• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Lookism (Character Creation)



...the Story Teller
Okay, this is going to be a little different. You're basically going to be making two characters for one character, if that makes sense, However, if you want to be just a normal, gifted and beautiful student, you can do that too.

  • stock-photo-53098150-abstract-gold-gradient-background.jpgnormal body picName:
    Family Standing: (How well off is your family?)
    Basic and common trait appearance: (ie. hair color and length, skin tone, eye color and any birthmarks of note)
    Bio: (be as detailed as you want)

  • cc89621ca69b16fb11cdfc3bcdde8eb7--blonde-anime-girl-blonde-hair-girl2.pngName: Serenity Alabast
    Age: 16
    Grade: Freshman
    Height: 4"7
    Weight: 50lbs
    Family Standing: Poor, almost homeless
    Gifts: Singing, dancing, memory, copying people's body movements and strength (though she doesn't realize the last part yet)
    Basic and common trait appearance: Long golden hair that almost touches the ground, one blue and one violet eye, ivory skin and a rose-looking birthmark on her hip.
    Bio: Serenity was an accident. She was given up at birth to the foster system. Her mother didn't even want to see or hold her. She grew up in the foster system and was picked on a lot. The abuse was never ending, starting with basic teasing and name calling that progressed to hair pulling and slapping. Often because of her poor skin condition, she was not considered pretty. Her eyes made her look creepy and so she wore glasses to hide them a bit. Her hair is long and healthy, but so thick and dirty that people glance over her and call her ugly. She didn't get adopted until she was almost ten. Even then she was not really loved. Her guardian used her to clean and cook and at school she was bullied and abused, even her face was not left alone to hide the abuse. The teachers didn't care either. She even had a main bully that treated her like she wasn't even human. She would have cigarettes put out on her, her hair pulled and burned, feces thrown at her, told to do embarrassing things in front of the whole school, punched, kicked, cut, beaten to the point she couldn't bear anymore. Her freshman year of high school she only got through one quarter of the year before transferring to Soul High School and being independent, even though she is a minor. She finds a run down old place that was dirt cheep because of the condition and location but now she could start.

    Her first night in her new home she went to sleep, hoping that she could become someone new now, and her new life did begin. When she woke up she found herself in a new body and with it, she realized, she could truly change who she was. When she thought it was all great she turned and saw her original body. She decided to try and wake her up but only wound up switching places and the beautiful girl she had been was now asleep. This is how she would figure her new life to change.
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  • Kensuke_3.png
    Name: Steve Freeling
    Age: 16
    Grade: 11
    Height: 5' 9" (1.75 m)
    Weight: 108 lbs.
    Family Standing: Barely able to pay rent, though there's a secret about his dad
    Gifts: Intelligence, Driving Skill, Photographic Memory
    Basic and common trait appearance: Short dark brown hair, blue eyes and fair skin.
    Bio: Steve's grown up in a poor family and been treated very badly. His mother told him every day that she hated him and he wasn't wanted and beat him as well as telling people he wasn't her son and she didn't know him, also beating his sister with an extension cord and having apparently brutally murdered their father when Steve was five years old after he refused to give her money; she failed but no one knows that yet except for his father who faked it and then went into hiding, neither Steve nor his sister knowing she made such an attempt. He was also bullied at school constantly. Because of his eyesight, many of the other kids would take his glasses or call him "four eyes." Three boys would gang up on Steve in the schoolyard and beat him up solely because they knew he wasn't strong enough to defend himself; he often came home with black eyes and bruises, not that his mother cared. Many would call him ugly and girls would often use him to carry their books while boys would make a mess and force Steve to clean it. With all of this happening to him, Steve found himself in a state of depression and even self-hatred. Once he turned 16, though, something snapped and Steve, fed up and determined to affect a major change in his life, transferred to Soul High without his mother's knowledge, took his meager belongings, and moved into an apartment with his only friend Kiki, who had also left home due to her own parents' abuse.

    He was genuinely surprised to wake up in a new body, seeing his old one next to him. He felt like maybe he had a chance now. He hadn't exactly asked for a new body, but he'd accept all the help he could get in making his life better and it was with a surge of confidence that he now vowed to get his sister out of the situation with their mother.

  • Kensuke_3.png
    Name: Steve Freeling
    Age: 16
    Grade: 11
    Height: 5' 9" (1.75 m)
    Weight: 108 lbs.
    Family Standing: Barely able to pay rent, though there's a secret about his dad
    Gifts: Intelligence, Driving Skill, Photographic Memory
    Basic and common trait appearance: Short dark brown hair, blue eyes and fair skin.
    Bio: Steve's grown up in a poor family and been treated very badly. His mother told him every day that she hated him and he wasn't wanted and beat him as well as telling people he wasn't her son and she didn't know him, also beating his sister with an extension cord and having apparently brutally murdered their father when Steve was five years old after he refused to give her money; she failed but no one knows that yet except for his father who faked it and then went into hiding, neither Steve nor his sister knowing she made such an attempt. He was also bullied at school constantly. Because of his eyesight, many of the other kids would take his glasses or call him "four eyes." Three boys would gang up on Steve in the schoolyard and beat him up solely because they knew he wasn't strong enough to defend himself; he often came home with black eyes and bruises, not that his mother cared. Many would call him ugly and girls would often use him to carry their books while boys would make a mess and force Steve to clean it. With all of this happening to him, Steve found himself in a state of depression and even self-hatred. Once he turned 16, though, something snapped and Steve, fed up and determined to affect a major change in his life, transferred to Soul High without his mother's knowledge, took his meager belongings, and moved into an apartment with his only friend Kiki, who had also left home due to her own parents' abuse.

    He was genuinely surprised to wake up in a new body, seeing his old one next to him. He felt like maybe he had a chance now. He hadn't exactly asked for a new body, but he'd accept all the help he could get in making his life better and it was with a surge of confidence that he now vowed to get his sister out of the situation with their mother.
Accepted! Great job!

  • [IMG='width:295px;']https://orig00.deviantart.net/67d1/f/2017/363/f/8/new_profile_picture___i_did_not_draw_this___by_dilsnaps-dby8tpj.jpg[/IMG]Name: Zander Dockko

    Age: 16

    Grade: Freshman

    Height: 4'8

    Weight: 76 lbs

    Family Standing: Middle class

    Gifts: 'Street smarts', Quick reflexes, Agility.

    Basic and common trait appearance: very light Blond/White hair color, Unnatural hair eye color (yellow in normal red in new), Pale white skin.

    To say the least Zander was raised in a normal middle-class household his family was completely normal but he was born with a gift or a curse depending on how you look at it. Zander was born with something called Low latent inhibition which means he treats familiar stimuli in the same manner as they would new stimuli. Those of above average intelligence is thought to be capable of processing this stream effectively, enabling their creativity and increasing their awareness of their surroundings. Low latent inhibition will usually result in extremely accurate instincts due to the sheer level of thought, processing and logical connection that has been made previously when faced with a stimulus or multiple stimuli. Those with average and, less than average intelligence, on the other hand, are less able to cope and as a result are more likely to suffer from mental illness and sensory overload and to say the least Zander was born with a less than average intelligence. This caused Zander a whole world of trouble in his younger years.

    In Zander's younger years he was a big fish, king of the school his mental issues made him much more violent than most and his early growth made him taller and stronger than most of his other classmates so fighting was something he did often and boy was he good at it. As the years went by Zander's growth halted completely frozen at 4'8 and that wasn't the worst of it someone had found out about his mental issues and as such, the bully became the bullied. Everyone grew taller than him and as he moved up to middle school rumors flew about his mental issues and quickly everyone stayed away from him and due to his yellow eyes along with his issues he was labeled "Freak" and went from big fish to slave in a matter of weeks. Feeling that same humiliation he caused to others was overwhelming and he was often given a beatdown each and every day due to his attitude.

    As high school came about Zander begged and begged his parents to allow him to move and despite the fact that this would cause the families financial situation to slightly deteriorating they agreed and Zander moved and transferred to Soul High. During his first day, something completely unexpected happened and as he fell asleep he awoke in a new body, taller, leaner, more muscular but one thing stood out to Zander more than anything this body was beautiful but to say the least, the strangest thing was the changes to his brain everything felt strange and he felt like he could see the world in a whole new awareness state along with the fact that his brain was full of new creative ideas. This new body was just what he needed for a new life.

    Other:He has Low latent inhibition

  • [IMG='width:295px;']https://orig00.deviantart.net/67d1/f/2017/363/f/8/new_profile_picture___i_did_not_draw_this___by_dilsnaps-dby8tpj.jpg[/IMG]Name: Zander Dockko

    Age: 16

    Grade: Freshman

    Height: 4'8

    Weight: 76 lbs

    Family Standing: Middle class

    Gifts: 'Street smarts', Quick reflexes, Agility.

    Basic and common trait appearance: very light Blond/White hair color, Unnatural hair eye color (yellow in normal red in new), Pale white skin.

    To say the least Zander was raised in a normal middle-class household his family was completely normal but he was born with a gift or a curse depending on how you look at it. Zander was born with something called Low latent inhibition which means he treats familiar stimuli in the same manner as they would new stimuli. Those of above average intelligence is thought to be capable of processing this stream effectively, enabling their creativity and increasing their awareness of their surroundings. Low latent inhibition will usually result in extremely accurate instincts due to the sheer level of thought, processing and logical connection that has been made previously when faced with a stimulus or multiple stimuli. Those with average and, less than average intelligence, on the other hand, are less able to cope and as a result are more likely to suffer from mental illness and sensory overload and to say the least Zander was born with a less than average intelligence. This caused Zander a whole world of trouble in his younger years.

    In Zander's younger years he was a big fish, king of the school his mental issues made him much more violent than most and his early growth made him taller and stronger than most of his other classmates so fighting was something he did often and boy was he good at it. As the years went by Zander's growth halted completely frozen at 4'8 and that wasn't the worst of it someone had found out about his mental issues and as such, the bully became the bullied. Everyone grew taller than him and as he moved up to middle school rumors flew about his mental issues and quickly everyone stayed away from him and due to his yellow eyes along with his issues he was labeled "Freak" and went from big fish to slave in a matter of weeks. Feeling that same humiliation he caused to others was overwhelming and he was often given a beatdown each and every day due to his attitude.

    As high school came about Zander begged and begged his parents to allow him to move and despite the fact that this would cause the families financial situation to slightly deteriorating they agreed and Zander moved and transferred to Soul High. During his first day, something completely unexpected happened and as he fell asleep he awoke in a new body, taller, leaner, more muscular but one thing stood out to Zander more than anything this body was beautiful but to say the least, the strangest thing was the changes to his brain everything felt strange and he felt like he could see the world in a whole new awareness state along with the fact that his brain was full of new creative ideas. This new body was just what he needed for a new life.

    Other:He has Low latent inhibition
Amazing character! Accepted!
Ethel Stevens

  • Name: Ethel Stevens
    Age: 16
    Grade: Junior
    Height: 5' 0"
    Weight: 99 lbs.
    Family Standing: Decent, Her foster mother makes good money from somewhere, presumably her husband, as she is a stay at home.
    Gifts: Talented Boxer, very quick but lacking power due to her small size. Enhanced intelligence when it comes to hand to hand combat (I.E. Reading opponents movements). Otherwise average intelligence.
    Basic and common trait appearance: Brown, Short, Curly Hair. Black Skin, Grey Eyes.
    Bio: Ethel's dad owned a gym, so she grew around boxing. Her dad never coached her, but the students taught her the lessons after her father taught them. From a young age she was an adept boxer in technique, she didn't, however, have the power to back it up due to her size. Around the 5th grade, it was brought to light that the gym was actually a front to a dangerous gang with a frankly tacky name, The Scarlet Blues. Her father wasn't the leader, he was however, the leaders right hand man, and had much blood on his hands, and the cops had the evidence. Ethel's mother hadn't killed anyone, but was heavily invested in the gangs fraudulent activities. Fraud, funneling, forgery, etc. Both her parents were arrested and convicted, with a lot of years to be spent in jail. Child Protective Services found a volunteer foster mom, who was already housing 5 other children, to take care of Ethel. The foster mom had no issues supporting all these children, as she receives money from a 3rd party, and they pay well. Not rich, not poor. From then on, Ethel had little problems in her school life, she didn't many friends and wasn't popular, but she wasn't bullied. Her life became a sort of cycle, seeing that the boxing club wouldn't take her because of her size, she had no variety in her life, with only her siblings to bring her joy. Ethel was a majority content with her life, though sometimes she did speculate what her life would be like had she been a little bigger, or her parents had never been criminals. Present day, she woke up feeling very loose, despite her intense exercise from the day before. Ethel stood up to stretch... and her room... got a lot... shorter?
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Ethel Stevens

  • Name: Ethel Stevens
    Age: 16
    Grade: Junior
    Height: 5' 0"
    Weight: 99 lbs.
    Family Standing: Decent, Her foster mother makes good money from somewhere, presumably her husband, as she is a stay at home.
    Gifts: Talented Boxer, very quick but lacking power due to her small size. Enhanced intelligence when it comes to hand to hand combat (I.E. Reading opponents movements). Otherwise average intelligence.
    Basic and common trait appearance: Brown, Short, Curly Hair. Black Skin, Grey Eyes.
    View attachment 500682
    Bio: Ethel's dad owned a gym, so she grew around boxing. Her dad never coached, but the students taught her the lessons after her father taught them. From a young age she was an adept boxer in technique, she didn't however, have the power to back it up due to her size. Around the 5th grade, it was brought to light that the gym was actually a front to a dangerous gang with a frankly tacky name, The Scarlet Blues. Her father wasn't the leader, he was however, the leaders right hand man, and had much blood on his hands, and the cops had the evidence. Ethel's mother hadn't killed anyone, but was heavily invested in the gangs fraudulent activities. Fraud, funneling, forgery, etc. Both her parents were arrested and convicted, with a lot of years to be spent in jail. Child Protective Services found a volunteer foster mom, who was already housing 5 other children, to take care of Ethel. The foster mom had no issues supporting all these children, as she receives money from a 3rd party, and they pay well. Not rich, not poor. From then on, Ethel had little problems in her school life, she didn't many friends and wasn't popular, but she wasn't bullied. Her life became a sort of cycle, seeing that the boxing club wouldn't take her because of her size, she had no variety in her life, with only her siblings to bring her joy. Ethel was a majority content with her life, though sometimes she did speculate what her life would be like had she been a little bigger, or her parents had never been criminals. Present day, she woke up feeling very loose, despite her intense exercise from the day before. Ethel stood up to stretch... and her room... got a lot... shorter?

Amazing!!! Accepted and it is open now!

  • 567720Name
    Thalia Madress Heckler

    17 years old, January 25


    5'4 ft

    130 lbs

    Family Standing
    Middle Class; not rich enough to be able to purchase expensive things, but not poor enough to be struggling to live

    Artistic touches (Cinemataology, Photography, Drawing, Writing, etc.), Dancing, Fast Learner

    Basic and Common Trait Appearance
    (ie. hair color and length, skin tone, eye color and any birthmarks of note)
    Thalia has fair skin (mostly because she rather be inside during the summer than out in the heat). She has long black wavy hair, giving her opportunities to do crazy hairstyles. Her eyes are sky blue, with tints of grey and a little bit of green. On the back of her neck, there's a birthmark shaped like a turtle. Thalia has a little scar on her cheek from when she was whacked with a tree branch when she was little.
    Her outfits really depend on the day (when not at school). Some days she feels like dressing up (aka best outfit in closet, hair done, makeup done, etc.), and other days she feels very lazy and disgusting (aka yoga pants and hoodie day).

    Thalia was born in Stockholm, Sweden. Her parents are advertising managers, meaning they get to travel around the world. While it's a great experience to be exposed to many parts of the world, it does get lonely when there are no strong connections. She only lived in Stockholm for a year before her parents moved to Germany for 5 years; then moved again to France for one year; then again to Australia for 2 years; then Egypt for 2 years; then America for 4 years before moving to South Korea.
    Everywhere she lives, Thalia learned to live alone. Her parents are so busy that staying in one place is impossible for them. The quiet household may be lonely, but Thalia is quite used to it. When she attends school, she tells no one of her house situations as she learned from a young age that it isn't normal.
    When Thalia lived in America, she gained a friend that she thought she could count on. Her name was Felicia Herb. She was there for Thalia's first day and stuck by her side ever since. Thalia told the girl her secrets, her fears, and her dreams (the one thing she hasn't talked about with anyone, no one asks her). While things between them were good for a time, nothing lasts forever. Her last year in America (which Thalia did not know it would be), a harsh reality hit her. During a school assembly, a powerpoint was presented to the whole school that revealed videos of Thalia's parents' confidential files that apparently stated that the land that the small town was placed was going to be replaced with a powerplant. Thalia was sent home due to the hatred of the student body. She tried to contact Felicia about the situation, but when she turned on the news, the police had already gotten a hold of her. Felicia was an agent, pretending to be a teenager, who was ordered to look into Thalia's parents' business as it seemed to be that their career was more than advertising.
    Encouraged of starting new, Thalia researched schools outside of America that would be great for her artistic tastes. When she saw a high school in South Korea, Thalia begged her parents to send her there. Her wishes were granted. There she was sent alone, starting over once again with more insecurities.


  • View attachment 567720Name
    Thalia Madress Heckler

    17 years old, January 25


    5'4 ft

    130 lbs

    Family Standing
    Middle Class; not rich enough to be able to purchase expensive things, but not poor enough to be struggling to live

    Artistic touches (Cinemataology, Photography, Drawing, Writing, etc.), Dancing, Fast Learner

    Basic and Common Trait Appearance
    (ie. hair color and length, skin tone, eye color and any birthmarks of note)
    Thalia has fair skin (mostly because she rather be inside during the summer than out in the heat). She has long black wavy hair, giving her opportunities to do crazy hairstyles. Her eyes are sky blue, with tints of grey and a little bit of green. On the back of her neck, there's a birthmark shaped like a turtle. Thalia has a little scar on her cheek from when she was whacked with a tree branch when she was little.
    Her outfits really depend on the day (when not at school). Some days she feels like dressing up (aka best outfit in closet, hair done, makeup done, etc.), and other days she feels very lazy and disgusting (aka yoga pants and hoodie day).

    Thalia was born in Stockholm, Sweden. Her parents are advertising managers, meaning they get to travel around the world. While it's a great experience to be exposed to many parts of the world, it does get lonely when there are no strong connections. She only lived in Stockholm for a year before her parents moved to Germany for 5 years; then moved again to France for one year; then again to Australia for 2 years; then Egypt for 2 years; then America for 4 years before moving to South Korea.
    Everywhere she lives, Thalia learned to live alone. Her parents are so busy that staying in one place is impossible for them. The quiet household may be lonely, but Thalia is quite used to it. When she attends school, she tells no one of her house situations as she learned from a young age that it isn't normal.
    When Thalia lived in America, she gained a friend that she thought she could count on. Her name was Felicia Herb. She was there for Thalia's first day and stuck by her side ever since. Thalia told the girl her secrets, her fears, and her dreams (the one thing she hasn't talked about with anyone, no one asks her). While things between them were good for a time, nothing lasts forever. Her last year in America (which Thalia did not know it would be), a harsh reality hit her. During a school assembly, a powerpoint was presented to the whole school that revealed videos of Thalia's parents' confidential files that apparently stated that the land that the small town was placed was going to be replaced with a powerplant. Thalia was sent home due to the hatred of the student body. She tried to contact Felicia about the situation, but when she turned on the news, the police had already gotten a hold of her. Felicia was an agent, pretending to be a teenager, who was ordered to look into Thalia's parents' business as it seemed to be that their career was more than advertising.
    Encouraged of starting new, Thalia researched schools outside of America that would be great for her artistic tastes. When she saw a high school in South Korea, Thalia begged her parents to send her there. Her wishes were granted. There she was sent alone, starting over once again with more insecurities.

Accepted! Congrats! Join in whenever and however you like!
Name: kong nam
Age: 20
Grade: second year of college
Height: 190cm
Weight: unknown
Family Standing: orphan
Gifts: UI. Super human speed and strength. Mastery
Basic and common trait appearance: black hair. Black eyes(UI). Has the physique of gun. Wears a black leather jacket with red shirt and black shoe. And long dark red pants. A small Granada scar
Bio:once fight with equal terms with gun and Goo at the same time (winner: kong)

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