M-Revolution [Inactive]

black ace 3

Leap Year, Baby!
black ace 3 submitted a new role play:

M-Revolution - The time of the mutants is now!

The place is Desdrin City, a city in the midwest that has a pretty good tech and science industry going and basically a big area of opportunity going on. little does anyone know that soon it will become the epicenter of mutant activity that will either lead to them being equals with humanity or their rulers.
It started in 1916 with the first M-Genesis occurred after a particularly nasty gas attack. while some suffered the usual affects others were changed. they gained powers. they became...
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(Okay we'll start with everyday stuff pre-Genesis so everyone can get comfy with their characters. that cool with everyone?)

Naomi wakes up stretching and yawning. it was late morning on a saturday. she rushes through to get ready for a meet up at the mall. she passes by TV with a report on mutants. she pauses only slightly feeling bad for them. they shouldn't have to put up with what they do but violence won't help them. she heads on out to the mall.
Matt was walking through the lunch room of his school. It was his senior year of high school, and he was barely keeping a C average. He just didn't care. Nobody cared for him. His dad was a drunk and his mom was always at work trying to support the family. Everybody called him The Shadow Kid, because his clothes cast so many shadows and he never talked. He used to talk, but everyone would always yell at him because he had a stutter. Psychologists said it was simply because he was too tentative, that he just needed to learn to be more assertive and the stuttering would go away, but he couldn't handle being laughed at. He looked over at one table and noticed a younger kid who had been shadowing his brother for the day. The kid was holding a GI Joe in one hand, and the latest model of the mutant catastrophe in his hands. The kid was pretending the GI Joe was bashing the mutant to the floor. Why were they made out to be enemies. Matt walked over to the kid. It made him feel uncomfortable. Then he tried to speak. "Why are you do-do-doing that?" The kid simply responded with, "You sound like an idiot! Do-do-doey!" Then he went back to playing. This is why Matt didn't talk. He felt a strange sensation welling up in him, and thought he heard slight jostling vibrations in his vicinity that seemed to resonate from his very being. But he was just hearing things, he confirmed.
Junior year... Donnie had taken time to get the more troublesome classes out of the way in her Freshman and Sophomore years so that she could focus more on the fun classes now. She had just finished up with band and was moving on to her lunch period which was pretty much going to her locker to get her sack lunch and then heading back to the band room. Her Band Professor was pretty cool and would have the latest information on the mutants, it being a fascination of his as well as Donna's. She felt pretty envious if she was truthful, she'd love to have the powers that some of the people they were hearing about had... although she supposed it did sound a little glorified...but if she did get powers she would bring justice down on those who deserved it by destroying their lives... it was something she always wanted to do. Giggling along with her band geek friends about what powers would best suit them, Donnie smiled and pretended as if she actually liked the people she was around.

(I am getting so tired of not receiving notifications. I apologize for not replying to this sooner)
(it's fine)

Naiomi rushes down the halls towards the band room for lunch. she was free of her damned math class with Mrs.Crabbers. she briefly mused about having teleportation but pushed it out of her mind. if she did the woman would go on one of her infamous rants on mutant kind and most other things. one of which had held her up. she grabbed her sack lunch and went to the band room to meet up with Donnie and some of her friends. her heart flutters abit at Donnie but hurries along to the band room.
"Naoimi!" Donnie greets, waving as one of the only tolerable people she knows enters the room. "What held you up today?" She asked... it had been really boring without her closest friend around and Donnie couldn't help but feel a little lighter at having her around... It made lunch a lot less boring and the other people a lot more fun to be around. Naoimi kind of made everything fun, really.

Donnie stood up and waved energetically, because she could... and because she was excited and possibly also because she knew it was expected of her to be foolishly energetic.

"How did your morning classes go, by the way? Any homework to give the excuse of a study session?" Donnie asked, her grin becoming genuine. The only time she ever really got to hang out with Naoimi outside of school was when she could convince her parents that Naoimi needed help with tutoring although usually that wasn't truly the case... Naoimi was pretty bright on her own- but it was a good excuse nonetheless. Her parents didn't really allow her to do things like 'sleep overs' and 'spending time at a friends house' for the fun of it. Apparently they had their reasons but those reasons didn't really make sense to Donnie.
"Mrs.Crabbers went off on another rant. i swear if not for one of the tacher's pets we would still be there" she says groaning. however grins mischievously raising a giant folder filled with loose sheets of paper "lots and i don't know if i can figure it all out on my own..." she says with a smirk. she can normally work through it with ease but if it means Donnie can come over she is quite capable of lieing to Donnie's parents. Her's know the real purpose of the study groups. however as to not feel obligation to tell Donnie's parents it remains unspoken in her house. "so whadda' ya got for lunch?"
Matt looks around for a quiet place to sit where he wouldn't be noticed, yet every table was taken. He thought he remembered people could go and eat in the band room, so he went there. It was fairly spacious and allowed him to skulk in a corner. So Matt flipped up his hood hoping the two girls closest to him wouldn't notice as he pulled out pulled an unwrapped sandwich from his coat pocket.
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"Be careful what you say about Teachers Pets." Donnie teased lightly, nudging Naoimi playfully with her elbow. "And excellent... looks like we'll be busy tonight." Donnie said, fist pumping. A night spent hanging out with Naiomi was a night she didn't spend alone sulking about how unfair the world was to those who were different. She hated how mean people were being to the mutants lately, really... she was a strong supporter of them and it wasn't even like it was their fault, after all.

"Lunch.... lunch..." Donnie muttered, digging through her backpack in search of her lunch bag. Pulling it out she opened it and looked inside. "Eh, the usual. Maybe I should just start getting food at the school." Donnie replied, showing Naoimi the very soggy Peanut Butter and Jelly that was the sole resident of her lunch bag. "At least when it's Dad's day to make the lunches... usually when mom does she's pretty cool about putting random treats in."
Matt had already wolfed down his sandwich. It had been soggy, and only contained one slice of bologna. He really hated all of the people who were hating on the mutants. In a lot of ways, they were like him, poorer than water coming out of a pitcher. His family had absolutely nothing to their name. Then he saw the girl in front of him pull out a soggy peanut butter and jelly sandwich. To most, this would seem disgusting, but to Matt, it looked like a treat. His stomach growled, but he couldn't do anything about it. He could only stare. Unless of course if he wanted to become a thief as well as an outcast. He didn't want that.
Noaimi giggles a little at the nudging back playfully as she gets out her lunch "mine is some leftovers and some ham cheese "here's mine you want some?" she digs some out and sees mark and gives him a friendly smile and sees him eyeing Donni's sandwich "heya want to join us?" her good heartedness kicking in. "i have a third sandwich if you want one." she says offering one to him.
Donnie looked over at who Naoimi was speaking to curiously before turning back to Naoimi. "Three sandwiches? What prompted that?" She asked before nodding to the boy to come join them. "Feeling especially hungry this morning or something? Or... hey... maybe you've got a mutant power for knowing when something will be needed?" Donnie teased light heartedly, a smile growing at the warmth that flooded through her from seeing Naoimi's kindness to someone else. She couldn't get over how wonderful her friend could be sometimes.... Donnie would consider offering hero own sandwich to the kid but she was pretty hungry herself and wasn't willing to part with her lunch. Donnie looked over at the boy again to see if he would join them. "Hey kid, what's your name?"
Matt sat in silence, like usual. Yet then he realized the girls were staring at him. What now? Then one of the girls asked for his name. My name? My name! Shit, what's my name? He took off his hood and tried to smile. "Uh, I-I'm M-m-m… er M-m-matt. Yeah, it's Matt. What's y-yours?"
"Nice to meet you Matt. I'm Naoimi" She says pretty friendly "so you want the Third Sandwich? It was originally for my kid brother but accidentally put into my bag..." let's out an embarrassed chuckle "but you can have it if you want. he probably won't notice it missing."
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When the girl offered him a sandwich, Matt snatched it from her hand. "Th-thank you." He wolfed down the sandwich in one bite, then wiped his face, a little ashamed.
"Goodness Matt... don't they feed you at home?" Donnie asked, not really thinking that it was a possibility and meaning it as a joke. "I've got a little money and could getcha a school lunch if you want?" Donnie offered. "And oh ... probably should introduce myself, huh? I'm Donnie." Donnie said, giving Matt a wave. She turned to Naoimi. "I'm sure your brother won't starve.... and that explains the extra sandwich."
looks curiously "more than allowed for a day? what do you you mean by that?" she says with a voice mixed of curiosity and worry for matt. something tells her whatever it is, it isn't good and the eating at home part didn't help matters.

"Y-yeah. Your families must have more m-money, be-because you have more to eat. M-my dad d-doesn't make enough t-to feed everyone in one day. S-so we're only allowed s-so much every other d-day. Then I always g-give half of mine to my younger s-sister when she d-doesn't get food." Matt drooped his head.
Donnie felt a twinge of sadness at that. It seemed Matt had a less then hospitable living situation... but then so did a lot of people. Donnie was just glad that she didn't. She reached over and grasped Matt's shoulder consolingly. "Sometimes life just sucks but really good people are made out of bad situations." She said, giving him a smile. "And things could be worse, right?"
"Easy for you to s-say. Y-you have enough money to sh-share. I d-don't have anything to share if I w-wanted to. The only thing that could be worse is if my d-dad got drunk again t-tonight. Which is b-bound to hap-p-pen."
"Lotsa things are easier to say." Donnie said, shrugging. She was unphased... mostly because she wasn't in that situation so she really didn't understand it. She had never had to go hungry unless it was by her own choice not to eat something (though that happened rarely to never). "Life kinda sucks sometimes... And I'm sorry bout your dad and all... but just think, you're already a better person than me in a lot of respects. If it were between me and helping someone else by giving up something that I had... I would probably choose me as disappointing as that is."
bites her lower lip thinking of what to do to try and help the guy out. "does your sister go here?" eyeing her sandwich in the bag thinking she could maybe give to the sister. she had the leftovers so she would be fine and besides it seemed like Matt and his family would need the food anyway. she was also trying to remember CPS's number...
Donnie watched Naoimi as she once again tried to save another person. She could never really get over how sweet is was but it kind of bothered her how ready Naoimi was to spend time on a hopeless case. She remained quiet, however, smiling and listening as they discussed Matt's sister. She didn't even realize he had a sister... Donnie finally got around to unwrapping her sandwich and ate while her gaze shifted between her friend and her friend's newest rescue choice.

(I apologize if this sounds a little harsh. I really love Matt and Naoimi's kindness is awesome but Donnie thinks it's a waste of time so... Just trying to keep to her character)

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