Lucerne, The City of Life ~Characters and Info~

Name: Sasha Nicholes

Age: 21

Gender: female

Job: Sassy Styles Salon

Personality: Sasha is upeat, energetic and friendly. She loves to make friends everywhere she goes and makes it her job to make others smile. She gets lonely very easily since the loss of her parents.

Backround: Sashas outward appearance will throw you for a loop when it comes to he backround. When she was 8 her mother died of a degenerative brain disease, and when she was 12 her father was killed outside a local bar in her hometown. She lived with her grandmother till she was 18, then moved to Lucerne. Her grandmother(who seemed in good health at the time) passed suddenly from a heart attack. Despite lossing her loved ones, Sasha has spent her years since childhood smiling, believing that she had the choice to let go of her past and be happy.

Hobbies and likes: hairstyling, coffee, cats, spending time with people.

Fears and dislikes: she hates violence, is afraid of thunderstorms and being alone.

Other: she has a knack for sidewalk art and carries chalk with her.


Name: Arthur Benedict Hamilton (called "Arthur" or "Ben/Benny")

Age(15 and up, please be diverse.): 26

Gender: Male

Job: He's reached a low-point in his life, having recently lost his job as a writer, not lost it; but he's gotten a dreadful writer's block and gotten furthermore into drugs. So he was instructed to move to Lucerne, in hope that Arthur could could turn his life around. He continues to try and write, but refuses to get a real job; even though he is very smart.

Personality(no "developmental" i want an actual description):

Arthur is a man of high intelligence, he's extremely observant and perceptive to details, possesses creative imagination, keen ability to focus and concentrate outside of exterior distractions, Inability to empathize with others, disregard for authority, high level of stubbornness, narcissistic, inability to properly deal with emotions, inability to properly deal with boredom, ignorance of common sense and simple knowledge, tendency to overthink and/or overanalyze, inability to conform to social norms. He also acts like an overgrown child sometimes, proving to lose his maturity sometimes.


Arthur Benedict Hamilton grew up in a luxurious life, with high expectations from his parents. However, he was bullied his entire childhood; always the outsider, which he still is today. His parents preferred his brother, a shining star to everyone. He was beat up and harassed all through high school as well as elementary and primary school. He resembles his mother very closely, who was gone by the time he was 5; even though she loved him so much. He didn't really know what happened. He was a mummy's boy as a child, but once she was out of his life he was rather sad. He got back into contact with her at 8 and went from house to house, between the two. He preferred his mother, as his father always boasted about his brother and shunned him. He was the black sheep of the family now, a drug-addicted, jobless, writer who refused to go to rehab. He grew up alone, fending for himself.

Hobbies/likes: He enjoys criticizing other people's stories, being in control of his own life, his drugs (mainly cocaine and cigarettes), he does like compliments (but he never gets them because he can be unappealing to people), being stronger/above other people, cold weather, documenting life, playing piano, and writing.

Fears/Dislikes: He fears losing complete control of his life (but doesn't do much about it), irrationally loathes thunderstorms, he dislikes other's sympathizing over him, he dislikes loud noises, he dislikes stupid people who can't think. He doesn't seem to like most people anyways, and he can't seem to let anyone into his life completely.

Other: He has problems connecting with most people, which is a reason he doesn't like a lot; and he also cannot seem to bond with anyone on a relationship-level. He seems to speak very fast and clearly when he gets into a rant about his writing, which is actually very very good; but recently his writing is darker than before. One of his inspirations is Edgar Allen Poe. He has schizoid personality disorder (SPD.) DESPITE his drug-addictions and high resilience to drugs, he has no tolerance for alcohol. In literally half a pint, he'd be drunk out of his mind and acting loony. He's never even had it in his life. He was bullied his entire childhood, you could ask anyone who was at school with him "Oh, we all hated him." Because he was an oddball, and not a single soul (not even the teachers) seemed to sympathize with him. He was always second best, and ridiculed. This might be a link to why he's so distant from human socialization.

Appearance(anime, realistic or descriptions is fine):

He is a 6'2 rather handsome man.
He isn't exactly like this photo. He is muscular and toned, but doesn't have a six-pack or anything, but he is rather attractive. His voice is low and somewhat monotone; baritone. He usually has a scruffy look to him, and due to his drug-use he seems slightly disheveled from time to time. His hair is never this well kept, it's usually a bit flippy/messy. He has beautiful eyes. They are pale, but not like this photo. His eyes are an icy greenish blue; that seem to change color in different lighting. They are truly stunning eyes that are the first thing you notice when you speak to him.

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Name: Theodore Wesley Badrick (Teddy, Ted)

Age(15 and up, please be diverse.): 25

Gender: Male

Job: He is college student who works two jobs on the side, one being an assistant in hospitals (his father and grandfather were doctors, his grandfather being an army-doctor. He helps his father's colleagues out, even though they live in a different country than his father now.) He moved here to continue his college education.

Personality(no "developmental" i want an actual description):

He is caring, complex, and highly intuitive. Teddy is incredibly loyal with a desire to protect loved ones, a heightened sense of morality, and a certain strength that allows him to keep calm in the face of danger. However, he bottles up emotion until it comes out in outbursts, dislikes pity and sympathy (goes to extreme measures to avoid it), but worst of all; he has trust issues. He cannot find himself able to trust someone truly, commit anymore. Ted possibly suffers from a form of post-traumatic-stress disorder from a rough period in his childhood. He keeps to himself at the best of times, wishing only for a peaceful life nowadays; where he can laze away and avoid painful situations. Tragically, this is just not how the world works and he seems to be at the center of the battlefield almost all the time. He has a somewhat split-personality, he really just prefers to sit with friends and relax; he used to be very wild as a child, now he's mellowed out completely.

Background: Theodore Badrick grew up in England, in the area of Brighton. He was a wild child. Teddy was a bright and clever child growing up, but he soon became removed and fearful when his Uncle started babysitting his sister and him. Their Uncle was a bad man, abusing the children and knowing they wouldn't tell a soul. It frequently gives him nightmares, panic attacks, and horrifying flashbacks. Because of this he has horrid trust issues and PTSD. His younger sister, Harriet, is just like him; except she ended up dating an abusive alcoholic. He now has left that life behind and plans to leave it all behind him.

Hobbies/likes: Tea, animals, helping others, all the simple things in life, and things that are interesting.

Fears/Dislikes: He is nervous around heights, startled by being suddenly touched, and afraid of dark enclosed spaces.


Despite his ability to remain calm, he actually FAINTS VERY EASILY. It's something he has had his entire life, and it just happens ever so often. He has a very odd way of living, usually having everything in a schedule mentally. He tries to act tough a lot, partly due to his smaller stature. He never seems to yell, but instead paces and grumbles when he's really upset. He never cries. When he's angry at someone his voice will go to a hushed borderline "I'm going to scream soon, and I don't want anyone to hear what I'm going to say" nasty biting tone. When put into emotional distress his English accent seems even more prominent than before. He also tries to be a gentleman at all times, but can lose his temper under extreme pressure. He has frequent nightmares from bad memories of his childhood, as he was abused by his Uncle for years (hence he has anxiety and mistrust that he hides) Because of this he has psychological trauma, hates pity, and hates himself. His sister had the same trauma as him, and she was then easily taken advantage of by people and tricked into loving an abusive cruel man. Theodore had a single female cat named "Cleo" She's an older cat, about 14 years old.

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Appearance(anime, realistic or descriptions is fine):

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Theodore stands at roughly 5'6, a few centimeters under that. His bone structure is stocky, but not big. He holds a small percentage of fat on his body, only having a decent layer of fat over his stomach. He isn't necessarily overly-muscled, he actually is easily-stressed out, usually he'd be having nice take-out meals in his small apartment flat and endless cups of tea. His face is sweet, with a squarish heart shape. He resembles a lost-puppy dog, with wavy sandy blonde hair and milk-chocolate brown eyes. His skin is pale, and he seems to have never tanned in his life. Teddy has very faint freckles splashing his cheeks and the bridge of his nose, but they are hardly noticeable. His nose is acutely upturned, not to a point where he looks piggish though; just a bit cutely. His eyes are massive, almond-shaped and round, they are the color of creamy milk chocolate. His lips are small and heart-shaped as well, with a natural pout to them. He isn't particularly "handsome" and falls under a category of "cute" instead. He seems to try and have everything work out, but is both literally and mentally not big enough to handle it. EXCEPT HIS EYES ARE ROUNDER AND BIGGER :P and his hair is curlier

Name: Fiorello Eustorgio De Luca (Fiore, Bombo (means "Bumblebee" in Italian, his nickname from his older brother) Fio)

Age(15 and up, please be diverse.): 21

Gender: Male

Job: He works in an Italian restaurant as one of the main cooks, being incredibly skilled with baking, he also sells paintings on the side (he is a brilliant painter, but his art pertains more abstractly than his older brother's scenery portraits. He likes to paint people and has many portraits.) He's here for ART SCHOOL

Personality(no "developmental" i want an actual description):

Bubbly, friendly, cowardly, a bit clumsy, easygoing, excitable, loyal, a bit irritating from time to time, and demanding. He doesn't have many hobbies, although he is usually flirting with cute girls (despite the fact that he has no intention of settling down.) Fiorello mainly passes the time seeking new friends or staring off into space.

Background: Fiorello grew up in Italy with his older brother, Demetrio Adriano De Luca. His father was a carefree, boisterous, and large man, and his mother was a tiny anxious woman who kept her husband in control. He was taught to sing at a young age, taught to paint and thrived in a very sweet sheltered environment. His father was a war hero, and it was a surprise he was still alive today. He moved to America to go to an elite art school that was affordable and such, but he had to move to Lucerne to attend. Fiore isn't too skilled with logical, being a dimwit and an idiot, and he still has to perfect his English.

Hobbies/likes: He likes Italian food (and finds a lot of English food a bit bland), Friendly people (he's the type of guy to fall for anyone who he truly connects with despite their gender, appearance, race, etc. etc.), long naps, and the feeling of security.

Fears/Dislikes: He dislikes feelings of insecurity, hearing about bad stories, violent drunks, and judgment.

Other: He has a very thick Italian accent and sometimes has to stop and think to understand what people say, he is technically bisexual (except I prefer to say he does not care who he is in love with; as long as they truly connect.) He has a pet dog named Gina, who he found on the streets a week after he moved in. He's only lived here for a month or two, and has recently settled down. He lives in a small apartment flat with his dog.

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Appearance(anime, realistic or descriptions is fine):

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He's rather thin, slender. But he is very athletic, able to run a mile in about 5 minutes or so. His muscles are lean and stretched out instead of bulging. He stands at about 5'7 and a half, a bit under average. He tans well in summer, but seems to retain a fair shade to his skin. His hair is a lighter brown and his eyes are a dark hazel color. In summer they are incredibly light.
Yay~ you accepted Harlequin, youre welcome to start when youre ready~

i might be adding a few more characters later.
love having a lot of characters! ive got at least 10-11 officail characters now...but only 5 in this RP. not to mention two of them are stuck anyway.

Maria Evelyn Belledon

Age(15 and up, please be diverse.): 19

Gender: Female

Job: Studying psychology in college, she works as a waitress to help pay her rent.

Personality(no "developmental" i want an actual description): Maria can be quite manipulative and devious from time to time, she enjoys "misbehaving" from time-to-time. Towards her patients she is careful and logical, never allowing sentiment to ruin her work. Maria is not above blackmail either, she is actually a fearful woman who doesn't want to lose all she's worked for. She's young to have this mindset, but Maria has learned to always be alert and cautious of people. She's cautious of relationships and love and closeness and vulnerability. But she likes being with people, she's not a shut-in or a freak. She's well-known, and comes off as arrogant and one-sided. Really, she's so much more than what she seems to be. No one can ever get close enough to see that though.

Background: Maria doesn't have much a sob story to tell, but she's always had to fend for herself. She has a natural interest in the way people work, and became a psychologist. She's taking her classes online because of the amount of work she has to do to keep her apartment. As you can guess, she's too stubborn to ask for money from others and doesn't have the parents who are helpful. She moved in a while ago, is still a new face, but not so new that you immediately approach her. She has a dangerous aura about her, an edginess you can't quite place. This is the elxact attitude that got her in big trouble. Her boyfriend (now ex) got her into a bad crowd when she was only 16. Some bad things happened that ended in her witnessing the death of someone. He tried to blame her and she ended up using the fact that she knew they killed this man as blackmail, they threatened to come after her and actually almost did get her before. She moved far away with the same identity, but an entirely new look.

Hobbies/likes: She likes to learn new things, and she enjoys excitement, adrenaline rushes, and being in control. She likes to be seen as strong and unbreakable, when really she isn't. She likes to get her way.

Fears/Dislikes: She dislikes the thought of being forgotten, she wants to make an imprint on everyone's minds. She also has commitment issues, a reason why she's single. It's because she doesn't let people in, and tries to stay cool and calculated to understand what's going on. But she dislikes others who are better than her, as she has powerful emotions she isn't afraid to show.

Other: As a girl she suffered from anxiety, low self image, and anorexia. This may be a link as to why she's so obsessed with her own looks and being in control of things. She uses what she has to her advantage; a pretty face, a strong personality, and knowing how people act and react to things.

Appearance(anime, realistic or descriptions is fine):

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Maria stands at roughly 5'3, a bit under; but only by half an inch or so. She's rather thin, but unlike this photo she has more a feminine shape. Her hair is longer, but the same blonde-brown color (for now.) It actually goes to the middle of her back. Her body is delicately curved, having a naturally small frame. She has an average chest and small hips, very much a womanly figure; but not an exaggerated one. She is partly a bit underweight from the extent of her teenhood anorexia, which she is over now. She still has the tendency to turn away food, but she eats enough. Maria usually is wearing blood red lipstick (unlike the photo, which is primarily for the face.) Her makeup is dark and winged, her skin is pale in winter/fall and tan in summer. She oozes of sensuality and tension, giving off that vibe to people. She's also very observant, and usually picks up on signs of how people view her. Surprisingly, Maria is not afraid to show her body (more afraid of showing her nude makeupless face) as she finds it to be one of her advantages to use against people. She has a great sense of fashion, and is usually wearing splendid clothing. But she's a dangerous woman, and a deeply fearful and lonesome one behind the unreadable mask; she has the best facade. No one can see through it, as it's only when people can't see that she shows her inner weakness.
She's a master of disguise and manipulation; she can get away with most anything. She knows a lot about everyone. SHE DYES HER HAIR AND WEARS HER MAKEUP DIFFERENT FREQUENTLY TO AVOID BEING NOTICED COMPLETELY. Maria is a natural brunette, and usually has either blonde or red hair.

Accepted! I was thinking that Chase would make a great person to talk to her. They might have that oil and water affect at first, but Chase is quite similar to her. He hates opening up to people and is pretty emotiionless so what better then to have a psychology student press his buttons? He iis also 19, however will soon be 20(his birthday is december 21st))
Name: Esther Rose

Age: 20

Gender: female

Job: she works at the local pet shop

Personality: Esther is a sweet girl with a love of animals. She can be shy sometimes, but tends to get along with just about anyone.

Background: Esther had a rough school life, because of her weak body she was often bullied. She has a few scars here and there that she covers up with long sleeves and pants. One notable scar i s. a long jagged one running from the side of her elbow and ending just before her wrist. After she graduiated she immediatly started at the university to study in veteranary science. She stays with her mother because her mother is sickly and often needs someone to look after her.

Hobbies: animal training, cooking, piano

Fears: she is afraid of thunderstorms.

Other: she has a black cat name Noire

Appearance: she is also thin with very fair skin and has a slightly weak body like her mother.

Sure thing! just let me make up one more character quick so Makira has someone to talk to~

Name: Elri Nari

Age(15 and up, please be diverse.): 22

Gender: Female

Job: She works for a local CD store.

Personality(no "developmental" i want an actual description): Elri is very independant, she is prideful and hates asking for help. since she lost her sight when she was young she took the time to get to know the town better so she wouldnt need to rely on others to go places. she is verymuch mobile and also like to read. since she cant see anymore she loves music and absolutely relishes in good flavorful food and beverage.

Backround: Elri lived with a foster family after she and her real parents were in a car accident. the accident killed her parents, and she received a head trauma that caused her to lose her sight. her foster parents are very caring and are also fostering 3 other children, Elris adoptive siblings. her two brothers Tim(10), and Sam(6) and her little sister Abby(7). there is such a large age difference because Elri was adopted at the age of 12 while her siblings were all adopted shortly after birth. she still lives with her foster parents in order to help take care of her younger siblings.

Hobbies/likes: reading(braille), she loves good flavorful food and drink, children.

Fears/Dislikes: she hates relying on others and she hates pity. she is afraid of heights(for obvious reasons)

Other: she has a german shepard, a trained service dog but more of a best friend then anything. the dogs name is Jethro(if you can guess why then youve gained many cool points from me xD ))

Appearance(anime, realistic or descriptions is fine):

Name: Eleanor Maple Spring (Goes by Ellie)

Age(15 and up, please be diverse.): 22

Gender: Female

Job: Grocery Store Cashier and Bagger (Going to change)

Personality (no "developmental" I want an actual description): Ellie has a bit a driven personality for helping others. Ellie level headed and does not anger quickly, though she does stand up for others voicing her opinions out loud sometimes bluntly. She can get excited and be playful knowing how to have a good time, but gage others emotions and come down or up to that level. When she does get angry enough, she will even give you the cold shoulder as she tries to figure out her emotions. Eleanor has the flaws of; obsessing to much over something or someone and disregarding herself. She is a little hard headed, and can be a bit boastful, and slightly judgmental about what others have done to help the world or their community. If Ellie does not know the answer to something, she is prone to making it up, especially if the answer will help someone. She rather give the wrong answer, than be proven to be unhelpful. She tries very hard to see the best in others yet notices the worse and tries to help combat it, if she can.

Background: Ellie does not remember the first half of her childhood very well. The doctors she has gone to came to the conclusion that something must have happen to her that caused her brain to locked away those memories of her earlier life , making blank areas, that Ellie has tried to fill with false memoires. At the age of ten, she was found curled on a porch sleeping between two dogs. Taking her into care, they found her a foster home where she lived happily loving her foster parents and siblings as her own.

Since she was helped, Ellie felt it was only right to give back, and starting volunteering and joining groups and clubs from an earlier age. She was interested in building a better life for others. When she finally graduated high school at twenty one (Yes she was behind do to being three years behind when found at ten) Ellie followed an organization who promoted fundraisers and traveled around trying to raise money for the sick, and less fortunate.

When they got to the city of Lucerne, something pulled her into the city, a feeling. When the Fundraiser of Hope went on to the next big city something told Ellie to stay. But to stay, she needed money, and a place to crash. Applying for a job at the local grocery store the manager also offered her a place to stay. Agreeing things went okay for a few months, in till the manger lowered her wages and raised her rent. Shocked, Eleanor confronted him about it, but there was little she could do, not having any other job, Ellie felt grudgingly stuck. Wishing to move out, she need a new job and a roommate to move in with somewhere, anywhere but where she is living now.

Hobbies/likes: Ellie loves the outdoors, whether she is doing an activity or taking a word search or crossword booklet out there with her to lay in the grass with. She loves to knit, and has knack for wildling, mostly animals figures.

Ellie dislikes bullies, and being late, she fears not being any help, and only getting in the way. She also has a weird fear of bananas.

Ellie has a special hate for bullies due to her bullying in school, being so far behind. Ellie does have a small self-esteem when it comes to her education, but has more confidence now that she finished high school. Yet knowing that a person her age should have been done with college by now makes her feel a bit down, although she has no idea what she where to go with her life, not finding a job that suits her extreme lust to help everyone. Ellie does try to make herself unlock the hidden parts of her past, not afraid or hiding form it, she wants to know. Yet, all the tactics she has tried comes to no progress.

Appearance(anime, realistic or descriptions is fine): Ellie is about 5'5 and has a good weight for a women her age. Ellie prefers loose fitting clothing, nothing tight and constricting. Ellie does not wear makeup preferring to go all natural, and keeps her hair mostly down.
( Oppsy! I'm sorry! Thanks for approving her, heh I'm not use to the whole approval thing, so sorry!)

Joan Harper Badrick

Age(15 and up, please be diverse.): 21

Gender: Female

Job: Student at college, planning to become a nurse (does theatre on the side)

Personality(no "developmental" i want an actual description): She's rather stubborn, fierce at times (but mostly docile and tolerant unless you get on her bad side), she has a bit of an attitude, but she strives to be polite (only those close to her or incredibly irritating hear her catch phrase "p!ss off"), She is cautious/doesn't trust people easily, Joan has a big heart and is very smart behind that. She has good morals, but sometimes she pushes those aside in order to make things right. Joan is difficult sometimes, but she's generally very mundane and easy to deal with compared to a majority of other people. She is adventurous though, unlike Theodore.


Joan grew up near Brighton, but her family moved more often than others. She was always involved with family, being very close; naturally she knew something was off when her cousins became very distant and the family wasn't as close. She couldn't pinpoint what it was, but she knew something was off. Eventually Theodore opened up to her about what happened when their Uncle had died, and she was horrified. Joan tries to help everyone but herself, it seems. She always wanted to help people, why she's becoming a nurse. Joan moved to Lucerne from London, just like her COUSIN THEODORE. This was because she wanted to expand, and Teddy told her that Lucerne was very nice. She just arrived, and already has things set up with a medical school to start classes; she just needs to find a place to stay (just like him.)

Hobbies/likes: Jazz music, warm sweaters, cold weather, ADVENTURE, and being self-reliant. As hobbies she does acting/dancing/singing (the basics of theatre. Although she's not the BEST dancer, she has a natural grace from doing ballet as a child.) Her singing voice sounds a bit like Norah Jones or someone, as she is a jazz singer primarily. She isn't upfront about these things, as she hates being overly complimented. She's usually in local plays/musicals, how she gets involved with the community. Her parents taught her how to play piano as well, but she usually just writes jazzy songs; and isn't good enough to use it in any way other than recreational fun. (like mee
xD )

Fears/Dislikes: She dislikes being seen as small/weak/frail (which is usually perceived when you look at her), boredom, bad food, and loneliness

She is Theodore's cousin and smokes cigarettes every now and then. But because she doesn't let anyone in, or show her own problems; she is dangerously high in chance that she could become depressed or cut off from the world.

Appearance(anime, realistic or descriptions is fine):

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Joan isn't a very big girl, standing at 4'10 and weighing roughly 90 pounds. Her body is curvy, very curvy in fact. She has large hips, a large bum, tiny waist and ribcage with slightly over-average chest. She definitely doesn't accentuate her curves though, almost always seen in a chunky knitted sweater or a thick coat with a drab skirt/pair of old jeans. Her blonde hair is messy, usually pulled into a lazy bun (as depicted in the photograph above) and sometimes she doesn't even bother wearing makeup (as seen in the photograph below.) Her eyes are a beautiful hazel that is very light in summer and dark in winter. Her eyes change color, from near brown to vivid light green. She has no freckles and rather good skin. Her voice has a slight rasp to it from her smoking habit, but it's generally higher than how she sings (as she strives for that grundgy pure jazz sound.) She likes to cover Beatles songs and plays piano to it. Her hair is a little bit past her shoulders, as she's growing it out from when she cut it short and spiked it a lot as a teenager. She was a bit of a punk, but her grades are very important to her now.
Name: Cana Lovsaf (or CL)

Age(15 and up, please be diverse.): 20

Gender: Female

Job: College student and part time job at a bakery

Personality(no "developmental" i want an actual description): Very laid back, not serious personality.Smart, witty, creative, kind and friendly to strangers, has a few close friends, always going to parties, social, seems to know everyone, makes friends easy, and has a very strong appetite for any and everything. Has a "I don't care.." attiude to people who annoy her. Level headed and doesn't seem to have a temper. She is very aloof to people, even her close friends.

Backround: Cana has never been a serious person since she was little, she lived with both her parents in a beach house her whole childhood but when her mother passed away due to an illness, her and her father packed their bags and moved to the city. In her pre-teen years she adjusted to the city life and began hanging out with, what her father would call "the wrong crowd". After the death of her mother, her and her father's relationship died, as they have to different personality, where she's laid back and not serious but her father is hard-working and serious. After she graduated high school, Cana quickly moved out of her fathers city apartment to a studio apartment in the middle of the city. Now she's working in college and at work to pay rent, but somehow still makes time for the late night parties and the fast pace city life.

Hobbies/likes: Food, trying new food, panting, graffiti, cooking, reading, music, men, old people, partying, animals, yoga, cigs, coffee, energy drinks, playing chess, scratching records, movies, collect records, sushi, egg rolls, pasta.

Fears/Dislikes: Dislikes spiders and any kind of bugs, scary movies alone, liers, party poopers, annoying people, complainers, being sick, begin hungry, sweet stuff, bitter food, burnt food, dull food.

Other: You can mostly find Cana wandering around the city at night graffiting walls and street corners. Or find her sleeping some place. Plus she always have her headphones in. And you can also find her playing chess with old people in parks or old folks home.

Appearance(anime, realistic or descriptions is fine):

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Cana has long jet black hair, violet color eyes, cream skin tone, a beauty mark on the right side of her lip, stands about 5'3, slender figure, slim waist, and bust size around 33C. Fair skin, doesn't wear a lot of make-up, she has a very funky style to her outfits as she always changes what she wears everyday (which seems to be the only thing she takes serious). Her voice is calm and smooth, even though she smokes cigs. She also drinks a lot of coffee (due to her always being up late at nights) and wearing sunglasses to hide the bags under her eyes and when it's sunny out. Outfit for when the RP starts (if I get approved :D ) :

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Name: Rowen Ryan Regius (Parent's liked the alliteration.)

Age(15 and up, please be diverse.): 18

Gender: Male

Job: Currently a waiter/ cook / bus boy at a struggling Mom and pop cafe. (juggles whatever position they need)

Personality(no "developmental" i want an actual description): One on One: A joking and overly sarcastic ass of an adolescent adult. He is fun loving and easy to get along with to a point he can be found annoying or insensitive. He is known to be cold hearted by all ex girlfriends he has had and a recluse by most of his friends. His ex girlfriends call him this due to him never attaching himself to the girl, He has never cried in front of anyone outside of family. He is always the one breaking up with his girlfriends, after getting bored with them. His interior emotional spectrum is somewhat dim with him accepting things as fate, always living with what life throws at him. He would rather stay at home then go out and party with his friends. He comes off as a jerk when people don't understand his sarcasm. The trust fund money has made him seem spoiled and superior to people.

Group: when he is out and about, he is a social light drawing all around him with his charm and humor. He can change his mood towards people instantly. Usually your first impression is always better then the next one.

His outlook on others is, you are an idiot unless proven different.

Background: Rowen wasn't always a man who devalued relationships and others. During his freshman year of high school he first fell in love with a beautiful girl. They were happy... lost in their puppy love. She eventually grew tired of their relationship and went off and cheated on him with his best friend. The girl kept stringing Rowen along. A month went by without him knowing only to find out when he saw them together late at night when she said she had "club activities" so she couldn't see Rowen that night. Shocked and sent into despair he locked himself in his room for 2 days... When he finally arrived to school on Tuesday he found out that all his friends he knew already knew about the scandal but were afraid to tell him. Betrayed and humiliated by thinking all of them were his friends he ended things with the girl calling her a whore in front of all of her friends. Starting a fight with his best friend and getting suspended for 5 days. In those 5 days he cut ties with everyone from his past. Realizing he has to only rely on himself and people and the relationships between them are only for selfish reasons using them to their own advantage. Damaged, scarred he now only values girls and friends like chess pieces... expendable to his cause. Striding through relationships not caring for their emotions at all He played it like a game. He has finally gotten expelled from the his old school and is sent away to the city of Lucerne 100's of miles away from where he used to live. To live on the trust fund his dead grandparents left him and that his father tried to steal from him. In this new city he now starts the last year of High school as the new kid in a new world. He only took the job because he was bored and wanted something to fill his schedule.

He is the baby of the family only being close to his mother and sister. He despises his father, step-father and older brother.

Hobbies/likes: Movies, books, classical music, cooking and playing any type of game.

Fears/Dislikes: People, Losing someone important, and most insects.


Appearance(anime, realistic or descriptions is fine):

Accepted [MENTION=4543]Humor[/MENTION], i love the happy picture! actually i love both :P you can go ahead to the RP! right now pretty much all the characters are adults, however i do have two teen characters who got stuck awhile back, 1 girl and 1 boy.

by the way, im about to time skip to the next day, soon as all the characters go home to sleep. the next day is going to be a saturday, so you wont have school right away. if you have questions or comments, im all ears. (or eyes i guess?) lol
Well if we would like to make it more convenient and easier i can change him to a high school graduate who took a semester off to go travel and now he is back in a new city.

I mean easy fix and stuff if it leads to more actions and drama to characters. He is pretty much here to annoy and pester all the people who are shy and hate annoying people. He is a... damaged character, who wants more to be like him.
You don't have to make him a graduate. Like I said, I have two highschool age charactters. The guyCian, is a bit of a flirt, but in a semi polite way and Emerald is sort of a tomboy. She can be naive when it comes to guys, which is why Cian has long sing given up flirting with her. EmerLd and Cian are friends, Cian is a senior highschool student, while Emerald is a junior.

I'm sure you could stir something with these two, yes? I know all about broken characters as I have one myself...Chase, who is a total jerk and hates everyone xD my intention with Chase is usually soneone gets him to open up and ignores his mean ways until he likes them
[MENTION=2768]StarDust[/MENTION], Would it be alright for me to use my siblings' character since they didn't use him? It's Alexander Morrison.

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