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Fantasy Luthais University for Magical Creatures | OOC and Character Sign up


Jeremiah Umbra

  • 1571622948466.png

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I wouldn't necessarily call Tenebrae an introvert, he just sometimes forgets people are there. He's a friendly person, he's just never had a close friend.

Socially stupid, yes. Introvert, kinda.
well there also a elf girl she seems rather out going but shy boy is probably like second-most outgoing, unless we count starting shit for laughts
Well, they say introverts generally make more meaningful & lasting friendships -- let's develop a huge best buds network
EldridSmith EldridSmith yeah approved. I couldn't quite see things for your character on mobile so I had to go to my desktop in order to read it lol. Go ahead and post to IC.
That's strange, I wrote it using mobile... Oh! You're in light mode aren't you? (I mean the background worked for me but 🤷‍♂️)

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