Lost in Paradise


Cupcake Fairy
hi! this is my forst thread so have fun! please read all the details before jumping in!

Story: this takes place in modern times. after discovering many people had special abilities, a number of schools popped up to help children and teens with abilities. though these schools are coed, there are some that are girls only or boys only.for 10 year aniversery of this group of unique schools, all students were given an all expenses paid cruise. During the first day of the cruise the navigation system fails and the ship steers into a hurricane. the boat is thrown into chaosand many people are thrown off the ship.the ship was in shambles and many people escaped in life boats. of those who didnt get a life boat many were not lucky enough to survive, but a few people managed to climb on floating objects or swim and end up on a deserted island in the middle of the ocean.

the curtain opens on the island, survive, find survivors, friends or maybe even love. please dont kill anyone off. Note:this island is deserted so no crazy tiki people or volcano gods.

Character set up:



Age: (preferably between 15 and 18 since its school, but this is flexible, not required)






*nothing outragious please, and remember, we are STUCK on the island, so if you can fly, or are Aqua-man then you are not really stuck are you?

**school name, if you can come up with one, if not just tell us wether its coed/all girls/all boys. this will helps with understanding how you communicate. if you go to an all girls school you may have trouble talking to guys. kind of a personality asist.

***bags, anything your character managed to save before abandoning ship.and unless it has to do with your abilities, i dont want to hear that you stuff your bag with weapons before you jumped ship.

any questions feel free to ask! JUMP IN AT ANY TIME please do not wait for me to say something to you.

have fun!!!!!! :) :) :) :)

Name:Faith Ernst


Age: 18

Personality: Gentle/Docile, she doesnt like to fight, but is very intellegent. she is also practical and loves learning about plants.

Appearance:View attachment 5599

Abilities*: Healing

school**:Celestial Academy, all girls school

items***:a book on wild plants, gummy bears,pencils pens and a notebook, and a key chain shaped like a moon.

Name:Emerald Zinna


Age: 17

Personality:outgoing and spunky, she is used to spending time with guys so she is a bit of a tomboy. average in school, she hates studying.

Appearance:View attachment 5600

Abilities*:cat like reflexes and flexibility. she can easily jump to high places and fit in small crevases.

school**:Lunar High, Celestial academies, Coed sister school

items***:can of soda, combat training daggers(one pair), her favorite green bandana and a key chain shaped like a star.

Other:Faith and Emerald have been best friends since they were young despite going to different schools.
Name: Lily

gender: Female

Age: 18

Personality: Happy, Bubbly, a little shy at times



Abilities*: She can creat Illisions her favorite is Black adn blue butterflies

school**: Rose Acadamy

items***: Sunscrean, An apple, A towel, A book and pepper spray- all in a bkue and black messenger bag
Name: Jace McKenna

gender: Male

Age: 17

Personality: calm and collected, a little elf-absorbed and flirty; but he has a darker side that only horrible situations can bring out of him. A bit protective of his twin sister, Carly

Appearance:View attachment 5601, he also has abs :3

Abilities*: Telekinesis; Empathy with sister

school**: Academy for Talented Minds; COED

items***: soggy money, pocket knife, dog tags (around his neck)

Name: Carly McKenna

gender: Female

Age: 17

Personality: snobbish, a little on the rude side, but she's a real sweety underneath all that rich girl stuff.

Appearance:View attachment 5603

Abilities*: Telekinesis; Empathy with brother

school**: Academy for Talented Minds; COED

items***: hand mirror, ruined cell phone, bag w/ makeup

((cant wait no more starting now :) ))

Emerald woke up aching all over. she looked over at Faith, who was unconsious. she sat up on the chunk of waterslide they had used as a raft, and looked up and down the beach. What a waste of a perfectly good slide. she tried to laugh but she knew that they were in trouble. Emerald was sure she would be ok for a little while but Faith was another story. Emerald frowned at Faiths soaked clothes which were clinging to her frail frame. Emerald was sure Faith wouldnt last. she just wasnt built for the wilderness. but even with odds against them she was glad that they managed to stay together.
Jace squeezed his eyes before blinking them open. He shakily stood up and put a hand to his head. Looking at it, he cursed when he saw that there was blood on his hand. He realized something. Where was Carly? "Carly!!" he yelled. He attempted to reach her through her feelings. He felt no pain...so that was good...he hoped.

Carly had awoken awhile before and when she heard her brother, she ran towards the sound. "Jace?" She broke through some trees onto another beach and saw him standing, looking lost. "Jace!" She ran forward and hugged him tightly.
Faith felt someone shaking her and quickly woke up. she looked at Emerald. "Did that really just happen? are we stuck here?

Emerald looked at Faith solomly. "i guess so." she dug her last pop out of her bag, but it exploded as she opened it, half the contents faomed out onto the sand. she took a sip of what was left and gave the rest to Faith.
"Do you think that anyone else survived?" Carly asked, looking out over the ocean.

Jace looked around, trying to search for any other survivors. "Well, we could bring attention to ourselves and see of anyone comes." Using his powers, he began to pick up huge piles of sand and blasted them into the air. From anywhere else on the island, he hoped it would look like some fireworks...or something.

Carly joined in, not too optimistic...but it was better than nothing.
Emerald spotted a cloud in the distance. "now what do you supposed that is?"

Faith gave Emerald a funny look "its probably other survivors. this is why im the smart one. lets go check it out." she headed in the direction of the cloud
Jace stopped and looked at Carly. "Now we wait."

Carly wasn't paying attention. "Oh my god!" She looked furiously through her bag."My cell phone is ruined, my makeup is...UGH! Don't even get me started..." She pulled out her mirror and looked at her self, fixing her runny make-up the best she could.
As they walked, Faith spotted two people in the distance "Emerald over there!"

Emerald looked in the direction Faith was and sure enough there were two people standing on the beach. Emerald tried calling out to them "Hello! over here!"
emerald trailed behind Faith as she walked right up to the strangers.they were blond, and looked alike, so Emerald assumed that they were related.

Faith approached them without hesitation "Hello, Im Faith and this is Emerald.im so glad we found you, we were afraid no one else was here." she shivered, her clothes still clinging to her. it was starting to get late, and the temperature was dropping.
Lily was lying on the sand breathing slowly but breating. She had hit her head on a rock and blood stained the sand around her head i a pool of pink stained sand
Jace nodded his hello. "I'm Jace, and that's my sister Carly." He pointed to his sister who was still fixing her face. "She has, uh...makeup issues." He touched the spot on his head again; it was beginning to feel more painful.

Carly looked at her brother, sensing that the pain in his head was growing. "Oh, shut up. Now is not the time for joking!" She shut her makeup pack and put it back into her bag. "Let me have a look at that head." She walked over to her brother.
Jace turned his head in the direction of the scream. "What the..." He began to run towards it.

Carly looked after him. "Jace?!" She crossed her arms. "Get back here! I need to look at your head!" She crossed her arms and huffed out a sigh.
she managed to get her head up adn remembered what happened and sighed, she heard someone yell Jace and she groaned
Faith took off in the direction Jace did. if someone was hurt, Faith knew she could help, and she could tell Jace needed help too. "Emerald stay here! we dont need anyone left alone, besides, theres not much you can do. " she yelled back at her surprised friend.

"be careful." Emerald mumbled. she glanced over at Carly. "its nice to meet you" she offered a friendly smile.
Jace saw Lily by the rock and quickened his pace. He dropped down next to her and slowly turned her over. "Hey, can you hear me are you ok?"

Carly looked over at Emerald. She looked her up and down. "So, what can you do?" she asked, as-a-matter-of-factily.
Faith caught up Jace, and kneeled next to him panting. "is she ok? i may be able to help, i have healing abilities"

"i have extreme flexibility and im super nimble. kinda like a cat. or maybe a ninja." Emerald said, trying to brighten the mood.
Jace looked by her head; that seemed to be where the blood was coming from. "I think she hit her head on that rock...and she doesn't look too good..."

"Hmm." Carly tried not to laugh. Seemed...interesting. "Interesting. Me and my brother caused those fireworks you saw earlier. Telekinesis. And I can feel what he feels when I want to."
Faith looked over her head "hold her for a moment" she instructed him as the injured girl mumbled. Faith put her tiny trembling hands over the girls head and there was a warm green light. as it faded, the injured girl fell asleep(as a side effect of Faiths healing abilities, this doesnt happen often). Faith gasped a second, then caught her breath, "she should be fine, but my healing isnt 100% effective. i still need more practice, it tires me out a bit." she looked up at Jaces head. "do you want me to heal you as well?"

"thats a nice ability. sometimes i wish i could tell what Faith is feeling. she is good at hiding her exaustion or sadness. she is not that sturdiest person." Emerald was worried. she sat in the sand next to Carly and streched her sore limbs. the accident had taken a tole on her
Lily groaned and opened her eyes she looked around saw the beach and two people, right next to her. she slowly sat up and said "Where did this island come from?"
Jace was about to answer Faith when the girl spoke. "Uhm...I don't know much about islands but...we're stuck on it." He looked back to Faith. "In a moment; when you feel strong enough to do it."

Carly leaned back, shutting her eyes. "So...what do we do now? Look for more people? Stay put? Go after them?" She pulled some sunglasses out of her bag and put them on. "Personally, I didn't get much tanning done..." she mumbled.

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