Lucerne, The City of Life ~RP~

Esther let out a small yawn as the train began its journey, the lights in the tunnel passing the wiwndow at an even beat. She heard a voice and looked up at the man who'd just stood up. At only 5'3" she was quite a bit shorter then him. He offered his seat to her, and she gave a small smile, "why thank you! That's kind of you" however as she went to sit down someone shoved past on the train and she stumbled, trying not to fall.

Faith looked across the street to see someone pull up to Chibas house. She thought maybe he was home, and smiled as she got up and headed into her house. She went to the kitchen to grab a plate of cookies she was going to bring to the hospital. She headed across the street, walked up and knocked on chibas door.
"No problem, miss.", Álvaro replied to her, with his same and unmistakeable awkward accent and soft voicetone. Álvaro looked at her, her radiant smile wiping through her face. Over the corner of his eye he could see a male - like figure shoving around through the cabin. Odd, usually everyone stays in place once inside of the train, like an unwritten ethic code for the metro, unless it's crims or something like that, and it's usually when the train reaches the station to avoid being caught and subsequently arrested by the police with billy clubs. Said person shoved through the crowded cabin at a fast speed, knocking off balance for a split - second at least someone every meter. He zipped through where Álvaro and the woman were, shoving the woman, knocking her off balance, stumbling. Álvaro reacted in a fraction of seconds, reflexes trained from his football years as a goalkeeper in Mexico City, and pulled her arm, with enough force to keep her from falling but softly enough to not hurt her or rip her jacket. "A-Are you okay, miss?"
Esther felt a tug and gasped as she was righted from her awkward stumble. she was yanked up by the strong arm of the man who'd offered his seat to her. as she sat down she looked up with a soft smile, "thank you sir, i appreciate it!" she reached into her bag and pulled out a small bag with cookies in it. "here, you can have these, i made them fresh last night." she offered them to him, "also, i noticed you have an accent, are you foreign?" she asked curiously.
"T-Thank you, I don't think I can really accept these, Miss. And, why yes, I am from Mexico. How did you guess?", he replied with an interested tone, following his words by a short, silent sigh. He seemed strange and devoid of life for a few seconds, a somewhat sad remark on his face during that short amount of time. He kept looking at the advertisement painted in the trackwall. "How about some "Weißwasser" at next stop?", painted on a red roundel, with white old and worn looking letters, dancing with gray, intermittent looking because Álvaro was standing at an angle by the window, hanging onto the tube above, in front of the woman.
The young woman came to the door and opened it and looked out. " Ah, you must be a friend, do come in, i think he might be resting." The young woman had a thick accent much like Chiba had. She had long raven back hair that reached her mid-back and she smiled at Faith widely. " Have you been taking care of Chi-kun? If you have you have my thanks as well as our mother's as well. I doubt we can ever repay you but for now thank you will have to do." She smiled and held the door open for the other women motioning for her to enter.
Esther gave a curious look. "why ever not? you did help me after all. unless you dont care for sweet things?" she asked. "ah...anyway" she started to get shy, her nerves kicking in as she realized she was talking to someone she didnt even know. "you're accent... i could tell you were foreign because of your accent. plus a lot of people who ride these trains aren't quite as friendly as you. the friendly people in town all seem to take to the streets more." She said timidly, brushing a strand of her long hair from her face.

Faith was a bit surprised to see a girl answer the door. her hair was long and black in color like Chibas, and Faith assumed she must be his sister. "It's really no problem... you dont have to repay me at all." She gave a slightly sad smile, "Chiba has already been helping me during this time. you see... i was once engaged, howevre my fiance was killed in an accident. Chiba has been quite helpful to me as well." Faith said, stepping into the house. "i brought some sweets i baked" she said, looking at the plate filled with cookies and little cakes. she waited for the young woman to lead the way. "My name is Faith"
"I guess you're right, most people are unkind and careless now. Thanks for the cookies...Nobody really gives me presents these days.", Álvaro replied, a small and insipid half - smile strewn across his face. He hadn't fully comprehended or even noticed how long her hair actually was until she brushed a strand off of her face. He felt her to be if nothing at least a tad bit nervous, which didn't surprise him, after all, he was still a stranger, on public transportation, too irrelevant, kept out of an imaginary frame. "Oh my, how rude of me. I haven't introduced myself yet and I'm already accepting your bakery. M'name's Álvaro, nice to meet you.", he said, returning to his early soft, eager and somewhat happy voice, briefly, only to end in a grim, pale, gone look from a minute before.
She grimaced as she revealed this. " What my brother helping you?" She laughed slightly. " That's a surprise to hear, and thank you i'm sure that Chi-kun would be more then happy to eat them. Pleased to meet you Faith... that's an odd name though." She giggled slightly and grinned a half grin smiling at her. She led the other women into the small dining room with a low table with 4 cushions on the ground around it. " Please have a seat, If you're looking for Ni-Chan he's upstairs asleep already. But you're more then welcome to stay and give me some company." She smiled at the other woman.
Faith gave another warm smile, "i will just leave these on the counter then." she said as she set the plate down. she walked over to the low table and sat on her knees on one of the cushions. "youre welcome to have some of the sweets too. by the way, i take it you're Chibas sister?" she asked curiously as she looked around at the different style he used to decorate his home. "I'm glad he is well enough to come home. i was actually thinking about introducing him to my sister and mother today. you'd be surprised how few people have met my family... mainly because im too busy to spend time with friends." she said.


Esther gave a soft smile, "nice to meet you Álvaro." she chimed, feeling a bit less awkward know his name in the very least. "I'm Esther. i take this train to my job at the pet shop." she said. she had been noticing between their slightly awkward conversation that her kindly travel companion, if he could be called that, had been making some rather sad faces. "if you dont mind asking... is something the matter? you look a bit down." she asked, tilting her head and letting some of her lengthy hair shift around her shoulders.
"Nice to meet you too, Esther." Álvaro replied, with a small smile, noticing her awkwardness about the conversation fading away, like she had taken some weight off of her "stranger talk". "How many stops are there to your job?" He asked, an intrigued yet calm look on his face, now smileless. He was worried she might had noticed his grim and somewhat void of life facial expressions from before, fears he would instantly be confirmed by her questioning about it. "Oh...It's nothing, really...", he replied, with a now evasive and fading voicetone, his look down at the carriage floor, shakily. Deep inside he knew at least in part what was making him feel that way, probably because of the sheer perishablity of the rather fragile thoughts about it. He was, quite surely, growing feelings for a complete stranger on an underground train cabin he happened to just help not fall over. What was he bloody thinking of? Why so suddenly, yet briefly? What changed in his customs of getting to know people before doing something if a bit reckless like this? In real life the train was now entering the next station in line, braking just at a perfect timing to fully cover the platform. It had taken a while, being slowed down due to the snow, probably meaning he was going to be late for work.
yes, you can put it there and i think i might have some latter, and i am his sister but we haven't seen each other in at least a year maybe two now, I was glad to see him home as well it surprises me how quick he heals though, it must be his stubbornness that does it. If you ever do decide to go steady then watch out for that." She laughed slightly. " And i think he would have enjoyed that, but i think he's a bit tuckered out from just cleaning the house. I'm sure you have your reasons and we have our own too." She smiled kindly at the other woman. Feel Free to poke around if you want to."
"Esther looked out the window as the train came to a stop. People scrambled off and on, finding their places. Esther remained in the seat Alvaro had kindly given her. He was a nice man, and Esther found herself becoming comfortable with him quicker then she would with most strangers. "I've got two more stops before I get off." She said, answering his question. She saw that he didn't seem to want to talk about his mood. "I'm sorry for being nosy, I do how you feel better though. She said with an apologetic expression.

" go steady? Aha... " her cheeks turned a delicate shade of pink. "I've still got some things to figure out...." she said with a smile. "I think I'm going to... look around a bit." She said, getting up. She wandered about for awhile, looking at pictures and knick knacks.

Chiba Masato
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a closed door was at the end of the hall which looked inviting. But she looked on as she went. The woman wasn't being true to her feelings and it hurt to see that, in her mind she thought the worst thing anyone can do is keep what they feel inside locked up. She had even figured out this early that Faith loved her brother but why hadn't she admitted it yet? The woman was quite perplexing she began to puzzle it out in her mind.
"That's great, I also get off there. If you don't mind me asking...Do you work over there?", he replied, a softer tone in his words now, feeling somewhat lighter now. "Oh, no. You're not nosy at all. Sorry for making you worry. It's nothing.", he replied. "No, it isn't nothing. It's bloody everything now, and you know it". This voice in his head was right, she was right now meaning everything to him. It was pretty clear now. The sliding doors closed, leaving a couple separated, poor bloke didn't make it. The trains got crowded, doubling the people from last station. He looked at her expression, deep and apologetic. He felt somewhat guilty for that.
Faith went into one of the bathrooms, and as she washed her hands she looked at her reflection.for as much as she liked chiba, she still hadn't completly filled the hole left by Fayt. There had to be a tipping point, something would make that last wall break down, she just had to be patient.

Esther gave a nod," I work at the pet shop. I absolutely love animals" she gave another smile. "Where do you work? Perhaps we could walk part way together?" She stopped, a bashful look appearing, " I mean... if its not too much touble..." she had surprised herself in making such an invitation.

Sorry for the short posts, gotta work bye)
he had woken up with the ruckus earlier and he trugged towards the bathroom yawning widely. He reached for the door and tried to open it finding it locked he banged on the door " Hurry up in there unless you want to clean up a puddle." It didn't sound like much of a threat but it was meant. He walked over to the near by banister and leaned against it waiting for who ever was in there to finish and exit
"You work at the pet shop? That's great.", he replied, a smile now across his face, enjoying the moment. "No, no, not at all. I work at the local bistro, "Temps De Pluie", about...two blocks north from where you work. Sounds like a good idea, sure". Álvaro was pretty eager to her proposition, and was kind of expecting for an event like this to happen, as he felt himself uncomfortable enough to ask her something like that. The lights became intermittent, probably the snow tampering with the electricity wiring along the metro system. (Short post, sorry, ay.)
Faith let out a yelp as Chibas voice came from the hallway. she quickly dried her hands and stepped out. "I'm sorry i didnt mean to take so long." she saw Chiba standing for the first time in a month and grinned. "Chiba! youre walking!" she walked over, a bright smile on her face.

Esther gave a nod, "great! i dont often have company so i look forward to it. ive been to Temps De Pluie a few times, however i havent seen you working." she said, "perhaps im not there during the right time of day." she chuckled. she looked out the window, her pale green eyes reflecting the lights of the underground railway. she pulled her phone from her bag, gave it a quick glance, and a look of concern flashed across her face. she tucked her phone away and turned back to Alvaro. "not that it matters so much....but why do you choose to ride the metro?" she asked.
"Probably, in case you don't go after four o' clock. I work until it closes, so it's kind of hard to miss me, at around 1 AM.", he told her, a small amount of feeling careless passing through him. Probably saw her, or even served her and he forgot or didn't care, routine makes you not care at all, anyways. "Oh, the metro. I ride it...Guess it comes naturally to me, after all, by using the metro I could get to every place I frequented by it, school, home, me' mates' home, etc. Same here, work, home, etc. Using the metro apparently is programmed into me.", he replied, derouting his look everywhere, coming to a stop at her pale, green eyes, reflecting the railway lights, scattered, his glasses partially reflecting them too. He caught an estranged and concerned look, alarming him a bit. "Excuse me...Is something wrong?", his smile fading to a worrysome look.
he shuffles his feet embarrassed he had not heard her come in. " Yeah more or less, and am i that exciting to see?" He rubbed his hair a bit uncomfortably and grinned back. " I told you i hate hospitals and staying down, though i still have some issues here and there." He smiled at her. "I take it you met my sister already, she a bit crazy sometimes." Form around the corner a shout came "You know i heard that right?" She sounded jokingly but threatening as well. " Now excuse me while i go and relive my self, i really can't hold it anymore." He Quickly stepped past her and entered the bathroom and relived himself he washed his hands and dried them on his pants legs grinning slightly at her.
Faith chuckled, "your sister seems nice." She said. "I brought some sweets with me' they are sitting on the kitchen counter." She smiled. "Its exciting to me because you were hospitalized after saving my life! I'm glad that you're ok, really." Her smile was filled with mixed feelings.

Esther looked up in surprise, a delicate pink painted on her cheeks. "I-I'm fine really." She shifted in her seat nervously. "Perhaps I will stop by the bistro after work today, I have a bit of a short shift today." She said, a small smile returning to her face. Her worries were with her mother, who'd fallen ill again. It was not uncommon for her mother to be bed ridden, however her mothers condition seemed to be worsening.
he smiled back his eyes seemed a bit red and pained. " Well you're not the only one who's glad i'm out of the hospital, and she tries to be nice to you as she knows how hard it must be for you, and something sweet sounds good right now. Maybe now i can go and meet you mom sometime soon." His face paled and he clenched his fist hard and ground his teeth suddenly and smiled tightly.
"Okay...Sorry about it.", he replied, the serious tone fading away progressively with his words. He would've dwelved deeper into it but he wasn't into being somewhat "nosy", as he would think of himself had he done that. "Yeah, that sounds excellent, sure...I'll ask for a break whenever you drop by.", he told her, a somewhat happier voicetone on his words now, if not a bit shaky from the cabin movement. He was still a tad worried about her. Even with her small and innocent smile, she still looked a bit concerned about something. It made Álvaro slightly uneasy for a few seconds. The lights went off at the metro cabin, at least for a few seconds, darkening the entire train, a few stifled shouts heard in the distance. Álvaro barely noticed, having turned to a nonchalant - commuter manner since he was a teenager, almost unbreakable, except for people like Esther, for example or major changes on the environment.
Faith looked at him, worried for a moment. he didnt seem well and she figured he must be in pain. "Chiba i think you should sit. its not good to push yourself if your....erm, leg stumps havent healed all the way. having your body weight press them into you new legs is going to damage the sensitive skin a bit if you arent careful" she walked over and put on hand gently on his shoulder and the other around his arm to help him take his weight off his legs.


Esther smiled once more, "sounds great! i will see you there around...8 pm maybe?" she said cheerfully. when the lights went out she stiffened up, a small gasp escaping her small lips. she shivered, trying to see in the darkness. for as much as she rode the metro, this was something she was not actually adjusted to. "the lights..." she muttered quietly, trembling slightly. she could be strong in the face of many things despite her small size and frail build, however the dark was still something she feared. it felt cold and alone to her, she saw no one, only heard voices that she couldnt place.
he looked over at her and grimaced, " I'm fine i'm not really hurting that bad it's just what the doctors have called a phantom pain, they explained it as feeling pain where my legs were at one point." He leaned against her and gingerly sat on the ground looking up at her. "Just give me a minute to recuperate please i should be fine after a little bit it only happens in short spells."

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