Lucerne, The City of Life ~RP~


Cupcake Fairy
A chilly breeze blows through the bustling city of Lucerne. It's late November and the citizens are garbed in coats, hats and scarves to guard against the November winds as they enjoy a Friday on the town. The Universitys fall semester is already preparing for Finals the week before christmas while the High School prepares for the winter formal. Lucerne, always filled with energy, a city full of life.

Faith folded her muddy apron as she walked out of the greenhouse of Lucernes Flower Nursery. she gave a wave to her boss after she punched out, and left for the day. the fragrance of flowers still hung on her pale yellow, knee length dress. she grabbed her coat on the way out, wondering what she should do for the rest of the afternoon. it was about noon, so she decided to stop in at the local cafe for a bite to eat. she ordered a ham and swiss panini and a tea and took her seat near the window.

Emerald tappped her pencil impatiently till the bell rang. it was finally lunch time so she rushed out of the room like it was set ablaze. she looked over her shoulder for just a moment and ran straight into a guy in the hall. "Jeez, sorry i wasnt really paying attention!" she looked up. "oh hey Cian, it was just you." the boy put on a hurt expression. "just me? Em i thought we were friends!" he turned away. "pssh, stop being a drama queen! now lets get to lunch, im starving!" they both headed down to the cafeteria and found a place to sit, leaving room for their other friends.

Chase sat in his composition class at the University, writing up lyrics for a new guitar piece. he sat all the way in the back of the room with one ear-bud in and music playing on low volume. as class dismissed, he packed his things and sat outside under an old oak tree.he had his guitar with him and he strummed a few notes as he took a lyrics sheet from an old folder packed full of old a yellowed music.

~hey hey this is the begining of an awsome RP! i forgot to mention that your characters can know or already be friends with another character if you like. that way we dont have a ton of awkward introductions. have fun!~
[ Well anyone who goes to my bar will be known ! this will indeed be a great rp ! ]

Makira cleanly wipes each of the glasses on his shelves .

He made sure all of them are spotless for future use at night time.

He polish wine bottles, cleaning table counters and sweeping the whole place up.

It is still hours away before opening item at 6:00 pm, and it is only still Lunch time.

So he decided to take a little break and go get something to eat .

He comes out of his bar, as he firmly locks the door just in case .

And he puts on his coat as he inserts his hands inside his pockets, and he walks down the sidewalk to a nearby restaurant.

He Orders the regular, since he is a regular here because he eats here every break time.

He then finds a place to sit and wait for his meal as he doses off, Thinking of his past.

The sacrifices that his parents made, The disappointment of his father.

But he wasn't regretting anything since he was a successful bartender.

" Here's your order, Makira ! " The waitress who always serves him gives him his order and greets him with a smile.

" Thanks Mika !... It's pretty quiet here " I nod and smile as I look around.

He shrugs it off and starts eating .
Becca, hearing the shrill ring of her alarm, rolled over and hit the snooze button before she sat up in bed, stretching. She turned the alarm off and tossed the covers back, standing and padding over to her bathroom. She turned the shower on, letting steam fill the room before she jumped in. She showered quickly. Turning off the water and hopping out, she dried off and pulled on a pair of dark blue jeans and a grey shirt with red sweater. After dying her hair, she looked at her reflection in the mirror. Bright green eyes stared back at her before taking in her whole appearance. Her long, copper hair fell in waves over her shoulders. She smiled, hoping today would be a good day. She wandered out into the living room, finding Peter already eating breakfast. She grabbed her white scarf off of their leather couch and quickly wrapped it around her neck.

"Good morning," she said brightly, a smile lighting her face once more. She grabbed an apple off the counter. "Ready to study?" she asked, eyebrows raised. He gestured to the books sitting next to his cereal bowl and nodded.

"Well, I've got to get going but, seriously, study," she commanded, grabbing her beige purse and brown leather jacket as she walked out the door of the apartment.

She pulled the jacket tightly around her as she walked the few blocks to the book store. She smiled at the faded letters above the door and walked in, a bell chiming above the door. She waved at the elderly woman standing behind the counter. Her name was Margaret. She had long, grey hair and bright blue eyes. She didn't talk much but Becca really liked her. She was really kind and a little eccentric. The woman smiled and wandered into the back as Becca took her place behind the counter. She pulled a worn down copy of
Jane Eyre from her bag and flipped open to the page she had dog-eared, continuing to read. She gently tapped her riding boots against the wall, waiting for someone to come in. This shop was generally quiet which is why she loved to work here so much. She glanced up from her book and looked at the decor: dreamcatchers hung from random spots on the ceiling. There were crescent moons decorating the crowded bookshelves and heavy, red curtains in the windows. The whole place smelled of old books and dust and Becca loved it. She set her book down as Margaret wheeled a cart filled with books out into the room.

"Could you put these on the shelves, dear?" Margaret asked with a smile before disappearing once more. Becca wheeled the cart down the aisle and began to stick books on the shelves according to the genre.


Peter watched watched Becca leave. "Bye, Lynnie," he called, unsure if she heard. He took a look at the stack of papers and books sitting on the counter and shrugged, standing and grabbing his jacket, wandering out the door. Peter wasn't too worried about his exams. He was great at biology and chemistry. Admittedly, he should study for his calculus exam but he really didn't feel like it today. He zipped his jacket as he walked, trying to block out the cold. He made his way to Emiliano's, the restaurant he worked at. His shift started in an hour and a half but he was rather hungry. He sat at a table, not bothering to look at the menu.

"Hey, Cailin. I'll have a plate of spaghetti," he said, smiling at his coworker. She smiled back, nodded, and disappeared. Cailin had brown hair and dark eyes. She was funny and cute and was a little odd, but he liked that. The two of them were pretty good friends. He thought she and Lynnie would get along well if Cailin would ever agree to come over. She always seemed to be busy with dance.

He looked around the restaurant, his blue eyes darting about quickly. It was nice, really. The walls were brick and the tables were all dark wood. There was a small bar in the corner. This place was generally quiet but the food was amazing. He sipped his coke and tapped his fingers on the table.


Trent jumped out of bed, looking at the clock and silently cursing himself for sleeping in again. He pulled on whatever clothes he saw and rushed out the door, running to his office and stumbling inside. He grinned at his boss and scratched the back of his head. "I'm really sorry. I overslept," he apologized. His boss just rolled his eyes and walked off, not concerned apparently. Trent shrugged and walked to his desk, checking the leads for today. He immediately decided on the football game in the park that was supposed to happen around five.

Trent's office was in a corner of the room. The walls were all glass, not that he really needed privacy. It was decorated with post-it notes with random words scribbled on them. They were things he wanted to use in stories eventually. His desk was cluttered with newspapers from all over the world and scrap paper. He pulled up a story he had been working on for a while about a professional athlete from their town and happily typed away. He glanced at the clock a while later, realizing it was his lunch break, and walked down the street to Emiliano's. As he wandered in, he noticed Peter, his neighbor, and sat across from him.

"Hey, what's up?" Peter greeted him.

"On lunch break," Trent replied, looking at the menu and trying to decide what he wanted. He had only been to Emiliano's once or twice. The restaurant was always pretty dim, lit by shadeless lightbulbs that hung from the ceiling. He liked the atmosphere of the place. Trent smiled at the brown haired girl who took his drink order. She looked familiar but he couldn't figure out where he had seen her before.


Cailin retied her ponytail and leaned against the wall of the kitchen. It was dead today in Emiliano's. Less work for her but that meant less tips as well. She sighed, wishing she was in the dance studio. Her lines weren't perfect and that was bothering her. Cailin walked with the grace that came with years of dancing. She had started as a little girl and instantly fell in love. She looked down at the clothes she had thrown on this morning: black pants and the restaurants white polo. Cailin really loved her job. She got to meet tons of people and that had always been something she enjoyed. She pushed a few loose strands of brown hair from her face.

She looked around, her dark eyes surveying the restaurant. It seemed some man had joined Peter. She wandered over and took his drink order. He apparently didn't know what he wanted to eat yet. She gave him a friendly smile, getting his water for him and dropping it off at the table before walking back to the kitchen and grabbing a drink for herself. Cailin was nervous about her finals. She hadn't gotten the chance to study and she was worried that her dance routine for class wouldn't be good enough for the A that she wanted. She silently decided that she'd be spending a good part of today in the park, dancing and getting everything perfect.

Cailin loved ballet, jazz, and all the classical dances. She desperately needed a partner but, so far, no one had lived up to her expectations. Maybe she would have to move away, back to New York, and find someone there. In a city filled with that many people, there was bound to be someone she could dance with.
Ky rolled over and yawned sleepily, then pocked his head out from under his sheets and stared at the alarm clock. He blinked and sat up, rubbing away the sleep and picking up the clock. The face was blank. No red light numbers telling him to wake up. 'Batteries must be shot,' he thought, turning in over in his hands, then stopped when he heard the sound of a garbage truck outside his window. 'They don't pick up the trash until noon...' "Crap!" He jumped out of his bed and ran around the apartment, pulling on washed out skinny jeans and a dark grey shirt. Taking a second to grab his phone, he flipped it open and saw that it was almost 12:30. "I'm late."

Ten minutes later Ky stood in the office, messing with a string on the bottom of his frayed jacket and waiting for the attendance lady to write him a pass. "You're extremely late today, Kyler. You may as well just go home."

Ky shook his head. "No, I'm gonna go to class today."

The lady shrugged and typed away at a computer, then looked back at Ky. "The period is about to end so just go wait in the cafeteria until the bell rings."

Smiling, Ky thanked the lady and walked out. When he walked into the cafeteria he could feel several pairs of eyes turn to him and watch him cross the room. Ignoring them, he smiled at some of his friends and decided to sit with his friends Emerald and Cian. "Hey guys. How's it goin'?"
Dani walked out of the female employee locker room , she had chosen to wear her yellow sports bra and her black running shorts. She had a fairly busy morning at the YMCA, as usual. Currently, it was 10:50, so that meant she had already taught Aerobics, led a tread-milling class, and supervised weight lifting. Now the only things that she still had to do were; coaching a 11th grade boys basketball team, and participate in a volleyball and basketball team. She headed to the basketball courts where she met some of the boys on her team. They were surprised to see that a lady was coaching them, but they were in for a surprise, she was harder than most coaches. Although she was a lot harder than most of the coaches at the Y, she was one of the only coaches that worked more on teamwork, and more individual lessons than group lessons. Another thing that was different about Dani, was that she would do the exercises and drills with the boys; an example would be if they would have to do 4 laps around the entire gym, she would do two, but she would go the opposite way than the boys.

After Dani had finished her hour long practice with her boys, she let herself breath as she gave herself a water break, and a stretching session with a few other women that were all around her age. She walked down a few halls, and through a few doors, before she got to the volleyball nets. She introduced herself to her team, then she saw one of her old friends from high school. She walked over to him, she stood behind him, and tapped his shoulder. "Tommy!!" she said as he turned around, she couldn't believe that he was here, out of all people. "Dani!" Tommy replied as he hugged her. "What are you doing here T?" Dani had asked him. He went on about how he had to move up to Lucerne for a job opportunity, and fell in love with the city. Dani nodded as she was called back to her volleyball team, then they started their hour and a half long practice.
Mitchell woke himself after yet another long night. It was always long when it came to Wednesdays with classes at the university every other day. His job was getting better over time, but if he ever wanted to get bigger at that store he figured what he would need was a degree. He gave a deep grunt as he sat up from his lumpy bed. Mitchell would have bought a better mattress earlier but things had to be sacrificed to afford everything. Mitchell made his way to his bathroom finally as he begun his daily ritual of grooming himself. After throwing a piece of used floss into the near-by thrash bin before putting on his attire for the day. After a quick survey of his available clothes, Mitchell decides to settle with a pair of jeans and a button up polo jacket. Knowing how cold it was in the bookstore Mitchell grabbed his leather jacket and swung it over his shoulder locking the door behind him as he left.

It was 8 Am when he arrived to the store that morning and inserted the key as he begun to prepare for the stores opening at 9 Am. After things began to be set up and the small coffee shop, located in the east section of the store, began to open up, Mitchell headed over there as the woman operating the store at the time smiled and handed him what he usually got but never asked for him to pay. Mitchell sighed a bit seeing that they have been unable to hire another person to work at the register and took the "help wanted" sign out to the glass push open door. Seeing as no one else would want too and that all of his manager relate jobs required him supervising the place, he put on his pin stating his job and set up his station there with an open book as he leaned on the bar, only putting the book down when a customer came in to buy something giving him his full attention.

The day went on normally until it was time for his lunch break. He gave his money and written order to a fellow employee while he was leaving to go get food for others who could not afford to leave due to customers. Nobody in the store ,including the regular customers, weren't that freaked out with Mitchell's lack of words as he has made it obvious he does not like to talk to a lot of people. The boy returned about 10 minutes later and handed him his change along with his sandwich and drink. He continued to eat without any real interruption due to the slowness of the day. "Quiet like always" he thought in his head before throwing away the thrash when he was finished and returned his attention back to his book.
Becca sighed; she was doing regular cop stuff around the city, just waiting for a speeder or what not as she sat in the car. Good city, low on crime meant she didn’t have as many murders to investigate which was good due to people not dying, but bad due to her being stuck doing part of the low grade stuff as well. Leaning back in her squad car she couldn’t help but stare at her watch over and over again. Waiting for that faithful hour that meant she could hit the bar before repeating the cycle that was her life. Wishing for something more interesting to happen but also feeling guilty that she did since in the end more interesting usually meant someone getting hurt or was missing.

Shawn had joined lunch like everyone else in his grade had. His eyes tracing the crowds, always looking for that spot to sit . . . just that empty chair far enough away not to bug others. He brought his own lunch. It was after all it was cheaper than paying for the schools . . . probably nothing more than a sandwich and a piece of fruit. He didn’t even notice that he joined a groups table by mistake, his eyes staying lowered for the most part. Making sure he was safe, that the more bully like kids were settled before he even started to take out his lunch. He saw it as if it was tossed along while still in the bag it was safer to eat than if it had ended up on the floor.
Cian and Emerald both looked at Ky as he sat down. "nothing much. know, eating lunch." Emerald said with a laugh. Cian laughed as well, "so how did math treat you today Emmy?" he asked. She sighed, " I think im losing my war with math. Ky are you any good at math? Cian cant help me worth crap." she elbowed him. Cian elbowed her back as another guy sat at their table. "welcome to the crazy table!" Cian said with a grin. "hey, youre that really quiet sorry i dont remember your name." he hung his head dramatically. Emerald gave Cian a smack on the shoulder, then smiled, "youre Shawn right? sorry if this table is noisy, but youre welcome to sit here."

Faith ate her panini and enjoyed her tea in the warmth of the little cafe. once she was finished she put her coat back and paid, leaving a good tip. it was still early afternoon, and a nice sunny day so she decided she may as well take a walk.her breath came out in white puffs and she exhaled the chilly November air. with Thanksgiving already over, the streets were decked in Christmas lights and tinsel, preparing for the big month of shopping. she peeked in the window of an antiques shop, spotting a musical snow globe. she had collected snow globes since she was a child and she particularly like the musical ones. this one was rather pretty. its bas was silver and the inside contained an elegant looking angel. she let out a sigh as she continued her walk. it had been nearly a year since she had last dated, and she was slightly sad to think she would spend the holidays alone. Emerald often spent her holidays with friends, and her mother was in the hospital.

Chase finished his practice and got up to leave the university grounds. for him Fridays were short, his final class ended before lunch so he often had extra free time. he wandered into the city and found a popular restaurant, Emillianos. he took a seat in one of the back corners and looked over the menu. normally he stayed away from public places, but every once in awhile he enjoyed eating something that he didnt have to cook himself.
After Dani had finished her basketball practice, she was told there was going to be a tournament like event that would be happening that night, around 8. She walked into the locker rooms and rinse herself off before she changed into blue jeans and a casual shirt. She knew that around this time of year, the streets of Lucerne were bone-chilling, so she grabbers her gray North Face fleece and walked out of the YMCA.

Dani got into her car, and turned the engine on before she buckled up. She eventually buckled up, then turned the stereo on as she drove out of the parking lot. She drove down a few streets before she had finally found the restaurant that she was looking for; the cozy, Italian restaurant called Emilianos. She turned her car off, and walked through the door; she was almost instantly met by the pleasing aroma what wavered throughout the entire restaurant. She found a little table for one, and sat down. She took her coat off, and hung it on the back of the chair that she was sitting on. She looked around the restaurant, noticing the large capacity, and then she looked down at phone. It had just buzzed with a text from her boss, making sure she knew about the tournament.

She took the menu that the waiter had given her and looked it over, trying to decide on what she should have for lunch. Finally, she found something that she wanted, and set the menu down as she waited for her waiter to return to take her order. She did, however, ask the waiter for a water before he had left. She picked the water up, and took a sip, then she set it back down, and continued waiting to place her order.
After finished eating, He heads to the counter to pay for his bills.

And he leaves the restaurant as he checks his watch.

" It's still early.." He mutters.

He decided to take a walk around town since there's nothing much to do until later at night.

He walks on the sidewalk and passes by a couple of stores and shops.

One of the liquor, being displayed just outside the shop caught his eye.

He went inside to ask for a sample of the Liquor as the owner agrees and gave him a glass sample.

He drank the liquor as it fills his mouth with sweet taste of grapes. It was one of the tastiest liquor he ever taste.

Buying the bottle, He did not have any regrets as this would make another new taste in his bar.
Peter finished his lunch and gave Trent a small wave as he stood and walked to the back. It was just about time for his shift so he changed into his black pants white polo. He walked out into the dining area, heading to a blonde haired girl's table.

"Hello, I'm Peter and I'll be your waiter today," he introduced. The waiter who had helped her before, Kale, had ended his shift. Peter smiled at the girl. "Do you know what you would like or do you need more time?" he asked, his tone light and friendly. She looked around his age, perhaps a bit older. Peter felt someone put a hand on his shoulder and he turned, eyebrows raised. He saw Trent standing beside him and gave him a smile. "Hey, what's up?" he asked, trying to make it quick so the girl wouldn't get frustrated.

"I'm probably about to go," Trent replied before noticing the girl sitting at the table. Trent gave the girl a dazzling smile and grabbed a chair to sit across from her. "You shouldn't eat alone," he said, the smile still on his face. "I'm Trent," he said, extending a hand for her to shake. Peter wanted to roll his eyes at his friend but restrained himself and turned to the girl again, ready to take her order.


Trent couldn't possibly leave the girl to sit alone. Especially since she was so cute. Trent studied her features with his dark eyes, thinking she looked quite familiar. Then it hit him: she worked at the YMCA. Trent had done a story on them a week or two ago. He hadn't gotten to talk to the girl but he had wished he had. "So, what's your name?" he asked, a smile playing at his lips. He had a slight accent but it had slowly disappeared over the years, though it was definitely evident with certain words. Trent had basically forgotten about Peter but he suddenly turned his attention back to him. "Can I get a water?" he asked, grinning at his friend.

Trent quickly checked his phone and the time and realized he had plenty of time before the football game in the park was supposed to start. If this went well, maybe he would ask her to go. Trent had always had a weakness for cute girls and he tended to get overzealous but he figured that was okay. He was very upfront about who he was and he figured that people would appreciate that. Plus, if people couldn't handle him right away, they couldn't handle him later either.


Cailin noticed a few more people wander in. She saw Peter and his friend go over to the table of some blonde girl so she took the table that the younger boy was sitting at. Well, that wasn't really fair. The boy wasn't that young but he was younger than Cailin. She walked over to his table, a bright smile on her face, moving slowly and gracefully. She stopped at the table.

"Hi, my name is Cailin and I'll be your server today. Can I get you something to drink?" she asked politely, her voice clear and bright. Her dark hair fell over her shoulder even though it was tied back in a ponytail. Her finals still weighed heavily on her mind but she tried her hardest to focus on what was going on right now. She would have time for practicing later. The boy looked familiar and she wondered if he went to the university. "Do you go to Lucerne University?" she asked. Cailin was notorious for being blunt and saying anything that was on her mind.


Becca set the last book on the shelf and looked up as Margaret wandered back in. "I have to go, dear. Something came up so just take the rest of the day off," the old woman explained and Becca gave her a concerned look. She wanted to ask if everything was okay but she decided it wasn't her place to ask. She just grabbed her bag and walked out of the small store into the cold. She sighed and looked around. What in the world was she supposed to do now? It was far too cold outside to go swimming or out on the lake. Becca decided to go to the park. At least she could take some photos, she thought. She pulled her small, film camera from her bag and walked down the street, pausing to snap pictures of the people of Lucerne who were an endless source of interest. The architecture here was beautiful as well.

She took a photo of a woman in a police car, hoping she wasn't intruding on her privacy.
Shawn almost stood at the welcome his eyes widen, only to calm some as he realized they were shooing him away. Well . . . that was weird . . . was he actually allowed to sit with others, they didn’t claim the full table like some tend to do? When asked his name he merely glanced to Cian not sure if he even tried to speak he would be able to be heard over the crowd of the lunchroom. He always hated this time, the noises sometimes the bangs of people slamming or dropping trays.

It was when the female spoke his name, and not the nickname everyone called him but his true name that Shawn gave the brightest of smiles as he nodded once. He didn’t even think anyone would know it, his eyes taken her in perhaps for the first time as he wondered what their names were. Huffing in frustration with his own stubbornness and light voice he merely blew up at his bangs pushing them out of his eyes some. If only sign language was more accepted and known . . . he could talk as well as anyone else with that . . . he was just . . . so used to being silent to use his voice was weird for him. That and the fact when he did speak at times people laughed or told him to speak up didn’t help.

At the flash of a camera Becca was snapped back to her senses her eyes going around wildly. Only to calm down realizing it was some girl who seemed to be sightseeing or something. “Calm you’re nerves girl.” She told herself taken a deep breath. “This isn’t the big city, the mob isn’t crazy out here like it was here. This is a good town . . . you came here so you can maybe try to live for once.” Sure she was still working on the case for the big city in ways having her friends there sending her stuff and she send back hints and all but she was forced here in away due to how bad she was getting with her paranoia.
Dani looked up at Peter and smiled, "Not, I'm ready." she told him "I'll have the Linguine with Shrimp and Chorizo." she said as she handed him the menu. She had just finished putting her phone in her bag before Trent had come to sit by her. "Hi, I'm Danielle, but please; call me Dani." she said to Trent, smiling as she shook his hand. She stopped shaking his hand, and looked up at Peter, and then at Trent.

Where had she seen this guy before? He looked vaguely familiar, and it felt like she had seen him at the Y before. Then, it came to her like a monsoon; he had came to the YMCA a few weeks earlier for a report on their new activities and team sign-ups. She heard a slight accent in his voice, but it wasn't too noticeable; she had only heard it on a few specific words. "Nice meeting you, Trent." Dani said to him, as she puled herself out of the awkward gaze that she had been in. She ran her finger around the rim of her water glass, and studied Trent but she looked over him very quietly. Then she stopped as her phone buzzed again, it was another text from her boss.

"Hey Dani, we need you to come back for half an hour after lunch and teach gymnastics for a little until Janet comes." Dani's eyes glanced over the phone, not minding going back to the YMCA, but not necessarily wanting to go back either. She quickly replied with a "Ok, I'll be there in an hour or so." before she placed her phone back in her nag. She looked up to see Trent, and blushed "Ah, sorry about that.." she said as hee blush slowly started to fade. Dani was not the type of girl to get all bubbly or blushy over something, so when she did, it was on extremely rare conditons
Genesis wiped her hands on her black apron. It was long and swept the floor and was covered in flour and different colored icings.

Having early mornings and late nights was something she had grown very use to. She loved baking and the proof stood before each day.

She had just finished putting cream-cheese icing on carrot cake. Not her favorite flavor of cake, but none the less she knew it was delicious.

"Missing something." She whispered to her self biting her thumb nail, a nasty habit she had yet to break. Genesis finished piping icing onto the edge of the cake. "That's it." She said

Genesis grabbed a handful of pecans and sprinkled them on the top. She smiled at her master piece and brought it to the front to be put in the display case.
With nothing to do as he carries around a Paper bag of wine.

He decided to go to the nearby park of Lucerne.

He made his way to the North entrance of the park, since it was closer.

As he walks in and sits on a nearby bench facing the Lake.

The view was Amazing ! , Such a calm and relaxing place to be in .

He then though about his past again, How he disappointed his father.

And how he missed his friend that went abroad.

He slowly closes his eyes as he dozes off .
[MENTION=2768]StarDust[/MENTION] awkward xD

Aurora bounced happily in to the lunch room, awkwardly searching for a seat. She found one decently close to Cian and quickly took the seat. She crept her head away and looked though a small pocket mirror, being sure her makeup was still covering the slight bruise on her cheek. Her older brother got infuriated last night and took out the rage on the right side of her face. She shudders and pops her head back up, shoveling food in to her mouth like always. She was known for eating a lot around school, she was also known for staying stick thin while doing so. "Fo you two, how waff claff?" She asked, her words muffled by a tuna fish sandwich. She swallowed her food, gently tugging at the small pendant on her necklace. She remembered how she got it like it was yesterday.

Aurora slammed her locker shut, not surprised to find Cian standing near her locker. He quickly wished her a happy birthday, flashed a coy grin, handed her a petite container, and walked away. She swiftly pulled at the red ribbon keeping the vanilla box shut, and removed the lid with curiousity. A small necklace laid in the box, a mini bow-pendant hanging from the chain. She laughed, clipped the necklace on her neck, and vowed to never go a day without wearing it.

(sorry if its sort of like god-modding, i didn't have him do a lot. yet again this happened a year ago, sooo.....)
Faiths stroll took her through the park, a chilly breeze stirring through her long blonde hair. as she took in the bareness of the park in late autumn, a litle song came to mind. from what she saw, the park was empty so she began to sing as she walked, her lips curling to a content smile. the wind seemed to sing with her a bit as she walked.

Emerald chuckled at Shawns apparent surprise. "if you dont dont already know my obnoxious friend here, his name is the same as yours, only spelled like C-I-A-N" she said, "and im Emerald. theres also Kyle and now Aurora" she motioned to the other two." she looked around at them then turned back a moment, "Shawn are you any good at math? becase i think math hates me. and no one else has really been much help." she asked.

Cian smiled a Aurora sat with them. he glanced at the pendant around her neck. he was somewhat surprised that she wore it everyday, but then again they were good friends. he was glad that she had like the gift. "class was ok. boring as usual. and it seems Emmy still cant win against the power of algebra." he chuckled. "you should slow down Aurora, youre gonna choke. unless you want me to do CPR that bad?" he gave a smirk. he loved seeing reaction to what he said, which is why he didnt flirt with Emerald often. she was too dense to understand what he was trying to say most of the time.

Chase looked up at the dark haired nurse. "yes, Lucerne Uni, first year. why?" he asked, then looked back at the menu. he scanned through till he had decided and made his order before she had answered his 'why' "i want the alfredo, with chicken." he said, his icy blue eyes looking back up at her. she mustve recognized him from the University, he had seen her around so perhaps that was why she had asked.
Akira lay twisted and turned on her bed. The teen wasn't in the mood to get out of bed today, and she certainly wasn't ready for the late shift. The girl groaned and sat up, running her fingers through her unruly hair. It was naturally curly, making the ends of her short strands stick up at the ends. Her fingers continued to play with the curled tips of her hair as she got out of bed and walked into the bathroom, examining herself.

She would admit that she had looked better. The girl looked exhausted. Her laid-back composure made her actually LOOK incapable to stand straight, light circles were forming under her eyelids, and her hair was disheveled. Though, that was nothing a little bit of morning prepping wouldn't be able to fix. She started with her hair, pushing half of the short, layered strands back and held them in place while she tied a small red rubber band around it, keeping it in place to form a small pigtail, then mimicking the act on the other half. Next was washing her face and teeth, deodorant, etc. Then she got dressed. Simple clothes. A white tank top accompanied by a gray sweater, blue skinny jeans, and a pair of black military boots. Before leaving, she grabbed her keys, phone, and headphones before grabbing her backpack and running out the door. School.

The girl wasn't "athletic" per se, but she knew when she needed to be. And today was just going to be one of those days. She bolted to school, running past passersby and through streets. Of course, the only reason why she was running was because she was late.

Akira could always find a shortcut, and today it was through the park of Lucerne. She ran through the South entrance and was about to exit through the North entrance, but ended up tripping over a man's shoe. "Ugh...." She grumbled to herself as she rubbed her nose, which scraped lightly against the ground. "Hey, old man! Watch where you...." She began before actually facing the man. He was asleep. The younger pouted, pursing her bottom lips and standing up. She tapped his shoes lightly with her own, hoping to stir the stranger so she could scold him properly.


Karou grumbled as he heard his younger sister shuffling through her drawers and doing this and that. His head pounded. Did he drink last night? Oh gosh... he didn't remember. "Oh well..." He said to himself before shifting his legs to the side of the bed and standing up, letting out an unnecessarily loud yawn. Yes, you may think he wakes up late, but that's just the young adult side of him. He male ran his fingers through his messy blond hair until it was an appropriate hairstyle before sitting up and putting a white t-shirt on, accompanied by a pair of loose blue jeans, and a pair of white nike gymshoes. Besides the other necessities to get ready for the rest of the day, his morning was boring. He ate, walked around his house to find his mother outside with a heavy winter coat on. He didn't know why but the chilled weather never bothered him unless it was in the teens.

The elder put on a black hoodie and stuffed his hands in his pockets before opening the front door and walking out into the streets. He didn't particularly know where he was going, he just didn't want to be home.
Shawn looked to Cian, then to Emerald again when she gave their names. His eyes then slowly drifted to Aurora and Kyle as well, as if he was trying to memorize each of the names given at the time. His hands moved slowly pulling his sandwich from the bag. Emerald getting a nodded with a gentle smile for her question although he didn’t seem willing to move closer. Not sure what the rules or traditions of the table were after all. He gladly would at least try to help her though, if that’s what she was asking. Pondering if that was the only reason he was welcomed for now . . . he was useful. Math though was something he had to pick up due to handling bills and his fiancés for a year on his own already.
Timmy had stayed at the YMCA a little while after Dani had left. He changed out of his sweaty, gym clothes and into a fairly worn-out pair of jeans and an old t-shirt. He walked out to the streets of Lucerne, pulling his hoodie over his head, and walking a few blocks down to the pretty popular Italian restaurant that was called Emilianos. He walked into the restaurant, glancing around a little bit before he finally found an empty seat at an empty table. As he went to sit down, he saw Dani with another man, and shrugged thinking they were together. But he didn't know so he stayed out of their way and pulled out his chair before he sat down. Emilianos was a place he would go a lot; he was 1/5 Italian, and this restaurant was the only place that actually served real, Italian food to its customers. He slouched in his chair a little bit as he waited for a waiter or waitress to come and take his order.

Aurora's eyes flickered to Shawn with a wide grin and looked back at Cian. She gently punched him on the arm with a laugh. "I don't know where your mouth has been, grossy." She teased, her cheeks flushing up ever so slightly. She tossed a history book out of her backpack, flipping to page 202 and scanning the words. "Is the history test today or tomorrow?" She asked quietly, roughly flipping the page and reading more. She groaned, slammed the book shut, and shoved it back in to her bag. "My brain hurts." Aurora complained with a chuckle, pulling at her hair. She swiftly braided it, un-braided it, and braided it again. She pinched the bottom of it with one hand, and with the other hand searched her pockets for a hair tie. After finding one, she wrapped it around the bottom, firmly holding the messy braid in place.
Becca felt embarrassed for having snapped the woman's picture after she looked over. Becca quickly hurried down the street, walking into the park. It had always been a source of inspiration for her. She walked along the path, snapping picture every so often. The cold was seeping through her jacket and she started to shiver. She wasn't used to this cold yet. It had always been quite warm where she lived before. Becca took a seat on a bench and watched the activity in the park. It was quieter than usual. During the summer, there were people swimming and boating on the water. Kids ran around and played while their parents sat on piknick blanket and chatted. Becca was one of those people who would always say her favorite season was winter but she always wished for summer a month into the cold weather. She loved being on the water and winter wasn't so conducive to that. Becca began to make a mental note of all the things she needed to do before the term was over: study, save up money to visit her parents, actually get to know some people. Becca had only been here since the beginning of the term and she really didn't know anyone yet. She was too quiet and shy to just walk up to people and make friends. It didn't really bother her that she hadn't met anyone but she knew her parents would want her to be more social.


"Not a problem," Trent said with a big smile. "Lovely name, Dani," he added, the smile never leaving his face. "You work at the YMCA, right?" he asked, though he was certain that she did. He wasn't one to forget a pretty face. Peter dropped his drink off at the table as he walked by. Trent picked his cup up and took a big drink of the water. He realized that, if Dani didn't recognize him from the story he had written, he might sound pretty creepy. Stuff like that didn't normally weigh on his mind but he was actually interested in Dani. Normally, he wasn't too interested in getting to know girls, not that it stopped him from flirting. He glanced back down at the time.
Calm down, he told himself. He had plenty of time. Really, he needed to kill some time before the football game began.

"You like sports, yeah? Do you want to go to a football game in the park with me later? I have to write a column on it but it would be a lot more enjoyable with you there," he said, smiling.


Cailin smiled and nodded, writing his order down. "I go there as well. I'm majoring in dance," she replied with a smile. "You just looked really familiar," she added. "Well, I'll go put your order in," she said, walking towards the kitchen. Cailin then walked over to the lone guy sitting at a table. She gave him a bright smile before greeting him: "Hey, my name is Cailin and I'll be taking care of you today. Can I start you off with something to drink?" she asked. She could recite that in her sleep. She said it so many times a day, it was ingrained in her mind.


Peter sighed as he looked around the steadily filling restaurant. It was getting to be lunch time, he supposed, so it made sense. Good thing his break was coming up soon. He would take care of these next few tables and then he would have to head to the park. He always met Becca in the park on their break. He didn't know many people here either. He did know his neighbor, Trent. He was quite a bit older than Peter, though. He idly walked around the restaurant, helping out where he needed to. He kept an eye on Trent and Dani. Trent was a flirt and he knew it wasn't his business, but he felt like he needed to make sure Trent wouldn't go out with her a few times and then ignore her like he tended to do.

Peter shook his head, trying to focus on his work.
Dani smirked, "Thanks, you're name is quite charming too." She told him with a little wink, she cut up her pasta, and nodded. "Yes, that's right." She said, taking a small bite of her food. "And you are a writer for a newspaper, and you write the Sports Column that I happen to read every day." She told him a bright smile. She took another bite as she enjoyed her food, and washed it down with her water. She looked at Trent, then out of the window, seeing all of the kids playing around hve her a closed-mouthed smile, and she looked back at him. She pulled her hair out of her face, not wanting to eat her own hair with a delicious lunch. Her phone began to buzz again before she could take another bite, she sighed, and muted her phone, not wanting to see the text.

Dani looked up at Trent, she took a small sip of water and then nodded. "Sure, I'd like to go to the football game with you tonight." She agreed, as she smiled brightly, she laughed a little, and rubbed her forehead. "I'm sure that it would a e been boring without me." She joked, winking before she began to take another her of her food.


Timmy nodded, "Sure, I'll have a Pepsi." He said as he smiled back, he looked at Cailin and then around the resturant. He sat back a little bit in his seat, as he had to respond to a text that a friend ha sent him a few moments earlier. He yawned a little bit and ran his fingers through his hair as he relaxed a little bit. He looked out of the window, and saw a girl with carmel brown locks, who looked like she was freezing, walking around in the park. He looked at her for a little while before he stopped, not wanting to look creepy or stalker ish if she had decided to turn his way. He mentally shrugged, and looked through the menu infront of him, narrowing down his craving for lunch, Becuase he couldn't eat everything delicious on the menu; no way!
Emerald smiled even bigger, "really? thanks a lot Shawn! you know, some people are really good at math, but im absolutely terrible! and the last time i tried to get prince charming over here to help me, he did even worse than i did!" she said, jerking a thumb at the ever-flirtatious Cian. she laughed, "anyway, just tell me when and where. i have a math quiz next week and i need all the practice i can get." she said.

Cian stuck his tongue out at Emerald. "well last i checked im a history whiz not a math geek." he joked, "speaking of history, Aurora the test is today, right after lunch. tomorrow is Saturday silly!" he laughed as he said this, "by the way, the local arena put ice down for the winter, i thought maybe we could all go skating tomorrow night and then go for pizza? its been awhile since we had any fun, and i need to re-introduce my legs to the ice before hockey tryouts start." he suggested.

Chase leaned back in his chair, looking out the window. he popped one earbud in and listened to his seemed the waitress was in the same part of the university as he was. performing arts was pretty popular, and music was all Chase could really connect with. he was smart, but not much interested him. he wouldve rather kept it that way, it made him a rather uninteresting person so he didnt attract much attention.

Faith had decided to sit on a bench at the park as she walked through she pulled a bag of seeds from her pocket and fed a handfull of sparrows that were nesting in a tree nearby. in a week or so they would have flown south, so she took this chance to enjoy what was left of the life of fall before the cold of winter set in.

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