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Fantasy Lost in Magic

Alecks crouched beside the stream, and splashed a bit of water in Sam's direction. "Now, you get over here, sit down, and let me clean you up." He explained, smiling softly.

@Amanda Rose
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Another sigh. How old did he think she was. "Fun." She said, sarcastically of course, as she went ahead and sat down in front of him. "You know, I can manage to clean myself just fine."
"Yes, I'm sure you could. But it makes more sense for someone who can actually see the injury to be the one to treat it, don't you think?" He said, pulling her hand away from the wound to take a look, before turning pale. "Oh..."
She nodded slighty. "Yeah, You're right..." She said, before feeling his hand on hers and pulling hers away. Thats when he made his comment. "Oh? Is that how bad it is?"
Alecks raised his eyes in surprise, realizing that he'd spoken out loud, and started to shake his head. "Uh, no, no you're fine! Just...give me some more fabric, please?" He said, looking away in case she might see the nervousness in his eyes.

@Amanda Rose
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She sighed, ribbing off more from the back of her shirt. "Here." She said, turning towards him and staring him up in the eyes. "Look. If you don't feel comfortable... Don't do it."

@Kalin Scarlet
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Alecks stared back at Sam, and with a quiet sigh, he folded the fabric into a solid square, before dipping it into the water. "I've got this. Just...it might sting alot. Okay, it'll sting alot." He said, as he started to wipe away the blood coating a large portion of the back of her head gently.

@Amanda Rose
Kippers said:
He was about to venture further into the forest before he heard a familiar voice off in the distance. "Thanks for taking me leaving so well guys.." 'Leaving?' he thought and walked in that direction. "Now what the heck is going on.." He muttered to himself and continued towards the direction of the voice -[[ By the way that owl is so creepy. xD ]]- @Queen of Magic
Willow took off and flew right past Chaos without noticing, she tried to think of the life a head of her, (if she even had a chance on her own) as tears streamed down her face.
Alecks continued to clean Sam up, wiping away some patches if partially dried blood, then cleaning the cloth and moving on. As he worked, he tried his best to avoid touching the wound directly, knowing that that part would hurt most of all.

@Amanda Rose
"Yeah, almost. This part is sensitive, though, so I want you to think some happy thoughts...like how you're not going to bleed out, now." He joked, pressing the cloth to the wound firmly. "Okay, just hold onto that for a while. You're all done."

@Amanda Rose
Before he knew it he was hit by something coming at him at a fast speed. He landed on the floor tumbling but managed to see that it was the same girl from earlier. "What. The hell.. Was that." He said with more surprise at the creature. "It was so damn creepy." He shivered before shaking his head fast repeatedly. He looked in that direction and began to sprint that way. "Where the hell is she going?!" he said. "First of all. She has a sister that is here. And second. She could get hurt out there.. And where did the bear come from?!" He was referring to the bear on the creatures back with her.
Echo tried to drink some of the water, but couldn't swallow it for some reason. He coughed again, and the water came out of his mouth. Soon after, he vomited. Some blood came out with it. @CelestialBunny
Alaska was getting worried, "ugh, this is all my fault, you probably hate me now." She said on the verge of tears. When, he threw up she almost died, gross things made her nauseous but she knew she had to do something. "What to do? How do I fix this?" She started pacing.
Willow looked back and saw Chaos running after her, she began to slow to a stop and wiped her tears away. She slowly climbed of the owl griffon and walk towards Chaos with her head hanging low. @Kippers
[QUOTE="Amanda Rose]She sighed, laying back and shrugging as she held the cloth. "Can I swim?"

Alecks looked at her with confusion. " you want to swim after busting your head open like an egg, huh? Alright... Just be careful, okay, Sam?" He said, washing his hands quickly, and standing in up, wiping off the water on his jacket.
"I didn't bust it open like an egg." She noted, before, keeping the cloth pressed to her head, she begun to pull off her jacket.
He nearly came to a stop before he tumbled over into her by tripping on a pebble.. A damn pebble.. "Watch out!" He said and bumped into her falling over in the process. His face smacked into the ground and got mud all over himself. He quickly wiped his face and then looked over to her. "I'm so so sorry!" He put his hands up in defense. "Why are you leaving though? People will worry." He stood up rubbing his head with one hand and putting his other hand towards her to help her stand up. "But really I am sorry."
[Fell asleep last night so sorry!]

Casey wandered through the forest, careful not to make a sound. She heard water rushing, and her instincts told her to keep moving towards the noise. She hadn't realized how thirsty she was until then. Finally a stream emerged from the trees.

Why am I here? She thought before kneeling down and cupping water in her hands.
If Alaska wasn't panicking before she's really panicking now, when she heard it wa poison she was shocked. That's when she got a simple idea that might just work. The pink haired sisters were both nature and nature includes healing powers, "I have to find one of them" she mumbled before running off into the woods, and immediately bumping into Maggie who had simply left after being ignored. "I need your help" she said before bringing her back to where Echo was.

When that shy blue haired girl came running into me, I figured it was to take me to the sick boy. "Okay"' I replied, and followed her back. Good thing I've been practicing healing things and I got the hang of it, she thought.

(@Ldybug123 is it okay if Maggie saves Echo?)

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