Mad House 2.0

They do

Yeah, I'm not really planning on it lol.

Generally the only times I'm outside is when I'm forced to go somewhere, or I'm doing something/going somewhere with friends.

Which doesn't happen too often.

Though when the snow stays and piles up I'll probably end up running outside and face plant in the snow when no one else is home and then cry about how much I hate school, while making a snow-angel.
Here, here! Don't need to go outside, the world can wait!

Can't wait for a blizzard. Shoveling and sledding and making an army of snowmen. Hot chocolate at the end of the day though is like the best part, to return the feeling to my numb fingers after doing all that.

P.S. I miss Triggy. :( I really want to read his post about Izzy's reaction to Jodie mauling him, lol.
Of course, of course!

My small bedroom is everything I need, it's my entire world.

Snow, snow is cool. What isn't cool though is that I won't get snowdays, but my siblings will....

And then I'll be stuck listening to their voices coming from upstairs all day.....

Aaaagh me too, I love Triggy's writing so much!

And Jodie suddenly attacking him..... it's really interesting, I want to know what happens next too lol!

But, since they haven't logged in since Sunday they're probably either extremely bogged down with schoolwork like me, or maybe something really major happened irl?

No one knows, but I hope we'll get to hear from them soon.
Indoors, indoors, indoooooooors! Okay, who let Spongebob in? lol

And that's when you invest in a pillow gun. c: Or maybe some tape and just slap it across their mouths. No?

Triggy and Pine have like the best writing and characters! /fangirls

Ahhhhhh, the suspense is killing me!

School needs to go away, like we don't have time for this! /boycotts school and work and life
snow snow must be nice

here we just get


a 100% honest to god genuine haiku from pine

but lol the college i'm at

like last year they got hit super hard with weather and stuff and the university had to close down for a little bit and my friend keeps talking about how they would take like idk signs i think he said and just slide around everywhere that would be gr9

because pfft safety

*wrings branches nervously* thanks guys that really means so much
even though i'm really n ot as good as triggy lol defs not

i'm getting a little worried tbh

like i stalk them on three different websites and they haven't logged on to any of them

which like usually they at least LOG ON even if they don't say anything IDK i'm being paranoid i kno
people in class discussions like "my parents told me if you eat protein you will become muscular"

today i had to try making macaroni without milk for the first time ever (other than like easymac)

it turned out... okay, I guess

at least it wasnt unedibly disgusting lol

im on the phone with walmart rn ive been waiting to be transferred to the electronics department for like half an hour
WalMart customer service is hellish.

and if it makes you feel better about the mac and cheese

the mac and cheese i had was plus plus good
i just hung up and called again
you know what else is wrong with the world that is not addressed enough


where did they go

where else can i enjoy a delicious chocolatey hollow ball with tart edible disney princesses inside??
i have no idea

i miss them too

..i can hear people talking in the background and the occasional giggle but no ones talking to me

now theres banging noises omg
the world has gone into a dark age without the wonder of a wonderball

prepare your best counter-prank to their imminent prank

show them who's boss
its stopped and so have the voices

i might just hang up and not call again this is ridic lol

i only called bcuz my mom made me call to see if they had the charger they need before she let me go

but maybe shell just let me go without finding out because

its been sO LONG

FINALLY im talking to someone

but now im on hold while they check

i have had to call lots of stores today but i have finally found one


oh and i almost forgot to talk about

when i was sitting at dinner i sat across from these chicks and like

it was as if they were a book club or a therapy circle or something lol because like

one of them would be telling a story and the rest of them would like collectively laugh and on a few occasions they GASPED IN SYNC

i've never even seen that before it was amazing
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand my mom wont take me and i have no idea when my dad will be both home and free, and its certainly not in walking distance


that sounds like it would at least a little unsettling lol

i dont think ive experienced that before



aaaaaaaah poo good luck with that

it kind of was


you know

it could have been worse... maybe

*sobs and rolls around in the dirt*

yeah, it could have been a lot worse

/has lots of schoolwork

/finds personality quiz on the 9 alignments with 100+ questions

/does that instead
my lyfe

idk i was maybe going to do my post finally but i keep sneezing and i just want to sleep lol

also when i napped earlier i vividly dreamed about someone trying to stab me with scissors


since it wasn't me

(idk i think i was some dude maybe hamlet because the chick was actually the actor for ophelia on that version of hamlet that i watched lol)

i was about to kick ass

and i'd like to get back to that

*passively wills roommate off of skype*
that sounds like a very interesting dream lol

recently i had a dream and you were in it

and my mind made up an appearance for you but i dont remember what it was

anyways a bunch of people were being hunted by the us military

i think it was nerds like us idk why

probs bcuz were nerds

for some reason my little sister was there

and i feel like there were more people i know, but i dont remember who

maybe tenome

eventually we escaped to this nerd oasis

and then for a long time we rped, but in person, and it was more like larping

there was also a water park thing in nerd land

and in some of my dreams one of the reoccurring themes is really long, twisty, dangerous slides that can be really scary to go down

and i think one or two military people ended up in nerd land by mistake, so occasionally we had to run and hide even in nerd paradise

and one time we went down some of the slides, which sucked

the last thing i remember is the us military busted in, and the nerds all started running around

we just made it out

and then some russian special ops appeared out of nowhere and either captured or killed you, and then i almost got away from them but one grabbed me and shoved a needle in the area between my lungs and stomach and i convulsed and couldnt breathe and was like wow thanks man really nice of you to do that why are the russians capturing me anyways i though the us was hunting us??

and then blacked out, and woke up in real life

but wow you continue dreams?

i dont/cant do that

like if i wake up when ones getting interesting even if i fall back asleep i can never resume them

though i guess im glad when it comes to bad dreams that they dont continue

though there are reoccurring things/themes like the slides
it was

okay i'm going to try to remember all the details of it i can LOL

and it's going to make NO SENSE

so one person i had been talking to on this site before

like we both had shiny psyducks (though like theirs was some sort of custom shiny idk) and we had tried to set them up together

because APPARENTLY psyducks have a long tradition of finding life time mates like that lol

and... hm...

there was something about my parents (i think they were angry at me lol?)

but actually yeah i just mostly remember someone trying to stab me

the scissors were golden and stuff and i was cornered... in the bathroom like sitting on the toilet lid lol

i was trying to talk them out of it or something but i was really nervous and like the second time they made a stab at me i was about to kick them in the stomach BUT THEN MY ALARM WENT OFF AND I HAD TO GO TO CLASS AHHHHHH H

nothing like some nicely interrupted rem sleep

i'm p happy i literally did nothing in that class

well goats since YOU blacked out in the dream

i guess you missed out on the exciting conclusion where i revealed that i had masterfully escaped death/capture and appear before them listing off all of their errors before i take them down and become emperor of the world


but lol i wish you could remember what imaginary me looks like i'm p curious

but then again the same thing happened to me like

even though i've SEEN pictures of you lol the one time you showed up in my dream it didn't really look like you

(also you were tall and older than me i'm p sure l ol)

but uh... that dream... *cough* it was weird and it's probably best left unspoken haha

lololol no i was actually joking

but i mean hmmmm

i sometimes have had the same dream and then it like elaborates further

one of my recurring dreams involves my grandma's house and/or a witch lol

i've had that two or three times, though not in recent history (my last dream was the first i had had in a while??)

but uh

i have repeated plot twists

or rather

plot twist

because of that whole thing about where my brain runs out of ideas for what to do it's like "hmmmm well let's just make her lose her clothes that aught to spice things up"

ironically now i'll just be sitting somewhere irl and then i start to become afraid like "what if i start unconsciously undressing right now that would be so embarrassing" but like?????? that doesn't happen LOL

ohh, but do you dream in color too? * o *

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