Lucerne, The City of Life ~Characters and Info~


Cupcake Fairy

Lucerne, better known to most as Alfalfa, has its own meaning in the Language of the Flowers: Life

Lucerne is a prosperous city, full of life. people go about their day, their jobs, families, friends. while Life is not without its faults, everyone copes in different ways. this city has much to offer, what kind of life awaits those here?

If this RP thread caught your interest, welcome! i have great intentions and much planning to do here. this isnt just a realiustic slice of lice RP, this is Generations material for me. a Generations RP sees long term goals and character growth. characters can start anywhere really. you can watch them struggle through high school, deal with tragedy, see deaths or births even! theres gradtuation, long term relationships and so much story to be built. with that said, i have have trouble find RPs that survive that long, so im making one of my own in hopes that people will commit a little time for fun!

Lucerne City can have whatever you want, parks, cafes shops of all kinds. characters should be diverse, please NO MARY SUES.

For the sake of relationship development, no outright claiming of romantic partners. if two people happen to go for one character, you characters should work it out because romantic drama makes good stories!

Characters should be teens or older, your character can hold any part time job, go to the highschool or university or adults have their job of choosing. if theres any problem with character job choices i will inform you.

General Rules:

~no godmodding

~keep it pg 13

~4-5 sentence replies please, 3 sentences is the absolute minimum.

~be literate. no text lingo(unless your character is texting someone)

~please use good grammar

~be reasonable with romance, i dont want to see two characters meet and then be in love on the next two pages or RP

~pre-arranged friendships are fine, its boring if all the characters are just meeting eachother.

~im the GM so if there is any trouble PM me

Character Skelly:


Age(15 and up, please be diverse.):



Personality(no "developmental" i want an actual description):





Appearance(anime, realistic or descriptions is fine):

Please dont post till youve been approved, i have high hopes for this RP!

MY Characters(i shall have many!!))

Name: Faith Ernst

Age(15 and up, please be diverse.): 22

Gender: Female

Job: Florist

Personality(no "developmental" i want an actual description): Faith is a warm hearted motherly person. even when faced with death she is always smiling, even in pain. she likes to make others smile so most of her tears are shed in private. she loves children.

Backround: Faith was a normal child, she played with her little sister Emerald, loved learning how to cook, loved making friends. she grew up in a normal home as well, however her father passed away from a terrible case of pneumonia when she was 16.she graduated Lucerne High at 18, high distinction, but not top of her class.when she was 20 her mom was hospitalized for breast cancer, went into remission for a year before it came back. Due to their mothers hospitalization Emerald lives with Faith. Faith now works as a Florist for a local greenhouse.

Hobbies/likes: Gardening, Cooking, Singing, Cats, Children. she loves to receive flowers as gifts.

Fears/Dislikes:she is afraid if spiders and doesn't like spicy food.

Other: she has a pet cat named Frost, a pure white short hair.

Appearance(anime, realistic or descriptions is fine):


Name: Emerald Ernst

Age(15 and up, please be diverse.): 16

Gender: Female

Job: she works part-time at a sporting goods store

Personality(no "developmental" i want an actual description): Emerald is out going and sporty, naive with love and a tomboy. she has had a boy or two try to flirt with her and not even noticed. she has average grades and loves to take walks with her MP3 player.

Backround: Emerald backround is basically the same as Faiths, except she is still enrolled at Lucerne High.

Hobbies/likes: Soccer is her passion, and she loves music. she is a surprisingly good cook and loves puppies. her one girlish point is her ability to dance.

Fears/Dislikes: she is afraid of thunderstorms and cant stand bitter foods, mainly coffee.

Other: she is friends with Cian.

Appearance(anime, realistic or descriptions is fine):

Name:Chase Stihn

Age(15 and up, please be diverse.): 19

Gender: Male

Job: he works at a guitar shop in town.

Personality(no "developmental" i want an actual description): Chase is a loner. he is easily irritated and not the nicest person. he is cold and sarcastic and wont hesistate to push away anyone ho tries to get close.

Backround: when he was 10 his mother left his father for a rich politician. Chase had no choice but to atch his father turn to alcohol. while his father constantly ran around the house in a drunken stupor he often spent time with his childhood friend. unfortunately, when Chase was 12 his friend died of leukemia. after that Chase holed himself up in his room with his friends old guitar, teaching himself to play and often singing till he lost his voice. he taught himself to sing from the heart, but for him it was mostly pain. a month after he turned 17 his father was involved in an accident that killed a family of four. he was locked up in prison on counts for drunk driving and vehicular homicide. by that time he had been working at the guitar shop long enough to rent himself an apartment and escape what was left of his past. he decided that the only way to avoid bneing hurt as to avoid others. he doesnt easily let people in because he is afraid of betrayal and loss.

Hobbies/likes: Guitar, singing, and he has a soft spot for animals.

Fears/Dislikes: he hates busy places and cant stand obnoxious people.

Other: he has a dwarf hamster named Eddy. he also attends the music branch of Lucerne University.

Appearance(anime, realistic or descriptions is fine):


Name:Cian (pronounced Shaun) Asters

Age(15 and up, please be diverse.): 18

Gender: Male

Job: he works at a petshop

Personality(no "developmental" i want an actual description): Cian is upbeat and sporty. he is always cheerful, but can be a bit flirty with the ladies. his flirtatious styles tend to be gentlemanly since he respects women. he likes to play around and will sometimes flirt with certain girls to help get another guys attention. he tends to play a dangersous type of matchmaker this way.

Backround:Cian grew up with military parents. they were only around about half as much as normal parents would be, if not less because of their deployments. his parents are decorated Marines, they both have purple hearts for surviving a car bombing. they were lucky to get away with nothing more than severe burns. his father also has a silver star. Cian has great respect for his parents and never minded spending time alone in their large apartment as long as he received letters every so often. at this point he pays for most of his living expenses out of his own pocket so that his parents can put a lot of money away for the trip they plan to take around the world after their current deployment in Afghanistan. Cian is on his last year at Lucerne High.

Hobbies/likes: rollerblading, ice skating, he is also good at formal dancing and enjoys soccer as well as hiking.

Fears/Dislikes: heights make him uncomfortable and he hates it when people disrespect women.

Other:he is friends with Emerald.

Appearance(anime, realistic or descriptions is fine):
Name: Danielle (Dani) Eliott

Age(15 and up, please be diverse.): 20

Gender: Female

Job: She works at the YMCA as a personal trainer, and a basketball coach.

Personality(no "developmental" i want an actual description): Dani is a hard working girl, all that she has ever done is work for what she has. She doesn't like being wrong, but accepts it. Dani is a total sports freak, she knows how to keep herself busy, but is also a very chill girl. She is somewhat of a sucker for relationships and romance. She is a sweetheart, she could basically warm up to anyone, but can be really stubborn.

Backround: Dani is from Southern United States, West Palm Beach, Florida. She grew up in a split home with two older brothers, Connor and Ricky. She moved in with her dad and Connor, while Ricky moved in with her mom. Her brother got her hooked on sports at a very young age, so every weekend, and week night she would be at some sort of sport practice. She had been playing several sports for many months, and she finally found the one she had a knack for. That sport was Surfing. Although she ha been playing other sports for years surfing came almost naturally to her. She travelled all over in tournaments until she decided that she would put the board away, and focus on basketball. She has since moved to a few other places before she stayed in Florida. Around this time, she was 15.

Dani had to give up her sports for her education, so she would get accepted into good, quality colleges. When she finished her junior year, she was allowed to started three of her sports again. She chose track, basketball, and surfing. Even though she really wanted to play volleyball, she decided that she would focus on this three sports before any other sport. She had to stay in Florida for all of her games and competitions because she wasn't on a traveling team. Until she had joined a traveling team at the age of 16 through 19. She was 19 when she had to go up to Lucerne for a basketball game. Her dad met his new wife there, and her brother was offered a scholarship in Lucerne, so that is where She has been for the past year.

Hobbies/likes: Sports, music, her dog Harlem, the colors green, blue, and purple, roller coasters, happiness, being active, and hanging out with her friends or other random people.

Fears/Dislikes: Art, pink, bordem, being lazy, sadness, seeing relationships split, cold weather, and being lonely.

Other: This is Harlem :*vtrBMKxXEO-dNJNNKfLhPFQJHBFUGdPY3JwU4*Q83nyCO3Q1oegpMR5/RhodesianRidgeback.jpg

Appearance(anime, realistic or descriptions is fine):

Shawn Risten ‘Whisper’

Age(15 and up, please be diverse.):


Works at the Cafe

Personality(no "developmental" i want an actual description):

Quiet. He tries to go by not speaking unless it’s of upmost importance. He seems shy due to this but has been known to give a nasty glare off and on when he disagrees with something.


Shawn was raised by his mother, a kind woman but very weak and fragile in her own ways. She was a mute so in away sign language was his first language. He can talk, he’s just used to not doing so. His mother used to jump and get startled easy from loud noises for some reason and after awhile he had learned not to like them as well. Last year his mother got sick and due to her weak body died from it. Shawn owns the small house he’s in but has to keep up with work as well as high school just to make sure to keep it and that he has his needs cared for.

During his elementary and middle school years he used to be laughed at and mocked due to the fact he was so shy and refused to talk. The fact when he did talk it usually came out as a loud whisper was how he got the cruel nickname of Whisper.

Origami, Cooking

Loud noises, Death, sickness, seeing living things get hurt


Appearance(anime, realistic or descriptions is fine):

((May add more later but figured this guy wasn't properly used in the last rp I made him for, this would be the perfect place for him to get his chance.))

Name: Rebecca Avens

Age(15 and up, please be diverse.):



Personality(no "developmental" i want an actual description):

Becca has a very hard time trusting others, in fact she won’t drink anything handed from her that has been opened or doesn’t have a seal of some sorts. Despite that she’s very hard working and keeps strict at times when it comes to rules and laws, even though she seems a bit rough around the edges.


Becca’s parents were killed due to her mom being a reporter and well snooping a bit too much. Since then she had been extra careful when it came to her life as if she fears she may be a target as well. Refusing to back down she wants to put the murderers behind bars . . . if not kill them herself (one place she may end up stepping over the line.) Over all she lives for the job since that seems to be all she has left. If it brings her end one day, which she expects it will, she hopes it’s because she ruffled a few feathers and she managed to take down some of the problems of the city first.

Relaxing bath, Drinking after a hard day of work, putting people who may harm others behind bars

Mobs, Criminals, Murderers, basic rule breakers.


Appearance(anime, realistic or descriptions is fine):

Name: Beccalyn Grey

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Job: University student and working part-time at Poe House Books, a small bookstore

Personality: Becca is quite shy and quiet. She is a terrible public speaker and hates having too much attention given to her. She is friendly to all the people she meets but she rarely lets people get close to her. Even those who have known her for a while learn new things about her. She has levels of herself and, the further up those levels go, the more someone knows about her. However, few people are admitted. It is no easy feat getting close to her. Becca gets very quiet when she is upset. She tends to internalize her emotions and only those closest to her can tell when something is wrong. The more you get to know Becca, the more she opens up and becomes a talkative girl. She is full of contradictions and she opens up at a snail's pace. She is dearly loyal to those she perceives as friends and expects the same from them. She thinks things through before acting and is prone to bouts of crippling anxiety. She prefers the company of her books to the company of people. She can be terribly awkward and clumsy but she is highly intelligent. She spent most of her childhood being tutored in everything under the sun. She does her best not to show her knowledge, though, not wanting to seem showy. She is very much concerned with what others think of her and that's why she keeps her mouth shut most of the time. She figures that if she doesn't say anything, no one can really dislike her. Becca is also very innocent, never thinking badly of people and only assuming the best. She isn't accustomed to violence.

Background: Beccalyn was born to Grace and Martin Grey, both doctors that excelled in their field. When Becca was born, everyone knew she would be a genius, just like her parents. Becca talked and read early in life, developing faster than most normal children. Her parents just assumed it was due to genetics and thought nothing of it. Becca was sent to a private school where she received a fine education. She learned everything from Latin to physics and attended that school until she went to college.Becca took her studies very seriously and took it upon herself to learn even more outside of school. She has always had a hunger for knowledge that never seemed to be satisfied. It was one of the qualities that her parents actually seemed to approve of. Becca was never outgoing enough or social enough for them. They pushed her, making her join clubs and teams in an effort to get her to socialize but Becca resisted until her parents gave in, allowing her to do as she pleased.

It would be incorrect to assume that the concern for their daughter's education her parents showed was compassion and love for their daughter. Martin and Grace Grey were not two people who allowed themselves to feel such emotion. Really, the two of them weren't sure why they were still married and that took a toll on their only offspring. Becca threw herself into as many activities as possible to distract herself from her life at home. Most of her time was spent alone or in her father's library. Becca did enjoy swimming very much. She began to swim at the age of ten and still does it to this day. She also loves to row and go boating. The water relaxes her more than anything else and she loves to be near it. She is attending college now, majoring in journalism with a minor in Russian. Becca wants to travel when she gets older. She currently lives in a townhouse she's renting with her best friend, Peter.

Hobbies/likes: Writing, photography, reading, anything to do with the water

Fears/Dislikes: Arguing, fighting, death, needles

Appearance: here at 5'6"

Name: Peter Rite

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Job: University student and part-time employee at Emiliano's, an Italian restaurant

Personality: Peter likes to goof off: there's no two ways about it. He is loud, talkative, and one of the most stubborn people you'll meet. He's really smart but has never made education one of his priorities. He is very open about his opinions and is super outgoing. He loves getting into trouble and doing things he shouldn't. He loves science and engineering. His major is Marine Biology. He's very interested in the oceans and loves to snorkel and scuba dive. He doesn't care what people think of him. He acts how he wants and does what he wants. He rarely listens to what people tell him. He is protective of those he cares for. He flirts a lot and that tends to get him into trouble. He loves to run, especially through the park. He makes a lot of jokes and finds it difficult to be serious sometimes. He doesn't talk much about his family and he hasn't seen or heard from them since he left.

Background: Peter is from a large family. He has six siblings. He worked for as long as he could remember so that he would be able to go to college and get out of the tiny town he's from. He grew up in rural Alabama, working on his parents farm. He was the oldest and always took care of his younger siblings. He always managed to get into trouble at school, constantly pulling pranks. He was the class clown. His parents didn't care too much as long as he graduated and worked hard on the farm. College wasn't something they could offer their kids so Peter worked for himself. He hated leaving his family but he had to go. He misses the country but knows that this is where he needs to be. He hopes to have a family of his own one day.

Hobbies/likes: Running, goofing off

Fears/Dislikes: Darkness, snakes

Appearance: here at 5'11"

Trent Daniels

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Job: Sports Writer for the local newspaper

Personality: Trent is a happy person. It's rare that there isn't a smile on his face. He loves people and is big on sports. He writes stories for the sports column of the newspaper. He loves to meet new people and is always nice. He would drop anything to help a friend. He definitely isn't shy. He sticks up for what he thinks is right. He doesn't pick fights but he has no issue finishing them. Most people describe him as kind and generous. He loves music and dabbles a bit with art. Writing is his real passion, though. He is a bit intimidating at first but everyone realizes pretty quickly that he's a softie. He has a weakness for freckles and finds it hard to say no to cute girls and kids. He loves to learn and travel.

Background: Trent never knew his parents. They left when he was young and he was raised by his grandparents. It didn't seem to hurt him much. He did well in school, went to college, and got his degree. He never got into trouble and he often took care of himself. He's just started working for this newspaper. His grandparents lived in Texas and this city is a change for him but he loves it. He hopes that he can meet his parents one day. He also wants to become the editor of this newspaper but he knows he has a while before that happens. He's a bit of a dreamer and optimist, always looking to the future. He hopes to live abroad one day.

Hobbies/likes: Writing, sports, meeting new people

Fears/Dislikes: Heights, rude people

Appearance: here at 6'2"

Name: Cailin Gardner

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Job: University student and part-time waitress at Emiliano's

Personality: Cailin is eccentric, to say the least. She is a little odd sometimes. She is majoring in dance. She loves to sing and play instruments as well. She wants to be famous one day. She is graceful and she knows she's a great dancer. She's really sweet, though, and would never do anything to hurt or u[set anyone on purpose. She practices her dancing quite a bit. Her favorite place to go is the park. She is talkative but not obnoxiously so. She is a generally happy person. She's ambitious and dedicated. She doesn't stop until she reaches her goal. She hopes to perform on Broadway one day. She's a big fan of musicals and operas. She really wants to find someone to date. She hasn't had the best of luck there but she's still optimistic. She likes to surround herself with people she sees as successful.

Background: Cailin is from a big city and she loved it. Her parents put her in dance as a young girl and she excelled. It has been her goal to be a professional dancer since she was little. Her parents were very supportive and are even paying for her schooling. She isn't the smartest girl ever but she's dedicated to her schooling. Her parents are very loving and she misses them dearly. She has a younger brother, Caleb. The two of them are super close and he visits her sometimes. Cailin is living in a studio apartment on her own.

Hobbies/likes: Dancing, singing, playing piano

Fears/Dislikes: Injury, loud noises

Appearance: here at 5'8"
Name: Kyler {Ky} Jackson

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Job: runs errands and does deliveries for shops near his apartment

Personality: Ky has a cheerful and carefree air around him and is almost always smiling unless something really bad is happening. Is very sympathetic towards others and will jump to anyone's defense, even if they were a total stranger. Because of this he has gotten into a lot of fights with people, but if he ever hurts someone badly he visits them the next day to apologize. He also jokes around a lot and likes to pull harmless jokes and pranks on people.

Backround: Ky was born and raised in a small town in rural Illinois. He grew up on a farm until he was 6 when his mother and father both died in a car-crash. His grandmother took him in and he has almost no memory of either of his parents. He was always trying his best to help his grandmother out around the house and does his best at school. He was very good at math and literacy type stuff but not very good at anything else. After he was 16, he saved up enough money to buy himself an apartment in Lucerne and hire a live-in nurse for his grandmother. He's finishing his last year of high school and saving up to go to collage.

Hobbies/likes: Skating, winter, snow, biking, music, and reading.

Fears/Dislikes: hot weather, swimming {he can't}, mean people, teachers, and dogs


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Name: Makira Kaiser

Age(15 and up, please be diverse.): 26

Gender: Male

Job: Works at a Bar the only opens at night, Between 6 pm - 11 pm .

Personality(no "developmental" i want an actual description): He enjoys serving people cocktails or drinks, and really passionate about bartending. Whenever someone looks down, he tries his best to cheer them up inside his bar. He is always friendly. Sometimes wise. He respects other people but not at their reputations or fame. He just respects everyone who enters the bar.

Background: At a very young age, He wasn't really into bartending. He's father wanted him to be a Great Doctor. After graduating High school , He then started taking a Medical Course. He made friends, about three. He enjoyed being with them. But one of his friends was going to work abroad. Everyone was sad, including him . So, his friend took them to a night out in a bar. Where they drank cocktail until closing time. And that's where he realized that bartending was also a way of helping people . The bartender was nice, He served them drinks that cheered them up. And that's where he realized, That he wasn't meant to be a doctor. But as a bartender. He told he's parents that he wants to be a bartender instead. They weren't proud about it, but they wanted what is best for their only son. His father was disappointed but he agreed and sent him to Bartending . Now years later, He graduated from bartending and his parents opened up a Bar for their son. That bar is called " Dreams " . And he has been working there ever since . Curing people's souls.

Hobbies/likes: Bartending, Liquor, Drinking(not much), Enjoys listening to music ( Mostly classics ) , and wants to serve people in his bar .

Fears/Dislikes: Dislikes abusive behaviors, Irrational peoples.

Other:( None really )

Appearance(anime, realistic or descriptions is fine):

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Wow, thanks for everyone who put up characters! You're all accepted, I will start the RP as soon as I'm done with my 4 hour shift at work~
Name: Alexander Morrison

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Job: Looking for Work

Personality: Alex is an intelligent guy. In fact, he is a certified genius. He is not arrogant, although some assume he is due to his way of speaking, instead opting to use his intelligence to benefit others. He is also kind and caring, generous and warm, and loyal to a fault. However, this side of him emerges only with those who he is close to. Otherwise, Alex is formal, polite, and distant. He can hold grudges longer than most, and he has a vicious mean streak to those that cross him or betray those close to him. So, don't give him reason to want revenge against you. He has a dry, sarcastic sense of humor, as is characteristic of his British ethnicity, and it can be quite cold and snarky as well to those he dislikes. Overall, he can be a great friend, or a derisive jerk, depending on his impressions of you.

Background: Alex was recognized as a genius, no, a prodigy, in both musicianship and academics. The pressure on him was immense, and he had no real childhood to speak of. His parents were rich CEOs of Fortune 500 companies, so he had all the money he could want. When they died suddenly by being mugged, the board of directors took over, leaving him to grieve and continue with his life alone. Thus, he hardened at a young age. Because of his parents' standing in society, he was sent into the care of their closest friends: The COOs of the companies. Unlike his biological parents, instead of ignoring him, they pressured him to use his gifts to the fullest extent. He won many national academic awards, as well as garnering a few prominent musical accolades along the way. Eventually, he was accelerated a few grades, until he finished his double college majors in Physics and Applied Dimensional Mathematics at Princeton at age 15. He has now taken a brief respite from his research that he conducts at Princeton's labs, and he is visiting Lucerne for "vacation".

Hobbies/Likes: Alex is a violin/piano prodigy, as well as a champion chess player. He is an avid reader of books, and he loves to conduct crazy, and not entirely safe science experiments because of his love of his research. He can spend days locked in a room without sustenance if something captures his interest. Alex likes sushi and steak, an he is an eccentric wine and cheese connoisseur. He is also a fan of basketball, and he played in high school, although he keeps this a secret. Oh, and he loves his tea. As in, almost bordering on obsessive.

Fears/Dislikes: Alex has a deep fear of failure that was embedded into his very consciousness by his parents relentless effort to condition him to be the best. However, he is somewhat of a daredevil when it comes to practical fears. Alex dislikes dishonesty and treachery, and he doesn't tolerate bullying.

Other: He won't respond to Alex in place of Alexander unless he likes you. Over time, he has gotten quite adept at ignoring others. Also, he is British... which makes him awesome, just like me.

Appearance: Alex has been described as quite good looking, and even very handsome. However, during his life, he has not had time for such trivial pursuits as meaningful relationships. He is 6' even, and he is lean, yet muscular. He has piercing emerald eyes that seem to shine when he is interested in something. His hair falls in bouncy, blonde curls around his head, and he wears a pair of black, stylish glasses. Alex has tan skin. For clothing, he wears three-piece suits when going formal. Otherwise, casually, he wears a white, unbuttoned dress shirt with the cuffs rolled up to mid-forearm, a loosely tied tie, a pair of casual tan khakis, and a pair of his favorite loafers. He is also prone to having sunglasses on his shirt's pocket, and he loves fedoras.
Name:Mitchell Dawson



Job:Manager at a local Bookstore.

Personality: Mitchell is what some people call a "Stone wall". His size often misleads people to overlook the fact that he is a Gentle giant. Doesn't feel as if he has the need to talk often so many people he has met over the years have a small idea of what he sounds like. Has a natural liking of kids and animals, which once again is often overlooked due to his appearance.

Background: Mitchell grew up in a single father home, since he was told his mother "Disappeared" while he was still an infant. As he aged his businessman of a father attempted to drill into his head that he would have to be the best to be successful with punishments caused by making grades lower than a 95. Due to his lack of interaction with other children in an always frantic struggle to advance in his studies. When he became 16, Mitchell began to show more signs of being depressed as he constantly watched kids walking back and forth with the ability of enjoying their teenage years. Though his fathers main concerns were still more focused on his school progress than Mitchell himself. When graduation came, instead of being proud his father constantly scolded him for finishing 2nd in his class, which turned to sort of a breaking point with his father. After a heated argument between them an agreement was made to where they would not have initial contact anymore but his father would still pay for any classes Mitchell took. At the same time Mitchell's father kicked him out with the comments "A failure in life". He quickly obtained a job after being forced to live in his car for the first months until he could afford near-by apartments. Signs of depression are still evident on his face, but things began picking up slightly when he was promoted with the position of being a manager.

Hobbies/likes:Reading, Decorating, and enjoys all forms of music. Like Children and Animals and has a sort of secretive skill of playing the violin.

Fears/Dislikes:His father and hates emotional situations.



Black hair, and is 6"8
Hey guys ^.^ I prefer keeping OOC chat here so it doesn't get lost in the rp or distract from it.

Anyone want to know Shawn at the high school? It's not like he'll do much but listen quietly for the most part unless he finds something important for him to say. xD

Edit: OH I forgot xD Most probably don't realize his real name and call him Whisper since he probably gave up correcting it long ago.

@Makira Kaiser

I figured your bar is where my cop Becca stops to drink at after work so expect to see her their later. ^.^ I figured your guy would know her some so just remember she only drinks from sealed bottles or drinks in which she opens herself due to her paranoia.
This rp is VERY VERY open~ all who wish to join are welcome to~~ by the way Gabe and Wing accepted if i didnt say that yet.
Gah I was out of it by "not that I know of" I meant I don't think it's closed in case that came across wrong. @.@ Or I'm just tired now as I try to wake so fumbling around if so please excuse me.
Name:Genesis Jones

Age(15 and up, please be diverse.): 21

Gender: Female

Job:Works as a Pastry Chef at the local cafe/bakery

Personality(no "developmental" i want an actual description): Genesis is the girl you can tell anything in the word to know and know for a fact know one else will hear it from her. She's very trustworthy and would make a great friend to anyone, but she will quickly tell you how she feels and what she believes is the right thing. She has a bad habit of speaking first and thinking later. She is very sarcastic but doesn't mean to harm.

Background: Genesis grew up with both her parents and her two older brothers. She was always considered the runt of the litter. While her two older brothers went off to college, one majoring in biochemistry the other in weapon engineering, she choose to go to culinary school. An unacceptable profession in a family full of doctors, master degrees, and people at the top of their field. Her parents didn't support her choice and in a sense disowned her. They have passing hellos but for the most part do not speak. Genesis only speaks to her brother Godric, the one majoring in biochemistry. She lives on her own and is happy with her life.

Hobbies/likes:Cooking, and baking, reading, music, any kind of alcoholic drink, vodka, going to the beach, working out

Fears/Dislikes: Abandonment issues,people who don't listen,really big bugs, spiders, and roaches,cats

Other: Genesis has a miniature schnauzer puppy named Blu to keep her company.

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Appearance(anime, realistic or descriptions is fine):View attachment 10809

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