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Realistic or Modern Lovecraft Apocalypse - OOC

Telepathy is quite probably the worst ability someone could have in a Lovecraft setting. More so with no defenses. The group will have to put a bullet in your brain. (Telepathy is also an ability that I never allow even in a superhero RP. It tends to be an RP breaker. But let's ignore that fact for the moment.) I am trying not to laugh. Ya know, I used to have this GM back in my days of playing some White Wolf and Timelords EABA. He was always happy to give you as much rope as you wanted - so you could hang yourself with it. I still recall one player who annoyed him once too often. we ended up with an encounter with a Nexus Crawler - the most dangerous bane in the game. All of us immediately chose to flee. The idea was to be getting from point A to point B as fast as possible anyway. That player? He chose to turn and fight, but needed to go hit the restroom. The GM politely said sure. Then while the guy was gone he turned the guy's CS into confetti - literally. The pile was waiting for him when he got back.

Beyond the glaring potential for being killed and having no means of survival, he's fine.
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For everyone:
A. Do we want to start as a group already?

B. How long do we want it to be since everything first started. At one month it is a series of bizarre reports in the news. By three months all Hell has begun to break loose, though probably too early for Cults.

C. WHERE do we want to start the group?

Alex is from north of Boston.

The Wis Crew is from all over. But they were meeting back up in NYC starting at JFK. (That would have been probably at the one month point.) They were then heading to a place about an hour southeast of Boston along the coast where the Thompkins were about to start an aquaculture business. Chase had business in NYC. Kevin had family business back in Wisconsin. But they would do everything as a group.
Alex Tanis will understand exactly what is going on. His family has been researching this stuff for centuries, His estate was established before the Revolutionary War. He has a library devoted to Things Man Was Not Meant to Know locked away. Most of his ancestors were the Indiana Jones type.

I am still debating whether to introduce his driver / bodyguard or have him on his own.

Edit: Added him.
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A little something I read for inspiration. Gave me an idea for a somewhat more original horror, one that every character will probably see a little differently.
Arkham setting would be great to use, in the Lovecraft way, not the other uses of it since. I might need help to guide me toward creating a character, but my thought is a professor from there who has plenty of research behind him, but one area of research is more perplexing than others for him with how far more questions come up from it. Of course, I am willing to be creative with old ones too.
Keeperoftheghosts Keeperoftheghosts Need to change Access under Share to Anyone with link can View ... before copying the link. (I use Docs a lot)

Edit: Grr .. this got stuck and never sent.

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