• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Mafia High (reboot)

Wicked Jester

Suit Gangs Infamous Jester

Student Application:






Alignment: (this refers to the gangs/zeros. The number of Zeros will be limited btw.)


Mask(s): (For Zeros. Not required for gang members unless they want to.)

Dorm room: (N1-N40, E1-E40, S1-S40, W1-W40) - (if you dont understand that, ask and i will explain it.)

Equipment: (whatever your character carries around with them on a regular basis.)

Skills: (what’s your character good at.)

Special Techniques: (You need to be able to explain how they use this technique. Not every character has one. also one shot kill skills' usage will be limited to npc characters only.)

Personality: (likes, dislikes, fears, sociability, etc.)



Currently, we need teachers, so i stuck the student app in the spoiler, to try to draw more attention to the teachers, but if you want, you can still sign up as a student.

Teacher Application:





Equipment: (whatever your character carries around with them on a regular basis.)

Skills: (what’s your character good at.)

Special Techniques: (You need to be able to explain how they use this technique. Not every character has one.)


Classes: (what classes does this character teach. Also, I'm going to allow multiple teachers to be able to teach the same class, so even if a teacher has taken a class, you can still sign up for it.)
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Alexei Fairfax


Slade (Used when on jobs)








Reavers (2nd in command)


Alexei is reasonably average height-wise at 5' 11", and he had brown hair and blue eyes. Alexei always wears dark cargo pants and his trademark hooded grey overcoat on top of a black short-sleeved shirt.


Wears a black bandanna with grey diamonds on it whenever he's on a job and needs to conceal his identity.

Dorm room:

W4(Dorm & Floor?)-34(Room?)


Alexei always keeps a long stiletto in his coat and another in his boot.


-Silent movement

-Knife skills

-Very good with a bow, but he doesn't carry it with him


Special Techniques:

If he catches someone unawares from behind, he can pinpoint their spine and ram his knife into their neck through it, instantly killing them. This is extremely hard to pull off, and requires an extremely special circumstance to be effective, (Non-NPCs cannot be killed by this)


Alexei is often gruff with people from other gangs than his own but when it comes to his fellow gang members he is hugely respectful of them and their abilities. He would be willing to protect his fellow gang members to the death, but when it comes to orders from his superiors he will never blindly follow, instead voicing his thoughts if he thinks they have done something incorrectly. He is very emotionally cold, but on very, very rare occasions he will completely snap, often flying into a murderous rage.


Born to an impoverished family, Alexei was immediately given away to an orphanage. The moment he was old enough to care for himself, he ran away and lived on the streets, going from petty thievery all the way up to eventually taking jobs in wet work for business executives. Using blackmail and every connection he had, Alexei managed to get enrolled into Mafia High, tuition fully paid. When he arrived, he quickly learned his skills fit the Reavers the best, and has been joined up with them ever since.


-Hand to hand combat

-Close quarters combat

-Medical training




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ParadoxalPaladin said:


Alexei Fairfax


Slade (Used when on jobs)










Alexei is reasonably average height-wise at 5' 11", and he had brown hair and blue eyes. Alexei always wears dark cargo pants and his trademark hooded grey overcoat on top of a black short-sleeved shirt.


Wears a black bandanna with grey diamonds on it whenever he's on a job and needs to conceal his identity.

Dorm room:

W4(Dorm & Floor?)-34(Room?)


Alexei always keeps a long stiletto in his coat and a silenced pistol on his hip, hidden under his coat.


-Silent movement

-Knife skills

-Moderately good with his pistol


Special Techniques:

If he catches someone unawares from behind, he can pinpoint their spine and ram his knife into their neck through it, instantly killing them.


Alexei is often gruff with people from other gangs than his own but when it comes to his fellow gang members he is hugely respectful of them and their abilities. He would be willing to protect his fellow gang members to the death, but when it comes to orders from his superiors he will never blindly follow, instead voicing his thoughts if he thinks they have done something incorrectly. He is very emotionally cold, but on very, very rare occasions he will completely snap, often flying into a murderous rage.


Born to an impoverished family, Alexei was immediately given away to an orphanage. The moment he was old enough to care for himself, he ran away and lived on the streets, going from petty thievery all the way up to eventually taking jobs in wet work for business executives. Using blackmail and every connection he had, Alexei managed to get enrolled into Mafia High, tuition fully paid. When he arrived, he quickly learned his skills fit the Reavers the best, and has been joined up with them ever since.


-Hand to hand combat

-Close quarters combat

-Medical training


With your guys skill, do you care if we restrict something like that to NPCs? Mainly just because using it on players would A) piss ALOT of people off, and B) take all the fun out of fighting.(I'm going to edit the form and add a note saying that any one-shot kill skills will be limited to use on NPCs only.)

Also with the dorm ya, its N -North W-West etc. and then 40 rooms. 1- 10 first floor 11-20 second floor, 21-30 third floor, and 31-40 fourth floor.
[QUOTE="Jesters Court]With your guys skill, do you care if we restrict something like that to NPCs? Mainly just because using it on players would A) piss ALOT of people off, and B) take all the fun out of fighting.(I'm going to edit the form and add a note saying that any one-shot kill skills will be limited to use on NPCs only.)
Also with the dorm ya, its N -North W-West etc. and then 40 rooms. 1- 10 first floor 11-20 second floor, 21-30 third floor, and 31-40 fourth floor.

Yeah, it totally makes sense for it to be restricted. Also, since it is very OP, it is extremely hard to pull off, like a 1 in 100 situation tool.
Name: Daxton Cross

Nickname(s): Teflon

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Alignment: Zero




Dorm room: N13



Skills: Stealth, Hand to Hand, Gun maintenance, Marksmanship

Special Techniques: N/a

Personality: Due to the environment at the Military Academy, he has developed a cold personality that is efficient, blunt, and ruthless. He does not trust the gangs and neither does he trust the other Zeros. What he does trust is cold hard logic and himself above all else. He makes an effort not to stand out though he performs well in his classes. He harbors aspirations to join the special forces once he graduates from the Academy. The one possible chink in his armor would be his younger sister who also has been admitted to the Academy though is one year younger than himself. For her, he is willing to stick his neck out and face any gang member or superior to ensure her well-being.

History: Daxton is a second-generation Mafia High student. His father attended and expressed the wish that his children attend as well. When he was nine years of age, his father died and left himself and his sister in the care of their elderly grandmother. Daxton hated it there and moved out as soon as he was legally able to purchase a pad in his own name. In high school, he obtained a bit of a reputation as a fighter when he took on a gang of local thugs after they made sexual advances towards his younger sister. He sustained heavy injuries, but was impressive enough that the gang backed off and did not try to go after him again. Towards the end of his junior year when he turned 17, he received his invitation to attend Mafia High and accepted the offer. Though times have not been what he expected, Daxton has adapted quickly to the situation and kept his head down long enough to have been there for two years.


Hand to Hand combat


Close Quarters combat



Survival skills

Physical Health and fitness
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ParadoxalPaladin said:


Alexei Fairfax


Slade (Used when on jobs)










Alexei is reasonably average height-wise at 5' 11", and he had brown hair and blue eyes. Alexei always wears dark cargo pants and his trademark hooded grey overcoat on top of a black short-sleeved shirt.


Wears a black bandanna with grey diamonds on it whenever he's on a job and needs to conceal his identity.

Dorm room:

W4(Dorm & Floor?)-34(Room?)


Alexei always keeps a long stiletto in his coat and a silenced pistol on his hip, hidden under his coat.


-Silent movement

-Knife skills

-Moderately good with his pistol


Special Techniques:

If he catches someone unawares from behind, he can pinpoint their spine and ram his knife into their neck through it, instantly killing them.


Alexei is often gruff with people from other gangs than his own but when it comes to his fellow gang members he is hugely respectful of them and their abilities. He would be willing to protect his fellow gang members to the death, but when it comes to orders from his superiors he will never blindly follow, instead voicing his thoughts if he thinks they have done something incorrectly. He is very emotionally cold, but on very, very rare occasions he will completely snap, often flying into a murderous rage.


Born to an impoverished family, Alexei was immediately given away to an orphanage. The moment he was old enough to care for himself, he ran away and lived on the streets, going from petty thievery all the way up to eventually taking jobs in wet work for business executives. Using blackmail and every connection he had, Alexei managed to get enrolled into Mafia High, tuition fully paid. When he arrived, he quickly learned his skills fit the Reavers the best, and has been joined up with them ever since.


-Hand to hand combat

-Close quarters combat

-Medical training


Whisker said:
Name: Daxton Cross
Nickname(s): Teflon

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Alignment: Zero




Dorm room: N13



Skills: Stealth, Hand to Hand, Gun maintenance, Marksmanship

Special Techniques: N/a

Personality: Due to the environment at the Military Academy, he has developed a cold personality that is efficient, blunt, and ruthless. He does not trust the gangs and neither does he trust the other Zeros. What he does trust is cold hard logic and himself above all else. He makes an effort not to stand out though he performs well in his classes. He harbors aspirations to join the special forces once he graduates from the Academy. The one possible chink in his armor would be his younger sister who also has been admitted to the Academy though is one year younger than himself. For her, he is willing to stick his neck out and face any gang member or superior to ensure her well-being.

History: Daxton is a second-generation Mafia High student. His father attended and expressed the wish that his children attend as well. When he was nine years of age, his father died and left himself and his sister in the care of their elderly grandmother. Daxton hated it there and moved out as soon as he was legally able to purchase a pad in his own name. In high school, he obtained a bit of a reputation as a fighter when he took on a gang of local thugs after they made sexual advances towards his younger sister. He sustained heavy injuries, but was impressive enough that the gang backed off and did not try to go after him again. Towards the end of his junior year when he turned 17, he received his invitation to attend Mafia High and accepted the offer. Though times have not been what he expected, Daxton has adapted quickly to the situation and kept his head down long enough to have been there for two years.


Hand to Hand combat


Close Quarters combat



Survival skills

Physical Health and fitness

Both of you are approved... but why the hell did you call it a "Ka-Bar"... that's just a regular knife...

Also, are we going to be seeing a bio for that sister Wiskers?
[QUOTE="Jesters Court]Both of you are approved... but why the hell did you call it a "Ka-Bar"... that's just a regular knife...
Also, are we going to be seeing a bio for that sister Wiskers?

Ka-bar is the type of knife in the picture. You can even spot it on the sheath.

And possibly if I must. I don't rp females well and was going to npc her along with my pov guy unless someone felt like rping them.
Name: Dante A. Mortis

Nickname(s): Doc

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Alignment: Zero



Although not shown, Dante wears a long black, hooded, trench coat, made from a highly advanced type of cloth made from Kevlar, titanium, and para-aramid fibers, this light weight jacket provides class III bulletproof protection, for all areas it covers. Inside this jacket, an innumerable amount of pockets are sewn, and along the sleeves of the arms, more pockets are sewn as well.



Appearance with mask:


Dorm room: S-32


Medical Kit (extensive), His mask, Lock pick set, Many many many whistles of varying frequencies, As many different kinds of spices, seeds, chalks/powders, and perfume style liquids as he has whistles, a pair of gloves made from the same materials as his jacket with titanium plates sewn into it, providing added protection to the palms, And a pair of Colt 1911 hand guns.

(Dante doesn’t keep his flock of ravens or his dogs with him but they are only a whistle away.)


Master of open palm combat,

Surpasses many modern day doctors with his medical skills,

Master of dog and bird training

Special Techniques:

Silent command: Dante’s ability to control his hounds and birds was nicknamed this, due to him almost never having to say a word. However in truth, Dante uses his whistles, spices, perfumes, etc. to give out commands through marking targets with certain scents/powders or through certain frequencies of sounds.


Dante is rather shy and socially incompetent due to the numerous amount of phobias he has, however his skills as an animal trainer and a medic are top notch, causing the gangs to seek him out. Due to this, Dante tries to remain as neutral as possible, providing medical aid to all, and trying not to provoke any one side.

Dante’s list of fears:

Angrophobia - Fear of anger or of becoming angry (Dante is afraid of both, I.E. other people becoming angry, and becoming angry himself.)

Anthropophobia- Fear of people or society

Aphenphosmphobia- Fear of being touched (Only works one way, Dante is not afraid of touching others, only of being touched.)

Anuptaphobia- Fear of staying single

Athazagoraphobia- Fear of being forgotten or ignored

Autophobia- Fear of being alone or by oneself

Brontophobia- Fear of thunder and lightning

Eisoptrophobia- Fear of mirrors or of seeing oneself in a mirror

Gelotophobia- Fear of being laughed at

Hoplophobia- Fear of firearms (Dante caries around his pistols to try and get over this fear, but he absolutely refuses to touch them, so he hasn’t made much progress…)

Ligyrophobia- Fear of loud noises

Necrophobia- Fear of death or dead things

Ophthalmophobia- Fear of being stared at

Paralipophobia- Fear of neglecting duty or responsibility

Philophobia- Fear of falling in love or being in love

Photophobia- Fear of light

Poinephobia- Fear of punishment

Potamophobia- Fear of rivers or running water

Sciophobia- Fear of shadows

Somniphobia- Fear of sleep

Soteriophobia - Fear of dependence on others

Staurophobia- Fear of crosses or the crucifix

(Yes I know some of these are contradictory. That’s intentional. Also, some fears aren’t as bad as others, like Dante’s Anthropophobia is mild, and he can stand to be around people, but there’s always some discomfort.)

History: Dante doesn’t like to discuss his past, but if you can imagine why he might have all those fears, then you might understand why…


Hand to Hand combat


Investigative Sciences

Survival Skills

Medical training

Animal training

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Hey, would it be okay if exchanged Alexei's pistol skills for bow skills instead? He wouldn't keep it on his person all the time, but he would be good with it.
ParadoxalPaladin said:
Hey, would it be okay if exchanged Alexei's pistol skills for bow skills instead? He wouldn't keep it on his person all the time, but he would be good with it.
I will say you guys can change your CS as much as you want, until we get started RPing. (also, I'm going to add a short description for each class soon, so you will know what each is actually for.)



Silent wind, Blitz,








The Family: King


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/StanleyRandallMarsh600854424.jpg.e9254c9ebb94366b3afcec8f5af0be8f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="76817" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/StanleyRandallMarsh600854424.jpg.e9254c9ebb94366b3afcec8f5af0be8f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/4RzcoK.jpg.e53466580a19619e329514ee52f9f3cf.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="76978" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/4RzcoK.jpg.e53466580a19619e329514ee52f9f3cf.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Dorm room



Trench coat (made of special material good that can cushion hits) with steel wire hidden in the left sleeve, wire is five feet long

no slide
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/11493g.jpg.28cf48e1a862510b2df76e268c6a9cc3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="77053" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/11493g.jpg.28cf48e1a862510b2df76e268c6a9cc3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

This baton is made of steel and can retract to four inches and expand to two feet. He keeps it hidden in a small pocket inside his trench coat.
Cattle prod
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/screen-shot-2014-01-21-at-10-31-27-pm.png.0000606847e60e60da83b075312797f6.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="77046" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/screen-shot-2014-01-21-at-10-31-27-pm.png.0000606847e60e60da83b075312797f6.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

This prod can retract as well to the size of five inches and extend to be one foot and a half. He also has this hidden in a secret pocket in his trench coat
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/958_self_defense_mini_most_powerful_stun_gun_1483.jpg.396dac2aa2bc6c6709bcbb1b36a743c4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="77048" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/958_self_defense_mini_most_powerful_stun_gun_1483.jpg.396dac2aa2bc6c6709bcbb1b36a743c4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

This taser is top of the line and always charged. He has this in his left breast pocket (can't be pickpocked with ease since it's zipped up)
Weighted gloves with taser knuckles
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/Gloves.jpg.fd1bbe73f51bcf053b38d0a0bb996c32.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="77050" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/Gloves.jpg.fd1bbe73f51bcf053b38d0a0bb996c32.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

He keeps his gloves in his right pocket where he has easy access to them
Pistol x2
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/1.jpg.3044443d450ea911429b681e5eb8b8cc.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="77047" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/1.jpg.3044443d450ea911429b681e5eb8b8cc.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

These pistols are hidden by his trench coat, but they are strapped to his thighs
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/french033.jpg.d861a182c3cd535287aac603209e234a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="77054" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/french033.jpg.d861a182c3cd535287aac603209e234a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

This blade is hidden in his left combat boots
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/Dakine-Laptop-Messenger-Bag-Large-Black.jpg.bed0e9b9436d08011f04708d0714d2da.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="77051" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/Dakine-Laptop-Messenger-Bag-Large-Black.jpg.bed0e9b9436d08011f04708d0714d2da.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

In this book bag he has five thick encyclopedias in there which is about a foot thick and weighs a good thirty or so pounds (he at times has other things in there, but he always has those encyclopedias)
Grenades x4 of each
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/grenades-assourdissantes-classiques.jpg.420ae603d8c128651eec025ce58ee2cc.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="77049" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/grenades-assourdissantes-classiques.jpg.420ae603d8c128651eec025ce58ee2cc.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

His grenades are all hidden in various parts of his coat



Lance pretty much absorbs everything he learns, rarely taking his face out of a book his knowledge is always expanding

Close combat

He specializes in going in close and hitting a persons weak points.


he rarely attacks first without knowing his opponent like the back of his hand. He watches how the other fights before making precise blows to end the bout in only a few minutes.


In fights he is pretty reliant on his speed and is very proud of his quick movements.


What makes him great at close combat is his reflexes, he practice making this better whenever he can

Lie detection

Lance pays close attention to your face and is good at spotting when he is being lied to. Of course he can't catch every lie, but it's risky to try and get past him.


This is a secret skill and no one is allowed to ask him why he is so damn good at this. He denies knowing how to do this and says it's just a rumor. His needle work is honestly impressive (oh and he knows how to stich people up...but seriously you should try see some of his work)


He is great at drawing as well, though it's usually sketches with pen or pencil and not paint. When he does any art work he does it with immense amount of concentration and detail

Special Techniques: (n/a atm)


Quiet, passive & unmovable like a rock. Lance is known to be the most quietest out all 4 of them. He isn't mute he just finds it a pain to talk to most people, however he will respond if asked something... Though don't be surprised if it's only with one word. Lance can be either completely coldhearted or even a bit caring. Though that completely depends if you leave a good impression on him and if you have done a thing to hurt his group.

He is a business man first and a student second. Unlike some of the Kings Lance prefers not to start fights just for the heck of it. He much rather settle things civilly, but don't think just because he isn't interested in fighting means u can walk all over him. If tap comes to push he will fight and he will not be nice about it.


Lance is the middle child of his three siblings, ever since he was born he was far more distant then most kids should be. He would rarely play with his siblings and much preferred having his nose in his book. Ever since he found out about his fathers business, Lance has strove for nothing more then to be the next head, or King. He followed his father and learned what he could from him, though as he did this he ended up being more distant then his brothers. He does what he can to show his father that he should be the successor. He does this by learning everything that is available to him and taking the extra step to protect and lead his current gang.


All of them



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Name: obito

Nickname: the penance

Age: 18

Gender: male

Sexuality: bi

Allignment: the freakshow

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.a86abe7afd625a34f6f59fe5fef2c568.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="76824" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.a86abe7afd625a34f6f59fe5fef2c568.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Dorm room: E-3


Four of these. Two on his sides and the other two on his ankles

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.fb236f6f8ec842dd9594546946501668.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="76825" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.fb236f6f8ec842dd9594546946501668.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Close quarters combat- can get in many hand to hand punches when up close

Breaking and entering- can easily infiltrate certain areas undetected

Special technique:

Listening- good listener. Remembers most things that are said and done to near perfection

Personality: obito is wild and crazy. Cares very little for human life unless he's told to. He's almost constantly moving around or fidgetting because he gets so bored just sitting there.

History: obito was born in a VERY wealthy family. They had rare food from other countries, art worth millions, and he had at least 100 people that catered to his every need...............and he hated it. It made life dull. There was no adventure, no challenge, no sense of accomplishment. So he did what any bored person might have done. He killed his family. They never found out he did it or any evidence agaisnt him. Since he is officially the only remaining person of the bloodline he inherited all the money and used it to go to this school. He figured it'd be a nice change of pace for him. First few weeks were rough since people messed with him about being rich but that changed rather quickly once the schools body count got low and he was the only one with blood stains. He joined the freakshow feeling that 1. He could use his wealth to help them cause fun and 2. He was bored. Nothing new.

Fun fact: his mental state was tested out of curiousity and the results were that he was clinically insane but had a high IQ. Crazy right?


close quarters




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Name: Pierro

Nickname(s): Vulcan




Alignment: Infernus King



Dorm room: N1



A bottle of gasoline he likes to light himself on fire from time to time

Skills: Hand to Hand Combat

Heavy Weaponry

Anything dealing with fire

Special Techniques: Berserk Mode: Only applies when hes in a life or death situation or in a great deal of pain or rage. Pain has no affect on him anymore and he gpes on a wild rampage

Personality: Pierros can be at times short tempered. He can be quite angry easily and is more than easily provoked by Fransisco's silly ways. He prefers to fight with the saying; "Punch first, think later." He is more likely to charge into battle without thinking than the others. His followers call themselves; Infernus. (Took this form the old rp because i still want him to act the same)

History: Pierro was the oldest of his three brothers. There father was the head of one of the largest mafias. The brothers were always pitted against eachother for to be next in line for the head of the mafia. Pierro was the oldest so he was treated the hardest which was one of the causes of his temper. There father loved them all equally but Pierro didnt feel that way, One day a group of is "family memeber" took him out to a raid and they set the whole building on fire and that was the day he fell in love with fire. He spent more time with the Pyromaniac then anyone. He lost all hope of ever becoming leader of the mafia but he didnt care. This left him being the outcast of the three and his father.

Classes:Hand to Hand

Close Quarters


Survival Skills

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Penance said:
Name: obito
Nickname: the penance

Age: 18

Gender: male

Sexuality: bi

Allignment: the freakshow

Appearance: View attachment 171858

Dorm room: E-3


Four of these. Two on his sides and the other two on his ankles

View attachment 171859


Close quarters combat- can get in many hand to hand punches when up close

Breaking and entering- can easily infiltrate certain areas undetected

Special technique:

Listening- good listener. Remembers most things that are said and done to near perfection

Personality: obito is wild and crazy. Cares very little for human life unless he's told to. He's almost constantly moving around or fidgetting because he gets so bored just sitting there.

History: obito was born in a VERY wealthy family. They had rare food from other countries, art worth millions, and he had at least 100 people that catered to his every need...............and he hated it. It made life dull. There was no adventure, no challenge, no sense of accomplishment. So he did what any bored person might have done. He killed his family. They never found out he did it or any evidence agaisnt him. Since he is officially the only remaining person of the bloodline he inherited all the money and used it to go to this school. He figured it'd be a nice change of pace for him. First few weeks were rough since people messed with him about being rich but that changed rather quickly once the schools body count got low and he was the only one with blood stains. He joined the freakshow feeling that 1. He could use his wealth to help them cause fun and 2. He was bored. Nothing new.

Fun fact: his mental state was tested out of curiousity and the results were that he was clinically insane but had a high IQ. Crazy right?


close quarters

Oh dear god this is going to be fun xD

Name: Fransisco

Nickname(s): Looper

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bi

Alignment: The Freakshow (Leader)



(I didn't make this. The person who did make this is jounetsunoakai on DeviantArt)

Mask(s): None

Dorm room: E - 40



(Image created by DeviantArt user D-faulTx)

The hammer is actually small enough that he can tuck it under his coat. It does leave a bulge that people can tell is his hammer but it's a way he can carry it around.


(Image taken by DeviantArt user miss-octopie)

((Just imagine that this isn't a Nerf gun))

He carries one of these in his pants waist band. He likes the colour scheme.

Skills: -Charismatic. Fransisco can be a smooth talker

-Blunt weaponry. He's very skilled with the use of blunt force weapons.

-Projectiles. He has some skill with projectiles such as guns, but do to his eratic nature his aim isn't the best.

-Acrobatics. He's trained his whole life in the art of acrobatics so he's a very skilled acrobat.

-Animal petting. He is VERY skilled with petting animals. Possibly his favorite skill.

Special Techniques: Doesn't have one.

Personality: Fransisco is... disturbed. If he went to a psychiatrist he would be diagnosed as clinically insane and probably locked away. Fransisco has a deep love of animals and they're the only thing he really cares about. He couldn't care less about human lives, and his favorite pastime is to murder people who are cruel to animals. He's sporadic but not in that quirky and cute way. He's also prone to mood swings which can take him from happy to destructive and angry in seconds, almost like a clown. He considers himself to be very charismatic.

History: Being the youngest of the three Fransisco always worked hard to make himself known to his family. Whether that meant throwing himself head first at one of his brothers in a fight, or sneaking along with his father when he went to carry out something. He wasn't always insane though. It happened when he was thirteen. He was goofing around with some of his father's torture gear in the basement when he accidentally turned on one of the machines and tortured himself. The incident left him a little more on the loopy side and that's where he crowned his own nickname looper.

Classes: Animal Training. Leadership. Explosives.
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Peaceswore said:

(Sleep.... I need like...allllllllllll the sleep.... Aka this is a major WIP..... Nighty night)

Name: Lance



Gender: Male

Sexuality: Pansexual

Alignment: The Family: King

Appearance: View attachment 171844

Mask(s): (For Zeros. Not required for gang members unless they want to.)

Dorm room: S-40


Trench coat with steel wire hidden in the left sleeve, wire is five feet long

Retractable steel baton

Cattle prod


weighted gloves with tasers in the knuckles

Pistol x2


Book bag

Four encyclopedias


Learning, Lance pretty much absorbs everything he learns, rarely taking his face out of a book his knowledge is always expanding.

Close combat, He specializes in going in close and hitting a persons weak points.

Observation, he rarely attacks first without knowing his opponent like the back of his hand. He watches how the other fights before making precise blows to end the bout in only a few minutes.

Weapon use, he is well trained

Special Techniques: (n/a atm)

Personality: Quiet, passive & unmovable like a rock. Lance is known to be the most quietest out all 4 of them. He isn't mute he just finds it a pain to talk to most people, however he will respond if asked something... Though don't be surprised if it's only with one word. Lance can be either completely coldhearted or even a bit caring. Though that completely depends if you leave a good impression on him and if you have done a thing to hurt his group.

He is a business man first and a student second. Unlike some of the Kings Lance prefers not to start fights just for the heck of it. He much rather settle things civilly, but don't think just because he isn't interested in fighting means you can walk all over him. If tap comes to push he will fight and he will not be nice about it.


Lance is the middle child of his three siblings, ever since he was born he was far more distant then most kids should be. He would rarely play with his siblings and much preferred having his nose in his book. Ever since he found out about his fathers business, Lance has strove for nothing more then to be the next head, or King.

He followed his father and learned what he could from him, though as he did this he ended up being more distant then his brothers. He does what he can to show his father that he should be the successor. He does this by learning everything that is available to him and taking the extra step to protect and lead his current gang.


All of them

[QUOTE="Ninja God]

Name: Pierro

Nickname(s): Vulcan




Alignment: Infernus King



Dorm room: N1



A bottle of gasoline he likes to light himself on fire from time to time

Skills: Hand to Hand Combat

Heavy Weaponry

Anything dealing with fire

Special Techniques: Berserk Mode: Only applies when hes in a life or death situation or in a great deal of pain or rage. Pain has no affect on him anymore and he gpes on a wild rampage

Personality: Pierros can be at times short tempered. He can be quite angry easily and is more than easily provoked by Fransisco's silly ways. He prefers to fight with the saying; "Punch first, think later." He is more likely to charge into battle without thinking than the others. His followers call themselves; Infernus. (Took this form the old rp because i still want him to act the same)

History: Pierro was the oldest of his three brothers. There father was the head of one of the largest mafias. The brothers were always pitted against eachother for to be next in line for the head of the mafia. Pierro was the oldest so he was treated the hardest which was one of the causes of his temper. There father loved them all equally but Pierro didnt feel that way, One day a group of is "family memeber" took him out to a raid and they set the whole building on fire and that was the day he fell in love with fire. He spent more time with the Pyromaniac then anyone. He lost all hope of ever becoming leader of the mafia but he didnt care. This left him being the outcast of the three and his father.

Classes:Hand to Hand

Close Quarters


Survival Skills

You two are approved... I'm still not sure how I feel about the brothers managing to make a come back, but oh well. Any way, I figure once we get a teacher character, we can start the RP. (if nothing else, I'll make one soon.)

Name: Anthony Stout

Nickname(s): "Fade" or "Shroud"

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Alignment: Reaver (King)





Mask(s): Pictured above.

Dorm room: W7


Fade's Equipment




Shroud's Equipment






Skills: Acting, Stealth, Tactics, Medical, Long range combat, Close quarters combat

Special Techniques: The Achilles Heel - Due to his extremely wide field of vision and knowledge of medical training, Shroud is able to narrow in on individual weak points after observing the opponent for a period of time. It requires a high amount of concentration and a certain amount of lengthiness to the fight in order to work at full strength. He often targets the digits of the fingers due to the reflex of raising the hand to block, the hamstring, the joints where armor coating is not applied, or the face (if unmasked) due to the tendency of head wounds to bleed a lot as a standard rule. The Achilles Heel ability allows him to focus in further on individual weaknesses, but is restricted only to the "Shroud" persona and in close combat situations.

Personality: The Shroud persona is distant and aloof, but maintains a strict bearing of discipline when physically assembled in front of the men. Not much is known about him as there is actually no registered individual bearing that name in the school registrar. Fade, however, is kind of an oddball, but is highly intelligent. He has a good follower-type personality and rarely questions orders. He prefers to stand back and let others have the limelight instead of him. His whole motto is "the nail who sticks out gets hammered" so he makes sure to blend in as best as he can. Among his Reaver comrades, he is just another one of the guys who is capable and willing to prove his worth. But on the inside, Shroud pulls the strings with Fade being nothing but a cover for which he gathers information undetected.

History: What can one say about Shroud? Just that he leads the Reaver organization from behind the scenes, an omnipotent being whom no one has yet identified. He is a mystery to everyone and appears only when challenged or when he needs to meet with his various seconds and captains. Through them and a variety of secure networks do his instructions come to the gangs beneath him. There is simply no touching Shroud in any way except ... if one meets Anthony Stout. Anthony, nicknamed Fade since he just kind of fades into the background, is the son of well-known musical theater actress. He grew up just down the street and rubbed elbows with the acting scene on a daily basis. Seriously, name a movie, play, or music star and Anthony has probably met them. So how'd he end up in Mafia High? Most believe it's his connections ... though the silvery sheen of talent emerges from time to time under situations of duress.


Study Hall





Hand to Hand

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Whisker said:
Name: Anthony Stout
Nickname(s): "Fade" or "Shroud"

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Alignment: Reaver (King)





Mask(s): Pictured above.

Dorm room: W7


Fade's Equipment




Shroud's Equipment






Skills: Acting, Stealth, Tactics, Medical, Long range combat, Close quarters combat

Special Techniques: The Achilles Heel - Due to his extremely wide field of vision and knowledge of medical training, Shroud is able to narrow in on individual weak points after observing the opponent for a period of time. It requires a high amount of concentration and a certain amount of lengthiness to the fight in order to work at full strength. He often targets the digits of the fingers due to the reflex of raising the hand to block, the hamstring, the joints where armor coating is not applied, or the face (if unmasked) due to the tendency of head wounds to bleed a lot as a standard rule. The Achilles Heel ability allows him to focus in further on individual weaknesses, but is restricted only to the "Shroud" persona and in close combat situations.

Personality: The Shroud persona is distant and aloof, but maintains a strict bearing of discipline when physically assembled in front of the men. Not much is known about him as there is actually no registered individual bearing that name in the school registrar. Fade, however, is kind of an oddball, but is highly intelligent. He has a good follower-type personality and rarely questions orders. He prefers to stand back and let others have the limelight instead of him. His whole motto is "the nail who sticks out gets hammered" so he makes sure to blend in as best as he can. Among his Reaver comrades, he is just another one of the guys who is capable and willing to prove his worth. But on the inside, Shroud pulls the strings with Fade being nothing but a cover for which he gathers information undetected.

History: What can one say about Shroud? Just that he leads the Reaver organization from behind the scenes, an omnipotent being whom no one has yet identified. He is a mystery to everyone and appears only when challenged or when he needs to meet with his various seconds and captains. Through them and a variety of secure networks do his instructions come to the gangs beneath him. There is simply no touching Shroud in any way except ... if one meets Anthony Stout. Anthony, nicknamed Fade since he just kind of fades into the background, is the son of well-known musical theater actress. He grew up just down the street and rubbed elbows with the acting scene on a daily basis. Seriously, name a movie, play, or music star and Anthony has probably met them. So how'd he end up in Mafia High? Most believe it's his connections ... though the silvery sheen of talent emerges from time to time under situations of duress.


Study Hall





Hand to Hand

hmm... you my friend are approved. If I see problems in the future with the Achilles heel though, I will be having a talk with you, I hope you know that.
Name: Sarah Fortune

Nickname: Miss Fortune/Lady of Luck

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Alignment: The Family



Mask(s): N/A

Dorm room: N33


carries 2





Skills: Deceptive, Seduction, Marksmen, Close Combat, Sly

Special Techniques: Double Up- With Sarah Knowledge on targeting and aiming. She calculates the trajectory of the bullet and fires. The bullet then bounces off the intended target and hits another target behind them.

Personality: Sarah is a flirtatious girl, seductive as she is little to no man can resist her charms and her fiery attitude. Sarah is playful and loves to tease others. She also has a love for children where she can't really hurt them. She uses her charms to her advantage when taking on male opponents. Sarah has a thirst for adventure and often gets herself into trouble because of it. She is also a daring person, will take on a challenge of any kind and this is where she gets her nick name because she never loses, whether it's a game of Poker or Russian Roulette.


Beauty and danger: There are few who can match Miss Fortune in either.

Like most who rise to notoriety Sarah has no shortage of blood on her hands. Yet, it was not always this way, for she was once known as Sarah, the beloved daughter of a renowned gun-dame who lived peacefully at her isolated island workshop. Young Sarah helped her mother in the forge, filing wheel locks, calibrating trigger pulls, or casting custom pistol shot. Her mother’s skill in crafting firearms was legendary, and her bespoke handguns were to be found in the collections of many a wealthy noble. But ofttimes, they were desired by those with more meager means and darker hearts.

One day, young Sarah returned home to hear gunshots and screaming. Her front door was smashed open; inside, she saw her mother lying in a pool of blood. A sudden blow to her head made her collapse next to her slain mother. The last thing she could remember were her attacker�s red eyes, as his face was blocked by a rogue�s bandana.

~A time skip~

“So how much am I worth to you, b*tch?”

“Money? Five hundred.”

“All this mayhem for a lousy five hundred?”

“It’s not the money that’s got you killed. It’s the fact that you’re the one who ended someone dear,” said Miss Fortune. “That’s why I want you dead.”

“Dead? Wait, the warrant says alive!”

“True, but I’ve never been very good at following instructions,” said Miss Fortune, releasing the rope and the breathing tube. The coffin plunged into the darkness of the sunken dead, trailing a froth of frantic bubbles. Zyglos screamed his brother’s name and ran at her, drawing his knife. She let him get within spitting distance before drawing her brass pistol and blasting him twice, one through the eye, one in the heart.

Miss Fortune spat on the floor and blew the smoke from the muzzle.

“Self defense,” she said with a smile, rehearsing her lie. “Crazy fool came at me with that fang-knife of his. I didn’t have a choice.”

She stood and strolled back into Town. She knew she ought to throw Zyglos corpse somewhere, but the rats and the crows had to eat, didn’t they?


  1. Psychology
  2. Communication
  3. Firearms
  4. Hand to Hand
  5. Close Quarters
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@GardinOfEden you have to be able to explain how they do whatever special skill they have, not just say they can cause their bullets to go through stone. So basically you need some semi logical (don't care if the laws of physics or anything are stretched a bit) explanation as to how this occurs.
Jesters Court] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/19489-gardinofeden/ said:
@GardinOfEden[/URL] you have to be able to explain how they do whatever special skill they have, not just say they can cause their bullets to go through stone. So basically you need some semi logical (don't care if the laws of physics or anything are stretched a bit) explanation as to how this occurs.
Oh okay that makes more sense
GardinOfEden said:
I think I did it right this time
Using AP rounds isn't really a special technique... a special technique would be something like curving bullet trajectories like from "Wanted" or shooting bullets out of the air, or catching bullets or blades, or being able to cut through stone with a sword by utilizing some technique, etc...
[QUOTE="Jesters Court]Using AP rounds isn't really a special technique... a special technique would be something like curving bullet trajectories like from "Wanted" or shooting bullets out of the air, or catching bullets or blades, or being able to cut through stone with a sword by utilizing some technique, etc...

So something like the Ap rounds bounces off targets shot? Will that be good?

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