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Fantasy Luthais University for Magical Creatures | OOC and Character Sign up

Hey BackSet BackSet
Wondering when you're posting
I don't want to rush you, sorry if you're busy right now. I can continue to wait if needed

I was... uh... kind of waiting for you guys, actually. I couldn't come up with anything.


21 (Physical age)

Human (or so he claims)

Despite his claim that he is an elf Valentin has never taken off the ever-present plate armor and helmet he wears to confirm that. If that is the case, of course, then the fact that he can transform into a young dragon is alarming, to say the least. Valentin claims that it's his family magic, something to do with the armor. Who was his family again?




Valentin is very. . . self-absorbed. The man tends to be stuck-up and preoccupied with his own issues, with little or no regard to those around him. When he does interact with people, though, he can be intense. He's used to just getting what he wants all the time, so when someone defies him, he usually resorts to using force. That won't fly in school, of course, but it's just how he rolls. . . When Valentin isn't being hot garbage, though, he's a fairly chill person. He reads frequently in his spare time, and is a fan of fictional works with action and suspense. He's very animated about it. He's always ready to learn, for conflicting reasons. He seems to be in a rush to master his choices in magic. . .Speaking of which, he's very gifted in the art. Gifted, but random. One moment he might be casting illusions or summoning magical objects. The next, he'll accidentally blow something up.


Alchemy - Intermediate

Illusion - Intermediate

Enchantment - Basic

Evocation - Advanced

Conjuration - Advanced

Years at Luthais: 3


Valentin's past is shrouded in mystery. He prefers it that way: He was the one that made things so cloudy. He has only revealed a few things from his life before Luthais. He used to belong to an old, powerful family in the far West. The details of said family are known only to him. The only thing any locals know is that Valentin was the youngest out of eight siblings, in a family where backstabbing and trickery were key to gaining any power.

Valentin's relative lack of deceitfulness and malice and his sense of entitlement were somewhat harmless alone, but together, they proved to be near-fatal. Valentin's devotion to his siblings only led to them using him for their own gain, taking his above-average skill with magic and solving family issues with force, then taking all the credit behind his back. Valentin was overshadowed and kicked out as a result of looking weak in comparison to his siblings. It is unclear how, but Valentin lost most of his magical knowledge somewhere in between his abandonment and finding Luthais. He retained his skill, but lost the knowledge, and therefore the ability to use most of what he was capable of. The man now seeks a higher education, attempting to relearn everything he'd forgotten in the past and return to his family and prove his worth.

Haru Rivers Haru Rivers (Let me know if anything needs to be fixed! This was authorized)
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Glad I'm not the only one with a crazy schedule at the moment. I posted again, sorry for the delay though. I'm going to try and break up the mega group convo that has formed in the common room so we don't have everyone waiting for a response or talking over one another.

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