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Fantasy Luthais University for Magical Creatures | OOC and Character Sign up

Yeah, keeping it closed for now would be a good idea
Frick I just realized I need to find a way to make my socially awkward snarky character interact with people.
You could have them find Tenzen, probably checking out the area because of the loud noise he made. We both aren't in an interaction
For the record though, I'm at work right now for the next 6 hours :(
So I can't quite do much until I get home . Either that or respond on mobile and end up with a lackluster post which I don't want
For the record though, I'm at work right now for the next 6 hours :(
So I can't quite do much until I get home . Either that or respond on mobile and end up with a lackluster post which I don't want

That's totally fine. A little bit of waiting never hurt anyone.
Name: Trixie Talemonstreux
Nickname: Trix, Tally-Girl, Puff Queen of Mazalene
Age: 63
Species: Succubus
Trixie is an odd one; she's a blatantly irresponsible thrill-seeker whose capacity for hijinks is on an unprecedented level. At first she comes off as overly casual to an obnoxious degree, unable to react to even the most threatening of scenarios without a tinge of humor in every expression. Boundaries aren't really a concept to her, so personal space is moot. Due to her rampant abuse of magical herbs, she's almost in a constant state of humored delirium, so descending into random fits of giggles isn't exactly an uncommon concept for her. Trixie won't hesitate to try and make fun of something if she finds it hilarious, but subscribes to a theorem of equality through mockery. No one is spared from her jokes, not even herself. Unfortunately, her inability to take things serious paired with her joking nature can often lead her to unknowingly burn bridges with others without even recognizing the scale of it.

Despite her lackadaisical personality, Trixie is almost insultingly capable. She's proven time and time again to be intelligent enough to excel in her studies if she wanted to, but simply lets her work flounder in any course that doesn't entertain her. She's practically a prodigy in classes like Herbalism and Enchantment, but is much less so in her other classes because she finds the actual processes of Illusion and Conjuration more boring. This laziness can often extend to other mannerisms as well, leading to many to find her attitude and actions too inconsistent to properly articulate. Not helping is her love for loopholes, making a game of circumventing restriction has been her bread and butter for many a years. Due to her casual nature, she'll often try getting others to stretch boundaries through similar means, citing the entertainment value it provides.

Classes: Master Herbalism, Advanced Enchantment, Intermediate Illusion, Basic Conjuration
Years at Luthais: 4

Bio: Trixie was never one to conform even in her early years. Having grown a taste for just doing whatever she wanted, it wasn't long after she discovered her magical capabilities that she got herself booted from her home. Apparently that awesome looking flower she'd been explicitly told never to go near really wasn't supposed to be moved. Despite being pretty much exiled from her homeland, Trixie considered the wonderful tasting flavor an acceptable trade for her previous living conditions. Now free to roam, she traveled for several decades not really doing much except get run out of home after home due to her blatant recklessness.

By the time Trixie managed to reign herself in enough to figure out that loopholes were a thing, she'd already grown an unhealthy obsession with magical herbs. Mostly just learning how to make what she considered the most fun concoctions she could, it got to the point where she couldn't open her mouth without spewing some pink fumes or bright sparkles due to her abhorrent abuse of potions. Managing to actually settle down for a while and satisfy her hunger for acting out through the abuse of technicalities, Trixie devoted a good portion of her time to seeking out ancient dungeons rumored to still contain wonder and splendor within. She didn't actually plan on seeking out the items within, she just thought it'd be fun to play around there. It was the stuff she did occasionally find which would be her mains source of revenue.

It was around her sixtieth birthday when her family finally came looking for her, expecting her exile to have taught her some humility and respect for boundaries. At this point, Trixie had gotten good enough at faking submission to regain their confidence and return home. Once it was discovered that she'd honed her magical talents during her Exile, she was recommended to attend Luthais University. She refused at first, finding the concept of schooling too boring for her tastes. A year later she discovered that the flower she'd eaten had grown back, and it was just as enticing as the first. However, thinking a bit more critically, she began devising ways to steal it covertly without being found out.

Unfortunately for her, a major part of her plan involved becoming recognized as one of the Succubi Master of Gardens. To become one of them, she needed credentials, things she wasn't really willing to go get. But then she discovered that Luthais offered courses in herbalism... and all that was asked of in return was that she interact with other races and follow their rules. She set out immediately, finding upon her arrival that there was far more fun to be had than she could ever have anticipated.​
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I'm going to slowly have to adapt to this site. At the risk of sounding like an old man, back in my day we typed in black on a white background and we liked it. BBC code was limited to bold and italics and that's about it.
I'm going to slowly have to adapt to this site. At the risk of sounding like an old man, back in my day we typed in black on a white background and we liked it. BBC code was limited to bold and italics and that's about it.
I'm rather new myself to the site but I took a programming class and I know how to copy, paste, and tinker with code.
I'm going to slowly have to adapt to this site. At the risk of sounding like an old man, back in my day we typed in black on a white background and we liked it. BBC code was limited to bold and italics and that's about it.
That's really God's honest truth innit. I feel wrinkly as hell trying to work this stuff out xD
I'm rather new myself to the site but I took a programming class and I know how to copy, paste, and tinker with code.

I have two degrees, one in biochemical engineering, and the other in Network and Systems Administration. It's not that BBC code is beyond me, it's just something I've never put thought into for RP before coming to this site, since it wasn't even available to me 15 years ago when I started RPing lol.
I have two degrees, one in biochemical engineering, and the other in Network and Systems Administration. It's not that BBC code is beyond me, it's just something I've never put thought into for RP before coming to this site, since it wasn't even available to me 15 years ago when I started RPing lol.
If it isn't a character sheet or the opening/GM post or the first post for an interest check anything other than [ imagefloat=(right, left, etc)][ /imagefloat ] is too much for a post
Name: Trixie Talemonstreux
Nickname: Trix, Tally-Girl, Puff Queen of Mazalene
Age: 63
Species: Succubus
View attachment 639163
Trixie is an odd one; she's a blatantly irresponsible thrill-seeker whose capacity for hijinks is on an unprecedented level. At first she comes off as overly casual to an obnoxious degree, unable to react to even the most threatening of scenarios without a tinge of humor in every expression. Boundaries aren't really a concept to her, so personal space is moot. Due to her rampant abuse of magical herbs, she's almost in a constant state of humored delirium, so descending into random fits of giggles isn't exactly an uncommon concept for her. Trixie won't hesitate to try and make fun of something if she finds it hilarious, but subscribes to a theorem of equality through mockery. No one is spared from her jokes, not even herself. Unfortunately, her inability to take things serious paired with her joking nature can often lead her to unknowingly burn bridges with others without even recognizing the scale of it.

Despite her lackadaisical personality, Trixie is almost insultingly capable. She's proven time and time again to be intelligent enough to excel in her studies if she wanted to, but simply lets her work flounder in any course that doesn't entertain her. She's practically a prodigy in classes like Herbalism and Enchantment, but is much less so in her other classes because she finds the actual processes of Illusion and Conjuration more boring. This laziness can often extend to other mannerisms as well, leading to many to find her attitude and actions too inconsistent to properly articulate. Not helping is her love for loopholes, making a game of circumventing restriction has been her bread and butter for many a years. Due to her casual nature, she'll often try getting others to stretch boundaries through similar means, citing the entertainment value it provides.

Classes: Master Herbalism, Advanced Enchantment, Intermediate Illusion, Basic Conjuration
Years at Luthais: 4

Bio: Trixie was never one to conform even in her early years. Having grown a taste for just doing whatever she wanted, it wasn't long after she discovered her magical capabilities that she got herself booted from her home. Apparently that awesome looking flower she'd been explicitly told never to go near really wasn't supposed to be moved. Despite being pretty much exiled from her homeland, Trixie considered the wonderful tasting flavor an acceptable trade for her previous living conditions. Now free to roam, she traveled for several decades not really doing much except get run out of home after home due to her blatant recklessness.

By the time Trixie managed to reign herself in enough to figure out that loopholes were a thing, she'd already grown an unhealthy obsession with magical herbs. Mostly just learning how to make what she considered the most fun concoctions she could, it got to the point where she couldn't open her mouth without spewing some pink fumes or bright sparkles due to her abhorrent abuse of potions. Managing to actually settle down for a while and satisfy her hunger for acting out through the abuse of technicalities, Trixie devoted a good portion of her time to seeking out ancient dungeons rumored to still contain wonder and splendor within. She didn't actually plan on seeking out the items within, she just thought it'd be fun to play around there. It was the stuff she did occasionally find which would be her mains source of revenue.

It was around her sixtieth birthday when her family finally came looking for her, expecting her exile to have taught her some humility and respect for boundaries. At this point, Trixie had gotten good enough at faking submission to regain their confidence and return home. Once it was discovered that she'd honed her magical talents during her Exile, she was recommended to attend Luthais University. She refused at first, finding the concept of schooling too boring for her tastes. A year later she discovered that the flower she'd eaten had grown back, and it was just as enticing as the first. However, thinking a bit more critically, she began devising ways to steal it covertly without being found out.

Unfortunately for her, a major part of her plan involved becoming recognized as one of the Succubi Master of Gardens. To become one of them, she needed credentials, things she wasn't really willing to go get. But then she discovered that Luthais offered courses in herbalism... and all that was asked of in return was that she interact with other races and follow their rules. She set out immediately, finding upon her arrival that there was far more fun to be had than she could ever have anticipated.​
I see a succubus nice
Yeah, I'm really excited for this one to get further in. I think we have a really diverse cast of people in this, so it should be really fun!

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