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Lost in Time (writingwitch X the glass Angel [closed])

(frick, sorry it took so long to get back to you! my boyfriend came home early for grocery shopping, and then dinner. but i'm here for the rest of the evening, and all of tomorrow, the next, day, etc. i'm sorry again! D:)

It was the middle of a frigid November in the heart of London, but this was certainly nothing new to its inhabitants, and especially not to Grey McTavish. He had lived here for well over three hundred years, and each year's weather relatively stayed the same. Cloudy skies, pouring rain, and fog were what gave London part of its charm. But Grey failed to see it; with each passing year he grew less and less fond of the city and more inclined to the country side where it was more isolating and he could be more alone with himself. It wasn't necessarily how he wanted to live his immortal life, but without the presence of Jenny, it didn't seem quite so terrible.

Jenny's sudden death had taken a very hard toll on Grey, and he was still having difficulties adjusting to life without her. Though she was always quite cynical and pessimistic, she always seemed to bring life to a plain, ordinary day. They were hopelessly in love, and had no problems showing it to the outside world, finding small corners and other places around the city to have a long kiss. They shared a wonderful flat in the city as well, having made enough money between them to afford something a little more grandeur. Hunting with Jenny was always a happy affair as well, too; sharing the thrill of the hunt, sharing the feast, and enjoying the pleasures afterward was always something he had treasured. And now, with Jenny gone, he was happy that he had never taken those times for granted.

Grey was making his way down through the heart of Soho, his wool trench coat buttoned tightly to his frame to keep out the cold wind. It didn't bother him in the slightest, but he knew that if he were walking down the street in plain view in a pair of pants and a shirt with nothing over it people would start to question him, and the last thing he wanted was to draw attention to himself. His pale skin and dark hair where ghostly in contrast with each other, and his height alone was enough to put off anyone; he didn't need another reason for people to stare.

The clouds had completely covered the sun, and it was this that made going out into the day easier for the vampire community in London. Any city, town, or relative place that saw a minimal amount of sun always had a larger vampire gathering than most, and London seemed to be the most popular place as far as Western Europe went. And today's rain and wind was incredibly nice.

It was nearing noon, and though Grey would have been perfectly content to walk around alone all day and into the evening, something seemed to tell him to do otherwise. It was a peculiar feeling, one he felt suddenly and without any real warning. It was there when he noticed he was in front of a small coffee shop, the business looking quite homey and warm from the outside. But it wasn't the atmosphere that had his attention; through the window and behind the counter, Grey clearly saw Jenny. Or someone who seemed to look like her at least. But this Jenny was smiling, bubbly, and perfectly and utterly human. It was the strangest and most revolting thing Grey had ever seen, and he stood there for what felt like an hour, watching her, before he decided to go in.

The cafe smelled wonderfully of baked bread and coffee, and the air was warm and toasty thanks to a fireplace on the far wall. There was a small hum of people in their own conversations, and the talk behind the counter of shouting orders, making coffee, and taking orders from other patrons. Grey made his way into a very small corner by one of the many bookcases along the wall, and took a seat that directly faced the counter and where the girl could be seen. And he waited, and he watched, hoping that maybe this really was Jenny, hoping that her death was all a very strange, and very peculiar dream.
(sounds great!!! i'll be headed to bed here in like... a half hour, but i'll be online tomorrow around noon my time!! i hope you have a great day at school!!!)
(Heyyyyyyyy xD I did my reply at school so I could just copy and paste it here coz I got bored xD )

'Sophia Bowen' I chimed politely after this elderly man had asked my name for the 3rd time. He came in often, ordering the same Americano Coffee with extra sugar and not a lot of milk. We've all come to know it as 'Tony's usual'. He seems like a very nice fellow, the only annoying this is that he insists on paying in 20p coins. Bless. So today it was my job to stand and smile politely while he counts out of his coin purse, trying to make idle chit chat along the way.

While I'm waiting, I notice another gentlemen walk in but I don't get a chance to see where he sat down as Tony had finished emptying out his man-purse. I thank him and put the money in the till just as my colleague, Beth finished making the coffee. I can see there are a couple of tables with people waiting at to be served, so Beth takes over the til as I go to visit them.

The first one I come to has a couple of ladies who must only be in their mid-40s who ask for two coffees and a scone. I smile as I place the order on the pin board and head to the table where the gentleman I lost sight of earlier had sat down. "Good morning, sir. What can I get you?" I smile, pen and pad at the ready.

(Hope it's not too short?)
(aye, no worries! i would do the same thing to be perfectly honest lmao. and it's not too short at all! i can definitely work with this!!)

Grey was idly watching her, seeing how well she interacted with these people in the shop. It was so peculiar and almost maddening, watching not-Jenny be so kind and considerate with people she barely knew. She showed a lot of patience, something Jenny would have never done and something Grey came to sort of love about her. But watching the girl taking orders and being friendly with other people, it seemed a lot more... endearing.

He listened and watched, his keen senses picking up every bit of conversation and noticing every minute little detail. It turns out that her name was Sophia Bowen, a very pretty name that seemed to suit her well. He was sort of expecting a fairer name than what Jenny had been stuck with; Janet Moorlock. But what he was not expecting was for her to come over to his table and interact with him. Grey had assumed he had stayed well hidden in the back so one would really take notice. But when you're much taller and much paler than the rest, it was sort of difficult not to notice.

"Ah, black coffee is fine," Grey said smoothly, eyeing Sophia closely. From here he noticed how divine she smelled, like pure sunshine, something he never had the opportunity to notice before. And she was positively radiant up close, something he had been expecting. Grey was mesmerized at the likeness of her and Jenny, but even more so by how lovely she seemed.
"Of course, sir." I smiled, jotting down the order on my pad. "Do you take sugar?" I ask, just to be courteous.

It was strange, seeing someone new around this place. Usually the only people who come in are regulars or people who live in the block of flats a few doors down.

See, this shop had a rather unusual location sandwiched in the centre of London between a high-rise building and a set of offices. Unless you live or work around here, it was rare that you happened upon it.

Knowing this, a stranger such as the one sitting before me, (who I had to admit was rather attractive) spiked my curiosity immensely. But with a job and reputation to maintain I kept my enquirers to myself. All I could do was hope he came in more often.

The way he was looking at me, subtle but intense made me blush a little, and I prayed he didn't notice. It was quite a contrast to the passing glance I usually receive when serving customers.
"No sugar, thank you," Grey said, shuddering at the thought of what sugar would do to the taste of an already awful cup of coffee. It wasn't that the cafe was terrible; it was, instead, that vampires generally didn't enjoy the taste of human food. He did miss it, of course; a cup of tea always sounded quite nice and the thought of enjoying a piece of chocolate was enough to make him downright disappointed. But the blood, the taste of human blood, always seemed to take away that edge. Nothing could quite beat the taste of something quite like that.

Sophia blushed then, taking into account that Grey was probably staring at her. His lips twitched up at the corners in a very small smile at that. Her cheeks were a slight rosy pink, which seemed to make her glow even more than when he first saw her. She was completely captivating, and Grey suddenly felt very torn; would she be something he would enjoy eating, or something he would enjoy spending time with? Both seemed splendid ideas, but you couldn't have both in this sort of situation.

"Ah..." Grey didn't quite know what to say, his cold blue eyes flickering over to her neck. He could hear the blood rushing through her veins, could hear her heart flutter, and smell the sunshine even more. "Would you like to join me for coffee later?" Grey blurted out, finally meeting eyes with her again.
"Oh!" I started, rather taken back by his outburst. Though I was careful not to be too loud as to draw much attention. After a quick glance around I turned back to him. "Well, um..." I stumbled around for a minute trying to find the words. What was wrong with me?! "Do you mean today?" I finally asked, a little quieter. "My shift finishes at two o'clock?" I suggested, unsure how to handle this situation.

To be honest, I'd never really been in a position where someone had asked me out for a drink before. I guess I wasn't really girlfriend type. I didn't mind though, knowing me I'd probably stumble around my words and muck it up- oh wait! Look what I'm doing now! I inwardly groaned.

(Sorry that was short I'm doing maths Soz xD )
Grey's lips quirked up into a little smile, his head tilting to the side a bit, studying her. She was nervous, the poor thing, and it was no wonder. He knew he could be intimidating, but it also seemed that she wasn't quite sure what to do or how to do it. "Yes, today," he said, nodding his head a bit. The clock above the fireplace said 1 o'clock, and an hour he could wait.

Sophia's stumbling around her words was quite likable, and for a moment Grey's thoughts about Jenny seemed to dissipate. Though he had loved Jenny more than words or actions could express, Sophia was quite different. She didn't seem quite so challenging as Jenny was, but she did seem quite a lot of fun to have a conversation with. Seeing her squirm and mumble by just an inquiry of a coffee date was enough to make him excited.

"I can wait an hour," he said, gesturing towards the clock. "But if you don't want to, I completely understand. I'm just a stranger after all."
I smiled a tad sheepishly. "Oh no it's ok, it's just coffee. What's the harm in that?" I held his gaze for a moment before remembering I had service to do. "Oh! I'll go grab you that coffee!" I said hurriedly before turning and heading back behind the counter to process the order.

By the time I'd finished his coffee and taken it back over to him there were more is timers coming in so i couldn't stay long. "Here. My name's Sophia by the way." I smiled before feeling a little bad as I turned away to serve the other customers. It felt rude but the glare Beth was giving me for stalling was enough to put my little affection aside and get back to work.

An hour flew by what with the lunch runs coming in, and soon enough Greg, the man who takes the afternoon shift in place of me arrived. I smiled as I rushed out the back to grab my purse and jacket before hurrying back to the front to meet my mysterious date again.

"Sorry that took so long." I say a little awkwardly, unsure whether to sit by him or not.
Grey smiled a bit to himself as she scurried off to grab his coffee, her acceptance to his date proposal still ringing in his ears. He hadn't spent quality time with a human in hundreds of years, but this might be a nice change. It was the fact that she seemed so delectable that now had him a bit apprehensive. There was that problem again; would she make a good meal or good company? It was hard to say because both of those sounded equally appealing. But the thought of snuffing out the likeness of another Jenny made him cringe to himself. Killing Sophia couldn't be an option, he told himself. At all.

Sophia quickly returned with his piping hot coffee, setting it down in front of him. "Sophia, such a pretty name," he said, taking a sip of the coffee and smiling over the rim of the mug. He was relieved when she hurried off again to attend to the other patrons because he instantly spit the coffee back into the mug and gave a little shudder. It was positively revolting, no matter how well it was prepared. He'd have to find some sort of excuse to drink it though; he didn't want to insult her when she came back to meet him.

By two o'clock he finally finished the coffee, trying his best to hide the expression of disgust on his face when Sophia approached the table. He slid the empty mug away from him, trying to appease the smell a bit, and gave her another wry smile. "Sit," he said, gesturing to the seat across from him. "I wasn't in any hurry. The hour flew by for me."
I had noticed a sudden change in his expression from one that I could've sworn was disgust. But the change was so fleeting it could've been my imagination. I brushed the notion off anyhow.

I smiled as I sat down opposite, placing my bag down stat my feet. "Good coffee?" I asked lightly with a grin, noting his empty mug.
Grey's eyes flickered over the empty mug. The smell of the coffee was still lingering, and he couldn't help but wrinkle is nose in slight disgust. But his expression was fleeting, only there for a fraction of a second, before he turned towards Sophia again and smiled. "It was delicious," he lied, flashing a smile that he hoped was believable. "Thank you."

It grew silent for a moment as Grey continued to stare at her, taking in every detail. She looked exactly like Jenny down the very tips of her fingers. It was so uncanny and so incredibly odd. "I suppose the reason I asked you to coffee is because you look so... familiar to me." Grey studied her intently, his happy demeanor fading as he looked at her. "It's strange, I could have sworn you were someone else. I had to get to know you at least."
"Oh." I said, rather unsure of how to react at such a strange...I don't even know. Was that a compliment? I guess it could be if she was somebody he was fond of. "Well," I started, trying to lighten the suddenly somber mood. "Let's stattstart with you telling me your name and I can see if it rings a bell." I laugh a little, trying to make a joke out of it. I was so nervous, which was so unlike me. I guess I was focusing too hard on not messing up that it just ruined my whole stature.
"Oh, yes, my name. That would be important." Grey's intent gaze suddenly turned a little more friendly, though his face still held stern in concentration, trying to study her without coming off too strange. "My name is Grey," he said simply, meeting her eyes. "And you told me your name was Sophia." Her nerves were practically radiating off of her, and it was sort of endearing to him. But nerves equaled the chance of snatching up an easy meal, at least to vampires. It was a weird uncomfortable feeling of trying not to lure her away from the public and hoping he could suppress it and stay focused on their conversation while on their date.

"I know it's strange," he said idly, shaking the thought of her becoming a meal out of his head. "A total stranger asking you to an afternoon with him, and hearing you look exactly like her. Hopefully we can get over the awkwardness."
"Grey..." I tested out, it was a rather odd name, not in a bad way though. "Cool! And don't worry, It's fine." I tried to laugh off the awkwardness. It so wasn't fine. "It's not the weirdest thing a guy has come out to me with, I can assure you." The truths behind that comment also so weren't fine. I shuddered inwardly at the memory of those awkward situations.

From across the room I caught Gregg's wry gaze as he was looking between me and Grey. I gulped before I understood what he must be thinking. Relationships with clients weren't allowed under any circumstances, and seeing as Greg was well known for being a snitch, I wouldn't trust being here for long enough for him to gather enough evidence to go 'tell tales'. Plus Greg scared me. I'd rather leave than stay under his scrutiny. "Hey, um, Grey? Would it be ok if we moved somewhere else? I'm not technically supposed to be seen with clients and Gregg over there is...lets just say, a stickler for the rules." I say quietly, trying not to make my distress obvious. I didn't want to lose my job over a slightly awkward first date.
Grey subtly eyed the man called Greg. It was a mystery as to why there was even such a rule to him, but he rolled his eyes and stood up from his seat, keeping his eyes on Greg. "Stickler for the rules, eh?" he said, giving the guy a brief stare down before turning towards Sophia and offering her his hand. "I guess if anyone asks we've already been seeing each other. Greg doesn't have to know that you've never met me, right?"

Looking outside, Grey noticed how unruly the weather was becoming. Luckily his car wasn't parked too far away, and there were other shops and restaurants nearby. "Do you have a coat?" he asked, eyeing her carefully. "It's cold and rainy out and we may have a walk ahead of us."
I grimaced a little at the rain. My jacket didn't have a hood, and the hoodie I wore underneath would be soaked in second if I put it up. "No, sorry." I said, a tad ashamed. But I suddenly remembered the wonders of having a Kipling bag that stores literally everything. "I have a small umbrella though!" I offer, unzipping it from my bag and opening it up. "Where are you planning on going?" I ask, stepping out into the typical London downpour.
Grey stood out into the rain as well, hugging his coat closer and popping the collar up to keep out at least some of the rain. "My car is parked a couple blocks down by a lunch looking place," he said, nodding towards the direction he was referring to. "We can go there where it's dry and hopefully warm." He gave a small smile at her little umbrella and her hoodie both; they suited her quite well and she looked absolutely lovely, even in the pouring rain.

Grey began to walk down the street, gesturing to Sophia to follow him. His dark hair was becoming unruly and soaked by the rain, and his coat was become just as wet. It was supposed to be cold and he knew he should probably shivering, but temperature differences didn't quite matter when you weren't technically alive. Hopefully Sophia wouldn't notice.
I hurried to catch up to him as he began to walk down the streets, my smaller strides in no way matching his. "Hey, we can share?" I say after catching up to him, indicating my umbrella. If he crouched down a bit and we stood together we'll probably just fit. I didn't want to seem rude.

The only drawback to England was the horrific weather. Most other things were wonderful. Despite my efforts though, I could feel water seeping into my hoodie, prompting a nasty shiver and I hoped that we weren't too far from his car.

However, I was a little bit apprehensive about getting into a car of a stranger I'd known for about 10 minutes. It felt all wrong.
It was a brisk walk in the rain, but Grey didn't mind until he saw her shivering. He felt a pang of guilt, and took her hand in his and lead her down the street at a faster pace, trying to hurry out of the rain. "We don't need to share," he said, indicating to her umbrella. "You're the one who needs it the most."

They finally made it to the little restaurant where his car was parked by, and Grey quickly lead her into the dimly light place that smelled of freshly baked bread and something salty he couldn't quite place. It was still such a shame he couldn't enjoy simple human pleasantries like before. "I didn't intend to invite you into my car, if that's what you were thinking," Grey said, slipping off his dampened coat and looking around for a place to sit. "I'm not that sort of gentleman."
"Oh, I..." I let out an exasperated sigh at his comment, cheeks reddening slightly at his correct insinuation. "Sorry." I murmured. I peeled off my jacket and hung it over the back of my chair once we'd decided on a table. "Would you like anything to drink? Or eat?" I ask, eyeing the sandwiches on display in the counter. I skipped my lunch in order to leave work early. An hour of hunger was worth it for less time working behind that counter.

(sorry this is so short i'm having a mini mind blank.)

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