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Fantasy Lost in Wonderland

Welsh said "doesn't matter to me you'll be calling me master soon my apprentice" he snickers and then after braking the last branch he said "we're here" and there was a clearing with a giant mound with a hole on top and said "welcome to the rabbits den"

And walks toward it.

(Gtg about to shower be back)
Anastasia wandered around this colorful place, she was assuming to be heaven. She looked down as her tummy gurgled hungrily. "Where's all the food?" Anastasia talked to herself quietly, looking around at all the deserted landscape. The trees reminded her of the dreaded broccoli her mother used to make her eat. How I miss mommy Anastasia thought to herself. There was no sign of life, food or a bed to sleep on. She had fallen asleep on the ground the night before, shivering and alone.
Pele was getting bored, watching Welsh and Riley. She sneaked back outside and decided to take a run. She sped off in to the colorful forest stopping to watch the hunters and predators of Wonderland. She watched a cat-wolf-duck creature start to waddle towards a small figure, that Pele figured for a elf. Then the small thing shrieked as it saw the hunter sneaking towards her. It ran a tripped on a stick. Pele realized it was a human. She sped toward the girl and knocked the beast out of the way. She took her staff and whacked the beast in the head. It fell, dead.

(( BAi. I might be back))
Hearing a crack, maybe the breaking of a twig, something lunged towards her. Terrified, she ran as quickly as her small tired legs could run. Soon after, she fell to the ground, knees red and raw with new scratches. Her arms held above her head for protect, but something had saved her. Shaking and shivering, she kept her eyes shut, waiting for death to bite her. Her small face stung of rash, bruise and tears
Anastasia opened her small fear-filled brown eyes to see Pele. She spoke to her, in English. She was surprised she could understand her. Unaware of what to do, she nodded obediently and followed Pele without hesitation

Chester was actually secretly following the group. And with a grin floating and appearing out of thin air, he's present again right beside Pele and the new girl. He gave out a quiet sly snicker as he played with his hair, "My, my, my...what must we have here? A new visitor? Shall we offer you a cup of tea do you also wanna know which way is the exit?" he began sounding mad as ever. "Welcome to Wonderland where everybody will lose their-" the queen's voice was heard just a few miles away, "...head!" he chuckled at his own joke mischievously.


The queen of hearts along with other card soldiers started searching for the said new comers with vile intentions such as cutting their head's off. Now where was her trusted spy again? Never mind, she can do this on her own. "FIND THEM AND OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!" she screamed as her voice echoed throughout the whole place. She's just actually a few miles away from the group but of course they remained hidden as the rabbit's den was hard to find.

@xX AeRo Girl Xx @Aqua @everybody else​
"Chester! Get out of here! You'll scare her!" Pele shouted, her eyes turning yellow and a low roar slipped out of her mouth. " Hey, girl. You didn't hear that. Me or the cat. Let's go."

Pele lead the young girl a mile or so before bringing her into a large tree, that appeared to be covered in vines. They walked into the tree, then down a long tunnel with lots of twists, turns and false tunnels. "Never go down another tunnel, always follow the pattern left, right, right, left, right, right, left. Certain death will follow if you defy the pattern. Look, I live here." Pele waved her hand. The room that Pele had lead the girl into was red and black, with a gray and brown mixed in. A gray couch sat in a corner with a brown table by its side. There was a picture of Pele and a black rabbit hanging on the wall. There was another tunnel leading off to the side. " That's the bathroom. If you go there, don't fall in the hole. It's a place of no return." pointed Pele. " And I'm not telling you where my room is. You can sleep on the couch tonight. Hey, you look starving."

Pele went over to a box and pulled out a apple, a cold sandwich and a bottle of water. She stepped over to the couch and sat down. " Here. Eat this. So tell me how you got there. We can sit on the couch." @xX AeRo Girl Xx
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"Jeez, am I not invited my dear, Pele? I'm hurt!" Chester was suddenly inside the said girl's house and is already making himself home, "Your place is as cozy as ever I assume." he grinned widely. His lavander hair flowing down from the couch to the ground, "Left, right, right, left, right, right, left, wrong, correct, maybe, north east south." Chester mocked before giving out a sly chuckle. Pele is dangerous...but not for him, he's not sacred of anything- whether the queen or anyone else. Actually th queen and him would often drink tea together for no reason, of course she always screams off with your head.

"Yay!" Chester grinned cheerfully and laid comfortably on the couch. Sooner or later he might fall asleep here but who cares, Pele said to make himself at home.
Riley grimaced at the word 'Master,'her older brother had forced her to call him that or else he would tell everyone her secret, he manipulated people a lot.

"Oh, please don't make me call you Master, I will call you Welsh. Okay?"


(( @Aqua ))

Elizabeth groaned as she sat on her throne. They've spent hours searching for those intruders yet nobody has found anybody. Not even the natives of Wonderland has been seen. Well, some were seen but the important natives, the mad hatter, rabbit, caterpillar, the dragon and that cat.

This won't do, she decided that she herself will look again. This time she needs a little help from some or a good friend/s.

"Find me the natives here." she ordered the soldiers of hearts- the best soldiers, "OR OFF WITH YOUR HEADS!" she yell again and the soldiers obeyed her nervously.


The soldiers knocked on each and every houses.​

@Fantasy Crazy @Aqua @others
Pete's head shot up from the couch. The little's girl's head was on her shoulder and Chester was fast asleep on the other end of the couch. Pele woke up because she had heard a loud knocking. And again. She gently pushed the girl's head off of herself and got up, striding straight towards the entrance. She went through the maze and pushed away the vines on the tree to see, five card soldiers at her door. " The Queen awaits your presence." The eight of clubs said gruffly.

" What does she want?" demanded Pele.

" She needs your help finding the newcomers of Wonderland. And the other natives. The Mad Hatter, the Rabbit, the Caterpillar and the Cheshire cat." The card soldier peered into the tree entrance, but Pele stepped in front of him.

" No. I will not come. I have other things to do." growled Pele, walking back into her house. The card soldiers tried to follow, but failed, obviously, when Pele heard the screams and snaps of traps, down the tunnels. She grinned and walked back into her room. The little girl and Chester were still, both fast asleep.

Chester will take care of her. I need to let go for a bit. Pele thought. She ran back outside, suddenly growing bigger and then sprouting wings, large talons and turning blueish black and scaly. She leaped into the sky and started to fly, her stomach rumbling. Food.

She dove down into a field of pretty white flowers. A large herd of pink cow-like beasts grazed there. Pele grabbed one in her mouth, and two in her claws. She chewed as she flew, savoring the thick, musky scent of the blood. She noticed that she had flew for at least three miles without even knowing it. She had found herself at Welsh's house. She smelled the delicious smell of rabbit and landed in front of the Rabbit's home. " Rabbit, rabbit come on out!" she growled, her Jabberwocky form starting to take over. Pele could control her Jabberwocky form for about half an hour then, the Jabberwocky part of her took over. Welsh was good at calming down Pele, so she found herself always going to his house for him to get her out of her Jabberwocky self. But sometimes she was hungry and wanted rabbit for a snack. Pele gobbled down the two other cow-things and rammed her head against the Rabbit's door.

Anastasia followed Pele uncertain of whats' to come. But this was heaven, how bad could it be? Pele brought her to a large tree, decorated in swirly vines. She gasped at all the fancy vines, as it sort of reminded her of her home, back on Earth. Walking through some 'hallways', many twists and turns followed. Pictures of Pele and an unfamiliar black rabbit hung on the wall. Pele spoke and she giggled quietly. "That's funny.." She commented happily. A sandwich, an apple and bottled water was handed to her. Her eyes filled with glee at the sight of the apple, and she bit into it immediately. Anastasia was told she could sit on the couch. "Well...I was catching with my mommy" She began slowly, her voice sweet. "Then I fell. But it's okay, because I got into heaven, and soon I'll see my mommy again. But until then I just gotta wait" Anastasia smiled gently @SnowyCatFeathers

Chester woke up when suddenly a squeaky child voice was heard. He looked around and found out that it's the kid Pele brought home, he grinned but his smile soon fell when he realized that Pele wasn't around. With another smile, he appeared in front of the little girl slyly, "Hello little girl..." he greeted her.

"What's your name?" he asked her, Chester decided that he should at least interact with the girl since the owner of the house is away. Looks like Pele is visiting her dear bunny again.

@xX AeRo Girl Xx​
Anastasia fell asleep on the couch after eating. She woke up not finding Pele, so she just sat quietly and patiently for her return. Her attention was caught by a cat (or a human, sorry if I'm wrong) , smiling at her. He walked towards her with a soft smile. He spoke to her and she listened, her eyes wide and curious. "Well....my name is Anastasia. I'm six and I really like stories, and ice-cream. I don't suppose you know a story, or have some ice-cream anywhere, do you?" She asked, her smile wider, her eyes searching the home for the sweet treats she wished to eat.

+-Kate Ballaster-+

Kate stepped through the forest and soon came across a long road. She look both ways then, on her right, saw a tree downing and large black wings flapping over them. Pele! I found her! It's been so long! she thought, a grin spreading across her face. Kate sprinted toward the wings and saw that Pele, was in her Jabberwocky form, raging and calling for the Rabbit to come out. She wanted to eat the Rabbit but also needed Welsh to calm her down, obviously. Kate was the only other one that could calm the Jabberwocky down. So, she did just that. Kate strode towards the girl (Jabberwocky) and put a hand on Pele's thrashing tail.

" Hey! Pele! It's me! Kate! Kate Ballaster the Bandersnatch! Remember me?"

Pele stopped moving and turned around, a glint of recognition in her eyes.

" Kate?" A harsh, throaty voice came out of the creature. " Kate!"

Pele shrank smaller and smaller and finally was the Pele that Kate knew. " Kate! Where have you been! I missed you!"

Pele gave Kate the rare hug and then stepped away. " Gosh, you grew. How old are you now?"

" Fourteen yesterday. Today is my five thousandth and ninety sixth unbirthday." Kate grinned.

"Stories?" Chester grinned and her cat tails wiggled silently freely behind him, "Why yes! I certainly have some story for a little girl like you...have you ever heard of the story Alice in wonderland? Even if you I will let you read it again. Or maybe I should read it for you too!" he began slyly as she disappeared for a moment only to return with a book in his hands. Apparently he stole it from the queen when they were having a tea party just a mere week ago before these new arrivals came or arrived to the wondrous funky mad world of wonderland.

He gave the book to Anastasia, "It's about a girl with the same age as you." he began patting the said little girl lightly. Apparently the queen made a book or made others make a book about Alice....or maybe he could be wrong.

@xX AeRo Girl Xx @Fantasy Crazy​
Anastasia looked as the cat disappeared, coming back with a roughly-made book, which he handed to her, a smile curled on his lips. Her eyes widened at the sight of the book, looking as if it was hundreds of years old. "You're going to read that to me! Yay!" She rejoiced, standing on the couch and pushing the cat onto the couch. She laid on his purpley fur happily, and closed her eyes, wanting to visualize the story, and she was a bit tired @Ravian
Amelia sighed a little as she pulled a berry from a (for her) rather large bush on the path outside her home. It was huge in comparison to Amelia, about the size of her head, and blackish in color. Much like the black berries we know, it has those itty bitty sections, filled with juices of a purple color. This was how Amelia dyed her clothing... And of course made those lovely pies... Or tarts, really.

She glanced around. "Hello? Is anyone around today?" She called, standing on her little porcelain toes.

Chester frownedwhen the little girl nuzzled into his fur. He sighed and ruffled his own violet hair and began reading the story for the little girl to enjoy, or something. "Let's see...the little girl is named Alice and she's just...the same age as you my dear." he began, "The girl, Alice dear is a stubborn little girl. When she saw a little bunny she followed him into a hole which landed her into a wondrous mad place called wonderland." he snickered mischievously as he flipped the page.

@xX AeRo Girl Xx

Meanwhile on the other hand the red queen of hearts roamed the entire wonderland in search of those mischievous and trouble making unwelcomed visitors. The cards murmured when they saw a girl(Amelia @Anne Channing) looking for something or anything probably. The queen spotted her too so she pointed at her and yelled, "OFF WITH HER HEAD!" loudly.​
The little doll dropped the food she carried and quickly darted off into the bushes, and away from her home, as fast as her little porcelain feet could carry her.

"Off with my head?!" She thought, stumbling slightly. "But I haven't done anything wrong a'tall!"

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