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Looking For 1x1's ~ I Bark, Not Bite

Hey, I wouldn't mind doing bump in the night. Seems interesting.

Actually, I'll do any of them with you, I can play both genders and I'll try to matchup your replies! Just throw a Pm toward me -not at me please </3- And we can discuss.

Oh my~

You have so many interesting scenes (unlike most people here), I'm really liking this. I have a fairly big list of things I've chosen so if you crave anything from this I'm up for it. Also if you're currently doing any of these scenes I'm fine since I enjoy so many c:

I hope we get to rp together~

Random Ideas



Foster Care


Broken Family


Dystopian Society




Slice of life

Forbidden romance

Gay/ BxB / Male x Male

Christmas romance

Ghosts/Imaginary friends



Mental disorders

*This is my forte, as I can speak from experience haha*

Best Friends

Darker Ideas To Incorporate

Cross Dressing

Forced Femininity

Pairing Ideas

Bad Boy x Bad Boy

Prince x Knight/Guard

Principal's Kid x Rebellious kid

Bully x Victim

Goth x Nerd

GenderConfused X Cisgender

Transgender X Cisgender

Setting Ideas

Small Town

High School


Addable Ideas

Character is a cross dresser/demisexual/transgender

There are so many things on your list that interest me. I'm looking for an active RP. If you want to chat, please PM me. Thanks!
Verdi said:
I'd love to do a vampire x human RP. What did you have in mind for it?
@Queen Mei
Well, it depends. Things That Go Buml In The Night is specifically tailored to vampires, as are some other plots. However, we could come up with an entirely different plot if that would be preferred.
Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't read through the plots. I'm actually pretty much completely in love with Owned if you're interested in doing that.
Verdi said:
Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't read through the plots. I'm actually pretty much completely in love with Owned if you're interested in doing that.
I'd love to talk more about it in PM.

I'm interested in a ton of these ! Especially the Bad Boy x Bad Boy pairings and family drama, broken family, runaways and serial killers which could combine and make an extremely interesting plot ! However, I've been wanting to try out a Big Bad Wolf X Red AU (being a non heterosexual duo would make it even better ❤️) pairing with an age gap, abuse of power and other elements. I'd love RPing anyone with you and would take either role. PM ?
Hey I'd be interested in RPing with you! I think a lot of your ideas could be interesting. If you're still looking feel free to PM me and we can put something neat together? :)
Hello. I would be interested in either 'Things that Go Bump in the Night' or the Revamped Disney scenes. I have plenty of set ideas for both we can discuss.

If you're still looking for someone to rp with, please PM me.

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