’s attacking a gang.

History: Doesn’t talk about it, and will kick the #@$% out of you if you ask about it, or his clothes.





Close quarters combat

Survival skills



Investigative sciences



((Meh...I'm to lazy to do anything complex BB coding wise currently xD ))
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Name: Jason Dragan

Nickname(s): The Tamer

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual

Alignment: The Family


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/oh.jpg.2be251609a47d3faf43468f0ee128338.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="79696" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/oh.jpg.2be251609a47d3faf43468f0ee128338.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Mask(s): N/A

Dorm room: N33

Equipment: Pistols, whip, bulletproof glove, food, and a bottle of blood. He also carries a brass knuckle

Skills: Jason Dragan is good at taming animals, and with his bullet-proof glove he catches bullets, as he always wears it.

Special Techniques: Jason Dragan can catch bullets with his bullet-proof glove, and he always wears it.

Personality: Jason Dragan has all types of personalities, he can be ANY personality. But he is always flirty, mostly towards women.

Classes: Jason Dragan takes all closes, mostly Taming Animals, as he is the student that takes Animal Taming the most and it is where he got his nickname.



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Name: Lich Lysander II

Preference: Mr. Lysander (by students) and L2 (by peers/friends/Family Bosses)

Age: 25

Gender: Male


Equipment: Solid Gold Knuckles, 2 Gold Plated Silenced Beretta M9's (1 on each hip, extra clips line the inside of his suit jacket. Also carries Tranquilizer Rounds.)


-Class Related: Tactics, Psychology, CQC, H2HC, Firearms, Movement & Leadership.

-Other: Evasion, Stealth, Hack Prevention, Assassination and Criminal Profiling.

Special Techniques:

-Suppression: Given his extensive knowledge of the human body and the students attending the school (including their special traits) and high proficiency in tactics as well as psychology, Lich has the keen ability to "suppress" students in the event things get out of control. By suppress I mean, the ability to null or counter their special traits to an extent as well as subdue and stop students in the event of a fight. Only works on Students.


An alien to the Mafia controlled world of Millennium City, Lich Lysander II traveled to the city with hopes of subduing the violent tendencies of those who inhabited it. Having just graduated from college over seas, the redhead bachelor had found himself in need of a cause. Something that would put his talents and knowledge to the test. Word of a city, in another land, rich in gang violence and sociopathic charm piqued the interest of the lad and caused him to book a flight to Millennium. Once there he assumed the role of a silent observer in the form of a teacher. Plans for an usurping laid deep within his mind but until he had the pieces in place, that puzzle will stay locked away.




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TheRPingMudkip said:
Name: Jason Dragan
Nickname(s): The Tamer

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual

Alignment: The Family


View attachment 178162

Mask(s): N/A

Dorm room: N33

Equipment: Pistols, whip, bulletproof glove, food, and a bottle of blood. He also carries a brass knuckle

Skills: Jason Dragan is good at taming animals, and with his bullet-proof glove he catches bullets, as he always wears it.

Special Techniques: Jason Dragan can catch bullets with his bullet-proof glove, and he always wears it.

Personality: Jason Dragan has all types of personalities, he can be ANY personality. But he is always flirty, mostly towards women.

Classes: Jason Dragan takes all closes, mostly Taming Animals, as he is the student that takes Animal Taming the most and it is where he got his nickname.
@Lich Lysander II[/URL] if i feel you ability gets out of control i will limit it. same with you @TheRPingMudkip

?Don Prim Alfredo?

"the best drop kick is a loli drop kick."


? Basics?

Age: 24 years old

Gender: Female

Hair colour: Black

Eye colour: Varying shades of blue

Skin tone: Pale yellow/bordeline pastel yellow

Height: 4'9''

Build: Tiny, slim, childlike but strong

? Attire?

Sailor themed outfits, especially fancies the sailor dress accompanied by a beret with a bow at the back. She always wears black leather flats with straps. As well as knee high white socks.

? Equipment?


?cat back pack




? Skills?

Fencing- has perfected the art of slicing with a sword delicately. Along with this comes the flexiblity in order to dodge quick jabs that she faced during fencing.

Boxing- has also mastered. Excels at upper cuts, straights and hooks. She is known through the boxing circle for powerful straight punches. Her style switches depending on the opponent.

Guns- she tinkers with these terrors in her spare time, so has gained substantial knowledge about them, able to recognise one type on sight. Also has good aim, able to shoot at moving objects. Her preference is a good heavy machine gun.

? Special Techniques?

Heavy aura- the main reason why no one in the mafia messes with her. If peeved, will emit an intense atmospheric pressure on her intended target. Effects could cause the most strongest mindset to become terrified.

"Nightmares are fluffy unicorns compared to her"

? History?

How did such a tiny lookin' lass become the leader of a mafia? Simple. Tactics. Violence. Death.

At a young age Prim, was already deeply involved with the mafia. Her father was the definition of dirt in the family but couldn't leave because he was being piled by loans. Her mother? Eh who knows, once she found out about what her father had done she dissapeared, not leaving even a note. Her father couldn't provide her anything really, but he tried his best, slipping a piece of bread when the Don wasn't looking. At the age of 5 she was tiny, and almost too skinny to be alive. Her father could see she would die soon if not provided the proper needs so he begged. He begged the Don to take his daughter in. In return he would work for the mafia forever. After days and nights of constant pleading, the Don accepted the deal. Upon seeing Prim's condition his heart soften. He took a liking to her and happily raised to be the best mafia memeber she could be. However, due to her rough upbringing at the younger years, her growth had stumpy, rendering with a child's body, no matter how old she grew.

Age, 14 she met her mother in the middle of a gang fight. Her father had told her during the time she spent with him of how her mother looked like and now upon recognising her, a little alarm went off. She looked slightly...different. The once bright curly brown hair and wise dark brown eyes, were faded. Almost as if the colours were mixed withholding grey causing it to lose the once brilliant shade it had before. More over the most alarming thing was the Don wrapping his arms around her mother. They drove by window unrolled and Prim stared unable to move. Until a shot rang out. Her head moved to where the sound had come from only realise it was her had been shot. Her left arm now bled as the bullet formed a gruesome wound. It was the first and only time she would ever scream out in pain. As her conscious faded she saw the Don rushing over followed by her mother dragging her lifeless body along.

She awoke to a tattooed man cleaning up a bloody scalpel. Her mouth felt dry and their was a slight throbbing in her left arm. The man noticed her awake, placed the now clean scalpel aside and spoke, "you're lucky to bloody survive kid, at least you didn't get shot in the 'ead or 'eart, ther' would be nilch chance of survival there" She listened trying to detect the words from the mans strange accent only to be completely confused, she concluded this man must be the gang's doctor and she didn't need to figure out what sort of accent he had. "Darn lucky I say to only have a scar from such shtuff!" He exclaimed jolting her awake. As he blabber on her mind went elsewhere, to the reason behind her mistake, to why she didn't notice that bullet coming. Then the puzzle pieaces that once were scattered slowly started to form a picture. Her mother had become the Don's. "Of course, why would the Don accept such a deal if there wasn't a higher stake to it??" She whispered to herself. Flames ignited within her. She got up, the doctor was still talking. His bald head glistening under the white light. He didn't notice the tiny furious figure storm out of the room nor the loud slam as the door slammed shut.

She arrived at where her father lived, a run down apartment where the lowest of low reside. Two knocks. A minute or two. Then the door creaked open slowly. Her dad stood there, his stained white t-shirt the ends were now threads and what once was blue jeans a dark murky green colour. The owner of this pair of clothing had a scruffy pitch black beard. Their eyes shined a bright blue as they stared at the knocked. "Hello...daughter" he mumbled. The word, daughter almost foreign to him. She looked up a furious set of blue blazes stared back and she said one word, "why?"

He looked away breaking the contact. Soft words came out of the Roth cracked lips of her father, "For your own good, for your own safety I was desperate to do anything to ensure your well-being and life was good." Prim took the words in. She answered the answer with her back facing him as she walked away.

Her feet guided her to the meeting room. She entered and spotted the Don sitting right in the middle of the table. Her anger had watered down slightly, it was more of a campfire now instead of a bushfire. Prim straightened her bow and best, before hooking him. A loud crack could be heard as the fist came in contact with the skin. Loud low groans came from him. "I thought you were a good man," she whispered, " but to make such a deal with my father I would have rather have ended up dead!" Her whisper now escalated to a yell. He coughed before speaking, "strong punch as always, but kid, I'm not the one at fault here, it's your mother." Prim stared, a slow cold facade was forming. He cleared his throat. Then with a gru t he sat up, "Your papa didn't tell you the full story, you're mother abandoned you as soon as you were born, tossed you at your beaten broke dad and left." Her mind processed this at a rapid rate the phrases swam in circles in her head. "Mother abandoned me?"

It was at this moment, something inside of her broke. The final string that held a scultpture together snapped causing it to collapse. She went mad. Prim let out a laugh, unstable and crazy. " Mother. Abandoned. me." Was her final statement before she screamed for the first and only time out of sadness. She dropped to her knees and tugged at her hair, muttering phrases, unrecognizable.

The Don solved her insanity with boxing and fencing. Her mind was eventually calmed by guns. The sounds of the bits and bibs clanging together in order to launch a bullet, gifted the world with her smile. Well a er mother had become the mistress of the opposing gangs Don. crazy I'm gonna "kill you" smile but a smile nonetheless.

18 years old she had mastered fencing and boxing. Her knowledge about guns was vast bit she still had more learning to go. The Don retired when she turned 19 handing the title over to her, of course setting a condition she would have to take the head of a rival gang's leader. She did it through artfully slicing his head into four pieces. Bringing the pieces back to the Don in a sack. 21 she had obtained all knowledge of guns. Now at the age of 24 she spends spare time poking (tinkering) with guns. Oh, and the occasional "Don" stuff.

Are you still accepting character?

Interested to join as a Teacher, or a student if you have too many teacher

I'll put the CS first





Equipment: (whatever your character carries around with them on a regular basis.)

Skills: (what’s your character good at.)

Special Techniques: (You need to be able to explain how they use this technique. Not every character has one.)


Classes: (what classes does this character teach. Also, I'm going to allow multiple teachers to be able to teach the same class, so even if a teacher has taken a class, you can still sign up for it.)
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Name: Robb Chang

Nickname(s): Robb, pretty boy

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual

Alignment: The Zeros


Mask information: This mask is special to Robb. For some reason in the past whenever he had tried to throw it away it had always came back to him. Whenever he puts this mask on, he gets a feeling of wanting to hurt people. His personality completely changes and he´ll get happy of seeing blood and death. You could say he goes "insane".

Dorm room: Please make me have one at random.

Equipment: Glasses, wallet, little darts

Skills: He´s incredibly good at flirting. He is also very good at socialising with people. Amazing eyesight. Is very good at negotiating with people. Good at using firearms.

Special Techniques: Inhuman eyesight

Personality: In other people´s eyes Robb is a complete playboy. He sends out a feeling of a happy flowerboy. He flirts with almost everyone - Male or female. He always does what he wants and it´s almost impossible to put a stop to his outrageous actions. He always makes people laugh without making any jokes. His overflowing sarcasm often brings him trouble.

Inside Robb is malicious. He wants to bring sorrow to everyone, but he has mastered his feelings and can surpress them easily.

History: He was born in a happy family. He had a mother, father and an older sister. His mother soon died in a car crash (or so he thought) and his father fell into depression. He started taking heavy drugs and was often drunk. For those reasons his father had mood swings and often beat his children. Robb´s sister commited suicide and the young child had to bear all the weight alone.

One day when his father came home drunk (as usual), he called for Robb. Robb was nowhere to be found. He had ran away from home and ended up in a strange place. There were street whores and suspicious people everywhere. The buildings around him were old and raggy.

A man came up to Robb, grabbed him and dragged him to a car. He was then brang to another one of those old houses. He was thrown in the cellar of that house and left there for 3 days, until the same man came back to give him a cup of water. Robb had grabbed a dart from a game board in the cellar and thrown it straight in the heart of the man. He then escaped from the house.

He walked 2 miles until a woman had picked him up. She brang Robb to her house and feeling pity, she took him under her wing. She educated and teached him the best she could, until Robb had grown into a man. One day he found a mask lying on the ground. He tried to put it on. Suddenly he felt an urge to kill. He killed that same woman that had held him dear for years. When he ripped of his mask he realised what he had done and decided to throw it away. No matter how many times he tried to get rid of it, it always found a way back.(She also was a street whore. That being the reason why Robb is so flirty).

Since birth Robb has had inhuman eyesight. You could say his eyesight is "too good" and causes him pain. He wears glasses to make it worse. His eye colour is black (like his mothers).

Classes: Communications,





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VioletFires said:

Name: Robb Chang

Nickname(s): Robb, pretty boy

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual

Alignment: The Zeros


Mask information: This mask is special to Robb. For some reason in the past whenever he had tried to throw it away it had always came back to him. Whenever he puts this mask on, he gets a feeling of wanting to hurt people. His personality completely changes and he´ll get happy of seeing blood and death. You could say he goes "insane".

Dorm room: Please make me have one at random.

Equipment: Glasses, wallet, little darts

Skills: He´s incredibly good at flirting. He is also very good at socialising with people. Amazing eyesight. Is very good at negotiating with people. Good at using firearms.

Special Techniques: Inhuman eyesight

Personality: In other people´s eyes Robb is a complete playboy. He sends out a feeling of a happy flowerboy. He flirts with almost everyone - Male or female. He always does what he wants and it´s almost impossible to put a stop to his outrageous actions. He always makes people laugh without making any jokes. His overflowing sarcasm often brings him trouble.

Inside Robb is malicious. He wants to bring sorrow to everyone, but he has mastered his feelings and can surpress them easily.

History: He was born in a happy family. He had a mother, father and an older sister. His mother soon died in a car crash (or so he thought) and his father fell into depression. He started taking heavy drugs and was often drunk. For those reasons his father had mood swings and often beat his children. Robb´s sister commited suicide and the young child had to bear all the weight alone.

One day when his father came home drunk (as usual), he called for Robb. Robb was nowhere to be found. He had ran away from home and ended up in a strange place. There were street whores and suspicious people everywhere. The buildings around him were old and raggy.

A man came up to Robb, grabbed him and dragged him to a car. He was then brang to another one of those old houses. He was thrown in the cellar of that house and left there for 3 days, until the same man came back to give him a cup of water. Robb had grabbed a dart from a game board in the cellar and thrown it straight in the heart of the man. He then escaped from the house.

He walked 2 miles until a woman had picked him up. She brang Robb to her house and feeling pity, she took him under her wing. She educated and teached him the best she could, until Robb had grown into a man. One day he found a mask lying on the ground. He tried to put it on. Suddenly he felt an urge to kill. He killed that same woman that had held him dear for years. When he ripped of his mask he realised what he had done and decided to throw it away. No matter how many times he tried to get rid of it, it always found a way back.(She also was a street whore. That being the reason why Robb is so flirty).

Since birth Robb has had inhuman eyesight. You could say his eyesight is "too good" and causes him pain. He wears glasses to make it worse. His eye colour is black (like his mothers).

Classes: Communications,





Just want to check, before i approve you, what benefit does his eyesight provide him? Like i understand its really good, but whats the point to it?
Okay. For example. If he´s taken on a mission to assassinate someone, he could easilly do it 3km away with a simple shotgun (as long as there´s no obstacle in his way blocking his view). Because his eyesight is extremely accurate, he has an easy time measuring the lenghts of distances by eye. You could say he´s the "scope" on a sniper.

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