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Fantasy Re-birthing of the Dinosaurs


Six Thousand Club
It's kind of like Jurassic park, but The Dinosaurs are everywhere on the planet and Few human still survive. Right now most of them are in the jungle, because it has more places to hide.

Rules will be in overview.
Deibiddo was outside the tent he was hired to protect Charlie from any dinosaur or anything that will come after them
As Charlie examined the DNA of the dinosaur's remains, small dinosaurs roamed around the camp, not doing any harm or hurting anyone. Charlie smiled at one beside her. It looked at her and squealed, and jumped up and down. "Hello little guy." She says giggling at the tiny beast. It gives her a wide mouth almost smiled and dashed off. She smiled and looked in the magnifying glass.
Deibiddo saw the little dinosaur running around and thought it was cute"when you see some those camera around you can't believe that's most of them are bad"
Charlie chuckled. "They aren't bad, Deibiddo, it's animal instinct. She says taking the DNA off the table and into a small chip carrier.
"I know that I just meant bad that they're trying to kill you"Deibiddo rubs the scar on his cheek.
Charlie frowned, standing up and walking inside the tent, they pitched up. She sat on her bed and skimmed through her notes.
Deibiddo didn't go inside his tent he stood out standing guard in front of Charlie wanting to do his job right and not mess up.
Charlie rummaged through the boxes of tubes and microscopes. She finally found what she was looking for and came outside.
"You hungry, Deibiddo?" She said grinning, and stuffing the thing she pulled out of the tent, into her pocket, casually.
"yeah I am its been a long day"his stomach made a growling sound and he blushed a bit he was a bit embarrassed about that
Cadence rested near a lake and splashed her feet against the cool blue water. Cadence looked at her reflection from the water. She felt saddened and ashamed because she thought she was a monster. Cadence was mad at the scientists and hated them. She never wanted to see or be near one again. Cadence grew more upset. Her flesh then started turning hard and dry. She felt two horns poking out of her skin. Cadence let out a loud roar from pain she then turned into a triceratop. She then started knocking down trees with her head. She was so furious. She ran towards the lake and started splashing wart everywhere. Her anger grew more and more every second.
Deibiddo looked over to where the noise was he knew that was near a lake"that sounds like it's nearby"
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"whatever it is sounds mad"Deibiddo it is about an hours walk to that like he was a bit worried that it will come this way he didn't really want to hurt these creatures."I hope it doesn't come this way"
Charlie nodded, with a look of concern on her face. Her eyes left where the sound was coming from, and focused on where they were going.
Deibiddo look away from the sound as well"I'll make sure to be an extra guard just in case it does come over here"
"I don't think it will." She says pulling a branch out of the way, and holds in back, to let Debiddo through the jungle.
Debiddo grab the branch and walk through"I'm kind glad tidings we came back and made living lot more interesting"
"It's a lot more dangerous too." She said following behind him. "Many of the carnivore dinosaurs live here."

"It's a lot more dangerous too." She said following behind him. "Many of the carnivore dinosaurs live here."
Cadence roared louder and louder. She started running through the swamp forest. Demolishing everything that was in her path. She soon came closer to a camp. She kept on roaring and roaring letting everyone and everything hear her and fear her.
Debiddo looked back towards the camp"it is here I'll be going I have to protect other people"he ran back to the camp and saw the Triceratops he stood there looking at it ready to take a full on charge.
Charlie gasped when she heard the noises coming from the camp. She ran past Debiddo and stopped right in front of a Triceratops.

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