Lucerne, The City of Life ~Characters and Info~

Name: Akira Jane Yamamoto

Age: (early) 17

Gender: Female

Job: Works part-time at a anime store. Student; Fourth Year of High School.

Personality: Akira is a very laid-back character. She may get a bit temperamental at times, though it's easy to cool that hot head of hers. She's a bit of an otaku. Though, this girl has been known to cause trouble in her past. She's not a bad person, just someone who doesn't think before she acts. She may say one thing without meaning it from time to time. Don't take it personally, though. The girl doesn't have a thick skull and will understand if she truly offended you. This girl has actually gotten into a few fights in her past due to letting something slip her lips. She may look vulnerable, but don't egg her on. She can punch. But, that's what living with a brother does to a girl I guess.

To be honest the girl is rather smart. Not a genius, per se. Though, she does have a brain in that head of hers. Even though her laziness overpowers her educated mind, and she often doesn't want to put forth the effort to learn.

Background: Akira was born in Tokyo, Japan. Her father was an American business man, and her brother a Japanese house wife. She also had a brother, Karou, whom was older than her. They weren't rich. They weren't spoiled. They just lived on the money that her father provided to live on. Due to her father traveling a lot, her brother was considered the man of the house most of the time. She looked up to him. Though, she would never admit that. When she was young, she was often praised for her singing. It was a little thing that meant nothing to her. But every time a friend of her mother's would come over, they would all ask to hear her "lovely voice" again. The younger complied. Though, she honestly didn't like being the center of attention. Her third year of high school, her father announced they would be moving to some place known as Lucerne. Akira had never moved in her life, but the time in between that time and the time that they left seemed too short. She can barely remembering saying goodbye to her friends.

Adjusting to a new surrounding was hard. All it consisted of was unpacking, looking around, unpacking some more, assembling things, and for her brother, finding a job. The house seemed empty as they finally finished unpacking. Her brother had gone working, as well as her father. Mother always seemed busy cleaning, cooking, reading, and sometimes taking strolls. Most of the time, Akira would sit in her room, reading manga, or going to a manga store which was just across the street from her new house. Luckily, the store owner seemed to take a liking to her because she had gotten a job from that exact store. Though, it's only part-time until she can get a new job.

Hobbies/likes: Singing, Writing Stories, Drawing, Playing Guitar, Reading Manga

Fears/Dislikes: Lolicons, Being the Center of Attention, Staying at Home, Loosing her Temper

Other:She can ignore something so well it will regret its existence.

Appearance(anime, realistic or descriptions is fine):

Name: Karou James Yamamoto

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Job: Bartender with a bad habit

Personality: Karou... to put the least.... is a flirt. He'll talking to anyone who won't deny him. And by anyone... he means anyone. Men, Ladies. Though, not children or old people because... you know... ew. You'll always see him chatting up some chick or dude at the bar. Whether he goes home with them or not is a different story, though. He does, afterall, have his limits. He often avoids staying away from home as much as possible. Though, when he's home he'll often tease his younger sister. Her reactions were hilarious! How can you not tease a girl if her reactions are always priceless? He often makes crude jokes, but mostly keeps his comments in his head. (If he always spoke his mind, it would drive the ladies away.) Anyway, the young male does like his job and the perks of it, but he also likes staying at home and having a nice chat with his sister... sometimes.

Background: As you already know, Akira and Karou are siblings. Him being the eldest, he always watched over his younger sister and taught her the "No-No's" of the world. No, his father never being home did not bother him. It gave him power over his younger sister. It also taught him to be independent. Yes, he may have grown a sister-complex over the years, but he practically raised the child! Who wouldn't? Anyway, the move bugged him because after that, his sister became a little less social to both his parents and himself. Though, he would only call it... a "Female Teenage Thing". Makes sense? Yes. Anyway... his job does interfere with his free time. There's those little breaks in between where he would smoke a cigarette or maybe drink, and sometimes even dance. Though, he'd barely ever wander away from the club. It was his domain. He practically owned the place. Almost everyone knew him and he's made his marks in history from that place. To be honest he likes this Lucerne better than Tokyo.

Hobbies/likes: Smoking, Flirting, Drinking, Going to the Park (sometimes), Playing Piano, Singing (sometimes), teasing his sister

Fears/Dislikes: Shoot ups, Drunks (risky people, they are), His Sister acting rebellious

Other: He's more of a lover than a fighter. Though, he'll kill someone if they hurt his family.

Appearance(anime, realistic or descriptions is fine):


Aurora Starlette

Age(15 and up, please be diverse.):





Bath and Body Works, a soap store in the local mall.

Personality(no "developmental" i want an actual description):

Aurora is bouncy and playful, often teasing playfully. She loves to laugh, grin, tell jokes and smile, giving her the up-beat reputation of the girl who's always happy.


Aurora used to live an average life- a mom, a dad, an older brother, it was all happy and bubbly. Until it happened. Her parents couldn't take it. The screaming, the yelling, the crying. Her older brother tended to be a bit rough with her, casuing many "accidental" injuries. Her parents left for Las Vegas, sending postcards once every year. Of course no one was happy with this, but Aurora's older brother took it the worst. When he wasn't moaping and depressed, he was abusing her. though she gets smacked around, she still remains happy.


Aurora loves to babysit, and she's obsessed with children (in the most non pedophile way possible.)


She's scared of her brother and dislikes most thug rats, yet again who doesn't? She also hates/fears the color green for a reason she prefers not to tell anyone.


(if its not a problem) She's been good friends with Cian for a few years, but they were never in a relationship. (nor has she thought of him like that)

Appearance(anime, realistic or descriptions is fine):

View attachment 10810
All accepted!

[MENTION=2525]NebulaSkies[/MENTION] you need to edit your post. its currently lunch time and Cian is still at school! he is sitting with Emerald and a few others

will you be working on my bar ? or on your own ?
Name: Timmy LaRusso

Age(15 and up, please be diverse.): 21

Gender: Male

Job: Timmy is currently working at Harlem's, a pretty popular gym; besides the YMCA.

Personality(no "developmental" i want an actual description): Tim has a tough guy appearance but honestly he is a softie. He is said to be a flirt, but that usually gets him in a few sticky situations. He likes to have fun, especially in sports. He also has an 'ugly' side to him, if the people that he loves or cares for are hurt or are teased, he will without a doubt, do something. Although, that side comes out rarely, he can be the happiest guy in the world. Tim is a total athlete and is obsessed with sports as much a he plays them. He is looking to be in a relationship, but not in a rushed one; a steady one.

Backround: Tim grew up with Dani; they were best friends. Unlike Dani, he moved to Lucerne when he turned 16. He moved because his mom got transferred from Florida. Tim grew up in a full family of 5; with his parents and siblings. He is the oldest of three kids, he has two younger sisters, Hallie and Jordan. He also has a younger brother named Dillon. When he moved to Lucerne, he instantly absorbed himself with sports, and attended Lucerne High school and eventually the University. After graduating, and getting his degree in Physical Education, he applied for a job at Harlem's. He got it, and has been working there ever since. To add, he has just met Dani at the Y, that was a coincidence.

Hobbies/likes: Sports, Phys Ed, having fun, flirting (when it's appropriate and when it's not), joking around and meeting new people. His dog, Oliver.

Fears/Dislikes: Anger, betrayal, bad luck, sadness, split homes, and seeing himself and others around him fail.

Other: This is Oliver:

Appearance(anime, realistic or descriptions is fine):

Mind if Genesis and Shawn work together? ^.^ He’ll only be there after school till the café closes and weekends but I can see them getting along some. Course one could claim Shawn isn’t the best server due to his extra silent ways and the owner may have just hired him out of guilt and being good friends with his mother in the past. xD I’m going to say that is probably the rumor around there when it comes to him.

Kylie Jones (Goes by Kiki though)

Age(15 and up, please be diverse.):


University student, photographer for the newspaper

Personality(no "developmental" i want an actual description):

Kiki is VERY outgoing and artistic woman. She’s not afraid to tell you what she thinks to your face and if you don’t like it you can prove her wrong or move on. Was never very good when it came to school but with some help she got by with B’s and C’s. Going to college for art in which she loves to do, and at time her room and herself might have random flecks of paints or chalk or whatever she used recently still on her.


Kiki was raised by two a single dad who did all he could to keep his baby girl steered in the right direction. Her mom ‘dying’ at a young age or so she was told, in truth she just ran off leaving him alone with a child. He tended to be a bit over protective though since she was all he had at times, his saving grace in this dark world. It was one reason she was sent to an all girl’s private school for high school. Usually busy with his work (decent paying job) he spent what little time he did have with his daughter. Kiki though in her own nature was a very talkative girl and tended to get in trouble for curiousity sake, keeping his hand full for the most part.

It was Becca's freshman year in high school when she met Becca during being tutored, her sophmore. Latched on to that poor girl like nothing else saying she could just read how sweet the girl was. Tried to help the girl get out of her shell from time to time but unlike others was never one to force what she saw was unwanted. When Becca decided on a university Kiki tagged along, claiming Becca was the only friend she had that she could trust and there was no way she would be left alone. Now she’s a roommate of hers and Peter, just trying to keep things real and make sure Becca doesn’t end up falling to the shadows unless she’s needed.

Art, parties, chillin, arguing at times as long as it’s all in fun

People who use others, People who tell others how they should live their lives, boring stuff

((This character had help from Autumn xD so she knows about the whole room mate thing and all with her characters in fact was who suggested it.))

Appearance (anime, realistic or descriptions is fine):

Name: Eriond Calvar

Age(15 and up, please be diverse.): 25

Gender: male

Job: Proprietor of a Small Video Game store

Personality(no "developmental" i want an actual description): Eriond is an easy going person and likes his life exactly the way it and has no personal ambitions greater than running his shop and maintaining his current lifestyle, he enjoys sitting in parks on a sunny day. Eriond is a person who likes to talk with others but has no personal hangups on spending a night alone. He is not overly concerned when it comes to romance and is in-fact quite oblivious to flirting though he himself flirts inadvertently and without realising.

Backround: Born and Bred in Lucerne, Eriond has had no inkling to leave his long-time home and believes his life to be perfect just as it is, currently he makes a steady earning and can afford to splurge now and then but he prefers low key scenes and is simply happy with going to a jazz bar for a night out and returning to his small apartment in the CBD. Erionds parents have higher expectations of him but do not overtly interfere in his life, though his mother has taken a particular interest in his love life and continuously questions his sexual Orientation, her son simply deflects the question by maintaining that he has an ‘open mind’. Eriond has had one major realtionship though he tends to avoid the subject with great fervor and maintains it was just a fling and will not speak of it beyond that.

Hobbies/likes: Eriond is an avid reader and a fan of Gridiron though he couldn’t pass a ball even if his life depended on it. He attends the Gym routinely and is of course a nerd in most respects.

Fears/Dislikes: Eriond fears the unknown which is why he has no ambitions beyond working in his shop, he hates it when his friends ask him to party and end up spending the whole time on their phones.

Other: He is an entrepeneur and has invested several multimedia companies (just to explain why he owns an apartment and a game shop)


Name: Amanda (I want a Girl, I might add a boy in and saying that he is her boyfriend)

Age(15 and up, please be diverse.): 17

Gender: Femaleee

Job: Tutor.

Personality(no "developmental" i want an actual description): Great with children, She has a very special bond with children, and She also can be very good with Animalss

Backround: She was a very kind girl until she started Middle school, than she started being bullied, and she changed... She is still nice to children though

Hobbies/likes: Rabbits, Children, and her hobby is Fashion designing

Fears/Dislikes: Bullies, and Weapons.

Other: She will get a BF later on

Appearance(anime, realistic or descriptions is fine):'re accepted, however the bf thing is a bit iffy. For some reason I always feel awkward about one persons characters going out. It leaves little room for the character to develope with others because they are interacting with eachother. With that in mind, make sure your two characters are interacting. Have fun ^^
Age(15 and up, please be diverse.): 23


Job: Lumber Mill

Personality(no "developmental" i want an actual description): Luke is a bit of a hard headed person who is a bit loud and perhaps even annoying at times and has no problem voicing his opinion about ideas or people. Along with that luke is also a hard working man just trying to get by with as few problems as possible along with hopefully cureing his own. He can even be aggressive or violent at times if hes tempted enough but if you'er on his good side he's some what of a genuine person. At times Luke is a bit strange because of his emotions. Enjoys having the feeling of being safe or secure but still willing to trust some people.

Backround: Luke never had the best childhood his family was poverty stricken and lived in a household with yelling and often domestic disputes and sometimes even violence unfortunetly Luke was there and witnessed it all. As Luke got older he lost his father from a over dose of pills and stumbled apoun his body late in the night. Through that experince Luke taught himself how to be the man he was today strong independent and one hell of a worker but still had some qualitys of his father. To this day Luke lives in one of the poverty stricken neighborhoods in the town of Lucerne and just tries to get by.

Hobbies/likes:Hard work , Puzzles, some people , Hard or loud music , Strange fasination of firearms.

Fears/Dislikes: Liars and untrustful people , Poverty , simple tasks

Other:Unknown where his mother is.

Appearance(anime, realistic or descriptions is fine): Luke has black messy hair that he usually wears a beanie over along with a white and a bit dirty slevless muscle shirt ,Black tribal tatto on his right shoulder and a black zip up sweat shirt that fades to a dark blue, A scar on the left side of his neck , Dark blue pants and a pair of old and somewhat clean white shoes.

((If something needs to be more in depth or changed tell me :3))
Oct: I'm just curious, does Luke have a job? if so where does he work? Sometimes we talk about how to let our characters meet in the shout box and through the work place usually ends up being an opinion.

Edit: nm I just noticed where it said job lol sorry. Well you can always join us and chat with us in shout box anyways. ^.^

Name:Noah Duhn

Age(15 and up, please be diverse.):23


Job:works at his own library

Personality(no "developmental" i want an actual description):very quiet and speaks very little,but acts very sweet and is very smart.

Background:He's always lived a quiet,normal life,that is until he found two young boys sitting in an ally almost starved to death.He took them in and it's been ruff since he could barely keep himself going,but he wasn't going to just leave them to die.He was told that the boys had no names and no family and Noah had no idea where they came from or how long they had stayed alone. Well the three managed and Noah named them Robin and John from one of there favorite books,Robin hood.He kept them as his sons and they helped his with his jobs,they started actually talking after they seemed to trust him more and Noah started smiling more after he took them in.

Hobbies/likes:Reading,writing,working,board/card games

Fears/Dislikes:He has a terrible fear of fire and dislikes anyone who messes with his 'sons'

Other:Has a pet wolf named Nightmare which stays in his book store

Appearance(anime, realistic or descriptions is fine):



Name:Robin Duhn

Age(15 and up, please be diverse.):17


Job:Noah's helper

Personality(no "developmental" i want an actual description):Stubborn and doesn't trust many people,he's a pain and gets in trouble a lot and doesn't let anyone hurt John.

Background:Him and his brother lost there family in an accident when they were little and they had lived alone since then.They were barely holding on when Noah found them,at first they were scared and nervous about Noah after he took them to his house and fixed them up they warmed to him a bit. They stayed with Noah though Robin still didn't trust him he knew if they took off they wouldn't make it on there own. After a long time Robin trusted Noah with his life and knew Noah trusted him as well.

Hobbies/likes:Noah and John,running,magic tricks,books

Fears/Dislikes:anyone who touches him,loud noises

Other:Him and John are brothers and have a cat named shadow

Appearance(anime, realistic or descriptions is fine):


Name:John Duhn

Age(15 and up, please be diverse.):16


Job:Noah's helper

Personality(no "developmental" i want an actual description):A very childish boy who's shy around older people,He's very sweet and loving too.

Background:Unlike Robin,John liked Noah and was one reason why Robin stayed. Though John never really talked it turned out that his voice box had been damaged and he couldn't speak or it'd get worse,After finding this out Noah had taken John to the doctor and his voice box has slowly started to heal.He's able to speak a few words now but not to loudly.

Hobbies/likes:Messing with Robin,all types of food,sword fighting

Fears/Dislikes:People he doesn't know

Other:Robin's younger brother

Appearance(anime, realistic or descriptions is fine):

There cat:
I won't be able to post this weekend, I have a wedding six hours away to attend (I don't like dressing up
Name: Chiba Masato

Gender: Male

Age: 21

Job: Messenger, aspiring cyclist, and mailman

Personality: Shy, when put on the spot often nervous, sometimes jumpy, easy going, hides his emotions from strangers, like to joke a bit, opens up a lot when he trusts someone, distant, air-headed at times, has a hard time expressing what he really feels to some people and it seems flustered or aggravated, touchy, and as he gets to know your character better for better or worse he shows more emotions.

Background- He was born and raised in Japan and had a rough life growing up, but he got out of school and decided to move to America and live with his aunt for awhile until he got on his own feet. He struggled with English in school and never really learned anything. Other then English he had top grades in all other subjects. He was a bookworm and often picked on by his classmates. Of course it hurt but it was nothing bad. What the hardest thing was watching his parents spiral out of their relationship. He was often caught up in the middle of it all. They often had fights at night, and his father drank and often beat him. It was so bad one day he broke down in school only causing him to collapse even more. One day when he mother and father had come and got him from school and took his out to eat his dad and mom got drunk at the restaurant and he wasn't able to drive yet so he was forced to ride with them. On the way home they collided with another car head on and his parents were killed on impact. He walked away with a few broken bones and a concussion and a morbid fear of cars. This is when he really learned to hate other people, but he had a few friends but they knew nothing. Since he arrived in America in the (small?) city of Lucerne, he has begun to learn more English but in the two years he has been in the city he has made no other friends and lived a solitary life, even though he was a messenger for business in the city.

Hobbies, Likes: He loves reading, cycling, pressing flowers, walking, watching the clouds, sketching, cats, sunsets, sunrises photography, and he adores music.

Fears, dislikes: He has a morbid fear of cars, heights, being judged, being in large crowds, he dislikes cloudy and rainy days, lies, fake relationships, deliveries to the small red light district.

AppearanceView attachment 11622 See the picture
Here is my character!

Romel Lee Angelo

Age (15 and up, please be diverse.): 21

Gender: Male

Job: Computer Programmer/Data Entry

Personality(no "developmental" i want an actual description): Due to his past of running and hiding you would think Romel would be withdrawn and not open well, he is only slightly Romel always found companionship in a few people each place he moved, so he is not that hard to open up, it’s just that much of what he opens up to someone about himself is usually only half true when it comes to his past. If question further, Romel will change the subject or become cold and even nasty in attempts to ward you off . Romel is very even tempered and can give heartfelt almost wise advice or encouragement that ironically, he cannot even follow himself. Romel has always been the daring sort, so if there is something new that he has not tried or heard of, he is eager to give it a go. Being deprived of some things due to his life style, Romel has a tendency to become childishly jealous of things people have, so he will either become agitated or outwardly downgrade whatever it is he is so jealous of. Along with this flaw comes another one, he can become to overly competitive in a challenge, even if it’s a friendly one. Romel is a guy that has a dark past, but is overall a good person trying to leave it behind, he has some things he needs to resolve and figure out. Romel hopes he found a place he can truly began to work out the person he is.

Background: Romel is not an open person about his past, because he finds it hard to comprehend how it all went so bad to begin with. At an early age growing up in New York City was rough, living with his aunt, and two cousins, Romel lived a life of dangerous play and wild triumphs. School was never important and going to a bad inner city school, Romel just skirted by enough to pass through most of his education. Expect for a computer class, where he was made to learn, this fueled his love for technology and computers.

Around the age of sixteen Romel ran off and no one saw the kid since, than rumors were whispered by friends and neighbors as why the boy ran off, but none were proven, and the cops soon gave up on looking. Romel stayed hidden though, moving from place to place going under false aliases when he had to move again. He moved around a lot, than got sick of it, done running from his past, he deiced there was only one way to get the chasers off of his case, death.

His attempted was a good one, and it did do as he wished or so he thought, but he remained alive. Romel did not remember who found him, but awake in a hospital, after recuperating and making sure he was not suicidal, they released him. At nineteen, Romel was now faced with the thought, that his past could no longer harm him, that he was free from it.

Wanting to take hold of that freedom and change his life, he started out by taking classes and soon was skilled in computers as a programmer for websites and data entry for important documents. Seeking a job and a fresher start, Romel found Lucerne as well as a job opening in his field of work. Applying and going there for the interview, Romel scooped out apartments finding a simple one bedroom one bath affordable enough for him. Romel waited to the job was secure before putting down a deposit.

Romel plans on arriving in town today, having a bit of road trip ahead of him. Living in Lucerne means a new start, a fresh chance, but can he mentally and emotionally get over whatever his past had been? And on top of that, is his past truly over? Will it come back to haunt him in more than just his nightmares?

Romel likes to write to organize his thoughts especially when he has bad dreams it helps him put things into perspective. He also recently required the taste of playing the harmonica; he really likes spicy food and watching people and the sun rise and set from high up places.

Fears/Dislikes: He fears his past, and even if he thinks it’s gone, he fears what it has done. Romel is not a big fan of fire, rarely using it to even to cook.

Other: He has a scar on his left side, which wraps half way around his waist; its healed but leaves a mysterious mark. He rides a motorcycle.

Appearance: Romel is average height for is age, and a little on the skinny side from rationing and not eating properly, he has pale skin that can burn easily. Red hair is straight, in the back falls to mid neck, while his bangs hang a little above his nose frequently getting in his dark jade-green eyes. Romel dresses causally in jeans, shirts and always some sort of jacket, he favors his long coat he tends to wear it open. Romel is comfortable in boots and tennis shoes, but will tolerate a pair of sandals if the weather calls for it.

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