Lucerne, The City of Life ~Characters and Info~

Name: Spenser Flornstein

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Job: A part time waitress at Denny's, Preparing to start University next year.

Personality: Spenser has a bright personality, loving to meet new people and socialize. She is quite academic, but also makes plenty of time for having fun with friends. She likes to stay out of drama, but will always help a friend in need. She is very loyal, but sometimes temptation can get a hold of her young mind. She is a people-pleaser and intimidated easily. She gives in a lot also.

Background: Spenser grew up in a normal family in Ohio for a while. She knew everyone, and felt safe in her small town. At age 9 her parents divorced, and she moved to California with her mother. At age 13 she learned her father had been tracking them all along, wanting revenge on her mother for divorcing him. Spenser had been clueless all along about her parents problems. At age 16, her mother was killed by her enraged father, and Spenser was sent to Lucrene to live her life. She has tried to forget her mixed up past and start a hopeful, fun life in the town. Since what happened to her mother, Spenser is slightly afraid to fall in love, but is hoping for the day.

Hobbies/likes: Shopping, hanging with friends, movies, soccer, summer, shorts, ice cream, biking, music.

Fears/Dislikes: Angry people, being alone, loud noises, weapons, small animals, cold.

Other: A dog named August.

(I'll make a guy in a second :D )

Name: Logan Adrian McDonnel

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Job: Works at Hot Topic in the mall, but is also putting himself through college to get his PHD.

Personality: Logan is a straight up nice guy, having a huge heart and just overall sweet. He always looks out for his friends, and tries to stay out of peoples way. He is very social and kind of a flirt. He's also a charmer, but loves people. He tries to fit in everywhere he goes, and is almost never down. He is also very athletic and studious.

Background: Logan grew up in the a wealthy family in Colorado. He was used to living the good life, and getting all the ladies. One day, everything seemed to crash down on him and his family when his mother was discovered having an affair, and they lost virtually all their money and luxuries. He then lived in a trailer with his grandparents for a few years until he was 17. He discovered how bad others have it, and vowed to love everyone, and help whoever he could.

Hobbies/likes: Fall, people, music, school, helping, hiking, soccer, elderly people, socializing, pizza.

Fears/Dislikes: Rich people (Ironic?), the beach, hot weather, mean people, football.

Other: He is a vegetarian.

[MENTION=4662]Gabriel Rider[/MENTION] yes that's ok.

[MENTION=3277]Sprinkles228[/MENTION] accepted, jump in when you're ready

Current day and time: Saturday afternoon, almost 1pm, december first, cold but no snow yet.
Name: Patch Saunders

Age(15 and up, please be diverse.): 18

Gender: male

Job: works at carlings ( clothing store, you can google it )

Personality(no "developmental" i want an actual description): not shy at all, very funny, random, very kind and caring. sporty and loves romance. a bit of a drama queen. you can fool around and act crazy with him, but still have really serious and deep conversations. he is really easy to get along with. can be over sarcastic sometimes. if you piss him off he can become really angry and violent. but if he just can play his guitar he becomes more calm. when he's in a really good mood you just cannot do anything else than love him. and he likes animals a lot!

Backround: he had a ruff childhood. his dad left he and his mom when he was 7 years. so he never had a role model or someone to look up to. after his dad left, his mom started drinking and take drugs. she were always drunk. and used to hit Patch when he didn't do what she said. that led to that Patch often ran away from home. and to get money and food, he stole. he got caught a few times. been to prison a few times too. sometimes he used to get drunk and go steal cars and shoot, and rob shops. but one time he got caught he got help, to stop stealing and things. he got better, went to school. got really good grades. he got a second chance, a new start. he moved from his mom, and that's how he got to Lucrene. he now lives in a small apartment with two rooms, a kitchen and a bathroom. he tries to put his old life behind him. he never talks about it.

Hobbies/likes: likes animals and unicorns! Loves riding longboard. Plays soccer and guitar. Drama movies is a real big thumbs up! He often paint. Loves china food!

Fears/Dislikes: he hate clowns! Doesn't like McDonalds. Go to prison again and fall back in his old life again.

Other: he can sing, really good. He cuts but nobody knows.

Appearance(anime, realistic or descriptions is fine):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_03/image.jpg.8a59bece3113ddd67f26c938135aaa26.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="32" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_03/image.jpg.8a59bece3113ddd67f26c938135aaa26.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Dan Williams

Age(15 and up, please be diverse.): 32

Gender: Male

Job: CIA Elite Field Officer

Personality(no "developmental" i want an actual description): Cold, and detached. He is stern when he is in leadership but always has a good reason for it. He is often found watching things with his keen eye, and is currently on the case of a 'National Terrorist Splinter' within America.

Background: Dan was born in Langley, Virginia. He spent a lot of his time on the CIA website, and always looked at the career section. Sometimes he spent his time spying on friends and was almost never caught. That intelligence gathering skill would help him later in life. A few years later, Dan went to China and got some of the best martial arts training possible at the Shaolin Temple. He also learned his shooting skills there. When Dan went back to America, he honed all of his skills and now had the experience of a mediocre CIA Agent. He realized this was his career destiny, so he pursued it. By the time Dan was 25, he had become one of the best field officers there and was on the verge of promotion. One day, when he was eating lunch, the Director came and sat down with him. They discussed the promotion, and Dan was ranked up to Elite Field Officer. This is one of the highest ranks of field agent you could get, and Dan was very happy. After a few years of intelligence gathering in Syria, he was informed of a terrorist splinter within America, and now he is trying to stop them.


His job as a CIA Agent

Gathering Intelligence






Other: His equipment is: 50. cal Smith and Wesson handgun, large multitool knife, ear piece, flashdrive, tinted sunglasses, a few other things.

Appearance(anime, realistic or descriptions is fine):
Naga: well this i a type of character i havent seen yet...Accepted, looking forward to seeing how you integrate him into the story.
(Hope this is still up.)

Name: Álvaro Narvarte

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Job: Law student, mostly due to him admiring his older brother, a lawyer as well; works as a waiter at a small bistro in the city centre to pay his part of the rent and the bills and sometimes accompanies Gavin when he is out busking in the park, also near the city centre.

Personality: Álvaro is usually in a happy/sleepy mix of nonchalantness. He is quite the talker, usually at an equally sleepy voicetone, but knows when to stay quiet and just listen. He is sociable, and has a somewhat large network of friends, but enjoys being alone for a while, doing nothing in his leisure time. He is comedic, most of the times. He is sarcastic and direct, to the point of being somewhat "hurtful", or downright mean in case he dislikes said person, altough, he usually knows when to stop. Álvaro is constantly tired and has recurrent sleep problems, altough he is actually quite lazy. He possesses a remarkable level of intellect, and is rather cult about most topics, altough is willing to learn anything.

Background: Álvaro was born to a rather well - accomodated family of five (Well, six counting him.) of the Condesa neighborhood in the Cuahtémoc borough of Mexico City, not millionaires, but they could afford a rather luxurious lifestyle. It was a rather happy and average childhood, filled with love from both his parents and his siblings, of whom he was the youngest one, his sisters being seven and fifteen years older, and his brother being thirteen years older. At school he never struggled until mid - secondary, due to his order and responsability issues. He then met Gavin, an English immigrant who would later become his best friend, along with another kid named José. They would become inseparable, all three deciding to move to Lucerne for their universitary studies. They found a fifth floor apartment flat quite close to the city centre and a (Then again, speculating in case there is an underground system.) metro station. rom the . He quickly got a job at a bistro he visited his first day on Lucierna, along with his mates, small, but quaint. He's been working there for nearly four years now.

Hobbies/likes: Drinking, busking with Gavin, usually helping him out with percussion, or singing (sometimes), photography, half - decent pencil drawing, having an intelligent discussion, and watching European football, rainy/cloudy days, winter and snow.

Fears/Dislikes: Most uneducated people, he feels rather uncomprehended and annoyed, sort of like with "nacos", or people from Ciudad Neza. He suffers from entomophobia, often becoming uneasy and detached at the very sight of any type of insect, specially ants. He also loathes hot weather and continuous exposition to the sun.

Other: Nothing relevant.

Appearance(anime, realistic or descriptions is fine): <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/whatever.jpg.1d788f94a7aa361545bc6a951f7d35fc.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="866" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/whatever.jpg.1d788f94a7aa361545bc6a951f7d35fc.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>, that and glasses.



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Name: Solomon Grayson

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Job: Owns “Solomon’s Sonata,” a musician’s store that deals in instruments and lessons. Has all types of instruments in stock and special orders requested ones; also able to maintain and repair any instruments brought to his shop.

Personality: Distant and witty. Likes to use his silver tongue and clever humor to mask the sense of isolation he feels. Thrives in solitude, and claims to have only ever loved his saxophone, which he named Serana. Is very fond of cats, though he is known to enjoy dogs and other animals as well. Dislikes talking much and finds that he does better in small quiet spaces rather than large crowded areas.

Backround: Put up for adoption at six months old, Solomon remained in an orphanage until he was eight years old, living in Minnesota. Was moved to a foster home with several other orphaned children, where he stayed until he turned sixteen, and had already earned his online diploma for high school. He demanded he be emancipated, and shortly thereafter, left to go pursue his own ambitions. Traveled the country-side performing odd jobs to get by until he turned eighteen, where he then enrolled in a college in Florida. Studied for two years majoring in business, and spent the rest of his course studies in musical departments. Ultimately, he decided to open his own music store. Upon looking for a place to settle he wandered across the town of Lucerne, and is officially open for business.

Hobbies/likes: Playing his saxophone and tuning up instruments. Creating his own jazz and blues music, as those are his musical genres of preference. Enjoys playing with his cat, which he named Babygirl, who he even takes to his store with him. Takes long walks on his days off and enjoys star-gazing. Spends most of his free time thinking up new melodies to play on Serana.

Fears/Dislikes: Fears very little, except anything pertaining to the paranormal or supernatural. Dislikes intolerance and/or ignorance in any way. Dislikes being in any room or area where there are much more than five or six people. Dislikes discussing his past or anything to do with his family.

Other: Has no idea how to dance.

Name: Seren Rogers

Age(15 and up, please be diverse.): 17

Gender: Female

Job: Soul Singer

Personality(no "developmental" I want an actual description): Seren is a soulful girl. She has deep feelings that she expresses in her music, a lot of times in her words. There are no limits to her emotions. She shares them without caring. She will be blunt with you , serious , comforting. When she is sad she can't hold back her tears, her soul won't let her. When she's angry she'll puff out her cheeks or just glare and walk away. She believes that even though someone else did wrong doesn't mean you do the same. She believes in balance and peace. She doesn't approve of fighting or swearing. I t's irrational and a poor way to vent your anger. She is calm and sweet, cooking for you when you have no food, or giving you money to help in your problems. She is a defenseless girl, she has no barriers to protect her from the wrong so she is easily a push over and stepped over.

Background: Seren was born into a somewhat unstable family. Her mother was always catching a cold, every week when she always got better. Here father was a drunk, and never did take care of the family. Her brother was a drop out but he helped with paying the bills. Her sister was working at a host club and she was only in middle school. Seren was the one who stayed home and helped around the house. Clean, wash, fix food and kept her father on his toes. The family was loving just unstable. They were up to their necks trying to pay off debts , and trying to keep food on the table. She offered to work, but was told no. She was to soft hearted, she had no back bone. Seren knew that , but she wanted to try so she called her friend over. Aren was a big help when it came to cooking and giving Seren a brake.

She was unable to attend school due to her age. She would have to go all the way back to pre-school and continue the ladder, but she had no time to start from the beginning. Aren offered her to teach her , all the stuff he knew. Taking him up on this offer, she rarely came outside of her home. This made the neighbors worry, some stayed just to see if she would ever come out. When Seren did , it was like she changed, she had gotten older. The men their were fascinated. Little old Seren all grown up now. Aren kept a close watch on them while helping her through her studies. Her brother and sister didn't mind his company, they welcomed him. Seren needed company, and not her sick mother or drunk father.

Her life was progressing and when she turned 16 she asked Aren if she could become a singer. Questions flew up in the air on how she came to such a career . She told him about the t:v and all the other popular singers out there. That what they sung was form the heart and she wanted to give it a try to. Aren gave it some thought but her brother and sister said go for it. Since she can't do any handy work, or show off her body and not feel weird about , then singing can be good for her. She wasn't fit for a stay at home wife anyways. Aren gave her the go, and for her to try it out. She had made a demo tape, her very first one. It took a few months to get the song she wanted down. They sent it in to a pop studio and waited for their response. When she turned 17 they gave her a call and told her it was beautiful, touching.

They signed her in and sent out her debut cd. Her song sky rocketed to the top of the charts and she became the next new soul singer. They had a part for her debut and even spent a few weeks making new songs. She now spends her days traveling from place to place, with her friend Aren. Making new songs and signing them, for the people.



When she is with Aren she is seen wearing a Yukata. Even though it is not today's fashion she fins herself more comfrotable in these. They suit her personality more than anything. It is rare to see her out of one but when she does she seems more lively and sporty. She tends to wear loose jeans, the color she favors would be black. With a pink tank that has ribbons on the straps. She wears open toes clogs that are also black and a black hat.

Hobbies/likes: Her hobbies are singing, playing the guitar, reciting touching quotes, walking in the park, and having fun with others. She likes sweet things, anything that has something sweet in I. She likes cats and dogs, funny things, cool pictures, and interesting books.

Fears/Dislikes: She fears that her mothers sickness will soon lead to her death, her father will do something stupid in his drunk state and get caught by the police. Her sister will get kidnapped, her brother will die from an accident at his work place. Her songs will die out and no one will like them. She dislikes rude people. Those who step on each others feelings for fun. She hates to see people in trouble when she can help.

Other: She wears her hair up most of the time, and her nails are usually painted with a clear coat. She wears small dud earings and likes to sing on the side when she's not making a cd. She has a thing for tall men and is sensitive to cats. She loves cats.

Name: Aren Cuen

Age(15 and up, please be diverse.): 20

Gender: Male

Job: Manager/ jewlery maker

Personality(no "developmental" i want an actual description): Aren is a calm think things through type of guy. He doesn't believe in violence but if he needs to enforce it got get his point across, he has no problem in doing so. He a child at heart, when it comes to fairs or amusement parks. He is the adult when it comes to hard situation, like debt and false actions. He loves to help others, and tends to do a very good job at it. He hates when others think they know everything and they don't. Beside all his soft and warm side, he can become angry in a heart beat. He find it irritating if you don't listen to what he's trying to say or not giving his idea a second thought. He is also the jealous type. He doesn't like be seen as the third wheel or excused from something he started.

Background: Aren was adopted at the age of five. He knew his parents before then, and really couldn't find the words for them. He lived with his mother shae who made jewrely and his father who was a manager . Taking up on their dreams he became both. Some where along the way he met Sere, after assuming she was being kidnapped. He made a deal with her , and said hew would become her friend and help her with things. As time went on , he became close friends with her and her manager when she decided to take the singing path

Hobbies/likes: His hobby is watching Sere have fun, cooking, conversating, and helping out others. He likes sweets, talking, books and fun things like arcade and video games

Fears/Dislikes: he fears losing himself and becoming upset other point where he would Hurt seren . He fears seren crying over her songs. He dislikes rude and annoying people, and hates those who butt in when its not their problem

Other: He wears glasses and helps Seren with everything

Appearance(anime, realistic or descriptions is fine):
Just incase forgotten, Here's my CS. Reposting ~!

Name: Makira Kaiser

Age(15 and up, please be diverse.): 26

Gender: Male

Job: Works at a Bar the only opens at night, Between 6 pm - 11 pm .

Personality(no "developmental" i want an actual description): He enjoys serving people cocktails or drinks, and really passionate about bartending. Whenever someone looks down, he tries his best to cheer them up inside his bar. He is always friendly. Sometimes wise. He respects other people but not at their reputations or fame. He just respects everyone who enters the bar.

Background: At a very young age, He wasn't really into bartending. He's father wanted him to be a Great Doctor. After graduating High school , He then started taking a Medical Course. He made friends, about three. He enjoyed being with them. But one of his friends was going to work abroad. Everyone was sad, including him . So, his friend took them to a night out in a bar. Where they drank cocktail until closing time. And that's where he realized that bartending was also a way of helping people . The bartender was nice, He served them drinks that cheered them up. And that's where he realized, That he wasn't meant to be a doctor. But as a bartender. He told he's parents that he wants to be a bartender instead. They weren't proud about it, but they wanted what is best for their only son. His father was disappointed but he agreed and sent him to Bartending . Now years later, He graduated from bartending and his parents opened up a Bar for their son. That bar is called " Dreams " . And he has been working there ever since . Curing people's souls.

Hobbies/likes: Bartending, Liquor, Drinking(not much), Enjoys listening to music ( Mostly classics ) , and wants to serve people in his bar .

Fears/Dislikes: Dislikes abusive behaviors, Irrational peoples.

Other:( None really )

Appearance(anime, realistic or descriptions is fine):

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Hmmm. . . Two questions. Is this still open? And can I get away with joining without reading everyone's bios? xD There are so many . . .
the only people currently participating are GoddessofGod, Chiba, Makira(i think), El Chilango and Hollow. you are welcome to join, and hopefully you can find all the profiles i have scattered about, i have a few characters from this RP that dont have anyone to interact with so they are dormant. Nalakitty01
I couldn't find Chiba or El Chilango. I don't even know who those people are xD But I'll try and make a bio in the morning if I can't do it tonight, as I've been awake much too long and must sleep. Or eat. Or both. 

Name: Wyatt James Anderson

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Job: Student at University

Personality: Wyatt is a kind, gentle person. He's the type that is wary for his brother and those he cares about, but also wants to help anyone he can. He's selfless and always has been, devoting his life to something he didn't necessarily have to do, and sticking to them. He tends to go with the flow and isn't a shy person - he'll talk your ear off if you give him the right subject for it - but is quiet and calm and sticks to himself most times. He's used to never having help, so he finds it hard accepting when people offer.

Background: Wyatt was born to a very rich family, but was raised by nanny's and other staff, his parents always away for work or just busy, keeping up their fortune. He didn't like the impersonal nannies much, and so took to teaching himself things. He would watch the cooks or the maids or the butlers and figure out how to make food for himself, how to clean, how to do laundry. He did all his schoolwork on his own and taught himself the things he needed to learn. He watched out for himself - and that changed when he was 15. His parents had an 'oops' baby named Braden, and left the little boy alone even earlier than they had Wyatt. Not wanting to see Braden just raised by nannies, Wyatt taught himself how to care for a baby, as well, and basically raised his own brother.

When Wyatt was 18 and Braden 3, their parents died in a drunk driving one-car accident. While he did mourn them, Wyatt had never had much of a familial attachment to them, and so he moved on. He sold their company, proved himself worthy of taking custody of his brother so that his aunt and uncle wouldn't have to keep the boy, and got himself enrolled in classes to set his future on a good path. He moved into a two-bedroom apartment in Lucerne for just him and Braden when he was 19 and has been using the money from his parents' estate, life insurance and company to pay for it and his own classes and anything they need. His aunt and uncle always promised to help if he needed it, but he insists he'll be able to get a job after school, even if the money does run out, and will take care of himself and his brother.

Hobbies/likes: He enjoys taking Braden to the park, cooking, and spending time with animals. Anything that makes his brother happy makes him happy, as well.

Fears/Dislikes: Braden in danger, becoming his parents, nuts.

Other: Wyatt wanted an animal Braden could spend time with and so finally found a cat that had stunted growth and would stay half the size of a normal cat for all its life. He adopted the cat, Rizo, and let's Braden tote the patient animal around everywhere, even making improvements to an old backpack so that Rizo can go on their walks without fearing dogs. Also, Braden calls Wyatt "Wit".


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well, i got in saftely the flight went smoothly and now i'm so tired i can hardly see straight, but i should still be able to rp after i get some rest, it's time to enjoy the family reunion.
Any particular way I should jump in? Maybe you could give me a quick sum up of the last few pages. Also, mind if I learn the characters as Wyatt does? I will never remember all of yours just by reading the bios xD
the last few pages the characters are just wandering around town. Chase(one of my characters) and....GoGs characters were on their way out of a music shop(which is closed). Faith(mine) and Chiba are at Chibas house, Esther(also mine) and El Chilangos character are both in the metro station waiting while the lights get fixed. im planning on throwing my character Sasha back into the story after being dorment awhile and Faiths younger sister Emerald is probably running around town somewhere. its currently a sunday afternoon aroung 1 pm

youre welcome to get to know the characters how you choose.
hey star just for kicks i think i'll make another chara. 
Character Skelly:

Name: Alyssa Faye Alexander

Age(15 and up, please be diverse.): 19

Gender: Female

Job: None right now but looking for one

Personality(no "developmental" i want an actual description): A very kind person, tends to be shy when first meeting people, a very motherly, can be jumpy at times, agrees to almost anything without a second thought, can be scarred really easily, and very affectionate.

Background: At 18 her parents told her that she needed to get out of the house and learn to live on her own, knowing it was for the best she moved out that week, being on her own for the first time she was a bit bewildered and didn't know what to do but after a while she got the hang of things. She found a small two person apartment that she rents with the money she earns from odd jobs that she can find. Not wanting to go through with her education she now spends most of her time looking for a job.

Hobbies/likes: She loves to arrange flowers, she has also become a fairly good cook, she loves animals, kind people, and she excels at knitting which is evident in most of her apparel as she usually wears at least one piece of her own craft.

Fears/Dislikes: She fears like anyone else being alone and dying that way, she dislikes dishonest people, flirts, people who aren't honest with themselves, she is deathly afraid of storms of any sort.

Other: she is a lot taller then most women, and she looks a lot older then she really is

Appearance(anime, realistic or descriptions is fine):

Felt like including Álvaro's mates. May do José later on.

Name: Gavin Rowles

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Job: After getting turned down for several jobs, he figured out the only thing he could do was work for nobody. After browsing through his rather short alternatives, he decided to try busking, which resulted pretty good, hanging around there, "feeling" the park and the metro commuters who drop off there. He also writes with Álvaro and José under the pseudonym of Welshman "Rhys Jones", from Swansea, aged 31. He is currently studying (and finishing) his studies in psychology. He also tries to do paintings, again, a collaboration between the three, once managing to sell one for the equivalent of four dollars.

Personality: He is the rather quiet and distant member of the trio, generally serving as the comedic foil for both José and Álvaro and as their personal psychologist, generally resolving the issues they face as a group. However, he finds himself incapable of fixing or even explaining reasons about his own issues, such as his estrangement from his family, as he currently only contacts his mother, or in special ocassions, his equally estranged brother Alphonse, and only on holidays, as he hasn't seen any relative since last Christmas; or his lack of a "real job", or his somewhat uneasing mood swings, or his rather troubled, few, and short - lived relationships. Ironically, his birthday is February 14th, better known as Valentine's Day. He likes to be alone and isolated most of the time he isn't with Álvaro or José, generally kicking around and neating up anything, sort of, hovering around in the flat, or even the street. He can be funny and talkative once he has trusted someone but will generally be distant and shy, most times.

Backround: Born into a large, working - class family of five (Not counting Gavin and his younger sisters.) emerging from Leeds, they moved to a relatively small yet surprisingly economic home in the Finsbury Park area, after his mother got a job offer for a travel agency, shortly before Gavin's birth. He had a generally nice and average early childhood, there, nothing remarkable from it as it was a short timespan. Later on, when Gavin was almost six, his mother got transferred to the Mexican branch of the company and so, the family moved to Mexico City, basically capital city of Latin America, to the dismay of Buenos Aires and Rio de Janeiro. His family adapted quite well, his father finding a job as a mechanic nearby the Lagunilla market. They established on a larger, middle - classy thrid floor apartment, suitable, on the Escandón neighborhood, on the Miguel Hidalgo borough. There, he met Álvaro and José, two lads from well - accomodates families, Álvaro living in the adjacent neighborhood of Condesa and José living in the Narvarte one. They quickly became friends, as for nobody spoke to Gavin in primary school, and not many people do actually. Anyways, the three became inseparable since, rarely seen by their own, as they all took the metro to school, mainly to meet up along the way somewhere, forming the habit of using the underground to go anywhere in them, an habit they still keep to this day, as evidenced with Álvaro. As time went by, things were going into a slow and rather unnoticeable downturn for the Rowles', things that hit a boiling point soon after Gavin left for Lucerne with his mates after a family dispute, to continue his studies there, after getting the scholarship needed. They had found a place they could call home quite soon, a fifth floor apartment flat with an excellent location, not too far away from the metro, in a relatively decent, if a bit shabby neighborhood, close to the city centre. He soon found himself in need of a job, but, got turned down for all of them and decided to go busking in a nearby park, an option viable thanks to his guitar skills earned after a failed cassette - tape attempt to sell covers of popular songs of a few years back with his mates.

Hobbies/likes: He likes to play music and record it when he can, altough he is usually disappointed with his music. He likes to drink with his mates, watch European football, write short stuff and list up his thoughts, diary - like, he once tried to do snowboarding and broke both his legs, he likes to paint, he has a strange affection to maps, and likes rainy days. He smokes, not extremely, but has the habit of doing so.

Fears/Dislikes: He fears most heights, originally, the apartment was going to be on another building on an 8th floor, but Gavin refused to go any higher than 5th, so they had to move into their current apartment. He dislikes rollercoasters and whatnot.

Other: Nothing relevant.


(This is a terrible CS, I beg your pardon.)

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